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Just a Person 1000th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member
| "Re(1):The SF4 thread" , posted Thu 18 Oct 05:48
quote: Official Site
Damn... is this... is this for real?? I mean, after years and years with no new SF, just the old ones being rehashed to death, Capcom is finally making SF IV??
Wow, that's amazing!! The trailer isn't bad (although it isn't good, either); I don't really like the idea of Capcom of America making the game, but hey, it's better than nothing. And who knows, maybe CoA can surprise us all positively...
quote: We won't know anything of this game before long, but chances are it will be released before KOF XII.
Then again, which game isn't being released before KOF XII?? How long does it take to just releasing some artworks and information about the game??
Oh, and off-topic, but after seven years inside this board, I finally reached my 1000th post!! YAY!!
Too bad that the habit of making brand-new topics just to announce this achievement is dead now...
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Time Mage 2596th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):The SF4 thread" , posted Thu 18 Oct 05:50
quote: Pollyanna, in the other thread, said: Also, it might not be a bad guess that Capcom of America is taking care of it, in which case, it might not be a bad guess that it's either going to stink or be done by people who have nothing to do with the series.
And I say: Recap, get out of her body, NOW!
Now seriously, right now, I'm all hype and excitement. We'll have time to be pessimistic, complain about designs, music, and whatever, but right now, I exercise my right to be mightly hyped.
And about that comparison above... I really don't know if Akiman is doing the designs (although it would be AWESOME), but I like them so far. I'd prefer the 3D to be relegated to the intro, but if it's made this way, I can tolerate it.
Dragon Kick your ass into the Milky Waaay~~ (Milky Waaaay)
nobinobita 175th Post
Regular Customer
| "Re(6):The SF4 thread" , posted Thu 18 Oct 06:20
quote: And about that comparison above... I really don't know if Akiman is doing the designs (although it would be AWESOME), but I like them so far. I'd prefer the 3D to be relegated to the intro, but if it's made this way, I can tolerate it.
Hmmmm I just realised that I sound way too sour in my last post. I guess I got all the screaming and jumping and crying with excitement outta the way after I saw that trailer.
But then time passed and reality sunk in and I realised that I'm not terribly impressed by anything so far.
Am i just getting as old and jaded as everyone else on the internet??
Anyway, the 3-d in the trailer still looks pretty nice though. The ink effect, although gimmicky and it has nothing to do with street fighter, is still neat looking.
And i really like how it's Akiman's Ryu vs Ikeno's Ken. I like the conscious nod to make it look like the character art.
I just hope those guys are actually back on the project.
Also, Ken and Ryu MIGHT be aged. If you look at the original Akiman drawing, Ryu does look like he could be entering his 40s. Though... how old is he now? He has the same birthdate as Akiman right? So that would make him ... 43 now, 44 by the time the game is out.
Anyway, you know what? I'm still excited. It's Street Fighter 4. It's being made. I'm happy.
Also, that DBZ sound on the fireball was cool.
Count Hihihi 59th Post
Occasional Customer
| "Re(7):The SF4 thread" , posted Thu 18 Oct 08:16
quote: Here's a fun thought.
If Street Fighter is 2D, and Street Fighter EX is 3D, and this game is 3D, then isn't it REALLY SFEX4 and not SF4? And if it WAS SFEX4, would anyone care?
People would care, because if they called it SFEX4 no one would expect much, would not be afraid of dissappointment, and would just whine about Capcom not releasing SF4.
Also, Just A Person, Arika developed the EX games, and Capcom produced them. But you also missed her point.
But here is something even funnier: It looks like the people that buy the action figures, comics, etc crap are pretty much the only ones hyped about SF4. Says something.
Just a Person 1003th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member
| "Re(8):The SF4 thread" , posted Thu 18 Oct 08:21
quote: Also, Just A Person, Arika developed the EX games, and Capcom produced them. But you also missed her point.
Oh, I see. But still, Capcom wasn't fully involved into it; it's not like they put in the EX series the same effort as, say, the Alpha series. Let alone the SFIII trilogy.
quote: But here is something even funnier: It looks like the people that buy the action figures, comics, etc crap are pretty much the only ones hyped about SF4. Says something.
I wouldn't say that. At least here in Brazil, this announcement was made even at news websites that have nothing to do with videogames... And many people are commenting on it.
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
TreIII 38th Post
Rare Customer
| "Re(6):Cautiously Optimistic" , posted Thu 18 Oct 12:13
Interesting. However, I'll reserve my opinion until they a) shed some light on the gameplay, or b) tell us who's going to be making this title. It's going to take a bit more than a CG trailer to get me hyped...that's how Final Fight: Revenge for Saturn set me up for being royally let down.
