Simple 2000 Series vol. OTL: The D3 Thread - Forums

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161th Post

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"Simple 2000 Series vol. OTL: The D3 Thread" , posted Fri 14 Apr 07:45:post reply

Oneechanpon, Men's Machine Gun Platform, Last Escort, Mermaid Prism.

So Oneechanpon has Riho and characters from The Nadeshiko. Oneechamploo 2 it is, then. Edit: How bad was The Nadeshiko? Edit 2: Sounds pretty bad.

The Men's Machine Gun Platform looks terrible. People always joke about how some ugly modern games look like PSone games, but that one really does! Opus made it, though...hmm. What have they done lately? Wave Rally, fishing, oh shit, Red Ninja.

Mermaid Prism looks interesting, and pretty,'s by Vingt Et Un. There is no hope.

[this message was edited by jiji on Fri 14 Apr 17:07]


1503th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Simple 2000 Series vol. OTL: The D3 Thr" , posted Fri 14 Apr 13:14post reply

Nadeshiko is better than most of the recent beat 'em ups lately, though that's like damning with faint praise. The only real problem the game has is you fight the same enemies over and over and over with so little variation that even though the fighting is pretty cool (the combo system is vaguely Dynasty Warriors like), it wears you down after a while. It works best as a two player time waster, and not something you can put any serious time into. It was worth the $15 I paid for it.

I'll pass on this game though, but I wish someone would pick up the Pirate 2000 game so I could hear how that turned out. - My own personal waste of time.

7043th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Simple 2000 Series vol. OTL: The D3 Thr" , posted Fri 14 Apr 21:52post reply

161th Post

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"Re(2):Simple 2000 Series vol. orz: The Maid" , posted Sat 15 Apr 00:18post reply


Maids?! I can't give in to that...

3334th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Simple 2000 Series vol. orz: The Maid" , posted Sat 15 Apr 01:44post reply

jijiggity - I wanna ask you for help on something, if you're interested. I'll email youuuuuuuuuuuuu.

Pee ess, coming to the E3s?

162th Post

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"Re(4):Simple 2000 Series vol. orz: The Maid" , posted Sat 15 Apr 01:57post reply

jijiggity - I wanna ask you for help on something, if you're interested. I'll email youuuuuuuuuuuuu.

Sure, I'll watch for it~

Pee ess, coming to the E3s?

Hmm, no plans, no plans...I've been considering AX this year, though.

3335th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Simple 2000 Series vol. orz: The Maid" , posted Sat 15 Apr 03:01post reply


Sure, I'll watch for it~



Hmm, no plans, no plans...I've been considering AX this year, though.

I never go to that sort of thing...maybe I will this year? I have friends who always go, sooooo yeah! Maybe!?

How about Comic Con?

390th Post

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"Re(6): Simple2000 best sales" , posted Sat 15 Apr 23:42:post reply

I had completely missed that piece of news:

From late february but linked in the "Onechanbara v1.92β" article. Interesting to see some figures from the PS2 generation of Simple Series releases. None came close to the early million sellers, but Yuki having a platinum seller and Warashi going over 100.000 units shipped must really make their more respectable works such as SamSpi and Raiden III look like additional hobbies.


[this message was edited by CHAZumaru on Sat 15 Apr 23:45]

1743th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):Simple 2000 Series vol. orz: The Maid" , posted Sun 16 Apr 07:16post reply


I never go to that sort of thing...maybe I will this year? I have friends who always go, sooooo yeah! Maybe!?

How about Comic Con?

I used to go to AX every year. It...kinda "stinks of otaku" a bit too much for my taste, but it's not nearly as bad as like...100 other conventions.

It's only really fun with friends, though...and then again, only really fun if your friends do crazy crap like go to Wal-Mart and come back with an Eagle costume, or carry a boom box around, wear horse-head masks and dance like strippers in the elevators.

I kinda wanna go this year, but...I'd want a costume (at least one!). Without a costume, I kinda feel like I'm going to prom in jeans.

