PS3 and PSP details. - Forums

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7580th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"PS3 and PSP details." , posted Wed 15 Mar 18:07:post reply

- Dev kit specs fix as of today
- 10.000.000 BD-roms manufacturing capability per month @ cost around same as 2-layer DVD
- Price will not be less than 50.000YEN (~$425USD)
- 1 million Units in production per month
- PS3 will have HDMI support from launch
- 6 million PS3s for 2006
- basic" online service free, no details yet (could be XBLS for PS3)
- 60gb hdd 2.5" with pre-installed Linux OS will be available for purchase

- videophone in autumn
- MinGol GPS
- Eyetoy
- Flash support with next update
- Mem.Stick boot support in autumn
- first-gen PS1 official emulator
- buy/download games from net
- 199 CORE PACK PSP being released in USA/Europe by end of March (March 22nd for Europe)
- 19,800 yen Ceramic White PSP CORE PACK from 15 April in Japan

Shito powered.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Wed 15 Mar 18:07]


147th Post

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"Re(1):PS3 and PSP details." , posted Wed 15 Mar 18:23post reply

You've got me on the official PS1 emulator, that alone would probably be enough to make me upgrade my firmware.

The price of PS3 is still affordable so that's okay. Still nothing on whether the rumour of region free PS3 games is true or not though...


shin ramberk
244th Post

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"Sony's Super Promises 2006" , posted Wed 15 Mar 18:37post reply

[who cares]- videophone in autumn
[who cares]- MinGol GPS
[who cares]- Eyetoy
[who cares]- Flash support with next update
[Huh? ]- Mem.Stick boot support in autumn
[Good Job ]- first-gen PS1 official emulator
[Hrmmmm]- buy/download games from net
[Smart ]- 199 CORE PACK PSP being released in USA/Europe by end of March (March 22nd for Europe)
[Of course]- 19,800 yen Ceramic White PSP CORE PACK from 15 April in Japan

Memory stick boot support??!?! Home brew development gets official support? Porting movies is easier now? How is the emulator gonna work? Guess Sony actually wants to remain competitive with the DS. Doing what it can for sure. But people still want games duh.

[!?!?!!?!? ]- Dev kit specs fix as of today
[$60-70 games?]- 10.000.000 BD-roms manufacturing capability per month @ cost around same as 2-layer DVD
[!?!?!?!?!? ]- Price will not be less than 50.000YEN (~$425USD)
[Not enough]- 1 million Units in production per month
[Yawn ]- PS3 will have HDMI support from launch
[Games? ]- 6 million PS3s for 2006
[Of course]- basic" online service free, no details yet (could be XBLS for PS3)
[Yawn ]- 60gb hdd 2.5" with pre-installed Linux OS will be available for purchase

I'm having a hard time believing all these concrete dates because there has been almost no build-up for the launch. Where are the game demos? Where are the finished machines? We're barely getting finished development kits?!?! That's very bad. And Sony wants to do a global launch by November?

Something tells me that either Sony has lost their mind or they are deadly afraid of the 360/Revolution or they have super powers.

My prediction: Japan gets the PS3 by November, there'll be shortages and few games.


There is a worldwide PS3 release by November and there'll be shortages everywhere, very few games and a lot of $2000 ebay auctions.

3145th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):PS3 and PSP details." , posted Wed 15 Mar 21:47post reply

Excuse me if this is a stupid question but how will the PSX emulator work? Will you have to rip your games to ISOs and save them to the memory stick? If so it seems weird that a company is encouraging the possible pirating of their games.

7581th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):PS3 and PSP details." , posted Thu 16 Mar 00:39post reply

So, you will be able to buy a PS3 without a HDD, but you will NEED one to play any game.
And they are still around the 50000 yen with that kind of plans ? Crazy.

24th Post

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"Re(2):PS3 and PSP details." , posted Thu 16 Mar 01:12post reply

Excuse me if this is a stupid question but how will the PSX emulator work? Will you have to rip your games to ISOs and save them to the memory stick? If so it seems weird that a company is encouraging the possible pirating of their games.

after the ac!d2 3d-google-thing, I don't doubt about a drive extension that will make your psp start looking lika a frying pan.

just improving my english...

2420th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):PS3 and PSP details." , posted Thu 16 Mar 01:21post reply

Excuse me if this is a stupid question but how will the PSX emulator work? Will you have to rip your games to ISOs and save them to the memory stick? If so it seems weird that a company is encouraging the possible pirating of their games.

