Toy thread Toy Fair edition - Forums

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1302th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Toy thread Toy Fair edition" , posted Tue 13 Feb 12:51post reply

Its been a couple of days into Toy Fair and there has been some interesting stuff.

First of all, DC Superheroes is getting some badass villain sculpts. Apparently there is a series coming out right now that has Steele, Parasite and Mongol(great sculpt too bad Doomsday wasn't as big) and they showed off Manbat and Clayface. The only bad part about this series is that it is limited to Batman and Superman characters and that new characters/villains are not packed heavy.

Diamond Select showed off some Marvel Zombies for Marvel Select and they look pretty damn good. Not sure if I will get them though. I am looking forward to Mephisto and the Skrull/Brood two pack.

Speaking of the Brood. The Brood Queen will be the BAF after the Blob wave. These figures have listings on the Hasbro website

Marvel Legends:
BAF Brood Queen Hydra Soldier
BAF Brood Queen Bucky
Baf Brood Queen Captain America
Marvel Girl
Black Knight
X3 Colossus

I heard the Hydra Soldier and Marvel Girl have variants and that Marvel Girl's is actually a different character.

However, no new Marvel Legends were shown, only Thor in the package.

Marvel Toys(formerly Toybiz) showed off their AWESOME Legendary Comic Book Heroes toy line that has Judge Dredd, Witch Blade, Savage Dragon and a BAF of a 10 inch Pitt for the first series and Marv from Sin City in the second series as well as Conan. These things look GREAT and have a pretty good price tag compared to Hasbro Marvel Legends which look no where near as good and the BAF isn't as tall.

SOTA announced that the final character line up for the next Street Fighter series is Zangief, Honda, Dhalsim and R. Mika(who beat both Guy and Oro by a couple of votes).


2740th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Toy thread Toy Fair edition" , posted Wed 14 Feb 02:39post reply

I find the idea that She-Hulk comes packaged with a pair of man boobs to be both repulsive and hilarious.

SOTA announced that the final character line up for the next Street Fighter series is Zangief, Honda, Dhalsim and R. Mika(who beat both Guy and Oro by a couple of votes).

R. Mika beat Guy? I didn't see that one coming.

1270th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Toy thread Toy Fair edition" , posted Wed 14 Feb 07:01post reply


R. Mika beat Guy? I didn't see that one coming.

If Guy had breasts he would have won...

dr baghead
3640th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Toy thread Toy Fair edition" , posted Wed 14 Feb 07:52post reply

SOTA announced that the final character line up for the next Street Fighter series is Zangief, Honda, Dhalsim and R. Mika(who beat both Guy and Oro by a couple of votes).

I really hated how the voting was done this time around, I didn't even bother since it was just one big clusterfuck ('everyone e-mail the one character you want in!') I'll buy R.Mika since I want all the SF figures, but I don't think she'd have won in the old style 'pick A or B in each of the 5 catagory' voting system...

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

1303th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Toy thread Toy Fair edition" , posted Sat 17 Feb 06:11post reply

NECA announced that they will make Castlevania figures.

Castlevania (October)
Simon Belmont

and that Dante from DMC1 will be in the next Player Select series.

I had heard that the DMC producer didn't want an American company doing Dante as SOTA had been trying to acquire him for a while.

If you go to the TF2007 picture gallery you will also see their Tyrant.

2748th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Toy thread Toy Fair edition" , posted Sun 18 Feb 06:37post reply

NECA announced that they will make Castlevania figures.

Castlevania (October)
Simon Belmont

I've totally lost track of the Belmont lineage over the years. Which Belmont is this?

It looks like SNK is continuing on its own weird way. Is this the first merchandise ever based off a phone game?

1007th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):Toy thread Toy Fair edition" , posted Sun 18 Feb 07:34post reply


Castlevania (October)
Simon Belmont
I've totally lost track of the Belmont lineage over the years. Which Belmont is this?

THE Belmont, actually. The original and most-featured one. Apparently in his original brown-outfitted iteration from Famicom, Super Famicom, and X68000 Akumajou Dracula, as opposed to the Chronicles remake (which I'm in a minority of liking, I hear...I'd prefer this one, and not just because I dressed up as Chronicles Simon for a party one time*). *really


Dr Baghead
3641th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Toy thread Toy Fair edition" , posted Sun 18 Feb 20:19post reply

I had heard that the DMC producer didn't want an American company doing Dante as SOTA had been trying to acquire him for a while.