376th Post

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"Re(7):Simple 2000 Series vol. orz: The Maid" , posted Sun 16 Apr 08:00post reply


I used to go to AX every year. It...kinda "stinks of otaku" a bit too much for my taste, but it's not nearly as bad as like...100 other conventions.

It's only really fun with friends, though...and then again, only really fun if your friends do crazy crap like go to Wal-Mart and come back with an Eagle costume, or carry a boom box around, wear horse-head masks and dance like strippers in the elevators.

I kinda wanna go this year, but...I'd want a costume (at least one!). Without a costume, I kinda feel like I'm going to prom in jeans.

Did you ever see Psycho le Cemu? ( before the meth and all)

Cons in general should be used as places of business ( booths selling stuff). I feel so embarassed for cosplayers sometimes. Waiting in line to get an autograph between two overweight girls screaming how much the would love Gackt isn't fun.


1744th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(8):Simple 2000 Series vol. orz: The Maid" , posted Sun 16 Apr 08:20post reply


Did you ever see Psycho le Cemu? ( before the meth and all)

Cons in general should be used as places of business ( booths selling stuff). I feel so embarassed for cosplayers sometimes. Waiting in line to get an autograph between two overweight girls screaming how much the would love Gackt isn't fun.

Yes, I did. I'm getting a pretty decent record of Japanese bands I've seen for living in America. Have you heard Daishi's new...err..."solo" stuff?

I don't feel embarrassed for cosplayers that don't suck, or who have some sort of clever idea...or are just having fun, without being so ugly that they're ruining everyone else's fun.

Waiting in line + overweight girls +screaming =hell.

Oh, and I forgot to suggest that Brandon should cosplay Naruto, so he'll be easy to recognize. No, wait...Sasuke. Nobody will think of that one!

377th Post

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"Re(9):Simple 2000 Series vol. orz: The Maid" , posted Mon 17 Apr 00:29post reply


Yes, I did. I'm getting a pretty decent record of Japanese bands I've seen for living in America. Have you heard Daishi's new...err..."solo" stuff?

I don't feel embarrassed for cosplayers that don't suck, or who have some sort of clever idea...or are just having fun, without being so ugly that they're ruining everyone else's fun.

Waiting in line + overweight girls +screaming =hell.

Oh, and I forgot to suggest that Brandon should cosplay Naruto, so he'll be easy to recognize. No, wait...Sasuke. Nobody will think of that one!

When I went to Megacon, I decided to see the cosplay competition ( which included skits made by the cosplayers). Withing 15 mins,I walked out from embarassment.

Yes,I have Daishi's "Jitsuroku Shonen Hanzai Kikagaku" mini album. I thought it was OK. I haven't really enjoyed any solo careers from the members of Psycho le Cemu ( Dacco and Isabelle).

A solo career that I truly enjoy is from Kirito ( ex. Vocalist of Pierrot). His Hameln album is great.


163th Post

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"Re(7): Simple2000 best sales" , posted Mon 17 Apr 02:46post reply

I had completely missed that piece of news:

From late february but linked in the "Onechanbara v1.92β" article. Interesting to see some figures from the PS2 generation of Simple Series releases. None came close to the early million sellers, but Yuki having a platinum seller and Warashi going over 100.000 units shipped must really make their more respectable works such as SamSpi and Raiden III look like additional hobbies.

EDF2 deserves the top slot, but I'm glad enough that it's at #3. I guess it makes sense that the first two releases - with some of the widest appeal - would be the highest sellers. I wonder if that Warashi mahjong game is just a repackaging of the engine they've used for their other mahjong games?

Hmm, I just realized that Metropolismania is MatchingMaker's US release.

1745th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"OFF TOPIC!" , posted Mon 17 Apr 06:08post reply


When I went to Megacon, I decided to see the cosplay competition ( which included skits made by the cosplayers). Withing 15 mins,I walked out from embarassment.

Yes. YES. Lot of people with bad ideas that can't act and hold up fucking stupid signs and do random, mindless crossover bullshit. I've hid my face in shame at more than my share of cosplay contests.