But, I'll try and be more optimistic. After all, it IS Street Fighter 4. I just hope, for this game's sake, they do more to try and do more of a "grass-roots" type of thing that just focuses on getting at least a number of things correct, rather than try and go off the wall with adding needless enhancements. The reason why the likes of SSF2-Turbo, SFA2, SFA3-Upper and 3S are still played to this day, is because they're solid games in their own right (for the most part).
They try and tinker with the basic gameplay too much, and I don't think the people will be pleased. And for it to probably be a game that will use 3D polygons instead of 2D sprites, SF4 already has an uphill battle ahead of it. It's going to be interesting, seeing if they can try and pull of the same tight gameplay the series is known for in 3D as it did in 2D....the EX series tried, but no, it wasn't quite up to par...
Oh, and I'm sure this game will probably be a cross-console release across the three consoles, and maybe even the PC too. Street Fighter has a legacy of being whored out across practically EVERY platform known to man back in the day, and I don't expect it to be any different today either. Capcom loves money.
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
GekigangerV 1440th Post
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(2):The SF4 thread" , posted Thu 18 Oct 12:31:
quote: Any ideas on who could be returning?
Mine is bison, sagat, chunli(cant leave her out)yun,yang,sean,alex,oro(ryu's ending) Gouki(of course)guile.
anyone else?
I hope they are conservative on who they bring back. Outside of Ken, Ryu, Akuma and Chun-Li I hope no more than 6 people return from previous games. 6 is a lot considering the starting line up of the original SF2 and SF Alpha were 8 and 13 respectively.
However, I know the majority of people are always asking "Where was Guile/Sagat/Blanka/etc. in SFIII", but people didn't realize that their stories were pretty much settled by the end of SF2.
Guile was able to go back to his family, Sagat wasn't as ambitious about revenge, Blanka found his mom, etc.
I would rather see new characters with different fighting styles that give rise to new gameplay opportunities. We need a real MMA fighter. Alex had some MMA influence in his design, but he was mostly pro-wrestling. The boxer in this game should be a smaller weight class who is about "punches in bunches" like Manny Pacquiao.
[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Thu 18 Oct 12:33] |
Pollyanna 2358th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Openly pessimistic" , posted Thu 18 Oct 13:57
quote: Ugh. I didn't see that coming...
The only thing I've liked so far are those ink blotchs, which remind me of Ookami for some reason.
Other than that, the trailer looks ugly as hell, and the whole thing reeks of Capcom USA, much to my distress. Love is over, it seems.
I can't believe I'm hearing this from a Maximum Impact fan! What's the difference?
Also, in reference to what I said earlier... I can't say I dislike "CoA as a developer", I've just had a long run of not liking them in general. It's dwindling now, but they used to find SOMETHING to fuck up in every localization they did. For the longest time, I would only import their games.
Professor 2411th Post
MMCafe Owner
| "What are the chances it could actually be 2D?" , posted Thu 18 Oct 18:58:
Considering how good the US market has been for Capcom, I'm being optimistic that they've up'ed their budget for the American development projects. (CoA's previous games seemed pretty low budget, really.)
I wonder how well Capcom can make a SF4 though. Looking very forward to it.. I hope they hire Funamizu back.
My personal prediction is that it'll play in 2D with 3D graphics. Even if it was developed in Japan, they don't really have pixel artists any more, which was one of the main reasons behind the quality of Capcom Fighting Evolution. Of course pixel artists aren't extinct; they're still very active in the DS and Cell phone field. But as the sample artworks from the HD Super Turbo kind of made it obvious, you really need experience and anatomy knowledge if you want to make correct looking 2D human figures.
Finding 2D pixel artists are really hard nowadays. Remember, SNKP is STILL recruiting part-time dotters for KOFXII's development at their official site.
Well, then again, maybe we'll end up seeing SF4 as a full 2D game. Capcom USA could always take a similar development format to the HD' Super Turbo in making one, now that they've got the experience.
[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 18 Oct 19:27] |
Just a Person 1006th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member
| "Re(10):The SF4 thread" , posted Thu 18 Oct 20:16:
quote: I wouldn't say that. At least here in Brazil, this announcement was made even at news websites that have nothing to do with videogames... And many people are commenting on it.
Wow really? Brazil sounds even cooler than I already thought it was. Do you have any links? Is Street Fighter still that well known in Brazil? Cos, I can see the Nintendo Wii being a point of interest for non gaming news sites, but I wasn't sure if Street Fighter had become THAT iconic (like Mario and Pacman).
