Samurai Champloo game - Forums

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1360th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Samurai Champloo game" , posted Mon 29 Aug 03:40post reply

Hip Hop Samurai

I thought Champloo bombed in Japan? Well anyway it'll be funny to see which is worse... the game or the anime.

On a related note... Cowboy Bebop Tsuioku no Serenade is actually a pretty decent game. The combo system has a bit of timing and depth to it... so it's not a masther... they have dodging and countering... basic grappling moves... shooting levels with annoying inverted controls... flying levels with annoying non-inverted controls... and a nice original story with all the original voice cast (including Megumi Hayashibara). It's not going to win any awards... but it's nowhere as bad as I had thought it would be.


6807th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Samurai Champloo game" , posted Mon 29 Aug 05:31:post reply

I love how people say that Samurai Champloo is a bad series for the same reasosns they said that Cowboy Bebop was great.

I love Champloo, personally. A lot. The saga with the blind woman was one of the best moments on anime story. So was the crazy baseball against the americans episode.

[this message was edited by Rid on Mon 29 Aug 05:32]

1351th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Samurai Champloo game" , posted Mon 29 Aug 05:55post reply

This is going to sound silly, I know...but I believe Champloo got cancelled in Japan, but didn't necesarily -bomb-.

I have totally mixed feelings about the series. Sometimes it's pretty good and other times it's total crap.

And...I didn't know people still liked Hayashibara. I, you eat Pop Tarts every day for 20 years and suddenly they don't taste so good anymore, or at the very least, you don't LIKE them, they're just a part of your life.

Time Mage
2233th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Samurai Champloo game" , posted Mon 29 Aug 06:03post reply

I love how people say that Samurai Champloo is a bad series for the same reasosns they said that Cowboy Bebop was great.

I love Champloo, personally. A lot. The saga with the blind woman was one of the best moments on anime story. So was the crazy baseball against the americans episode.

The only bad thing about Samurai Champloo is the hi-hop music, which I can't stand, but the series is really good. I like Cowboy Bebop more, but SC is still much better than most of the anime shown now.

100th Post

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"Re(3):Samurai Champloo game" , posted Mon 29 Aug 06:37post reply

I love how people say that Samurai Champloo is a bad series for the same reasosns they said that Cowboy Bebop was great.

Everyone I recommend SC to hears me say ambiguously that I believe it's the greatest show that ever sucked. It's clearer than most series' where the quality was and was not. Overall, I'd still probably buy the DVDs for the eye candy and genius episodes like the one full of ninjas, sexual favors and fatfat Fuu.
Unlike Bebop, which even arguably only had a small few episodes which strayed from the best, SC has quite a few more. Well-worth the ride for the greatest episodes in the mix.
The hiphop is amazing for anyone who even slightly enjoys the genre. Nujabes is one of my favorite producers around.

That said, permit me the joke - So only every other level of this game will suck?

827th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):Samurai Champloo game" , posted Mon 29 Aug 13:39post reply

Hayashibara owns joo! Bow down to her majesty! If she can still voice Faye in this game then she can still do more seiyuu roles. Please come back! (that is unless she's doing something I don't know about besides being a mom) I haven't seen much of Champloo but that marijuana episode rocked. I can see the potential for good games in all depends on who's making them.

409th Post

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"Re(2):Samurai Champloo game" , posted Mon 29 Aug 14:07post reply

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
When Mugen is limping down the beach and he kills that dude at the end of the pirate episodes and it's playing the snare drum. Marvelous. Definitely one of my favorite moments in anime.

End of Spoiler

Bata kun
2692th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"The take on the game" , posted Mon 29 Aug 23:41post reply

Semi-off topic: does anyone know the name of Hayashibara-san's child? I still don't know after what? Two years at least?

On topic: the reason people don't like "Samurai Champloo" is because of the music as it has been said already. For a series that's supposed to have a big focus on music (and you should know this if you happen to know a bit of Okinawan), it's well, lacking. Personally, Mugen sounds too much like a yakuza member in the original, which isn't well suited for him. Then again, Okinawa was probably known as a renegade island at the time. At least Kawasumi Ayako-san's in it. =P

Oh. The game's being made by Bandai. This can either be a good thing or a bad one, but I wouldn't be surprised if the game didn't do so well.

7110th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The take on the game" , posted Tue 30 Aug 00:01post reply

Semi-off topic: does anyone know the name of Hayashibara-san's child?

And I thought this guy couldn't get any scarier.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

1202th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):The take on the game" , posted Tue 30 Aug 02:51post reply

Eh, I liked SamCham because it was like the Oddessy...a bunch of side-quests during one major quest. I didn't mind the hiphop since it reminded me of the stuff before hiphop died(which was back in '93).

IIRC Watanabe wasn't on the project as much as he was on CowBe. I think that is why you hear "well I didn't really like Samurai Champloo but some of the episodes were great"...I think those were probably the Watanabe influenced one, probably explains a great deal behind the argument "the series is okay but its not Cowboy Bebop".

