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Bata kun 2807th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "'The King of Fighters 2006' - the MMC way" , posted Wed 1 Mar 11:01:
Now that "KoF" no longer goes by year, I've decided to steal the year format and give it a MMC flare. Yes, this is how "KoF" should have been, seeing that some of us, including myself, has gone downhill! I think.
If you don't know how this goes, you create a team of three characters. Those three characters can be from an anime, manga or game. The catch is that you can't pick ridiculously powerful characters. So, that means you can't have someone like Mahoro in your team. Also, your team must have at least one anime/manga character and one game character.
What will be different this time is that there will not be a way for your team to get an extra vote at the beginning of each round. Instead, if you create a team where I feel the teammates will not get along, i.e. you have a team of Dan, Vega and Jinnai, that team will start with a vote deficit. Got that?
Well, Undead Fred brings up a good point about the teammates issue. Mary, Billy and Yamazaki didn't get along with each other. Mary was there only to spy on those two. So, I need two more people in favor of this change before I perform it.
Now, I will allow only 16 teams, or 15 rather now, seeing that I'll make a team at the end of this post. This is done so that I get a tournament number. I'd make it 32, but that'd be too troubling.
Oh. Don't forget to ask questions. Also, if you have a suggestion that'll make this tournament better, tell me right away.
I guess that's it. On to the event! What? You want a silly introduction? Fine!
Welcome to The King of Fighters 2006. Wild fighting has been brought forth once again. I now bring you all the classical tournament with a twist again.
There! You want it to have Engrish too?! I'm not going that far. Oh and OYF, if you want your sensei team to face my team, tell me and I'll save that last spot for you.
One last thing. Make sure that you pick a number between 1 and 16. This determines your spot in the first round.
1. The Kawakami Tomoko-san team - Bata-kun - Utena ("Shoujo Kakumei Utena"), Rosette ("Chrno Crusade") and Jinju (meaning yes, there will be a "KoF" character after all).
2. The Stealth Team? (Not the best name, but it fits.) - Shooo-rook - May ("Guilty Gear"), Basara("Samurai Spirits"), and Misato ("Eva")
3. The Megane Team - Rid - Fumiko ("Shikigami no Shiro"), Lace Rose/French Lace ("Ibara", "Pink Sweets") and Natsuko ("Re: Cutie Honey")
4. The Super Fierce Fashion Team - Evenor - Ulala ("SC5"), Iwazaru ("Killer 7") and Sailor Aluminum Siren ("Sailormoon: Sailorstars season")
[this message was edited by Bata kun on Thu 2 Mar 06:49] | | Replies: |
Shooo-rook 85th Post
Occasional Customer
| "Re(1):'The King of Fighters 2006' - the MMC w" , posted Wed 1 Mar 11:38
quote: Now that "KoF" no longer goes by year, I've decided to steal the year format and give it a MMC flare. Yes, this is how "KoF" should have been, seeing that some of us, including myself, has gone downhill! I think.
If you don't know how this goes, you create a team of three characters. Those three characters can be from an anime, manga or game. The catch is that you can't pick ridiculously powerful characters. So, that means you can't have someone like Mahoro in your team. Also, your team must have at least one anime/manga character and one game character.
What will be different this time is that there will not be a way for your team to get an extra vote at the beginning of each round. Instead, if you create a team where I feel the teammates will not get along, i.e. you have a team of Dan, Vega and Jinnai, that team will start with a vote deficit. Got that?
Well, Undead Fred brings up a good point about the teammates issue. Mary, Billy and Yamazaki didn't get along with each other. Mary was there only to spy on those two. So, I need two more people in favor of this change before I perform it.
Now, I will allow only 16 teams, or 15 rather now, seeing that I'll make a team at the end of this post. This is done so that I get a tournament number. I'd make it 32, but that'd be too troubling.
Oh. Don't forget to ask questions. Also, if you have a suggestion that'll make this tournament better, tell me right away.
I guess that's it. On to the event! What? You want a silly introduction? Fine!