That's very cool if it is.
Okay, here are some of them I found:
Omelete (although it talks about games, they're not the main subject)
Folha Online (website from "Folha de S.Paulo", the biggest newspaper in Brazil) - although they use Ken's picture from SSFII HD, they are actually speaking of SF IV...
UOL Tecnologia
There are other ones I saw, but they were from websites that talk about games, so it would be logical that they would announce SF IV...
quote: what was the last US made fighting game that rocked?
Uh... well, Mortal Kombat:Deadly Alliance and Mortal Kombat:Deception were actually pretty good games. Although then came Mortal Kombat:Armageddon and ruined everything with the lazy work done in it.
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
[this message was edited by Just a Person on Thu 18 Oct 20:34] |
Just a Person 1005th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member
| "Re(3):The SF4 thread" , posted Thu 18 Oct 20:32
quote: Any ideas on who could be returning?
Mine is bison, sagat, chunli(cant leave her out)yun,yang,sean,alex,oro(ryu's ending) Gouki(of course)guile.
anyone else?
I hope they are conservative on who they bring back. Outside of Ken, Ryu, Akuma and Chun-Li I hope no more than 6 people return from previous games. 6 is a lot considering the starting line up of the original SF2 and SF Alpha were 8 and 13 respectively.
However, I know the majority of people are always asking "Where was Guile/Sagat/Blanka/etc. in SFIII", but people didn't realize that their stories were pretty much settled by the end of SF2.
Guile was able to go back to his family, Sagat wasn't as ambitious about revenge, Blanka found his mom, etc.
I would rather see new characters with different fighting styles that give rise to new gameplay opportunities. We need a real MMA fighter. Alex had some MMA influence in his design, but he was mostly pro-wrestling. The boxer in this game should be a smaller weight class who is about "punches in bunches" like Manny Pacquiao.
Yeah, I agree. SF IV should have many new characters - but unlike SFIII, maybe this time Capcom shouldn't be so radical about it. Sure, most of the fighters must be new, but putting just Ryu and Ken from the known characters last time wasn't wise... it wouldn't be wise now, either. Besides them both, at least Gouki and Chun-Li should be in it (although even though I love Chun-Li, I can't figure out why she would come back this time). Maybe Sagat, too.
But I'd actually like if Sakura returned in this game, all grown-up, maybe more serious at fighting. And of course, not dressed as a schoolgirl anymore...
Oh, and your idea of the smaller boxer is great!
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
ZamIAm 1671th Post
Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(4):The SF4 thread" , posted Thu 18 Oct 23:59
quote: Any ideas on who could be returning?
Mine is bison, sagat, chunli(cant leave her out)yun,yang,sean,alex,oro(ryu's ending) Gouki(of course)guile.
anyone else?
I hope they are conservative on who they bring back. Outside of Ken, Ryu, Akuma and Chun-Li I hope no more than 6 people return from previous games. 6 is a lot considering the starting line up of the original SF2 and SF Alpha were 8 and 13 respectively.
However, I know the majority of people are always asking "Where was Guile/Sagat/Blanka/etc. in SFIII", but people didn't realize that their stories were pretty much settled by the end of SF2.
Guile was able to go back to his family, Sagat wasn't as ambitious about revenge, Blanka found his mom, etc.
I would rather see new characters with different fighting styles that give rise to new gameplay opportunities. We need a real MMA fighter. Alex had some MMA influence in his design, but he was mostly pro-wrestling. The boxer in this game should be a smaller weight class who is about "punches in bunches" like Manny Pacquiao.
Yeah, I agree. SF IV should have many new characters - but unlike SFIII, maybe this time Capcom shouldn't be so radical about it. Sure, most of the fighters must be new, but putting just Ryu and Ken from the known characters last time wasn't wise... it wouldn't be wise now, either. Besides them both, at least Gouki and Chun-Li should be in it (although even though I love Chun-Li, I can't figure out why she would come back this time). Maybe Sagat, too.
But I'd actually like if Sakura returned in this game, all grown-up, maybe more serious at fighting. And of course, not dressed as a schoolgirl anymore...
Oh, and your idea of the smaller boxer is great!
I'd love to see new people but it would suck if they didn't include ANY of the SF3 people. At least Alex, Ibuki, or Yun.
hikarutilmitt 443th Post
Gold Customer
| "Re(4):The SF4 thread" , posted Fri 19 Oct 02:04
quote: But I'd actually like if Sakura returned in this game, all grown-up, maybe more serious at fighting. And of course, not dressed as a schoolgirl anymore...
