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Nobinobita 27th Post
Rare Customer
| "Re(1):A Significant Sequel" , posted Fri 24 Mar 04:08
You know,
This is already looking alot better than the first one. It looks like the models are alot higher quality now, and much closer to the concept art. The Cereberus and Cyclops already look much better than those in the first game.
Now if only they could actually have a cool hero and story...
I have a like/hate relationship with God of War. I like the overall gameplay, but I absolutely loathe all visual and narrative elements of it. The attitude of the game was just so cheesy, and the hero was so darn "emo".
I personally hate to use that word, but i employ it in this case because God Of War fans seem to be the type of people to use the word "emo" derrisively, while ignoring the fact that Kratos was a whiney, sullen, journal writing pansey ("when will these visions stop!!! oh Nooos!").
But uh, i'm harder on the game than i should be. It played well, and its success is applaudable considering that it was an original property and all.
I hope the second one is good though.