Welcome to The King of Fighters 2006. Wild fighting has been brought forth once again. I now bring you all the classical tournament with a twist again.
There! You want it to have Engrish too?! I'm not going that far. Oh and OYF, if you want your sensei team to face my team, tell me and I'll save that last spot for you.
One last thing. The time you sign a team up determines the position of your team in the first round. So, if you're the second to last person to sign up, you'll face the second person who signed a team up.
1. The Kawakami Tomoko-san team - Utena (you know where), Rosette ("Chrno Crusade") and Jinju (meaning yes, there will be a "KoF" character after all).
2.May(Guilty Gear), Basara(SSV)(Too powerful? he has weak health), and Major/Captain Misato Katsuragi(Neon Evangelion Genesis)(Her power is the power of seduction)
Are you slave to the blade?
Bata kun 2797th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):'The King of Fighters 2006' - the MMC w" , posted Wed 1 Mar 12:08:
quote: -Does this include American created videogames and manga?
-What if the game was cancelled..? (Heh, looking for a loophole to be blunt)
1. You know, the funny thing is, when I mentioned that rule, Dr. Baghead got me. Tokyopop did make a cinemanga of "Kim Possible" if I recall. Yeah and people shrugged this off.
So...to answer your question, if I allowed DB to make that team, it wouldn't be right if I said, "No Zam, you can't bring in that kimoi team! Now, begone!" After all, I'm all for the fans, ne? Ne?
2. You just had to hit me with a tough question, huh? If you're thinking of a "Capcom AS" character, seeing that this is the place where dreams come true, I'll allow them. If it's for some other game, unless you give me a good explanation, i.e. you tell me what the game is and you tell me why this character deserves to get in, you can't use that game's characters then.
I hope I helped you there. ^^
[this message was edited by Bata kun on Wed 1 Mar 12:12] |
ZamIAm 1555th Post
Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(3):'The King of Fighters 2006' - the MMC w" , posted Wed 1 Mar 13:36
quote: -Does this include American created videogames and manga?
-What if the game was cancelled..? (Heh, looking for a loophole to be blunt)
1. You know, the funny thing is, when I mentioned that rule, Dr. Baghead got me. Tokyopop did make a cinemanga of "Kim Possible" if I recall. Yeah and people shrugged this off.
So...to answer your question, if I allowed DB to make that team, it wouldn't be right if I said, "No Zam, you can't bring in that kimoi team! Now, begone!" After all, I'm all for the fans, ne? Ne?
2. You just had to hit me with a tough question, huh? If you're thinking of a "Capcom AS" character, seeing that this is the place where dreams come true, I'll allow them. If it's for some other game, unless you give me a good explanation, i.e. you tell me what the game is and you tell me why this character deserves to get in, you can't use that game's characters then.
I hope I helped you there. ^^
Ah. Was going to try to weasel Static in due to the Static Shock GBA game being fully completed but canceled yet I'll back off. At the same time, I developed another team idea anyways. Still working on a name for the team.
-Ashrah (Mortal Kombat: Deception) -Ruby Heart (Marvel Vs. Capcom 2) -Aisha Clanclan (Outlaw Star)
BTW, my backup team (just in case you can't get a full 16 though I doubt that will happen) would've been Static, Big Landman (Burning Rangers), and Bulma (Dragon Ball Z). Anyone else can "borrow" it if they like.
B.E.T. doesn't care about black people...
Bata kun 2800th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):'The King of Fighters 2006' - the MMC w" , posted Wed 1 Mar 15:26:
quote: -Does this include American created videogames and manga?
-What if the game was cancelled..? (Heh, looking for a loophole to be blunt)
1. You know, the funny thing is, when I mentioned that rule, Dr. Baghead got me. Tokyopop did make a cinemanga of "Kim Possible" if I recall. Yeah and people shrugged this off.
So...to answer your question, if I allowed DB to make that team, it wouldn't be right if I said, "No Zam, you can't bring in that kimoi team! Now, begone!" After all, I'm all for the fans, ne? Ne?