Anyway, Anime/Manga based games are a 50/50 shot, its either going to be good or suck. I don't have much faith in the Cowboy Bebop game(the newer one I should say)but maybe a hack-n'-slash game would work...personally I don't think its a good idea to make a video game out of either series. Ya never know though.

Sí mon con langosta y camarón

Undead Fred
2478th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):The Take on Me" , posted Tue 30 Aug 04:11:post reply

Personally, I liked the anime. I got to see up to the tengu episode with DRUG MADNESS, and I thought it was a good series. I liked the characters, and the story kept my interest. I didn't really like the hip-hop stuff in it, but aside from the main theme I could put up with it. I was liking the main theme until the lyrics started.... it made the overall rhythm really clumsy.

Anyway, I'd be interested to see the game. The models on that splash screen look kind of crappy so far, but who knows. The gameplay could be great, or they could have better-looking models in the game. I liked the art quality in the series, so I'd hope they'd match it in the game.

EDIT: My brain is dying.

[this message was edited by Undead Fred on Tue 30 Aug 04:14]

2926th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):The Take on Me" , posted Tue 30 Aug 05:01post reply

huh. I hadn't even considered that people might not like Samurai Champloo. Weird! well, whatever. I liked it way more than Cowboy Bebop, though I've only seen up til ep 12 or so.

I wonder if this game will come out late enough to be part of NAMDAI/BANCO?

1362th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Space Cowboy" , posted Tue 30 Aug 15:35:post reply

It's weird... Cowboy Bebop (the game) has really grown on me. The enemy AI actually gets pretty clever the farther you go in the game... you have drone characters that will dodge and counter your moves... and try to surround you. There's also a fair amount of difference in the characters... Spike is the all around fighter... Jet is slow but has better punches... and Faye is just a weak ass bitch who sounds like a squeek toy when she's hit. The bosses fights are actually pretty good too... like you have to shoot the signs out from underneath one boss that's jumping from building to building... another one you have to let his homing missile chase you and crash back into him... there's a pretty good variety... there's even a hovercraft level that's kind of like Half-Life 2.

There's also a slew of original characters created for the game... all of which are designed by Toshihiro Kawamoto. There's also over 150 pieces of art to unlock from both the anime and the game production art... this is done by finding hidden stuff in stages or using Faye's pickpocket move... you can buy a lot of stuff too... there's a Blackjack mini game you can play with Faye to really earn some wulong. All the music is recycled from the anime... in fact the story revolves around the song DIAMONDS and something about a tv anime hero named Captain H (sounds almost hentai to me)... somehow these two young bounty hunters... Bianca and Kento are related to everything and they'll help you on missions.

This game is WAY more than I would have expected... they even completely recreated the Bebop in 3D... there's a mission where you have to find bombs planted on the ship. Every detail from Faye's wrecked room... Jet's room with his Bansai trees (there's a bomb in the bansai!), to even the warehouse where that slime thing was living... you can tell the developers are big fans of the show.

edit- I also forgot to mention that the entire opening from the anime has been recreated in realtime 3d for the game... and for the most part they pulled it off pretty well.

Best anime game of the month... with Naruto: Uzumaki Ninden coming in second (those flower picking missions don't do much for me)... and Bleach: Selected Soul coming in DEAD LAST.

[this message was edited by Fuchikoma on Tue 30 Aug 15:44]

914th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Space Cowboy" , posted Tue 30 Aug 16:02post reply


Best anime game of the month... with Naruto: Uzumaki Ninden coming in second (those flower picking missions don't do much for me)... and Bleach: Selected Soul coming in DEAD LAST.

If this game comes out in the US, and I feel like it will, I really hope they get the dub cast for it. I liked the English Bebop more than the Japanese version. I feel like I'm going to take heat for that, but I won't deny it. Spike and Jet are fine in either version, but I felt that Wendee Lee was the superior Faye by far. The only voices I didn't dig in the dub were Ed and Vicious.

1361th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Space Cowboy" , posted Tue 30 Aug 19:35post reply


If this game comes out in the US, and I feel like it will, I really hope they get the dub cast for it. I liked the English Bebop more than the Japanese version. I feel like I'm going to take heat for that, but I won't deny it. Spike and Jet are fine in either version, but I felt that Wendee Lee was the superior Faye by far. The only voices I didn't dig in the dub were Ed and Vicious.

I'm always surprised at the huge support the Cowboy Bebop dub gets. I can understand people liking English Faye better, but Spike is SO vastly inferior that it invalidates the entire dub to me. It's not just that I dislike his voice, I feel that his interpretation of the character is way off in a number of places.

Overall, I felt that the production was just...cheaper than the Japanese. Even since then, English dubs have taken big leaps in quality, but I still feel that Cowboy Bebop falls short. I wouldn't bother mentioning this, but I often hear "English is the only way to watch Cowboy Bebop" which is odd to me.