So maybe cosplay is like communism. In theory, it CAN work, but on the whole, it should probably be eliminated?

Daishi has an awesome band with him now. Those people have incredible talent, and I appreciated the variety between the songs.

If I don't like Pierrot, will I still like Kirito's CD?

379th Post

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"Re(1):OFF TOPIC!" , posted Mon 17 Apr 07:45:post reply


Daishi has an awesome band with him now. Those people have incredible talent, and I appreciated the variety between the songs.

If I don't like Pierrot, will I still like Kirito's CD?

I was interested in his solo career and was looking forward to his upcoming releases, but the whole meth incident shot my interest down.

Basically his solo career is Pierrot part Deux ( but enjoyable). I really liked Pierrot, but their most recent albums were garbage. I've always liked Kirito as a vocalist so I guess I'm a little bias towards him.


[this message was edited by Evenor on Mon 17 Apr 08:57]

3338th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Simple 2000 Series vol. orz: The Maid" , posted Mon 17 Apr 09:15post reply


Oh, and I forgot to suggest that Brandon should cosplay Naruto, so he'll be easy to recognize. No, wait...Sasuke. Nobody will think of that one!

Well, I'm embarrassed to go to cons period, let alone in a costume of any kind. And frankly, whenever I do go to things like this, people ask me who I'm cosplaying. When I tell them I just dress like this, they kind of look quizzical...then take a picture anyway.


Tim and I got our jibun no cosplay shots taken at TGS last year. We were, apparently, "very authentic."

1746th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(10):Simple 2000 Series vol. orz: The Maid" , posted Mon 17 Apr 09:33post reply


Well, I'm embarrassed to go to cons period, let alone in a costume of any kind. And frankly, whenever I do go to things like this, people ask me who I'm cosplaying. When I tell them I just dress like this, they kind of look quizzical...then take a picture anyway.

See, that's BAD, because people get your picture, PROVING that you were at the con. SO, you should wear one of those disturbing plastic mask costumes so nobody knows who you are, and you're safe even if they DO get your picture.

But yeah, people take pictures of me rather I'm in costume or not, too. I have to say "how do -I- pose?" I came up with an official "me" pose for such instances. It's also fun to make up crap and have people believe you. Like when you tell them you're from some series that isn't real and they say they've heard of it.

164th Post

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"Guys' Machine Gun Platform site up" , posted Mon 17 Apr 15:58post reply

The Guys' Machine Gun Platform

So, the "guys" gimmick is that it features famous male seiyuu from sci-fi anime. Daisuke Gouri (Bask Om, Zeta Gundam), Ginga Banjou (Gihren Zabi, Gundam 0079), Ichiro Nagai (Yamato). Man the turret while listening to the drama being carried out through voice acting in the manner of "those" anime. Maybe they can make a decent rail shooter?

168th Post

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"Oneechanpon site, D3 discounts, EDF Tactics" , posted Wed 19 Apr 02:21:post reply

The Oneechanpon

This actually went up at the same time as the Guy's Gun Turret (yes, I'm trying to find the best English title for that) site did, but I missed it because the cover was still NOW PRINTING. Anyway, it's mostly the same material as above. Makoto's face is scary.

Edit: D3 discounts at P-A.

All-Star Kakutou Matsuri, $10 - Characters look nicer here than in their own games, but this game is pretty stiff and not that fun. I wish the game didn't make you beat every character to beat the game - how many fighters still do that nowadays? - but the alternate costumes are kind of cool.

Zombie vs. Ambulance, $15 - I haven't played this yet, but I've heard both good and bad things.

The Nadeshiko, $13

The Noroi Game, $10 - D3's worst ever? Apparently it was made by assembling a bunch of digicam photos taken in an office into a "horror" "game" with a bunch of text.

Kourin! Zokushi God, $10 - This one looks like it actually had a budget, and looks kind of cool! I know I would want a hot rod with an anchor mounted on the front.

Drive to Survive, $10 - D3 release of a European top-down car combat game. Fans of the old Micro Machines games seem to love it.

