Independent and Low Budget - Forums
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Dr Orochi
507th Post
New Red Carpet Member
"Independent and Low Budget" , posted Sat 24 Jun 01:31
Having read some recent threads about remakes, Hollywood and the amazingly talented Uwe Boll... I figured why not start a thread about Independent/Low Budget films? I might as well toss up these two...
Fast food! Musical numbers! Chicken Zombies! Poultrygeist!
"Re(2):Independent and Low Budget" , posted Sat 24 Jun 17:25
Bio-Zombie is awesome! The House of the Dead references are fucking hilarious. Wild Zero is another asian zombie movie worth checking out. The NTSC dvd version has a drinking game feature. You drink everytime someone drinks, combs their hair, fire shoots out of anything, anyone says rock n'roll, something explodes, or a zombie's head pops. Anyone know where I can find the soundtrack? I really want that 'Love Love Beamu' song.
Dr Orochi
508th Post
New Red Carpet Member
"Re(3):Independent and Low Budget" , posted Thu 29 Jun 04:09
Besides chicken zombies and killer rednecks here's another one to keep an eye out for...
"Re(3):Independent and Low Budget" , posted Thu 29 Jun 15:49
quote: Bio-Zombie is awesome! The House of the Dead references are fucking hilarious. Wild Zero is another asian zombie movie worth checking out. The NTSC dvd version has a drinking game feature. You drink everytime someone drinks, combs their hair, fire shoots out of anything, anyone says rock n'roll, something explodes, or a zombie's head pops. Anyone know where I can find the soundtrack? I really want that 'Love Love Beamu' song.
Wild Zero is superb! It's the movie that made me believe that Guitar Wolf was a decent band, until I tried to listen to one of their albums. Dude I love the movie, are you talking about the US or JP version of the DVD? Tell me about the extra features, etc. I want it!