I aways thought in my fanboy head that they should have made a SF game that had the main character focus on Sakura and Karin as the Ryu and Ken of the game and then maybe have those two played down further, older, etc. Maybe they could bring one or two of the characters from Justice Gakuen into the fray, since they should also be older, now?
And CoA making it, as most of us suspected, worries me. :(
nobinobita 184th Post
Regular Customer
| "Re(8):The SF4 thread" , posted Fri 19 Oct 03:46
From what I've seen, it goes from mourning to rage (with things like "they will make it like Mortal Kombat", plus various racist and/or extremely racist comments).
I'm curious as to what the reaction is in countries OTHER than America and Japan. Like, I'd really like to know what the French think.
I studied animation in France a while back and I was delighted to find that for the most part, most the people I met just liked good art without a care for its country of origin. They didn't have any bias against liking good non French art. There were posters of Metropolis and Ghibli stuff on the walls alongside Disney and Pixar. And these guys were seriously the best student animators in the world.
This contrasts greatly to America, where the academic institutions I studied in felt free to make statements like "No Japanese can draw good poses" or "The Japanese just don't know how to animate" or "Manga all looks the same."
Mind you these were the Professors, not just fellow students.
So what is the reaction to this in France, a country with its own rich artistic history that can watch these events unfold without a clear bias towards either culture (US or Japan). OR, if there IS a bias, where would you say it leans?
What's the reaction elsewhere? Brazil? Turkey? Wherever people from this board are from.
EddyT 597th Post
New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(1):SF4 an American Project" , posted Fri 19 Oct 04:58:
quote: Looks like the project is CoA based after all.
According to comments from Capcom of Japan (Dengeki Online),
"The title is fundamentally a development on the American side. There is nothing that we can domestically comment at the current time, including its platform or release period."
There's debate about this at the SRK forums, especially from a man named Seth Killian (an SF pro player).
Capcom USA or Capcom Japan?
Apparently, there is debate as to who is "publishing" the title, and who is "developing" the title. I'm not too familiar with the whole video game business side, but it's a good thread to bookmark, if you're interested.
Hi Maddy. :x I'm now in Japan, at your house, eating all your foods.
[this message was edited by EddyT on Fri 19 Oct 04:59] |
Tai-Pan 190th Post
Regular Customer
| "Re(7):The SF4 thread" , posted Fri 19 Oct 05:53
quote: Here's a fun thought.
If Street Fighter is 2D, and Street Fighter EX is 3D, and this game is 3D, then isn't it REALLY SFEX4 and not SF4? And if it WAS SFEX4, would anyone care?
Well yeah..I mean, the only thing that matters to me (wether its 3d or 2d) is if this new game is going to be a real street fighter sequel. What do i mean? If Capcom USA makes this game, then the probabilities of playing a street fighter parody are gonna be high. Even if they try very hard, we know it's not gonna be a real street fighter sequel. For example, even if the SF3 series had different art direction and everything, it still felt as a real street fighter game within the street fighter universe, it felt like a new beginning of the same, like a real evolved sequel, it shared the same "spirit" as street fighter 2. For example, when the king of fighters 2001 was developed by a different team (not even the real SNK) the game had the same graphics but it felt completely different, it felt like a parody of itself , a copycat, it just didn't have the same soul as the previous games. whatever..only time will tell...
"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"
Tai-Pan 191th Post
Regular Customer
| "Re(8):The SF4 thread" , posted Fri 19 Oct 06:06
Well what Im trying to say is that it just doesn't matter how much money or time they invest on this game. The only thing that matters is WHO is in charge of DEVELOPING it, if it's a team of REAL artists AND they KNOW the street fighter universe, then we are gonna get a real street fighter sequel..
But im sure about this, if this game turns out to be a stupid parody or just a stupid fighting game with the street fighter name and characters in it, IF THIS HAPPENS, Im gonna lose hope in humanity, which means that im gonna start feeling my age, I will feel old and spend countless minutes saying how the world used to be, how we had real games and artists when I was young, I will describe the pieces of art that I used to behold, Im gonna spend hours thinking about the SF2/3 endings with nostalgic eyes..oh the good old times, and my wife will tell me that im only 25 years old and that im an asshole. But I will still feel betrayed by the human being while I listen to tango music.
But if this game turns out to be a real sequel, Im gonna feel young, I will listen to bon jovi and U2 songs and feel powerful, I will believe Im immortal and believe in human being!! Theres hope!!! we are the perfect specie!!! BEHOLD THE HUMAN WILL!!!