Akagi, $13 - Based on the awesome mahjong manga/anime with poke-your-eye-out designs. CERO 18 for gambling!

Edit 2: Earth Defense Force Tactics! Tentative title. July 27. I hope they let Sandlot do this.

[this message was edited by jiji on Wed 26 Apr 17:12]

1303th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Oneechanpon site, D3 discounts, EDF Tac" , posted Wed 19 Apr 04:29post reply

tons of stuff

Zombie vs. Ambulance is exactly as you've heard, good and bad. Sometimes the bad outweighs the good, sometimes the good outweighs the bad. It makes a decent little diversion for a little while, mainly from the unlocking of new parts to make your ambulance more powerful/ridiculous/awesome.

EDF Tactics.
If this means a turn-based game featuring that makes use of city-destruction, then I am overjoyed. If there's one thing that Western "tactics" games have gotten that Eastern ones haven't, it's that terrain destruction in a strategic setting is way too much fun.
What if EDF becomes Sandlot's franchise product, and they start releasing new EDF games all the time like Dynasty Warriors? Will I still love it then? Will I buy them like an addict?

504th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Oneechanpon site, D3 discounts, EDF Tac" , posted Wed 19 Apr 21:45post reply

Akagi is tempting me but I should find something else to order... Maybe "The King of Fighters Orochi Collection [Limited Edition]"? I don't know if I really need the pad. It's the Neo Stick 3, does it mean they improved it twice since Iggy complained about it? It sure looks cool.

166th Post

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"Guys' Gun Turret on Famitsu" , posted Thu 20 Apr 09:10post reply

Some better screens, plus character designs

The characters have Gundam-style fake-Western names, except even worse. Fresverk Varly! Marina Ria Sforzua!

If Sandlot are working on EDF X right now, they probably won't have the resources to work on EDF Tactics at the same time, and it'll probably be farmed out to one of D3's general-use developers. D3 hasn't published a single proper Simple-series tactical RPG to date, so it'll be interesting to see how it turns out, regardless.

380th Post

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"Re(2):Oneechanpon site, D3 discounts, EDF Tac" , posted Thu 20 Apr 10:41:post reply

Akagi is tempting me but I should find something else to order... Maybe "The King of Fighters Orochi Collection [Limited Edition]"? I don't know if I really need the pad. It's the Neo Stick 3, does it mean they improved it twice since Iggy complained about it? It sure looks cool.

Yes,its very spiffy!

But I already own a Hori stick so its pointless for me to buy one.

Edit: Speaking of neogeo,does anyone have a NeoGeo Pad 2? Is it any good?


[this message was edited by Evenor on Thu 20 Apr 10:43]

Red Falcon
5663th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Oneechanpon site, D3 discounts, EDF Tac" , posted Thu 20 Apr 11:03post reply

Edit: Speaking of neogeo,does anyone have a NeoGeo Pad 2? Is it any good?

I don't have a "pad 2", but if it's anything like the old Neo CD pad which it greatly resembles, it will be decent if you're afraid of sticks, but with heavy use it will eventually deteriorate and be virtually unusuable.

Best site EVER:Link Here

1305th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Guys' Gun Turret on Famitsu" , posted Thu 20 Apr 13:27post reply

Some better screens, plus character designs

The characters have Gundam-style fake-Western names, except even worse. Fresverk Varly! Marina Ria Sforzua!

If Sandlot are working on EDF X right now, they probably won't have the resources to work on EDF Tactics at the same time, and it'll probably be farmed out to one of D3's general-use developers. D3 hasn't published a single proper Simple-series tactical RPG to date, so it'll be interesting to see how it turns out, regardless.

Even though earlier you had already described what the game would be like, I still have this image in my head whenever I hear this game title.

88th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(10):Simple 2000 Series vol. orz: The Maid" , posted Thu 20 Apr 23:43post reply


Well, I'm embarrassed to go to cons period, let alone in a costume of any kind. And frankly, whenever I do go to things like this, people ask me who I'm cosplaying. When I tell them I just dress like this, they kind of look quizzical...then take a picture anyway.

