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MrWhitefolks 0th Post

New Customer
| "Creating EPIC game video, need contributors" , posted Sat 28 Apr 08:04
Ok, here's the deal. Most of you who know me, know what I do. I break games, any type I can get my hands on. Mercenaries, Saints Row, Bullet Witch, Marvel vs Capcom 2, Rumble Roses, whatever.
Now, it's been almost a year since my last video(not counting the just released Bullet Witch exploit/bug video) which was for Kakuto Chojin on xbox. So, in that time I've accumulated a ton of knowledge about random games and their issues which I want to document in one hell of a video.
I'm talking a massive project that should include at LEAST 5-10 games, and if it's large enough(over 30-45 seconds per game at minimum), then I'm looking to mix in multiple music tracks as well. The problem being is that I can only do SO much, so in turn I'm dropping in here to see if I can pick up some help in the form of gamers who have a bug/glitch/funny idea for a game that they can RECREATE on command and want to see it in a video.
Literally, we're ready to take almost anything for this video, including 3d platformers, 2d titles, fighters, action adventures, whatever. If there are a group of you that want to work together on a specific title then by all means do so as EVERY single person involved gets credited for this, regardless of the amount of work they do.
Also, each person/crew should document each glitch/bug/oddity and how it works so the general public can have a reference point to use when attempting to recreate what we're going to be showing off.
Here's a short example list of titles that we're personally working on: KOF:MI2 MvC2 Dead Rising Earth Defense Force Shadow of the Colossus Saints Row River City Ransom(GBA version) Any pc title not using a trainer or hack(unless it's a skin that helps the clip in a humorous way) etc
Here's a short example list of what we're looking for in the clips: Bugs Glitches Falling through a stage Walking through solid objects NPC ragdoll bugs Player ragdoll bugs Climbing on top of objects normally inaccessible Hilarious explosions or happenstances surrounding carnage Infinite combos(that haven't been seen before, we KNOW what Magneto reset infs look like) Retardedly funny combos(think outside of the box) Badass racing footage(some titles allow you to save your replays) or stunts Juggles/Combos in games that don't normally have them(ex: Super Mario Bros 2 for NES)
Anything remotely odd or out of the ordinary is worth us taking a look at, so don't be afraid to get in contact. Hell, if a glitch/bug has been done before but you find a new use for it or a way to expand on it we'll take that too.
email: mrwhitefolks AT harbornet DOT com aim: mwf8134 msn: the_smoo AT hotmail DOT com
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mrwhitefolks 0th Post

New Customer
| "Re(4):Creating EPIC game video, need contribu" , posted Fri 4 May 12:55
quote: The real thing you should be concerned with right now is you don't seem to have a theme going here; you're just looking for material so you can find one. Now, I'm no film student, but even someone not versed in developing videos knows there's got to be a point to it beside watching funny glitches.
One has to remember that there are videos out there for the sole reasons of demonstrating combos, matches, exploits, bugs, speed runs, or even just soley for showcasing a game's cinematic quality.
Whether or not you enjoy those videos is purely a personal preference, but I'd rather like to stay on track in offering people who have skills a chance at showcasing their tricks, combos, exploits, bugs, or other funny/odd happenings to a fairly wide audience(re: this video will be distributed on youtube, our main site[which generates between 200k and 600k visits per month], and possibly to some other outlets as well if all goes well)
Regarding the theme/flow: As with most compilation videos, this COULD turn into a pseudo clusterfuck of just random clips with no direction. However, the idea that we are fishing for footage just so we can find a "theme" is outright wrong. Our local and abroad crews(before taking any other material via this post) will be doing 70-80% of the video ourselves.
I myself will be covering Saints Row, Mercenaries, MvC2, KOF:MI2, as well as creating the intermission and possibly even the RcR(gba version) section, while the European group is working on RR:XX(unreleased exploits/glitches) and KOF:MI2
Regarding the "lack of a theme" we apparently have: The theme itself is of our concern only at this present time(our = everyone involved), as anything we leak could spoil how we have the timing/audio/synch/or overall flow of the video to our fans, and the people(from average joe to the cynical 'hardcore' gamer) are what we take into consideration the most.
I can however, let loose the fact that our editing style will remain the same(simple, yet effective) and that our choices in music will stay within the random awesomeness that our fans have come to expect.
Now I don't want to be rude in the slightest, but I'd rather appreciate it if we could stick to this being about the content and the people involved, instead of you questioning our ability/motives.
MrWhitefolks 0th Post

New Customer
| "Re(6):Creating EPIC game video, need contribu" , posted Fri 11 May 23:28
Update: The Saints Row section is finished, and it's a little weird in how it works. Since one of the main features is ragdoll climbing, the video could have been both long and boring with multiple clips playing at normal speed....to alleviate that I sped up the climbing clips to around 150%, and put them on the ass end of the video.
This allowed a better overall flow, as until the major climbing clips show up(near the end) the video is mostly focused on being quick, funny, and matching the music. Slingshot jumps off of cars, 3 story+ high jumps off of garbage bags, being spawned in under the hospital staircase(thus making you 100% invincible to all things NOT fire), the classic dancing dumpsters bug, vehicles getting stuck in solid objects(in mid air), and a super precise pipe bomb toss(in the window of an on-coming vehicle going at full speed) are just some of the clips being shown in this portion of our flick.
As of right now the local guys and myself have put our focus towards Mercenaries(as many of you know, we have a shitton of neat features for that title that we've never released), and if all goes well this should be one of the more well done sections(super speed boosts, taking out helicopter(s) with inanimate objects, creating a pseudo shotgun using a tunnel, a group of jeeps and some c4, stacking c4 ontop of itself until you have a 9 layer brick and THEN using it, vehicle juggling(w/north korean rpgs), and extreme accuracy shots(no zoom sniper[which we specialize in], north korean rpg, grenades, etc)