It's probably like how NECA got rights to Hannibal Lector (which I like to spell "Lektor") even though Hopkins for the longest time said he was againist a 'toy' of a serial killer... there is no problem the right amount of money cannot fix.

Capcom probably didn't want an American Company to make Dante.... for a price SOTA found reasonable enough to make it worth their efforts (much like they past on God of War because there was no way to make back the cost of the license with just Kratos figures in their view)

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

2750th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Toy thread Toy Fair edition" , posted Mon 19 Feb 05:18post reply


THE Belmont, actually. The original and most-featured one. Apparently in his original brown-outfitted iteration from Famicom, Super Famicom, and X68000 Akumajou Dracula, as opposed to the Chronicles remake (which I'm in a minority of liking, I hear...I'd prefer this one, and not just because I dressed up as Chronicles Simon for a party one time*). *really

You can't mention something like that and not post pictures of the event.

1009th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):Toy thread Toy Fair edition" , posted Mon 19 Feb 05:31:post reply

Surpringly few, and secret to protect the innocent. Suffice to say, you can get plastic crosses, gloves, and whips for surprisingly cheap at costume stores. Glad I had a black Equador poncho cape to wear for Simon's fur coat.

edit: maybe this will do.


[this message was edited by Maou on Mon 19 Feb 05:43]

2752th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Toy thread Toy Fair edition: SotC" , posted Fri 23 Feb 23:26post reply

As reported at Kotobukiya is bringing a statue and One Coin Grande Figures of Shadow of the Colossus over to the US. Nifty!

1306th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):Toy thread New York Comic Con (Marvel)" , posted Sun 25 Feb 12:17post reply

As reported at Kotobukiya is bringing a statue and One Coin Grande Figures of Shadow of the Colossus over to the US. Nifty!

I am digging those SOTC figures. I just got the game last week and I am loving it.

Here are some Marvel Legends from the Brood Queen series

Although the sculpts are great I wish there was more shading in the figures. The Rachel Grey figure doesn't seem to be the best, but is an improvement over the White Queen figure.

2758th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Toy thread New York Comic Con (Marvel)" , posted Mon 5 Mar 23:45post reply

According to SOTA continues to pretend that they are going to put out a line of Darkstalkers figures. The current plans call for the initial release of only Demitri and Raptor and the undead totems will retail for $24.99.

1323th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"New toy news" , posted Tue 3 Apr 10:32post reply

According to SOTA continues to pretend that they are going to put out a line of Darkstalkers figures. The current plans call for the initial release of only Demitri and Raptor and the undead totems will retail for $24.99. currently has a deal for $18 each.

Link Here

NECA has a preview of their Simon Belmont figure who is based off the cover of the original NES game.

Link Here

Although he looks cool, he is really going to clash against the future Castlevania characters who are based more on the Symphony of the Night designs.

Marvel Select showed off some previews to their Marvel Zombies Hulk

Link Here

Looks okay, but not as impressive as the Captain America or Spider-Man zombies.

I got myself Mephisto this week and its a pretty swell figure and fits with my Marvel Legends. The throne is really cool.

Speaking of Marvel Legends, apparently Hasbro's second Marvel Legends series has started showing up at Wal-Marts as well as the new Icons figures. I haven't found them yet, but I really want to get Blob and Quicksliver.

Apparently High-Dream had a falling out with Capcom and have ceased production on their Capcom vs SNK 2 figures. This is what they had to say at the forums

Frankly, no way. they do not care about us, nor about you, their only interest is money, and I don't want to give them mine in such case. they can go grab some money elsewhere but not in my wallet hehe. I understand that everyone needs some money, but there is a limit, that limit to me is when need become greed, when making profit by creating complications is absolute. I don't like it, I don't want to work with greedy ppl/companies hehe.
Not even the biggest company work that way nowadays in the anime/manga field. its bad for the product, its bad for the fans, and its a waste of time and money, a shame for sure...

2783th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):New toy news" , posted Wed 4 Apr 00:21post reply

Those are quite the boots on Mister Belmont. I know poor Simon has never been given a good wardrobe but did a lot of people dress like that in the late 17th century?

Did High Dream's representative use "hehe" in his posting? How professional.

