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GekigangerV 1323th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "New toy news" , posted Tue 3 Apr 10:32
quote: According to action-figure.com SOTA continues to pretend that they are going to put out a line of Darkstalkers figures. The current plans call for the initial release of only Demitri and Raptor and the undead totems will retail for $24.99.
Cornerstorecomics.com currently has a deal for $18 each.
Link Here
NECA has a preview of their Simon Belmont figure who is based off the cover of the original NES game.
Link Here
Although he looks cool, he is really going to clash against the future Castlevania characters who are based more on the Symphony of the Night designs.
Marvel Select showed off some previews to their Marvel Zombies Hulk
Link Here
Looks okay, but not as impressive as the Captain America or Spider-Man zombies.
I got myself Mephisto this week and its a pretty swell figure and fits with my Marvel Legends. The throne is really cool.
Speaking of Marvel Legends, apparently Hasbro's second Marvel Legends series has started showing up at Wal-Marts as well as the new Icons figures. I haven't found them yet, but I really want to get Blob and Quicksliver.
Apparently High-Dream had a falling out with Capcom and have ceased production on their Capcom vs SNK 2 figures. This is what they had to say at the action-figure.com forums
quote: Frankly, no way. they do not care about us, nor about you, their only interest is money, and I don't want to give them mine in such case. they can go grab some money elsewhere but not in my wallet hehe. I understand that everyone needs some money, but there is a limit, that limit to me is when need become greed, when making profit by creating complications is absolute. I don't like it, I don't want to work with greedy ppl/companies hehe. Not even the biggest company work that way nowadays in the anime/manga field. its bad for the product, its bad for the fans, and its a waste of time and money, a shame for sure...
GekigangerV 1333th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(5):New toy news" , posted Sun 22 Apr 01:50
quote: - Really loose joints paint chip on hips
So I guess your Akuma didn't split in two? mine sure did.
I'm honestly so disappointed in that figure, from the crappier joints, to the fact his waist popped in half, this mullety hair, the fact he can't hold the fireball right, the over sized cavnerness box...
He's a failure on EVERY level... so long as the boxes are smaller for Revolution and there's some quality control there's still hope for the line (not that SOTA doesn't have my balls in a vice grip and wouldn't buy all of them anyway), but this is the worse "preview of how we're going to handle the line" EVER "we're gonna charge $5 more to give you far too much packaging and a broken figure, enjoy!"
... I hope Dan and Sean get a smaller Shotokan body (They can even share a sculpt, I just pray they're not Akuma sized too)
Damn sorry to hear about the breakage.
I was pleased to find nothing this round broke on me. Every round I got before this I had one figure break on me, but I guess its just statistics this time. THere is a bigger chance of finding a wack figure out of 5 then out of 3.
I like the style of the packaging, but the size is definetly an issue. I guess they are are trying to use one size of package that can use over and over with a differnt character face on it so that when they come to Hugo, he will fit in it. The thing is, I am also a MOC collection for the Street Fighter line and I am finding it difficult to find a place to store my MOC previews. I like the plastic casing since there are no twist ties, but they can probably thin that out a bit.
In other news, NECA showed off a preview of Alucard.
Link Here
I hope the cape doesn't get in the way of arm movement.
Dr Baghead 3692th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):New Hulk line and Darkstalkers news" , posted Wed 11 Jul 13:44
The Hulk figures look great, I'm totally sold on McG Hulk, Son of Hulk, Red King, and Valkeri (all for customs, but still)
still waiting for them to make a decent Dr.Strange though...
quote: SOTA has a message on their Darkstalkers figures saying
3500 units must be pre-ordered to go into production. So far, there are 533 pre-orders.
Link Here
That message also appears on the Raptor page, so it would seem that only a total of 533 figures have been pre-ordered of BOTH these figures.
At this point: F**k Darkstalkers.
Seriously new SOTA just focus on completeing the cast of Street Fighter have your sculpts and factories work on more SF figures instead of DS figures, the Revolution figures look great and you if you keep salting the line with (IN SCALE) redos Everyone will love you again. Darkstalkers is a lost cause... old SOTA couldn't save it, there's no way in hell you can.
 Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny) my silly little drawin's