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OmegaDog 1581th Post
Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Low-print-run or recently-discontinued games?" , posted Thu 2 Mar 12:37
So, I've kinda been out of the loop as to which games have had low print runs, or which games had their manufacturing recently ceased.
I remember hearing that Castlevania Chronicles would be getting a low run (was it 30,000 copies?) -- and so I picked one up as soon as I could. I've tried doing that since with games that would have low runs.
But, I only recently heard that Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney for DS was getting hard to find -- for pretty much the same reason. Prices have been high on eBay as a result. And yeah, I haven't had any success yet in finding a local store with copy. I didn't keep up, as I was waiting for the NDS redesign -- and I might end up paying more for it a result.
Now I'm also hearing that Trauma Center and Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow have also been getting hard to find. Thing is -- Google searches only seem to bring up forum discussions, nothing concrete. If it's true, though, there doesn't seem to be anything I can do about Trauma Center -- but there are still copies of CV:DoS at my local EBX that I can grab.
So -- how exactly do folks here keep up with what's low-run, what's discontinued -- all that -- aside from just trying to keep up with forums?
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