I've heard it would be done via digital distribution, sort of like what the XBox 360 is currently doing. That's mostly conjecture at this point though since nobody seems to know the exact details.

As for the PS3: If it's not out until November it's doubtful any "must buy" games will come out for it for awhile. As it stands I may not know which next-gen system I want to pick up until 2007 or maybe 2008. Yeesh, I may not know what will happen to me in the years to come but I'm already planning out what video games I'm going to play!

7582th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):PS3 and PSP details." , posted Thu 16 Mar 02:15post reply

As for the PS3: If it's not out until November it's doubtful any "must buy" games will come out for it for awhile.

It depends : if the editors were working to release their first crappy games around spring, but now have 6 more month to work on them ?

Burning Ranger
1383th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):PS3 and PSP details." , posted Thu 16 Mar 07:33post reply

You forget that the point is to drop a BASH BASH REVOLUTION on Sony. American media is saying the PS3 is delayed, meaning Sony fell back on the original Spring launch date! Ha ha! Even the Dreamcast launched on time... hahaha!

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

...and for Guilty Gear X2 # Reload!

109th Post

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"Re(1):PS3 and PSP details." , posted Thu 16 Mar 10:44post reply


You know, my employer, a company we'll call "SANY," was holding off on giving us an HDTV for months and months and I kept thinking something was wrong. Yesterday evening, one arrived. It's . . . 720p.

I wonder?!

At first the hard drive not being packaged in sounds like a bad thing, though I guess it means it allows me the pleasure of inserting it myself.

Also, PS1-->PSP emulator means people can finally play Final Fantasy VII on their PSPs like they want to? Or is Square-Enix going to do what Nintendo is doing with Zelda: A Link to the Past on the Revolution (in other words, not making it available, to encourage players to get the highly sellable GBA version)?

What . . . games shall I play on my PSP? Metal Gear Solid? Warhawk? I'm trying to think of games I'd looooooove to play, and I keep thinking they have better sequels on PS2. I mean, how many games will I be able to fit on my 1GB stick? Like, one? (Samsung is releasing a 16GB Memory Stick this year, I hear?)

Why can't they make a new PSP? With like a 20GB hard drive? And a square button that works? And a case that's not slippery?

Cain Highwind
666th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):PS3 and PSP details." , posted Thu 16 Mar 12:44post reply


Why can't they make a new PSP? With like a 20GB hard drive? And a square button that works? And a case that's not slippery?

I'm pretty sure they ARE making a new PSP with 4 GB of built in flash among other things, unless I've confused that with another internet rumor.

152th Post

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"Re(1):Sony's Super Promises 2006" , posted Thu 16 Mar 14:07post reply

Memory stick boot support??!?! Home brew development gets official support?

More likely it is for downloading games. Download to a memory stick, play from the memory stick, without any extra hassle.

4329th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):PS3 and PSP details." , posted Thu 16 Mar 14:49post reply


- first-gen PS1 official emulator

Coming soon: PSPOne, with L2/R2 buttons...

112th Post

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"Re(2):PS3 and PSP details." , posted Thu 16 Mar 17:26:post reply


- first-gen PS1 official emulator

Coming soon: PSPOne, with L2/R2 buttons...

For some reason your post gave me an idea for an online RPG which would be called "Legend of Legends," (or "Legend of Legend") which could be abbreviated "LOL."

So you could have an RPG on PSP called LOL.

I'm pretty sure they ARE making a new PSP with 4 GB of built in flash among other things, unless I've confused that with another internet rumor.

Where did you hear that . . . . . . . . . filthy lie?

[this message was edited by gorgeous on Thu 16 Mar 17:34]

7584th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):PS3 and PSP details." , posted Thu 16 Mar 17:36post reply

For some reason your post gave me an idea for an online RPG which would be called "Legend of Legends," (or "Legend of Legend") which could be abbreviated "LOL."

I thought the exact same thing when they released "Tals of Legendia". Just one step below...

And you're mean, there are still a few great games on the PS1. Like... eeeeeeeeeeer.... Bushido Blade ? Toron ni Kobun ?
Oh, the first Musashiden.
So I will finally be able have sex while fighting the fashion leader IN THE BUS.
The technology never stops.

