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KTallguy 738th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(5):Softbank Buys Gravity Corp" , posted Wed 7 Sep 10:39
quote: I can't fathom what makes them so apealing that people forgo real life because they want their character's numbers to go up a little bit in exchange for days of playtime. This kind of achievement is what allows Dragon Quest to sell millions of copies everytime they make a new one. Numbers are powerful.
That's funny, because Ultima Online was the one of the first really successful MMORPGs out there, and it didn't rely on numbers going up quite as much as the average MMO.
But the idea of getting stronger and stronger and then showing off your 'phat loot' to everyone will always appeal. I'd rather play on Japanese servers than American ones though, I hear they are so much more polite there.
Even though I played RO for a while, and even Lineage 2 (haven't tried WOW), I don't ever want to get into an MMO. It's just too easy to get sucked in and completely waste your time. At the end of the day you've put all that time into leveling up a character that is just data on a server, and you can never, ever, EVER get that time back.
But really, if you think about it, games in general are a giant waste of time. MMORPGs are just a waste of a LOT of time.
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