I need suggestions for games to buy - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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shin ramberk
151th Post

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"I need suggestions for games to buy" , posted Wed 20 Jul 06:20post reply

So, I was first depressed because of the SFIV thread and I was like "I'm through with video games." But then I visit slashdot.org and hit a link to a 1up.com article on NES Bionic Commando. And now I'm like, "damn, NES Bionic Commando was a lot of fun, okay, I want to play video games again." This is where you all come in. I need suggestions for games to buy and play. I'll list out the genre and platform and see if you guys can fill in some blanks.

GBA/DS 2D Platformer
Games I like: Bionic Commando, Ninja Gaiden
Games I dislike: River City Ransom (booooring).
Game I'm interested in: Ninja Five-O. Heard it was similar to Bionic Commando according to 1up.com. Anyone know anything about this?

Gamecube Space Shooter
Games I like: Rogue Squadron 2 (I guess I should buy Rogue Squadron 3).
Has anyone played the Battlestar Galactica game?

GBA/DS RPG / Tactical RPG / Just a good RPG
Games I like: FF Tactics
Games I dislike: Golden Sun (just not my cup of tea).

Gamecube Beat'em Up Platformer with RPG elements
Ninja Turtles 2-- was that any good? It had 4 player co-op mode correct?

Hope ya'lls can give me some help. Thanks!

Bonus question: Where can I buy these games for cheap.

Go buy the new Warlock series by Marvel. It is good support this title!


1156th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):I need suggestions for games to buy" , posted Wed 20 Jul 06:54post reply

Game I'm interested in: Ninja Five-O. Heard it was similar to Bionic Commando according to 1up.com. Anyone know anything about this?

It has it's moments, but after playing it I think it's a more than a little overrated by its cult. It's not nearly as good as NES/FC Bionic Commando, that's my opinion. I think Umihara Kawase and Umihara Kawase Shun are excellent toys to play with, but there's neither story nor shooting involved, just jumping and grappling.


Gamecube Space Shooter
Games I like: Rogue Squadron 2 (I guess I should buy Rogue Squadron 3).
Has anyone played the Battlestar Galactica game?

Can't help you here.
I've heard mixed things on that new Starfox game, too.


GBA/DS RPG / Tactical RPG / Just a good RPG
Games I like: FF Tactics
Games I dislike: Golden Sun (just not my cup of tea).

You've got all of two options left then in the so-called "SRPG" department: Tactics Ogre, and Onimusha Tactics. One is good, the other is not.

Advance Wars trumps all, though. Levelling and class changing be damned.

Riviera is fun RPG. It plays like Killer7, oh ho.


Gamecube Beat'em Up Platformer with RPG elements
Ninja Turtles 2-- was that any good? It had 4 player co-op mode correct?

Does such a game exist on the GC?
I really don't know.
I heard the TMNT game sucked.

But I know I want Chibi Robo.

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):I need suggestions for games to buy" , posted Wed 20 Jul 06:58post reply

Bionic Commando is a gem indeed. Ninja Cop alias Ninja Five O is a mix between this and Shinobi. It is a solid game, but the game soon becomes very hard and the gameplay imposes you to learn the traps positions and enemy patterns by heart to survive. If you are into arcade games on GBA, give Metal Slug Advance and AstroBoy a go too.
Rogue Squadron III is a nice game and is excellent value for money (14 € at Cdiscount.fr). The on-foot stages are boring, but the Xwing ones rock. Do you like Starfox? My friends and I are fans of Starfox Assault's multiplayer game. It is integrally customizable and offers great variety and fun. The solo mode is disappointingly short though.
If you like FFT, try Tactics Ogre, Fire Emblem or even Advance Wars.
Hope it helps.

1159th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):I need suggestions for games to buy" , posted Wed 20 Jul 08:15post reply

Bionic Commando is a gem indeed. Ninja Cop alias Ninja Five O is a mix between this and Shinobi. It is a solid game, but the game soon becomes very hard and the gameplay imposes you to learn the traps positions and enemy patterns by heart to survive. If you are into arcade games on GBA, give Metal Slug Advance and AstroBoy a go too.
Rogue Squadron III is a nice game and is excellent value for money (14 € at Cdiscount.fr). The on-foot stages are boring, but the Xwing ones rock. Do you like Starfox? My friends and I are fans of Starfox Assault's multiplayer game. It is integrally customizable and offers great variety and fun. The solo mode is disappointingly short though.
If you like FFT, try Tactics Ogre, Fire Emblem or even Advance Wars.
Hope it helps.

Somehow I totally forgot Fire Emblem.
Fire Emblem is really fun. Frequently easy, but fun.

Astroboy GBA is a bit repetitive for some, but it's a fun and good-looking game. Tezuka fanboys can also get more than their fill in that game.

1893th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):I need suggestions for games to buy" , posted Wed 20 Jul 14:35:post reply

I beat Astro Boy Omega Factor once, but you have to beat it more than once to beat it... still an enjoyable experience. For RPGS, well, an Action RPG I really liked Gameboy Color's(released just before the GBA came out but you'll get a GBA ring if you play it on GBA) The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages. You can play either game first and if you play them back to back you get one big great game and some of the mini quests change depending on which game you play first. Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories is very cool but I only recomend it to... people who played KH1 and basically want more of KH1. Haven't played Zelda the Minish Cap yet, that will be the next Zelda game I get once I finish the Adventure of Link on the GBA.

Not an RPG but I can't wait for Gunstar Heroes on the GBA.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Wed 20 Jul 14:37]