112th Post

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"Re(4):PS3 and PSP details." , posted Thu 16 Mar 18:15post reply

Bushido Blade ? Toron ni Kobun ?
Oh, the first Musashiden.

Musashiden!! I'd rather play Dewprism. Though I guess that's the same thing.

. . . The original Wild Arms? That's a decent game. It has that . . . music in the introduction.


Why do I keep thinking RPGs? I don't even hardly play them anymore. Though I'd certainly pretend to enjoy one if they gave me the opportunity.

So I will finally be able have sex while fighting the fashion leader IN THE BUS.
The technology never stops.

Does this mean you're going to play an emulated Valkyrie Profile while the Valkyrie Profile Lennethhhhh UMD protrudes out of your PSP's opened UMD slot, and at every idle moment you're going to push it in with your index finger just enough to let it pop out and tremble a little bit?

The bus driver would probably pull over and then rape you, if that's what you're going for.

7585th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):PS3 and PSP details." , posted Thu 16 Mar 18:43post reply

Why do I keep thinking RPGs? I don't even hardly play them anymore. Though I'd certainly pretend to enjoy one if they gave me the opportunity.

What about... that Castlevania with Alucard ?

Really, Toron ni Kobun was a great game. That and Legend of Mana.

Does this mean you're going to play an emulated Valkyrie Profile while the Valkyrie Profile Lennethhhhh UMD protrudes out of your PSP's opened UMD slot, and at every idle moment you're going to push it in with your index finger just enough to let it pop out and tremble a little bit?

No, the only portion of a game I play while having sex is the fashion fight with Topo.

Yes, I'm that close-minded.

7587th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):PS3 and PSP details." , posted Fri 17 Mar 01:57post reply

The library of the PS3 will be finalized around june, wich will leave only 5 month to create the first games. Of course, most developpers will begin with the beta versions.

On one hand, this is better than the PS2, who didn't even had those libraries ready. On the other, the Cell architectures will make things a lot more complicated.

shin ramberk
246th Post

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"Re(7):PS3 and PSP details." , posted Fri 17 Mar 06:44post reply

The library of the PS3 will be finalized around june, wich will leave only 5 month to create the first games. Of course, most developpers will begin with the beta versions.

On one hand, this is better than the PS2, who didn't even had those libraries ready. On the other, the Cell architectures will make things a lot more complicated.

Of course game devs have already been working on PS3 titles for a while now. Most games take 1 to 2 years of development right?

I don't have any predictions on the number or quality of the launch titles. Everyone remembers how a lot of first gen PS2 titles had "jaggies"? I don't think there is any consensus on the difficulty of working with the PS3. It's certainly a new and complex architecture. I don't know how early we heard about the difficulties of programming on the PS2 platform.

My big question is in regards to the backwards compatibility on the PS3. It's not clear to me whether it will be backwards compatible or have partial compatibility. Everyone seems to assume that it will have full compatibility. But I think Sony has even said, "we're not sure, don't count on it!" But I could be wrong. Anyone know more about this?

376th Post

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"Re(8):PS3 and PSP details." , posted Fri 17 Mar 07:27post reply


My big question is in regards to the backwards compatibility on the PS3. It's not clear to me whether it will be backwards compatible or have partial compatibility. Everyone seems to assume that it will have full compatibility. But I think Sony has even said, "we're not sure, don't count on it!" But I could be wrong. Anyone know more about this?

Sony's official statement at the PS Business Meeting this week was "full PS1/PS2 comp from day one (TRC must be observed!)".


114th Post

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"Re(6):PS3 and PSP details." , posted Fri 17 Mar 10:46post reply

Why do I keep thinking RPGs? I don't even hardly play them anymore. Though I'd certainly pretend to enjoy one if they gave me the opportunity.
What about... that Castlevania with Alucard ?

Really, Toron ni Kobun was a great game. That and Legend of Mana.

I've played that Castlevania too many times.

Legend of Mana -- I already have a slightly disappointing yet otherwise frustratingly good Mana game with really fruity characters on the DS!! If I had one on PSP, I'd have no choice -- I'd have to carry them both at the same time.

As for Tron Bonne -- I'm going to go ahead and say that I refuse to play any PSOne game emulated on PSP unless its creators think highly enough of it to release it as a UMD first.

(. . . actually, I think I'll shop around for Tron on the way home tonight. FFXII reminds me of it in a weird little way.)