Time Mage
2236th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Space Cowboy" , posted Tue 30 Aug 19:59post reply

Overall, I felt that the production was just...cheaper than the Japanese. Even since then, English dubs have taken big leaps in quality, but I still feel that Cowboy Bebop falls short. I wouldn't bother mentioning this, but I often hear "English is the only way to watch Cowboy Bebop" which is odd to me.

Well, I watch it in Spanish, and I prefer it to the Japanese voice acting, too. Faye is much better than Hayashibara's, and Spike's voice is great, too. Everyone plays their role very well, except maybe some of the secondary characters in some episodes. Really, Japanese voice actors are often overrated; they're usually good, but that doesn't make automatically their dubs the best ones.

1362th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Space Cowboy" , posted Tue 30 Aug 20:17post reply

Really, Japanese voice actors are often overrated; they're usually good, but that doesn't make automatically their dubs the best ones.

I don't know if this is a general comment, or it's aimed at me. So..I don't know if I should bother expressing my opinion, because I very well may have talked to you about it before. Anyway, I totally agree.

I feel like direction style is at fault in both US and Japan (I can't speak for Spanish dubs), though. America's perception of what an "anime dub" should sound like is changing for the better, and I'm finally seeing a few high class dubs coming out over here.

I wish more games in Japan would use a more natural acting style, though. The only game I can think of (off the top of my head) where the characters talk like real people is Drag-on Dragoon. DoD2 had, without a doubt, the best dub I've heard in a game.

Time Mage
2237th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Space Cowboy" , posted Tue 30 Aug 23:19post reply

I don't know if this is a general comment, or it's aimed at me.

I was speaking in general, not specifically about your comment. Also, I agree with you, Japanese voice acting is usually too unrealistic (and I'm talking only about the tone of the voices, since I have no clue of the language itself). It fits well with many animes, that are parodic or just crazy, but the ones that aim for a more serious approach of the characters behavior don't benefit from that amount of overacting (for example Hayashibara as Faye).

Variable Savior
303th Post

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"VA question" , posted Wed 31 Aug 00:27post reply

Not to go off-topic (anymore than the thread already has I guess) but I have a English vs Japanese voice acting question.

I've only seen the English dub of FLCL and I thought they did a fantastic job with the voice acting. However I've heard from various sources that the original Japanese VA is significantly better. If anyone has seen both - is there merit to this claim or is this an instance of anime elitism?

Blood marks heaven's path

2934th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):VA question" , posted Wed 31 Aug 01:51post reply

I find it better, but part of that may be because I find it easier to stomach over the top dialogue in other languages - ie when I'm reading it.

that said, I don't really like flcl.

1685th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Drag-on Thread Hijack" , posted Wed 31 Aug 02:22post reply


I wish more games in Japan would use a more natural acting style, though. The only game I can think of (off the top of my head) where the characters talk like real people is Drag-on Dragoon. DoD2 had, without a doubt, the best dub I've heard in a game.

It's too bad that DOD2 probably won't escape from Japan since it's apparently much better than the first one. Drakengard got slammed pretty hard over here... and I can't say it was entirely undeserved.

Speaking of Cavia, they just haven't had much luck over here. Ghost in the Shell has its fans, but I'm certainly not among them. Looking at the scores Beatdown got, I doubt it will move many copies although I'll probably at least check it out.

Though if they do bring the sequel over they could perhaps change the name entirely.

/ / /

1365th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Drag-on Thread Hijack" , posted Wed 31 Aug 06:12post reply

It's always hard to determine elitism when someone says that a sub is better. I'm an "elitist" in that I think that many series just don't "work" in English. I feel that Furikuri is one of them. The actors do a good job, but they mostly sound like English versions of the Japanese. That's fine and all, but you lose something when you take it out of Japanese, and they don't do anything to overcompensate.

If you're someone who is inclined to like dubs, then you'll probably like Furikuri in English better. Also, I firmly believe that whatever you hear first -strongly- influences your opinion.

I am both biased against dubs because I know every little thing that's wrong with them, and inclined to support them, because I'm a part of every little thing that's wrong. I notice when the writing is weak, I notice when they use little tricks to make things look "better" and I notice a lot of details where I can blame a specific I'm very critical of every little thing. Hmmm...I guess a dub that covers all the details very well and has a good cast is Full Metal Alchemist. That's one of the most professional I've heard.

1367th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Bebop extras" , posted Thu 1 Sep 11:39post reply

I liked the Bebop dub... personally I think it was the first good US dub I had ever heard. Well the game was a decent length... took 9 1/2 hours to beat it... that's something for an anime game.

Some funny extras when you beat the game... you get this weird Ein side quest where you have to search the Bebop for a present for a weiner dog named Anne. Ed has a side quest too I haven't tried out. You also get a hard mode... that's probably the only way to unlock the last of the artwork that can't just be bought... you get some music too. Last boss was kind of disappointing... just straight on fighting unlike most of the other bosses where there was a trick to beating them.