The Droogo Sucks!!! - Forums

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The Droogo
231th Post

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"The Droogo Sucks!!!" , posted Tue 13 Sep 00:59post reply

Yeah people! I suck 'cause I couldn't pass the first rond of the eliminatory in the Tekken 5 tourment realized in Norway the past 10th of september...
(with a sad felling I say good bye to the life of videogame fights ).
But I'm still cool in games such a Silent Hill and adventure games like Viewtiful Joe. At least I can finnish them. jejeje

The tourment was Cool by the way.
When I went to the battlefield there was a waiting room with playstation around with diferrent games like Soulcalibur 3( THEY havent realese the game yet in europe)
diferents Tekkens , adventure games and some more.
then the tourment begun.
The people gathered in the main hall. there was at least 30 playstations with a little tv. and a proyector behind each one.
The stand that I played was numer 3.
there was around 150 ¨virtua fighters¨.
I played against seven guys ,4 of them were easy shit to kick in the ass.
But 2 of them were really profesionnal and one that I suppoust to win I did much 2 much ¨yare yare¨ and he turn the pancake to the other side and Lose.
the rules were simple:
Youchoose a caracter and you cant change it , until the next round of the eliminatory. I chose Steve
You fight trough tree round and 60 second each one with 100% porcent of energi.
if you press start during a fight you are declared as the loser of that round anyway if you win.
You could bring your own controller and set the buttons as you wish even the Ls and Rs. There were guys who brought their own special oficcial Tekken 5 control , like Arcade machine one. Super nerd for my opinion, but not less tentative jejeje.
one of the guy who brought one of those cool toys kick my ass con Kasuya, he was nice he lift me the uppercut with 2 hit Four times in the air with 1 and finish with uppercut with 2, and also did the uppercut with 2,two times hit me with 1 and the upperscut with 2 again. so nothing to said with him, clearly was a super nerd.
I did my stuff to! but wasnt enough to get foward, but anyway lufe continues and I hope tha if I go to spain I'll be more in shape and start to train again, this the problem when you dont know people to practice. ok I need to drink more vodka to forget nmy sadness
Sheerrrrrrrrrrrsssss Wasted people!!!!!!11

Some people never go crazy
what truly horrible life they must lead
Charles Bukowski.


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"Re(1):The Droogo Sucks!!!" , posted Tue 13 Sep 06:27post reply



1827th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):The Droogo Sucks!!!" , posted Tue 13 Sep 07:04post reply

I'm eating an empanada.

865th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):The Droogo Sucks!!!" , posted Tue 13 Sep 07:07post reply

I'm eating an empanada.

I just ate a vagina. It tasted like onions.

3486th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):The Droogo Sucks!!!" , posted Tue 13 Sep 07:18post reply


I just ate a vagina. It tasted like onions.

This is not the first time I warn you about necrophilia, but I hope it's the last.

4101th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):The Droogo Sucks!!!" , posted Fri 16 Sep 02:48post reply

I don't know where the thrill is, you could hardly match me in Tekken 4, and I didn't even 'played' it... It was very certain that you didn't had that much of a chance in a serious tournament.

Well, and even though I play games I still know what vodka tastes like AND I finally broke free of Orochs basement, it is a happy day indeed.

I ate a 'empanada' too XD

See??? He is a God...

The DRooGo
232th Post

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"Toxico your just a person..." , posted Tue 20 Sep 17:58post reply

I don't know where the thrill is, you could hardly match me in Tekken 4, and I didn't even 'played' it... It was very certain that you didn't had that much of a chance in a serious tournament.

Well, and even though I play games I still know what vodka tastes like AND I finally broke free of Orochs basement, it is a happy day indeed.

I ate a 'empanada' too XD

Fucking Toxico you talk rubbish, you have to consider that when I played with u I was without training for at least 3 years without a Match against another human being and anyway I kick ur ass really bad some matches and even I won some of them and for the conditionsthat I had it could be shame but only for you....
I'll continue later
remember that Carvacho is my witness, and also Carvacho appears in Silent Hill 4 as the Drunk ghost , IF ANYBODY CAN TAKE LOAD SOME IMAGES OF THE DRUNK GHOST FROM THE APARTMENTS I WOULD BE VERY GLAD jajaja!!!

Some people never go crazy
what truly horrible life they must lead
Charles Bukowski.