Hey the same thing happened to me last year at AX. I was wearing this really awesome Billy Dee Williams Colt 45 t-shirt and people kept taking my picture. At Com Con the exact opposite happened when I visited the Troma booth. Lloyd Kaufman kept asking me to take pictures of him and his fans.

Not into the cosplay thing myself. This Japanese girl I know told me that the only day cosplay is cool is on Halloween. I tend to agree with her.

168th Post

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"Re: Edit: Rei: Edit: The Caveman 7/7/7/7" , posted Wed 26 Apr 17:02:post reply

Best screenshots of The Guys' Gun Turret so far. I can't decide if the outer-space shots look good or bad. They're simple, but they have kind of a clean look to them that I like. That ground-battle shot =

Big Oneechanpon screenshots and feature I missed.

The Caveman got a 7/7/7/7 in Famitsu. That gives it the second-highest score for a Simple 2000 game ever in Famitsu, under EDF2 (8/7/7/7). The game itself looks looks really smooth, and probably pretty fun.

[this message was edited by jiji on Wed 26 Apr 17:14]

3353th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Re: Edit: Rei: Edit: The Caveman 7/7/7/" , posted Thu 27 Apr 15:55post reply

ohhhh. pickmin-like.

as for those space shots - maybe in motion they'll look nice?

I feel a need to play the zombie versus ambulance...

168th Post

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"The Infantryman scan" , posted Sat 29 Apr 02:06post reply

The Infantryman, The Machi-ing Maker 2 (aka Metropolismania 2)

The Infantryman ~The dogs of war~ is Vol. 102, and it has:
- over 30 types of missions, like "destroy all enemies" or "stay alive for a certain period of time"
- over 40 weapons
- experience

Looks a little like EDF in a more traditional military style, but it's probably not Sandlot...

Brandon, I'll have an email for you today..!!

3356th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The Infantryman scan" , posted Sun 30 Apr 09:14post reply


Brandon, I'll have an email for you today..!!

I await further instruction!

169th Post

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"Simple 2000 on YouTube" , posted Tue 2 May 14:21post reply

I noticed that D3 has videos for a lot of Simple 2000 games that aren't linked on their website. I've been grabbing a bunch of them, and I've been posting them on Youtube. Check it out, more to come.

170th Post

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"The Infantryman update on Famitsu" , posted Thu 4 May 03:25post reply

Screens, preview

It's set in a WWII setting (obviously) and has various mission types. Experience from defeating enemies can increase your accuracy and HP.

40 different kinds of weapons, divided into seven categories. Handguns, assault rifles, machine guns, grenades, sniper rifles, swords and knives, and rocket launchers. Seems that weapons can run out of ammunition, and there are refills you can pick up.

It looks a lot like Tamsoft took the EDF structure and decided to build a WWII setting around it. But will I be able to kill 50 Nazis at a time with a rocket launcher? I worry that it'll be difficult and poorly balanced, and focused on conserving ammo. Time will tell...

171th Post

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"D3 bringing Beit Hell 2000 to US" , posted Thu 4 May 14:14post reply Work Time Fun.

1310th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):The Infantryman update on Famitsu" , posted Thu 4 May 14:58post reply

Screens, preview

It's set in a WWII setting (obviously) and has various mission types. Experience from defeating enemies can increase your accuracy and HP.

40 different kinds of weapons, divided into seven categories. Handguns, assault rifles, machine guns, grenades, sniper rifles, swords and knives, and rocket launchers. Seems that weapons can run out of ammunition, and there are refills you can pick up.

It looks a lot like Tamsoft took the EDF structure and decided to build a WWII setting around it. But will I be able to kill 50 Nazis at a time with a rocket launcher? I worry that it'll be difficult and poorly balanced, and focused on conserving ammo. Time will tell...

It's not EDF if the city is still standing by the time I'm done with the level.