No really, this is all about that
"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"
nobinobita 185th Post
Regular Customer
| "Re(8):The SF4 thread" , posted Fri 19 Oct 06:32
quote: it just didn't have the same soul as the previous games. whatever..only time will tell...
I agree. It's this ephemeral "soul" that US companies have yet to to replicate. Just take a look at all the recent US continuations of Japanese franchises, and see how much respect and/or understanding they actually have for the "feeling" and "spirit" of the property.
Silent Hill Origins: Game director calla previous silent hill protagonists "emo". Says he will make Silent Hill more action packed with a gruff macho character.
Silent Hill V: Silent Hill, also with more action and fighting and combos and cinematic timed button press attacks. Game director says he WANTS you to feel LESS helpless in this latest edition of Silent Hill. Also, the logo looks silly with the "Vee". It should be a number "5". I know that's nitpicking, but they're breaking with the series branding. A 5 is more reserved and classy. A "V" is more in your face. I know this sounds silly, but you know... I care about this stuff.
Street Fighter HD: It's ugly.
Final Fight Streetwise: It's terribly ugly, has bad gameplay, Cody is addicted to drugs, Guy has a stupid ass tribal tattoo and everyone curses for no reason. Also the game had a whole stupid "respect" vibe going on. Respect? I don't want to give or receive respect from Criminals. I just want to hit them with 2x4s.
Capcom Fighting Evolution: Lazy ass cut and paste job. Background characters were inserted randomly, and also weren't even new art, just old art scaled down. Training level also had the horizon line waaaay up the screen showing blatant disregard for any basic rules of perspective. Hack job all around. Fun, but in a stupid sloppy way.
Bionic Commando: Terrible character design with extremely inappropriate haircut. How many times have you seen somone with the whiteboy dreads and thought to yourself "hey, that pale, clammy, moldy smelling politically active young man over there... the one wearing all the hemp... i want to be THAT guy" ???
Contra 4 DS: OK, this game actually looks really cool. Feels like Contra. They even went back to being shirtless. Cool. Maybe WayForward Technologies should be doing all these remakes and sequals.
And its not just the US's fault. It's obvious that the Japanese companies will roll over and let US developers do whatever the hell they want as long as it makes money. That makes sense financially. But it also depresses the hell outta me. I wish there were some way to make games that hard core fans and casual fans could enjoy. It is possible. But its not really happening anymore.
GPA 27th Post
Rare Customer
| "Re(9):The SF4 thread" , posted Fri 19 Oct 07:04
Although I agree with your argument, wasn't Capcom Fighting Jam a Japanese production? I know it had Udon's involvment since the SF comic was in it's heyday during that period, but I'm pretty sure it was developed in Japan.
Also, the Japanese can turn their franchises to crap themsleves to make a buck too. Look at the Sakura Taisen series which has been bled dry and the Sonic series, which has been pretty soulless since Sonic Heroes (arguably since Sonic Adventure). Then, there was the Street Fighter 2 anime movie game and the terrible SF Zero anime, even Final Fantasy is in on it these days.
quote: it just didn't have the same soul as the previous games. whatever..only time will tell...
I agree. It's this ephemeral "soul" that US companies have yet to to replicate. Just take a look at all the recent US continuations of Japanese franchises, and see how much respect and/or understanding they actually have for the "feeling" and "spirit" of the property.
Silent Hill Origins: Game director calla previous silent hill protagonists "emo". Says he will make Silent Hill more action packed with a gruff macho character.
Silent Hill V: Silent Hill, also with more action and fighting and combos and cinematic timed button press attacks. Game director says he WANTS you to feel LESS helpless in this latest edition of Silent Hill. Also, the logo looks silly with the "Vee". It should be a number "5". I know that's nitpicking, but they're breaking with the series branding. A 5 is more reserved and classy. A "V" is more in your face. I know this sounds silly, but you know... I care about this stuff.
Street Fighter HD: It's ugly.
Final Fight Streetwise: It's terribly ugly, has bad gameplay, Cody is addicted to drugs, Guy has a stupid ass tribal tattoo and everyone curses for no reason. Also the game had a whole stupid "respect" vibe going on. Respect? I don't want to give or receive respect from Criminals. I just want to hit them with 2x4s.
Capcom Fighting Evolution: Lazy ass cut and paste job. Background characters were inserted randomly, and also weren't even new art, just old art scaled down. Training level also had the horizon line waaaay up the screen showing blatant disregard for any basic rules of perspective. Hack job all around. Fun, but in a stupid sloppy way.