131th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(2):New toy news" , posted Thu 5 Apr 00:51post reply

castlevania toys W00T! here's hoping for Soma in wave 2.

Wither Blister Burn + Peel

1332th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):New toy news" , posted Fri 20 Apr 09:05post reply

I got the SF Preview figures in and I posted about them here

Link Here


Look nice
Good accessories
new packaging is kind of cool

Really loose joints
paint chip on hips

I also got the new Marvel Legends series that comes with Blob and it is a major improvement over the first series. Even Ultimate Wolverine, who looked weird in all the pictures I have seen isn't as bad in person. I wish that waves like this could be cut down to 6 figures though. Blob's hands could have been attached to the arms and his head could have been attached to the upper torso.

I think there is nothing I want coming out for a while so I can save some money.

2800th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):New toy news" , posted Sat 21 Apr 04:34post reply

I got the SF Preview figures in and I posted about them here

Link Here

Thanks for the comparison. There's a lot more difference between the figures than I had initially thought.

Dr Baghead
3644th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):New toy news" , posted Sat 21 Apr 22:52post reply

Really loose joints
paint chip on hips

So I guess your Akuma didn't split in two? mine sure did.

I'm honestly so disappointed in that figure, from the crappier joints, to the fact his waist popped in half, this mullety hair, the fact he can't hold the fireball right, the over sized cavnerness box...

He's a failure on EVERY level... so long as the boxes are smaller for Revolution and there's some quality control there's still hope for the line (not that SOTA doesn't have my balls in a vice grip and wouldn't buy all of them anyway), but this is the worse "preview of how we're going to handle the line" EVER "we're gonna charge $5 more to give you far too much packaging and a broken figure, enjoy!"

... I hope Dan and Sean get a smaller Shotokan body (They can even share a sculpt, I just pray they're not Akuma sized too)

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

1333th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):New toy news" , posted Sun 22 Apr 01:50post reply

Really loose joints
paint chip on hips

So I guess your Akuma didn't split in two? mine sure did.

I'm honestly so disappointed in that figure, from the crappier joints, to the fact his waist popped in half, this mullety hair, the fact he can't hold the fireball right, the over sized cavnerness box...

He's a failure on EVERY level... so long as the boxes are smaller for Revolution and there's some quality control there's still hope for the line (not that SOTA doesn't have my balls in a vice grip and wouldn't buy all of them anyway), but this is the worse "preview of how we're going to handle the line" EVER "we're gonna charge $5 more to give you far too much packaging and a broken figure, enjoy!"

... I hope Dan and Sean get a smaller Shotokan body (They can even share a sculpt, I just pray they're not Akuma sized too)

Damn sorry to hear about the breakage.

I was pleased to find nothing this round broke on me. Every round I got before this I had one figure break on me, but I guess its just statistics this time. THere is a bigger chance of finding a wack figure out of 5 then out of 3.

I like the style of the packaging, but the size is definetly an issue. I guess they are are trying to use one size of package that can use over and over with a differnt character face on it so that when they come to Hugo, he will fit in it. The thing is, I am also a MOC collection for the Street Fighter line and I am finding it difficult to find a place to store my MOC previews. I like the plastic casing since there are no twist ties, but they can probably thin that out a bit.

In other news, NECA showed off a preview of Alucard.

Link Here

I hope the cape doesn't get in the way of arm movement.

2804th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):New toy news" , posted Thu 26 Apr 04:29post reply

In other news, NECA showed off a preview of Alucard.

Link Here

I hope the cape doesn't get in the way of arm movement.

While the Alucard prototype has potential I suspect that between that cape and his hair Arikado is going to have a tough time with any articulation whatsoever.

1341th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"more Castlevania and SOTA Dan figure." , posted Fri 11 May 06:24post reply



Toyfare Exclusive Dan

Dr Baghead
3652th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):more Castlevania and SOTA Dan figure." , posted Fri 11 May 09:18post reply

URL=]Toyfare Exclusive Dan


I hope this is just a "well we wanted to make an exclusive sooo..." figure because Dan with that much muscle is just f**king retard, hopfefully a smaller non-exclusive Dan and Sean will be made too...

though if that's not the case I'm glad I already have a perfectly good Custom Dan and don't need to buy the offical one!

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

1349th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):more Castlevania and SOTA Dan figure." , posted Fri 1 Jun 01:36post reply

Dan figure is available for pre-order at the Toyfare store.