2. You just had to hit me with a tough question, huh? If you're thinking of a "Capcom AS" character, seeing that this is the place where dreams come true, I'll allow them. If it's for some other game, unless you give me a good explanation, i.e. you tell me what the game is and you tell me why this character deserves to get in, you can't use that game's characters then.
I hope I helped you there. ^^
Ah. Was going to try to weasel Static in due to the Static Shock GBA game being fully completed but canceled yet I'll back off. At the same time, I developed another team idea anyways. Still working on a name for the team.
-Ashrah (Mortal Kombat: Deception) -Ruby Heart (Marvel Vs. Capcom 2) -Aisha Clanclan (Outlaw Star)
BTW, my backup team (just in case you can't get a full 16 though I doubt that will happen) would've been Static, Big Landman (Burning Rangers), and Bulma (Dragon Ball Z). Anyone else can "borrow" it if they like.
You have used that av for a while. That's a good enough reason for me. Besides, that has value, ne? Hopefully, this will be shrugged off.
By the way, your e-mail addy's still the one in your guides, right?
[this message was edited by Bata kun on Thu 2 Mar 02:13] |
Maese Spt 177th Post
Regular Customer
| "Re(6):'The King of Fighters 2006' - the MMC w" , posted Wed 1 Mar 18:38
Sounds fun... OK, I'll play along.
Fatal Beauties Team (you know, you have to give Saigado and other doujinshi writers some fodder, there MUST be a Yuri and friends 2006):
- Taki (Soul Calibur/Edge saga) - Hyakurin (Mugen no Jūnin) - Peorth (Ah! My Goddess)
I guess I could have Urd (AMG), Sheena Fujibayashi (ToS) and Yukie (the mother from Ai Shimai/Immoral Sisters) as substitute team as well, with Motoko Aoyama (Love Hina) and Princess Kushana (Nausicaa) as possible strikers. Lol.
PS The goddesses would not be too powerful, since they have the possibility of wearing accesories wich limit their powers. Anyway, what the heck, Kyō & Co. are supposed to have godlike powers, so it wouldn't be unfair for Peorth to use her full strenght if circumstances demand it so...
"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"
Bata kun 2810th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "The list is complete!" , posted Thu 2 Mar 08:39:
quote: Cool, idea! I'll join!
The Kawaii Shojo Mechanic Team
Lucca Ashtear (Chrono Trigger) Winry Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemest) Roll Casket (Megaman Legends)
And I choose the Number 8!
My backup idea was to have the "Wizard of Ozaka" team with Luffy (One Piece), Osaka(AzuDai), and Alphonse (FMA). But it doesn't fit your rules, nor would it be "complete" without Kon (Bleach).
With that, the list is all filled up. While I do some fixing, mostly wondering what teams have a penalty and there are at least two, which I won't be done with until probably tomorrow at the latest, you people tell me what number do you want your team to have. Otherwise, I'll give your team a random number.
[this message was edited by Bata kun on Thu 2 Mar 08:49] |
Bata kun 2813th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Omake + a serious issue" , posted Thu 2 Mar 09:33:
*I am watching over an event similiar to this as I look at my work.*
Clark - Hey, wait Ralf!
Ralf - This is an outrage! We're not in the latest "KoF"! How could that boxer chick and that little girl be in it?!
Me - They got owners who signed them up.
Ralf - Why didn't they contact us?!
Me - You guys already had that side mission with Marco and the rest of the crew. Remember?
Clark - See? I told you why we're not in this "KoF".
Me - So, rest up.
*As those two leave, Kusaregedou arrives.*
Kusaregedou - Gao~!
Me - Huh? Oh.
Kusaregedou - You look real ta--
Me - If this is about that deduction, tell your manager to change that team name.
Kusaregedou - Eh?!
Me - Oh and don't ever finish that sentence. I have security.
*After he leaves, my work's resumed.*
Me - Oh. Wow. I forgot. I never did get my Tomoe question answered. So, unless my Tomoe question gets answered, there's still one more slot left. (Yes, it's been years since I last saw anything "Rurouni Kenshin". Good golly, I haven't even finished the anime.)