Bionic Commando: Terrible character design with extremely inappropriate haircut. How many times have you seen somone with the whiteboy dreads and thought to yourself "hey, that pale, clammy, moldy smelling politically active young man over there... the one wearing all the hemp... i want to be THAT guy" ???
Contra 4 DS: OK, this game actually looks really cool. Feels like Contra. They even went back to being shirtless. Cool. Maybe WayForward Technologies should be doing all these remakes and sequals.
And its not just the US's fault. It's obvious that the Japanese companies will roll over and let US developers do whatever the hell they want as long as it makes money. That makes sense financially. But it also depresses the hell outta me. I wish there were some way to make games that hard core fans and casual fans could enjoy. It is possible. But its not really happening anymore.
nobinobita 186th Post
Regular Customer
| "Re(10):The SF4 thread" , posted Fri 19 Oct 11:11
Also, the Japanese can turn their franchises to crap themsleves to make a buck too. Look at the Sakura Taisen series which has been bled dry and the Sonic series, which has been pretty soulless since Sonic Heroes (arguably since Sonic Adventure).
Sonic Heroes, made in the USA
Haha and yes, of course Japan dissappoints too. They didn't even buy Jet Set Radio so they lost their cool points a long time ago. But the point is... when's the last time a Japanese franchise actually got proper treatment from a US studio?
Oh forgot to mention that ps1 contra game! Though I guess that's technically a Hungarian game.
Anyway, it's just clear that Capcom no longer cares about Street Fighter. The fact is that Street Fighter 4 was announced, and it feels underwhelming compared to titles such as Metal Gear 4, Devil May Cry 4, Res Evil 5 etc. Street Fighter is more iconic and well known (in terms of pop culture) than any of those series. Not nearly as popular in recent years, but still iconic. Family guy has made Street Fighter jokes cos its well known enough to be remembered widely.
The announcement of Street Fighter 4 should be HUGE. And Capcom should pull out all the stops for it. It should be at least as impressive as Metal Gear 4. But it's not anywhere near there.
And well... that's just sad.
Satoshi_Miwa 2809th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Re(10):The SF4 thread" , posted Fri 19 Oct 11:24
quote: I'm going to hold out until there is some media/reports on the game before I FINALLY make up my mind, but I am pessimistic to start with, honestly.
I personally think Capcom of Japan is entirely aware that nobody could make a game that would live up to the fan expectations/hype, and are more or less willfully unloading it on Capcom of America, with perhaps a subconscious hope it will bomb and the series will truly die and they'll never have to be hassled about it again.
Pretty much sums my thoughts up exactly on the game. And part of the reason why I think Capcom of America should look for a developer that loves fighting game, but has never made one before. Go for the moon and make something different, as SSFT, SFA3, and SF3:TS are pretty much the peak of Capcom 2-D fighting.
At best you'll have something memorable, at worst you'll have a memorable failure that won't devalue the games that came before
Pollyanna 2363th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Re(10):The SF4 thread" , posted Fri 19 Oct 16:40
quote: Maximo was developed by a US company but it may have had close supervision by CoJ. What about Red Dead Revolver?
Red Dead Revolver is...kind of a mess, because the Capcom version, which I don't believe anyone ever played, was much much different than the version that actually got released.
But yeah! Maximo! I kinda liked both Maximo games, actually. That was join US and Japan, right?
I mean, if you think of Maximo as a Makaimura sequel, it's a bit of a letdown, (mostly because of the environments), but it's not like the games were dramatically inferior to the PSP Makaimura.
Pollyanna 2364th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Re(10):The SF4 thread" , posted Fri 19 Oct 19:59
quote: I played it at one TGS, so I am pretty sure other posters such as Prof and maybe Brandon also gave it a try back then. If I remember correctly it was the same TGS in which Capcom Fighting All-Stars was playable (TGS 2002?). Besides the engine, I don't remember the game being that different from the final version; however I probably played the final version even less than the TGS demo so I am probably not the most qualified bourgeois geek to compare both games.
Ah, I had seen a trailer of the original, but I didn't know it was playable. What do you mean "besides the engine", though? I mean...that's kind of everything, right?
From the trailer I saw, the renders were different in the Rockstar version, the music wasn't used, and the gameplay looked decidedly different.
So, I know they changed a lot, but I don't know that they changed every element a lot. Like, they changed a lot of things, but they didn't change each of those things very much, maybe?
Just a Person 1009th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member
| "Re(5):Re(10):The SF4 thread" , posted Fri 19 Oct 21:25
quote: Anyway CoA has no choice. CoJ will NOT make another Street Fighter. Go beg them if you want, they're not going to do it. At least CoA is willing to try, as ill-fated as it seems.