Link Here

Its "limited" at 2500 so it should stay around for a while. I think I will order it this weekend. I just need to find that promotion code from the magazine to save 5%.

Speaking of exclusives, SDCC will have an exclusive F4 variant of She-Hulk.

Link Here

It looks pretty cool for an exclusive.

Here is a list of Hasbro's SDCC figures

Transformers Alternator Rodimus Prime
GI Joe Destro
Titanium Transformers Menasor
Battlestar Galactica Titanium series vehicle 3 pack
Star Wars Obi-Wan & Yoda with coin
501st Legion R2-KT
Marvel Legends Stan Lee
Marvel Legends She-Hulk

I have also heard that the DCSH Man-Bat is a SDCC exclusive as well. I need to double check on that though.

Prof. Chaos from the South Park line is also a SDCC exclusive.

Still no word for what SOTA's exclusive will be.

On other SOTA news though. Darkstalkers has been delayed to DECEMBER. That is really weak. I have been waiting for these figures for a couple of years now.

dr baghead
3654th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):more Castlevania and SOTA Dan figure." , posted Mon 4 Jun 03:56post reply

I have also heard that the DCSH Man-Bat is a SDCC exclusive as well. I need to double check on that though.

An exclusive "Albino Deco" variant of the Man-Bat will be the exclusive. The brown version is still headed for retail.

They'll also have:
-Sheyra/GL/Ray JLU 3-pack
-some Naruto figures
-A "tech-suit" Mr.Freeze that has yet to be revealed.

Still no word for what SOTA's exclusive will be.

Supposedly it's a Blue (teal?) Dankuma.

On other SOTA news though. Darkstalkers has been delayed to DECEMBER. That is really weak. I have been waiting for these figures for a couple of years now.

Well if you've been waiting a couple years 7 months should be nothing...

(but seriously, WTF... I'm also gonna be sooo pissed when after years and months of waiting the line dies with only Raptor and Demitri made... I know, I shouldn't say negative things, but 'new' SOTA's been fucking up a lot lately and as much as I want to pretend the entire cast of SF and DS is on it's way I'm pretty sure Revolution and DS Waves 1 are the last we'll see of either.)

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

1355th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Possible Hasbro Marvel Legends 4" , posted Sat 9 Jun 04:51post reply

Link Here

If that site is accurate this wave seems kind of half and half to me.

Punisher will probably be a shrunken down Icons punisher. I really don't care too much about the first appearance Daredevil and Storm. I might have cared more about the Storm if we also got a First Appearance Sunfire to help and complete the Giant Sized X-Men line up. Nova is okay and so is Tigra. I really want the Silver Samurai to go with my MvC2 collection. If only we could get Shuma Gorath and Marrow.

The Holocaust build-a-figure is a let down. I could name a dozen characters who are within the height range of the current BAF and would be cooler. Eg, Nimrod and Windego

Here are some Icons 4 pictures

Cyclops looks okay, but Magento's head is off.


Supposedly it's a Blue (teal?) Dankuma.

I would be upset if Dan became the SDCC exclusive. But Blue? You would think green would be the choice for a variant. I wonder if the factory messed up again and it was supposed to be blue,

1357th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"SOTA SDCC exclusives and NECA RE stuff" , posted Wed 13 Jun 11:28post reply

It is Blue giant size Dan

It appears that there will be pink version of the Felicia statue and they will be showing off Dee and Donovan statues.

This news coupled with the announcement that accessories will be taken away from Darkstalkers lowering some of the hype I usually get from SOTA around SDCC. The new Street Fighter figures better be damn good or I will lose a lot of interest in SOTA.

NECA Resident evil

The look nice. I think I will pick up a Tyrant. The pose choice for the licker is a bit weird considering that the more well known pose is it sprawled on all fours.

3659th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):SOTA SDCC exclusives and NECA RE stuff" , posted Wed 13 Jun 11:35post reply


The look nice. I think I will pick up a Tyrant. The pose choice for the licker is a bit weird considering that the more well known pose is it sprawled on all fours.