[this message was edited by Bata kun on Thu 2 Mar 09:45] |
ZamIAm 1556th Post
Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(5):'The King of Fighters 2006' - the MMC w" , posted Thu 2 Mar 13:47
quote: Was going to try to weasel Static in due to the Static Shock GBA game being fully completed but canceled yet I'll back off. At the same time, I developed another team idea anyways. Still working on a name for the team.
-Ashrah (Mortal Kombat: Deception) -Ruby Heart (Marvel Vs. Capcom 2) -Aisha Clanclan (Outlaw Star)
BTW, my backup team (just in case you can't get a full 16 though I doubt that will happen) would've been Static, Big Landman (Burning Rangers), and Bulma (Dragon Ball Z). Anyone else can "borrow" it if they like.
You have used that av for a while. That's a good enough reason for me. Besides, that has value, ne? Hopefully, this will be shrugged off.
By the way, your e-mail addy's still the one in your guides, right?
Two things. First I pick slot 11.
Second...wow. So Static is in. Still can't think of a good team name.
And yeah, the email is the same.
B.E.T. doesn't care about black people...
Bata kun 2821th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Matchups" , posted Fri 3 Mar 06:13:
Too lazy to type properly. Oh and the teams in italics mean that the team will stay in the penalty.
1. Kawakami Tomoko-san chiimu - Utena ("Shoujo Kakumei Utena"), Rosette ("Chrno Crusade") and Jinju ("KoF") - Me.
2. Kawasumi Ayako-san chiimu - Fuu ("Samurai Champloo"), Hinako ("KoF"), and Kokoro ("DoA") - Neoryu.
3. Shooo-rook team - Shooo-rook - May ("Guilty Gear"), Basara("Samurai Spirits"), and Misato ("Eva").
4. The Super Fierce Fashion Team - Ulala ("SC5"), Iwazaru ("Killer 7") and Sailor Aluminum Siren ("Sailormoon: Sailorstars season") - Evenor
5. Hyperactive Tomboy Girls Team
- Lina Inverse (Slayers). - Makoto (Street Fighter III: Third Strike). - Takino Tomo (Azumanga Daioh)
- Time Mage
6. Redheaded Crazy Women Team: 1. Maki (Airmaster) 2. Vanessa (KOF) 3. Red Akiha (Melty Blood)
- Nate
7. Megane team
-Fumiko Odette Vanstein (Shikigami no Shiro saga) -Lace Rose, French Lace (Ibara, Pink Sweets) -Aki Natsuko (Re: Cutie Honey)
- Rid
8. The Kawaii Shoujo Mechanic Team
Lucca Ashtear (Chrono Trigger) Winry Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemest) Roll Casket (Megaman Legends)
- Cain
9. Theoretical Reticle
-Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop) -Dan Smith (Killer7) -Maria Traydor (Star Ocean 3)
- Korigama
10. "Dai's New Toys" Team - Daisuke Aurora - Maxima - Naomi Armitage
- shindekudasai
11. Chocolate Thunder team - Static, Big Landman, and Aisha Clanclan
12. "Team Dantastic 2.0: the no loophole addtion"
-Dan Hibiki (Street Fighter Alpha) -Kagura (AzuManga) -Christie (DoAX)
13. Fatal Beauties Team:
- Taki (Soul Calibur/Edge saga) - Hyakurin (Mugen no Jūnin) - Peorth (Ah! My Goddess)
-Maese Spt
14. Team Name: Ninja Fetish Power Ibuki (SFIII) Hanzo (SS) Mukuro (Warzard)
15. Krzyzewski Man team
1.Karnov (Fighters History) 2.Kusaregedou (SamSho) 3.Mr. Heart (Hokuto no Ken)
16. Super China team: -Long: (KOF) -Ranma: (Ranma1/2) -Ton pooh: (Strider series)
If I don't start later today, I'll start tomorrow.
If my team doesn't win it, the Hyperactive Tomboy Girls Team should.
[this message was edited by Bata kun on Fri 3 Mar 08:49] |