I agree. People have been asking for a SF IV for ten years; even before the release of SFIII:3S, there was already a considerable demand for SF IV. And Capcom of Japan never made a single effort into this direction, they've just re-released SFII and its updates from time to time, and shown a really lazy job with CFJ.
I'm not saying that CoA has no chance of making an awful job with SF IV, but at least they are trying. This, as well as the HD version of SSFIIX (as bad as it is), shows that at least they still care about the SF franchise, instead of just using it as a way of re-releasing old games with little or no changes at all, to make money. And who knows, they can use SF:HD's qualities (if there is any) as an example of what to do with SF IV, and its flaws (we already guessed some of them) as an example of what NOT to do again...
quote: I do have a vague hope of seeing an older Sakura and possibly even Karin, though.
And Rainbow Mika. Don't forget about Rainbow Mika! After all this time, the girl is supposed to be a wrestling superstar, after all...
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Pollyanna 2365th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Re(10):The SF4 thread" , posted Sun 21 Oct 18:43
quote: I guess...Metroid? Or was that made in Europe? Still, I'm bummed that Samus is just "generic white woman".
Didn't Japan do that? Or was there something ungeneric about Super Metroid Samus I didn't pick up on? (was she a blonde asian woman or something in that ones?)
This is at the very least, mostly true. Before I think her one notable feature was that she kinda had...Saint Seiya hair? But the difference is, back then, she didn't have a face and only appeared for like...what...one frame of a sprite?
So yeah, she was nothing, but now when she's been given the chance to be something, she's still nothing. It's like "anticlimactic" or something.
But I didn't mean that as a Japan vs America thing so much as like "the US Metroid games turned out well, but now that we've seen Samus in detail, I'm disappointed that they did absolutely nothing with her."
Just a Person 1013th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member
| "Re(8):Re(10):The SF4 thread" , posted Mon 22 Oct 07:53
quote: You mean that she was basically what Shun WANTED himself to be, right?? Tsss... Shun had a GIRLFRIEND !
Heh, I know, I know... I was just making the joke every person who reads/watches Saint Seiya (well, at least in Brazil) makes...
quote: And his armor had breasts, so my point is valid ! (and had it been Supef Metroid, Ikki would have been the Metroid itself. 兄さん、来てくれたのですね!)
Sure, but unlike his armor, Samus' breasts are actually hers, really... and they look better, too... XD
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
TreIII 39th Post
Rare Customer
| "Re(4):The SF4 thread" , posted Mon 22 Oct 14:26
quote: Capcom Studio 1 developed the fighting games. They recently worked on the Monster Hunter series (art by Edayan), Zelda Minish Cap, Zack an Wiki (art by Sensei), Gundam SEED : Federation Vs. Z.A.F.T and Devil May Cry 3(art by Ikeno). edit: and some programmers of SF 3 3strike worked on Sengoku Basara. xD
Also, Kinu Nishimura and Shoei still work at Capcom
That may sound good, but does it mean that these guys may be working on this game? That's the interesting question.
I mean, just from the guys you listed, there's plenty of reason to believe that at least a good number of them may be involved in other projects.
For instance, I'm sure the Monster Hunter guys have plenty on their plate to insure the continued lucrative value of that franchise as it goes forth to the Wii, as opposed to worrying about Street Fighter. The same could be said for the guys behind the Gundam Vs. series, as well as BASARA and maybe a number of others.
So again, I'm just left to wonder, does Capcom REALLY have that kind of work force left? And even if they did, would they be willing to work on another SF game, even if their schedule was clear to do so? That's where I have my doubts. The likes of various figureheads, who went on to found Arika and Craft & Meister left the company because, among other things, they had no continued interest in doing such a project, and a number of the other former teams disbanded and joined other parts of Capcom for similar reasons.
So, my thoughts are...it could just as easily be a thing where Capcom of Japan/America may just commission some one like Dimps to do the job, with just anybody from the above list being around long enough to just do a small measure of quality control.
Thus, my reasons for being a bit skeptical, at best. I really doubt that CoJ will be able to sweet-talk many of their own brass to come back for one more roll in the hay. Especially since, more or less, SF is more of CoA's concern than it is for the JP side of the equation, who really could care less, it seems.
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
NARUTO 3589th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):The SF4 thread" , posted Mon 22 Oct 17:34
quote: That may sound good, but does it mean that these guys may be working on this game? That's the interesting question.
I mean, just from the guys you listed, there's plenty of reason to believe that at least a good number of them may be involved in other projects.