They look super nice! Too bad I will never get them

Hagen de Merak
952th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):SOTA SDCC exclusives and NECA RE stuff" , posted Thu 14 Jun 05:44post reply


They look super nice! Too bad I will never get them


1367th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"SF Revolution pics and CV accessories" , posted Wed 27 Jun 07:05post reply

Street Fighter Revolution

They seem legit, but perhaps really old. The more muscular look of Honda is a compromise I am willing to deal with for poseability, but the face seems off. Hopefully Zangief's head is bigger in the final figure and toe articulation is added as well as shin swivel.

Castlevania line up art with accessories.

I read on one board that the top of the Succubus will come off, but I don't know if that is true. Very nice job by NECA on accessory choices though. I hope that Simon and Alucard have hands to hold all of that. It would be nice to see NECA to try their hand at the Build-A-Figure craze right now and get some of the larger(but not supersize) bad guys made.

120th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(4):New toy news" , posted Wed 27 Jun 11:18post reply

I got the SF Preview figures in and I posted about them here

Hey, thanks for the update and the comparisons. It's too bad about the loose build of the new figures. I don't really mind the bulkiness though, as long as it's consistent with the other characters, which it looks to be. I think everyone is just bulkier in the new series, kinda like SF Alpha Bengus art.

Also, am I the only person that thinks the new heads for Ken and Ryu look infinitely better than the old ones?

Dr Baghead
3663th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):SF Revolution pics and CV accessories" , posted Wed 27 Jun 13:17post reply

Street Fighter Revolution

Those ain't bad... so far I'm not regretting the preorder, don't fuck up new SOTA make them good and keep the line alive until EVERY SF figure is made...

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

1620th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):SF Revolution pics and CV accessories" , posted Wed 27 Jun 13:35post reply

Street Fighter Revolution

Those ain't bad... so far I'm not regretting the preorder, don't fuck up new SOTA make them good and keep the line alive until EVERY SF figure is made...

Mika's waist should be thicker in my opinion and I'm still peeved that Dee Jay got the boot for E.Honda but the figures do look decent.

2865th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):SF Revolution pics and CV accessories" , posted Thu 28 Jun 00:27post reply


Castlevania line up art with accessories.

I'm going to have to buy that Dracula just to get the meat accessory.

dr baghead
3664th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Better SF Revolution pics" , posted Sat 30 Jun 06:52post reply

No Zangief but DAAAAAAMN, if the final look this nice I think I'll have to let new SOTA into my heart and love them again.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

1375th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"New news" , posted Tue 3 Jul 12:59post reply

Simon Belmont

Looks good, the pose looks like he is trying to hitch a ride though.

Mattel gets the rights to the whole DC Universe

So DC Superheroes might actually have DC heroes other than Batman and Superman. I just hope that they get their case ratios sorted out.

Although I am interested in some of the DC Universe, I don't think I would get some of the really obscure characters. I think it would be best to do a 4-5 figure wave centered around one hero and then move to the next. They could of course get a couple of waves out of the Green Lantern.

Legendary Comic Book Heroes is out

But apparently its only in Denver, CO for the mean time. I don't know if I will get all of them. Maybe a Savage Dragon or Judge Dredd if I see one.

dr baghead
3672th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):New news" , posted Tue 3 Jul 20:23post reply

Legendary Comic Book Heroes is out

But apparently its only in Denver, CO for the mean time. I don't know if I will get all of them. Maybe a Savage Dragon or Judge Dredd if I see one.

I'm very excited for this only because I'm a customizer and

Savage Dragon's legs= Perfect for Terry Bogard's legs

Finally, I'll have everything I need to get started on a set of Fatal Fury customs.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

1630th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Better SF Revolution pics" , posted Wed 4 Jul 00:02post reply


-Love Dhalsim's figure
-I like Honda alot even though I don't like the character
-I dislike Mika's

1376th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):New news" , posted Wed 4 Jul 00:05post reply

Spider-Man 3 6 Inch Wave


1377th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

" super sale" , posted Wed 4 Jul 05:03post reply

Link Here

Some Marvel Legends are in there including the House of M and Young Avengers for $9 each. They also have some of the face off figures.

Also 20th Anniversary Optimus Prime is $23.

1385th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"New Hulk line and Darkstalkers news" , posted Wed 11 Jul 08:09post reply

Link Here

These are preview shots of what is supposed to be wave 2 of a Fing Fang Foom build a figure set. FFF will be spread across two waves of this series. The first series is supposed to have classic She-Hulk, Grey Hulk, Absorbing Man, Bi-Beast, Wendigo and Hulk: The End. Link Here

The figures look pretty nice. I wish Hasbro would put some more effort into the paints though then these figures would be flawless. That new World War Hulk puts the Hasbro ML1 Hulk to shame.

