PSP and the Nintendo Way - Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"PSP and the Nintendo Way" , posted Sun 17 Jul 01:21post reply

While the DS grows stronger and stronger in Japan, and the GBA still has some aces under its sleeve (Gunstar Super Heroes, to say), the PSP needs to find a way into the market. It looks cool, it is trendy, but you can't do much with it, unless you want to hack the hell out of it. Sure, you can watch pr0n, but...

The Yarudora games (PS1) are being ported to the PSP, interactive animes that aren't exactly "playable" (you choose paths), but they do look pretty, specially Sampaguita with its designs by Masamune Shirow. I own this one on PS1 and is, well, pretty, and long enough.

And the Saturn jewel that is Princess Crown (sure, it may have some flawed gameplay, but oh boy it does look pretty) is being ported as well, but is it going to look as pretty on a screen so tiny? I doubt it. Quick, Sony, get a PSP Player for the PS3.

Nice games, but then again the DS has new Sonic, Mr Driller, Castlevania and Advance Wars games...


183th Post

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"Re(1):PSP and the Nintendo Way" , posted Sun 17 Jul 03:32:post reply

Well.. the early PSP reminds me of the early Xbox, in a way. Boring and useless if you stick to the official, it becomes a gem with all the unofficial/homebrew/emulation scene behind it (and the Psone emulator is progressing fast, yay!). And, eventually, good games will come out at a point.


[this message was edited by CHAZumaru on Sun 17 Jul 03:33]

1392th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):PSP and the Nintendo Way" , posted Sun 17 Jul 17:04post reply

The Xbox had at least a few good games a few months into its life, and this was before it was really hacked and emulated anyway, so you could justify getting one. The PSP on the other hand has zero. It's a shame because it seems like nice hardware. - My own personal waste of time.

1139th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):PSP and the Nintendo Way" , posted Sun 17 Jul 17:27post reply

The Xbox had at least a few good games a few months into its life, and this was before it was really hacked and emulated anyway, so you could justify getting one. The PSP on the other hand has zero. It's a shame because it seems like nice hardware.

I think the games that I was interested in when the PSP came out are still the only ones I'm still interested in now... those being Metal Gear Acid and Lumines.

But now there's SCUMM on PSP!
I wonder if it can run I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream decently...

If only they could get that on the DS, what with it's touchpad...

Just a Person
727th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):PSP and the Nintendo Way" , posted Mon 18 Jul 02:46post reply

Well, there are interesting games in both DS and PSP. I really like the DarkStalkers game for PSP (even though I don't have a PSP and wouldn't buy one just for this game).
Let's see the games for both platforms for this year. Jump! Superstars seems to get lots of points to DS, but maybe the PSP can get something cool too...

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145th Post

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"Re(2):PSP and the Nintendo Way" , posted Mon 18 Jul 06:50:post reply

Let's see the games for both platforms for this year.

We already know the release lists. There ain't nothin' listed for the next year or so. Not really.

The DS, meanwhile, has just about everything interesting announced for any system for the next year. Which, one should note, might not say as much about the DS as it says about the industry in general right now -- when Another Code and Lost in Blue are our beacons for the future.

Mind that I don't have either system. I think I know which one interests me more, however.

[this message was edited by aderack on Mon 18 Jul 06:51]

4303th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):PSP and the Nintendo Way" , posted Mon 18 Jul 07:45post reply

Saiban + Lunar + Jump = SOLD

And maybe Nintendogs. Somehow I made the dog pee on the sidewalk.

696th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):PSP and the Nintendo Way" , posted Mon 18 Jul 22:09post reply


I love Lumines. I also want to play Metal Gear Acid.

But I need many good games on the system for me to want to buy it.

And not PORTS of fricking console games (looking at EA, here).

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6890th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):PSP and the Nintendo Way" , posted Mon 18 Jul 22:17post reply

Freeter, as always, your tag rocks.

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