173th Post

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"EDF Tactics' developer is..." , posted Fri 12 May 01:48:post reply


So they've done a lot of work for Koei, and some for Squenix. I have no idea how good those Harukanaru games are. I...really don't know what to make of this.

They made The King of Automobile web browser game, and did battle scene direction and graphics on this modern SLG for Koei. Maybe it'll end up something like the latter.

Real edit: Now for EDFT's sales points...

- You are an EDF general. Lead the human race to victory. The world of the extraordinarily popular "The Earth Defense Force 2" is made into a war simulation game. It's a strategy simulation in which you lead the earth defense force "EDF", and defend against mysterious invading aliens. Master various units and defend the human race and the earth.
- 50 stages. Master more than 250 kinds of arms. All arms that appear in "The Earth Defense Force 2" can be used. Moreover, many original items also appear. Contrive a stratagem, and execute an effective strategy. (something about ascertaining the capabilities of various units and overcoming a powerful enemy)
- Control both ground infantry troops and airborne Pale Wing units
- When you clear all 50 stages...the shocking "IF" awaits!

[this message was edited by jiji on Fri 12 May 02:02]

173th Post

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"EDF Tactics' cover and screens...!!" , posted Mon 15 May 23:22post reply

at Rakuten, again.

Hex-based, flat map - it looks like Nectaris or Daisenryaku. Unambitious, but it's picking the right games to rip off, so hopefully there's a good chance that the simplicity will contribute to the fun. If those 3D shots are really in-game from EDFT, they're either using the EDF engine or a very very close copy. I couldn't really ask for more.

3362th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):EDF Tactics' cover and screens...!!" , posted Tue 16 May 02:03post reply

looks pretty decent! EDF is really D3's greatest work, they'd better not screw it up.

P.S. you wanna ic post this, or should I?

175th Post

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"Re(2):EDF Tactics' cover and screens...!!" , posted Tue 16 May 04:44post reply

looks pretty decent! EDF is really D3's greatest work, they'd better not screw it up.

P.S. you wanna ic post this, or should I?

Hoo, I can, later on. I'll do some vingt-et-un research when I'm more awake/more able to multitask, too...

3369th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):EDF Tactics' cover and screens...!!" , posted Wed 17 May 01:05post reply


Hoo, I can, later on. I'll do some vingt-et-un research when I'm more awake/more able to multitask, too...

cool - but thinkarts is doing this, right?
I've still never heard of them.

177th Post

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"Maid Uniform & Machine Gun, other new Simple" , posted Thu 25 May 02:27:post reply

From Famitsu.

Vol. 1XX The Maid Uniform and Machine Gun - it's real!
Developed by Rideon (Gunslinger Girls PS2 Vol1-3)
Action Game, no date

You play as Yuuki, an android maid from the future who goes back in time to save her master when he was a boy from an evil organization (which has a robot army and an evil maid).
There are pics, but they're not scanned yet.

Both thinkArts and Sandlot are listed as developers on EDF Tactics. Hmm.

Plus new titles for August, from retailer solicitations:

Vol. 104 The Violent Robot Fight
Vol. 1XX The Firefighting Chief

There's a movie up for Vol. 100 The Men's Machine Gun Platform. It makes me irritated just to watch it.

ducky put up impressions of the Simple titles he's played.

[this message was edited by jiji on Thu 25 May 02:39]

107th Post

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"Re(1):Maid Uniform & Machine Gun, other new S" , posted Thu 25 May 03:04post reply

Speaking of EDF, is there anywhere to still purchase that game? The usual suspects seem to have run dry and I regret not taking the opportunity at earlier dates.

177th Post

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"Re(2):Maid Uniform & Machine Gun, other new S" , posted Thu 25 May 03:11post reply

Speaking of EDF, is there anywhere to still purchase that game? The usual suspects seem to have run dry and I regret not taking the opportunity at earlier dates.

Play-Asia still stock it, though their usual title-mangling makes it difficult to find.

1316th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Maid Uniform & Machine Gun, other new S" , posted Thu 25 May 04:44post reply

From Famitsu.