SOTA has a message on their Darkstalkers figures saying

3500 units must be pre-ordered to go into production. So far, there are 533 pre-orders.

Link Here

That message also appears on the Raptor page, so it would seem that only a total of 533 figures have been pre-ordered of BOTH these figures.

Dr Baghead
3692th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):New Hulk line and Darkstalkers news" , posted Wed 11 Jul 13:44post reply

The Hulk figures look great, I'm totally sold on McG Hulk, Son of Hulk, Red King, and Valkeri (all for customs, but still)

still waiting for them to make a decent Dr.Strange though...

SOTA has a message on their Darkstalkers figures saying

3500 units must be pre-ordered to go into production. So far, there are 533 pre-orders.

Link Here

That message also appears on the Raptor page, so it would seem that only a total of 533 figures have been pre-ordered of BOTH these figures.

At this point: F**k Darkstalkers.

Seriously new SOTA just focus on completeing the cast of Street Fighter have your sculpts and factories work on more SF figures instead of DS figures, the Revolution figures look great and you if you keep salting the line with (IN SCALE) redos Everyone will love you again. Darkstalkers is a lost cause... old SOTA couldn't save it, there's no way in hell you can.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

1397th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"SDCC stuff and Legendary Comic heroes are out" , posted Wed 25 Jul 09:18post reply

SOTA SDCC exclusives

Some new ones such as Dee and Demitri mini-busts and the Evil Ryu Statue.

Is it me or do SOTA's sculpts look really rough lately? For example, Dee's face and hair. It looks like there is a chip on the strand of hair on the right side of Dee face.

Goro SDCC Exclusive

Pretty average for a Jazwares figure, but that isn't saying much.

Legendary Comic Book Heroes is out. I got myself a Savage Dragon and Judge Dredd. They are pretty nice figures. I was shocked to seem them on an end cap as no Marvel Legends wave were ever on end caps. It feels weird only getting a couple of figures from a BAF wave, but that is just money saved.

Judge Death from wave 2 seems to be shipping with wave 1 for some reason along with his translucent variant. Too bad it wasn't Marv that they shipped early.

dr baghead
3701th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):SDCC stuff and Legendary Comic heroes a" , posted Wed 25 Jul 18:01post reply

SOTA SDCC exclusives

Goro SDCC Exclusive

Both of these are old news... I bet Dee becomes popular with customizers once the DS line goes belly up and people want to make Donovan (I'm hoping Black Arachnis Castings makes a copy in that case, since it'd not worth $25)

Goro will be a TRU exclusive later this year with a new head sculpt, it's better to wait to get him then.

.... I haven't found any legendary comicbook hero figures yet -__- I needs the Dragon to bulid Terry Bogard dammit!!

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

2892th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):SDCC stuff and Legendary Comic heroes a" , posted Wed 25 Jul 22:32post reply

Some new ones such as Dee and Demitri mini-busts and the Evil Ryu Statue.

Dee?!? Someone actually went and made a piece of merchandise featuring Dee?

1399th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Early SDCC photos with Marvel Legends *Update" , posted Thu 26 Jul 08:51:post reply

[url= ] Need to register to view pics

Show Blackbolt, Bradstreet Punisher, First Appearance Daredevil and you can see the back of a Black Queen figure.

The Brood Queen is disappointingly small and I doubt it will have the level of paint that they are showing off.

There are a couple of new Icons with Phoenix and Nightcrawler.

Promotional images

Marvel Legends Series 4

Hurray! Only 6 figures to collect.

I am surprised they are doing another Beast so soon. X3 Beast was going nowhere, but I know Astonishing Beast is a highly requested figure and will finish up the Astonishing line, right?

Fantastic 4 Wave

Hurray for green Speedo Namor, but back to another 8 figure wave.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Thu 26 Jul 09:46]

dr baghead
3702th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):SDCC stuff and Legendary Comic heroes a" , posted Thu 26 Jul 21:09post reply

Dee?!? Someone actually went and made a piece of merchandise featuring Dee?

They already had a Demitri figure/mini-bust made so all they had to do was sculpt a new head

To be surprised new SOTA made a Dee figure when they thought Akuma's body would work just fine for Dan would be like being shocked Capcom reuses spirtes themselves.