For instance, I'm sure the Monster Hunter guys have plenty on their plate to insure the continued lucrative value of that franchise as it goes forth to the Wii, as opposed to worrying about Street Fighter. The same could be said for the guys behind the Gundam Vs. series, as well as BASARA and maybe a number of others.
So again, I'm just left to wonder, does Capcom REALLY have that kind of work force left? And even if they did, would they be willing to work on another SF game, even if their schedule was clear to do so? That's where I have my doubts. The likes of various figureheads, who went on to found Arika and Craft & Meister left the company because, among other things, they had no continued interest in doing such a project, and a number of the other former teams disbanded and joined other parts of Capcom for similar reasons.
So, my thoughts are...it could just as easily be a thing where Capcom of Japan/America may just commission some one like Dimps to do the job, with just anybody from the above list being around long enough to just do a small measure of quality control.
Thus, my reasons for being a bit skeptical, at best. I really doubt that CoJ will be able to sweet-talk many of their own brass to come back for one more roll in the hay. Especially since, more or less, SF is more of CoA's concern than it is for the JP side of the equation, who really could care less, it seems.
Well there's a lot of peoples that can't work on it, and who aren't busy right now.... Kinu's last work was the war of the grail games art, games that wasn't released. Some other artist like Shinkiro or Senri kita aren't that busy, even if being a shinkiro fan, I don't want to see his art in a SF game.
As for Craft and Meister, that didn't do anything since the DBZ game, and this is quite some time ago...If SF4 is really in works for a good amout of time, we can with no problem imagine that Craft & Mister is working on it. pure speculation of course. On the other hand, COJ did the job for CFJ, I know it's not something glorious, but still.
And thinking that COJ is working on SF4 since quite some time, could explain some stuff, War of th grail cancelation, and why did COJ have found a new interest in 2D fighting enought to launch Basara X, but not being "capable" of developing them selves....
Fortes fortuna juvat...
Professor 2415th Post
MMCafe Owner
| "Re(6):The SF4 thread" , posted Mon 22 Oct 20:02:
quote: So again, I'm just left to wonder, does Capcom REALLY have that kind of work force left? And even if they did, would they be willing to work on another SF game, even if their schedule was clear to do so? That's where I have my doubts. The likes of various figureheads, who went on to found Arika and Craft & Meister left the company because, among other things, they had no continued interest in doing such a project, and a number of the other former teams disbanded and joined other parts of Capcom for similar reasons.
So, my thoughts are...it could just as easily be a thing where Capcom of Japan/America may just commission some one like Dimps to do the job, with just anybody from the above list being around long enough to just do a small measure of quality control. ---- As for Craft and Meister, that didn't do anything since the DBZ game, and this is quite some time ago...If SF4 is really in works for a good amout of time, we can with no problem imagine that Craft & Mister is working on it. pure speculation of course. On the other hand, COJ did the job for CFJ, I know it's not something glorious, but still.
It's probably safe to say that CoJ would be hiring a development studio to make the game. It's a bit unrealistic to think that they can do it in-house.
Just a wild thought, maybe we'll hear some first notes from Akiman's blog if he ends up being hired as an advisor or to do graphics for Chunli again. He did the artworks for her Third Strike sprites, so why not.
EddyT: You're in Japan! Where are you located? And what's happened to your site!
[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 22 Oct 21:23] |
TreIII 41th Post
Rare Customer
| "Re(6):Re(10):The SF4 thread" , posted Tue 23 Oct 23:21
quote: Also, in the 2D vs 3D department, I think it is quite clearly hinted in the interview: It will be 3D with a "drawn" touch to it. Probably keeping the 3D elements at a minimum (I'm talking about perspective changes, rotations and the like).
Still a guess, but a bit more founded now, I think.
If it IS going to be 3D, it probably will be in the same way that Rival Schools/Project Justice was. Watching the trailer again, I can see that a bunch of guys on NeoGAF were right...you basically can draw an X/Y axis for Ken and Ryu's movements and positions throughout the entirety of the trailer.
Still, a part of me was really hoping that maybe Capcom would adopt what the likes of Banpresto, Treasure, Dimps and ESPECIALLY Vanillaware have already done: segmented sprites. Y'know, kinda like Rumble Fish.
I mean, sure, it wouldn't be traditional 2D in any sense either, but it can't be denied that it couldn't be used for an overall high-quality look, while also being easier for sprite artists, as well.
But alas, unless Capcom decided to hire Vanillaware (which also has a couple of ex-Capcom dudes on staff) for the job, I doubt something like this will take place.
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?