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Pollyanna 1361th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(2):Space Cowboy" , posted Tue 30 Aug 19:35
quote: If this game comes out in the US, and I feel like it will, I really hope they get the dub cast for it. I liked the English Bebop more than the Japanese version. I feel like I'm going to take heat for that, but I won't deny it. Spike and Jet are fine in either version, but I felt that Wendee Lee was the superior Faye by far. The only voices I didn't dig in the dub were Ed and Vicious.
I'm always surprised at the huge support the Cowboy Bebop dub gets. I can understand people liking English Faye better, but Spike is SO vastly inferior that it invalidates the entire dub to me. It's not just that I dislike his voice, I feel that his interpretation of the character is way off in a number of places.
Overall, I felt that the production was just...cheaper than the Japanese. Even since then, English dubs have taken big leaps in quality, but I still feel that Cowboy Bebop falls short. I wouldn't bother mentioning this, but I often hear "English is the only way to watch Cowboy Bebop" which is odd to me.
Time Mage 2236th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Space Cowboy" , posted Tue 30 Aug 19:59
quote: Overall, I felt that the production was just...cheaper than the Japanese. Even since then, English dubs have taken big leaps in quality, but I still feel that Cowboy Bebop falls short. I wouldn't bother mentioning this, but I often hear "English is the only way to watch Cowboy Bebop" which is odd to me.
Well, I watch it in Spanish, and I prefer it to the Japanese voice acting, too. Faye is much better than Hayashibara's, and Spike's voice is great, too. Everyone plays their role very well, except maybe some of the secondary characters in some episodes. Really, Japanese voice actors are often overrated; they're usually good, but that doesn't make automatically their dubs the best ones.
Pollyanna 1362th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(4):Space Cowboy" , posted Tue 30 Aug 20:17
quote: Really, Japanese voice actors are often overrated; they're usually good, but that doesn't make automatically their dubs the best ones.
I don't know if this is a general comment, or it's aimed at me. So..I don't know if I should bother expressing my opinion, because I very well may have talked to you about it before. Anyway, I totally agree.
I feel like direction style is at fault in both US and Japan (I can't speak for Spanish dubs), though. America's perception of what an "anime dub" should sound like is changing for the better, and I'm finally seeing a few high class dubs coming out over here.
I wish more games in Japan would use a more natural acting style, though. The only game I can think of (off the top of my head) where the characters talk like real people is Drag-on Dragoon. DoD2 had, without a doubt, the best dub I've heard in a game.