... so who else is in Revolutions Wave 2 aside from Alex?

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

1399th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"More SDCC stuff" , posted Thu 26 Jul 23:44post reply


SOTA's section has Zangief(although not complete, looks pretty good), new Nightmare of Lovecraft, and Darkstalker pics.

Under NECA's gallery you will find Castlevania painted protos. Overall they look pretty good.

dr baghead
3704th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):SDCC stuff and Legendary Comic heroes a" , posted Sun 29 Jul 20:18post reply

.... I haven't found any legendary comicbook hero figures yet -__- I needs the Dragon to bulid Terry Bogard dammit!!

Edit: Found 'em! Savage Dragon (for Terry fodder), Madman (for Skullomania fodder with bonus Rock Howard figure), and Witchblade (for uh, being Witchblade... I don't destory *every* thing I buy, really) and with a little work Pitts completed Torso really improves Icons Hulk!

Plastic's MUCH nicer then I expected for a Marvel Toys Figure, they feel like Hasbro ML figures, good joints, not flismy... I'm gonna have to grab a second Savage Dragon to make Cody... can't wait for that Conan 2-pack and Marv either.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

138th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):More SDCC stuff" , posted Tue 31 Jul 04:25post reply

I just heard from a friend of mine at SDCC that someone is making a new toyline based off of Katsuya Terada's designs. My friend isn't much into action figures or Terada, so he didn't have very specific details for me, but from what i gathered, it sounded like it was going to be a line of figures based off of characters Terada drew in Rakugaking.

Has anyone else got any info on this? Because this is a dream come true for me.

1404th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):More SDCC stuff" , posted Tue 31 Jul 07:25post reply

SDCC was pretty interesting this year.

Marvel Legends seems to have a lot of characters coming out. I wish the rumor of Silver Samurai was true though.

The Wal-Mart 2-packs, although mostly repaints with new heards, fill certain character voids.

I am not interested in series 3 of LCBH except for maybe that Conan, but they are still fine sculpts.

DC Universe Classics may be heading in the right direction with the BAFs and varied character selection. They better get their case ratios sorted out though. I only saw blue Supergirl once and thankfully I picked her up as I haven't seen her since.

SOTA toys is okay, but could use some work. Jedah is looking very good I would like to see the forearm hand hands thinned out a bit though.

1425th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Hasbro fan poll" , posted Tue 11 Sep 02:38:post reply

Link Here

so choose a character and the winner will be an exclusive at Hasbro's online shop.

I hope Silver Samurai wins.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Tue 11 Sep 02:38]

2932th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Hasbro fan poll" , posted Wed 12 Sep 03:15post reply

Link Here

so choose a character and the winner will be an exclusive at Hasbro's online shop.

I hope Silver Samurai wins.

So Northstar and Aurora are twins and even wear matching outfits but you can only get one of them?

1465th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Sprial and other things" , posted Thu 22 Nov 10:22post reply

Marvel Legends Spiral

Looks damn good, hopefully the finished figure isn't too far off.

Now if we could just get Shuma-Gorath.

Marvel Legends series 3 has started to come out around here. It's okay, but not great. I still need Bucky and Marvel Girl.

The NECA Castlevania line is slowly coming out now. There are some pics Here

They look okay, but I am not as hyped about them as I used to be.

dr baghead
3729th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Sprial and other things" , posted Thu 22 Nov 13:29post reply

They look okay, but I am not as hyped about them as I used to be.

I'm kinda pissed you HAVE to buy a set to Alucard... I really just want Drac and Son to go with my Kratos, Vampire Hunter D, and upcoming Dante figures.

Barbarian Simon and unarticulated topless Succubus don't impress me much

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

1474th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"other things" , posted Wed 12 Dec 00:55:post reply

Revlotech Fist of the North Star

If I can get them at a good price I might pick them up. Revlotech figures seem to be priced $5 more than I am willing to pay for a figure on a 5 inch scale.

NECA is making comic TMNT figures

Apparently these are in a 6" scale which is surprising considering NECA has always done 7". I hope my hype for these figures doesn't die down like with Castlevania.

Iron Man movie figs

Look good. Definitely better than the FF4 and Spider-Man 3 movie figs.