Vol. 1XX The Maid Uniform and Machine Gun - it's real!
Developed by Rideon (Gunslinger Girls PS2 Vol1-3)
Action Game, no date

So it's Gunslinger Girl vol.4, then....

I just hope that the levels don't suck like in vol.2, and that they make it easier for enemies to shoot you in the back. Even if they weren't totally in the spirit of the Gunslinger Girl story, they had some decent shooting action. Except for vol.2 Damn vol.2 sucked. Some of the guns also had damages that made no sense... I think the Barrett could nearly instantly kill vol.1 bosses, but could barely scratch the helicopter in vol.2.

I feel bad for looking forward to this game.

1317th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Maid Uniform & Machine Gun, other new S" , posted Thu 25 May 12:10post reply

Speaking of EDF, is there anywhere to still purchase that game? The usual suspects seem to have run dry and I regret not taking the opportunity at earlier dates.

NCSX still has it in stock.
Their description of the game controls follows DEFAULT config, though.

179th Post

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"Maid Uniform & Machine Gun @ itmedia" , posted Fri 26 May 02:58:post reply

Maid Uniform & Machine Gun pics!

Wow, it looks a lot more cute than I expected. The robots remind me of Megaman Legends/Tron Bonne.

The title maid, Mahoro Yuuki, goes back in time to chase down and stop an evil android and save her creator. There are minigames between missions, because you shouldn't forget that you're a maid, where you do maid duties and get points for additional weapons and costumes. There are normal action stages, plus special stages where you do things like escort and protect your master, snipe from afar, and chase bad guys in vehicles. There are shooting and movment combos, and a sword you can use. Genre is "maid stylish action."

EDF Tactics pics!

No new information here. The 3D engine looks different from Sandlot's usual engine, but that's not a huge surprise. The story's based on EDF2. The menus look just like the interface in EDF2, too.

Also, according to the credits in EDF and EDF2, the sound director was Grasshopper's composer for Killer 7 and Michigan.

[this message was edited by jiji on Fri 26 May 03:01]

2493th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Maid Uniform & Machine Gun @ itmedia" , posted Fri 26 May 03:44post reply

Maid Uniform & Machine Gun pics!

Wow, it looks a lot more cute than I expected. The robots remind me of Megaman Legends/Tron Bonne.

The graphics remind me of MML/Tron as well. But, still, the game does look quite charming. Why does the Simple series of games continue to have such interesting ideas for games?

110th Post

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"Re(2):Maid Uniform & Machine Gun @ itmedia" , posted Fri 26 May 12:12post reply

Why does the Simple series of games continue to have such interesting ideas for games?

Because they can afford to.

180th Post

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"The Robot wo Tsukurou ze! Battle! Robot Fight" , posted Tue 6 Jun 01:56:post reply

Cover art.

Information from the Rakuten listing:

The Robot Tune-up! ~Battle! Robot Fight

Playstation 2 Soft

The main character is Ken Kusakabe and he attends a technical college with his friends. Develop, produce and assemble your own robots and customize these original robots. This is a one year story of aiming for victory at the national league in the 1 on 1 combat style robot battle tournament.

- Once a week, you select parts to produce, programs to develop, repairs to be made, parts to be upgraded, and studies to take part in. Different parts will be available based on your technological level. "Table Flipping", "Soccer Ball Kick", etc. There are 60 different types of special attacks waiting to be developed!

- There are a total of 282 different robot parts. 62 body types, 61 arm types, 62 leg types, 82 head types, and 15 emblem types. Get the different parts and make your own original robot!

- Once a week, there will be a 1 on 1 combative robot battle. The performance of the various parts will be showcased in the robot's motion. Using a remote control, the robot's actions can be controlled easily!

- Save your own robot's data onto the Playstation 2 memory card and challenge your friends! Declare yourself the robot champion!!

(c) 2006 HuneX (c) 2006 D3 PUBLISHER

Edit: Maid Uniform & Machine Gun cover art.

[this message was edited by jiji on Tue 6 Jun 04:02]