WikiWiki? - Forums

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MMCafe Owner

"WikiWiki?" , posted Thu 8 Dec 21:55post reply

Does anyone have any suggestions for a good Wiki cgi/php program? I'm trying out PukiWiki but it seems to have some problems handling English.


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New Customer

"Re(1):WikiWiki?" , posted Fri 9 Dec 04:53post reply

For small-scale projects, Instiki ( ) is really nice. What kind of load do you think you'll be looking at?

3143th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):WikiWiki?" , posted Fri 9 Dec 05:16post reply

I'm using dokuwiki for this. What do you have in mind? You should email me so we can discuss things, because I remember we discussed some other things earlier.

259th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):WikiWiki?" , posted Fri 9 Dec 15:01post reply

I don't know much but I did find this at Wikipedia.

2259th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):WikiWiki?" , posted Fri 9 Dec 15:03:post reply

I'm using dokuwiki for this. What do you have in mind? You should email me so we can discuss things, because I remember we discussed some other things earlier.

Huummmn, that doesn't look too bad. Seems to have some problems with IE, but otherwise looks relatively good. Going to keep searching for more Wiki programs to see which one is best suited.

I'm planning on installing a Wiki for public use, something for keeping notes on Japanese stuff.

...Then I just realize that means it needs support for JIS encoding. Huumnn... guess I might have to go with Pukiwiki after all...

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 9 Dec 15:09]

3144th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):WikiWiki?" , posted Sat 10 Dec 02:07post reply


...Then I just realize that means it needs support for JIS encoding. Huumnn... guess I might have to go with Pukiwiki after all...

JIS seems to work fine in doku...

2263th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):WikiWiki?" , posted Sat 10 Dec 22:52post reply


...Then I just realize that means it needs support for JIS encoding. Huumnn... guess I might have to go with Pukiwiki after all...

JIS seems to work fine in doku...

Text yes, but Not AA s'!

3148th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):WikiWiki?" , posted Sun 11 Dec 11:26post reply


Text yes, but Not AA s'!

I seeeeee.