Apparently Sunfire won that poll

Hopefully Silver Samurai will show up in 2008.

I recently got the Master Piece Starscream figure which is a Walmart exclusive. Its a great figure and has a lot of detail. It makes me want to import Master Piece Megatron now.

Samples of the next Street Fighter

Unfortunately they aren't coming out until May '08.

It will be over 2 years since we got Round 4 with Akuma.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Wed 12 Dec 00:57]

dr baghead
3734th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):other things" , posted Wed 12 Dec 06:56post reply

Samples of the next Street Fighter

Unfortunately they aren't coming out until May '08.

It will be over 2 years since we got Round 4 with Akuma.

It have been over 2 years but at least with SF4 hype buliding the line could be popular again... as it stood I'm sure without SF 4 and having released all the major characters from SF2 the line would have died last year.

... I don't care what people say in the SF4 thread, if the game doesn't TOTALLY suck it'll bring causal fans back to SF and that will probably boast sales for the toy-line, and then I can get EVERY character in figure form.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

4331th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):other things" , posted Wed 12 Dec 07:07post reply

.....and that will probably boast sales for the toy-line, and then I can get EVERY character in figure form.


The only evil of the word; is the one in the heart of mens

966th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):other things" , posted Wed 12 Dec 07:25post reply

AoA Sunfire?! I'd totally buy that. I'd straight-up buy the shit out of that. Revoltech Fist of the North Star figures are gonna be eating up some of my shelf space too.

1680th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):other things" , posted Wed 12 Dec 13:24post reply

Samples of the next Street Fighter

Unfortunately they aren't coming out until May '08.

It will be over 2 years since we got Round 4 with Akuma.

It have been over 2 years but at least with SF4 hype buliding the line could be popular again... as it stood I'm sure without SF 4 and having released all the major characters from SF2 the line would have died last year.

... I don't care what people say in the SF4 thread, if the game doesn't TOTALLY suck it'll bring causal fans back to SF and that will probably boast sales for the toy-line, and then I can get EVERY character in figure form.

That WOULD be nice. The figs look decent with the exception of the fact that they put Rainbow Mika on a diet apparently. [heads over to to complain about skinny Mika]

232th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(1):other things" , posted Thu 13 Dec 01:41post reply

Revlotech Fist of the North Star

If I can get them at a good price I might pick them up. Revlotech figures seem to be priced $5 more than I am willing to pay for a figure on a 5 inch scale.

Hey Mang, have you played with a Revoltech in person? I was hesitant to get them at first, but for some reason the moment you take them out of the box they become magical! They're one of the few toy lines that you actually want to play with instead of just stare at.

They're by far the most dynamically poseable toys out there. I really recommend them! (just a warning though, they are addictive once you get into them).

Variable Savior
405th Post

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Gold Customer

"Art/Designer Toys" , posted Sun 23 Dec 09:40post reply

Seems there's some folk here into the toy thing so I thought I'd petition them for some info

I'm doing some decorating (well, looking for curios for a shelf at any rate...) and am interested in some sort of figure or whatnot. I like some of the designer toys one sees in art magazines (essentially they're just weird arse figures) but really have no idea of a reputable place to buy such things.

Is anyone here into the art/designer toy scene? If so, do you have any websites you'd recommend?

Blood marks heaven's path

29th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):Art/Designer Toys" , posted Mon 24 Dec 03:31post reply

Seems there's some folk here into the toy thing so I thought I'd petition them for some info

I'm doing some decorating (well, looking for curios for a shelf at any rate...) and am interested in some sort of figure or whatnot. I like some of the designer toys one sees in art magazines (essentially they're just weird arse figures) but really have no idea of a reputable place to buy such things.

Is anyone here into the art/designer toy scene? If so, do you have any websites you'd recommend?

I'll ask my friend for the websites, we're both trying to come up with something for Comic Con...

dr baghead
3741th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Art/Designer Toys" , posted Mon 24 Dec 05:22post reply

I'm doing some decorating (well, looking for curios for a shelf at any rate...) and am interested in some sort of figure or whatnot. I like some of the designer toys one sees in art magazines (essentially they're just weird arse figures) but really have no idea of a reputable place to buy such things.

have you tried Kid Robot's web-site (

They're one of the best at designer vinyls and have got some funky stuff right now (Yo Gabba Gabba figures AND cheap Gorillaz sets)

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's