Mugen no Frontier: SRW OG Saga - Forums

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Mugen no Frontier: SRW OG Saga" , posted Thu 10 Jan 13:14post reply

An RPG developed by Banpresto & Monolith Soft that has "SRW OG DNA" and seems to be the spiritual successor to Banpresto's old Hero Senki games

It took me a while to wrap my head around the concept, but now that I have, I'm actually excited about it!

It seems to have a combo system similar to Valkyrie Profile (with the number of attacks you can make seemingly limited by a support skill) and it also has other things from SRW like SP and what appear to be hit rate percentages. Well, that's at least my speculation from a handful of screenshots.

The gigantic breasts on the other hand seem a little terrifying, even when you consider SRW's track record when it comes to the old bounce action, but maybe they'll be so ridiculous that they'll end up being awesome...!

I wonder if I should preorder or wait and see if there's going to be an english version.


1332th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Mugen no Frontier: SRW OG Saga" , posted Thu 10 Jan 13:19:post reply

PHEW! I saw the phrases "infinite"/"unlimited", "frontier," and "Saga" in the post title and feared the worst. Sorry, Iggy.


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 10 Jan 13:20]

246th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(1):Mugen no Frontier: SRW OG Saga" , posted Thu 10 Jan 16:18post reply


The gigantic breasts on the other hand seem a little terrifying, even when you consider SRW's track record when it comes to the old bounce action, but maybe they'll be so ridiculous that they'll end up being awesome...!

Look at the green hair girl in the lower left hand corner. Her undergarments disintegrate as her breasts bounce!

I think that's approaching awesome.

Also, super robots and object oriented animation are awesome. Thanks for the link! Who'da thunk that Nintendo would acquire Monolith Soft ?

1613th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Footage + interview(s)" , posted Fri 11 Jan 13:59:post reply

Edit: downloadable

[this message was edited by whitesword on Fri 11 Jan 15:44]

7114th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Mugen no Frontier: SRW OG Saga" , posted Sat 12 Jan 05:05post reply

Monolithsoft, ugh T_T

Let's hope for the best but...

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