Vampire & Doujin CDs on Rapidshare - Forums

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"Vampire & Doujin CDs on Rapidshare" , posted Thu 14 Jul 12:23post reply

Ok I hope this works. In case you don't know these are rapidshare links; a German download service. You click the link and at the bottom of the page press the FREE button. Then at the bottom of the next page a countdown timer shows when your download link should appear. It may not work as rapidshare has a limited number of dls and bandwidth.

Vampire Another Selection
This is a collection of the last bits of music and new voice work added for Vampire Savior & Hunter 2. Phobos, Huitzil, Donovan, Oboro and Pryon themes and endings including the Revenger's Roost you've heard in console versions. As a bonus I've included the opening, ending and demitri remix from Vampire Chronicle. Probably a hard to find cd as i think it was only offered by the Capcom Fun Club.

DiverseVsCapcom PartA
DiverseVsCapcom PartB
Diverse Vs Capcom is a remix cd by a group of different artists. From their catalog they seem to usually do Bemani stuff. The selection is nice as it has some tracks that's rarely mixed like Morrigan and Jedah.

Let me know if these links work.


6867th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Vampire & Doujin CDs on Rapidshare" , posted Thu 14 Jul 16:30:post reply

The links work.

"Wow, they sure are small files.... What do you mean, 800 ko/s ?!!????"
I like "Japanese Title".

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

[this message was edited by Iggy on Fri 15 Jul 08:01]

471th Post

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"Re(2):Vampire & Doujin CDs on Rapidshare" , posted Fri 15 Jul 03:01post reply

Got my copy of V.A.S. through an auction. It's up there with that Super Turbo soundtrack CD as being extremely hard to find.

918th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Vampire & Doujin CDs on Rapidshare" , posted Fri 15 Jul 07:03post reply

Ooh, Diverse. I like their works.


1137th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):Vampire & Doujin CDs on Rapidshare" , posted Fri 15 Jul 07:04post reply

Tank U vewy mutch.

141th Post

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"Thanks" , posted Fri 15 Jul 13:48post reply

Glad to be of service everyone enjoy.

89th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Thanks" , posted Fri 15 Jul 18:20post reply

Yeah, this made my day. =) The last thing I expected to hear was music (however brief) from Cyberbots, lol.

Cathy: オー! バイオレンス!アーユー ヒール?

Shinobu: な、なんだぁ!? くっ...でけぇ... 一体何食ってやがんだぁ!?
えぇい! 日本に来たら、日本語喋れってんだっ!
In Soviet Russia Nekketsu Seishun Nikki plays YOU!

91th Post

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"Re(2):Vampire & Doujin CDs on Rapidshare" , posted Fri 15 Jul 22:56:post reply

Our Lord and Master Iggy-sama-dono writes:
I like "Japanese Title".

I like that song too, but I do wonder what that title actually is.. Would it be possible to scan the songlist so we can try to decipher it? ^^;

Cathy: オー! バイオレンス!アーユー ヒール?

Shinobu: な、なんだぁ!? くっ...でけぇ... 一体何食ってやがんだぁ!?
えぇい! 日本に来たら、日本語喋れってんだっ!
In Soviet Russia Nekketsu Seishun Nikki plays YOU!

[this message was edited by OrochiChris on Fri 15 Jul 22:57]

6875th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Vampire & Doujin CDs on Rapidshare" , posted Sat 16 Jul 02:19post reply

It's supposely Vanity Paradise.
I really don't see any ressemblance, but that's what it says. Maybe closer to Leilei's Hunter theme than to Vanity Paradise ? I should listen to it one more time.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

91th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(4):Vampire & Doujin CDs on Rapidshare" , posted Tue 19 Jul 00:50post reply

I meant, what was the title that Diverse gave it? ^^;

Cathy: オー! バイオレンス!アーユー ヒール?

Shinobu: な、なんだぁ!? くっ...でけぇ... 一体何食ってやがんだぁ!?
えぇい! 日本に来たら、日本語喋れってんだっ!
In Soviet Russia Nekketsu Seishun Nikki plays YOU!

6894th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Vampire & Doujin CDs on Rapidshare" , posted Tue 19 Jul 01:15post reply

I meant, what was the title that Diverse gave it? ^^;

Vanity Paradise / Lei lei.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!