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kurushimi 83th Post
Occasional Customer
| "AX 2005 Stuff" , posted Tue 5 Jul 20:40
Back from Anime Expo, lots of good stuff as usual - here's what I remember:
-Geneon had preview trailers of their Japanese releases right before the Kotoko concert. Everybody was obviously orgasmic over the Hellsing Ultimate OVA trailer, which was also the longest of the bunch. I'm not much of a Hellsing fan though, so the highlight for me was FATE STAY NIGHT BEING ANIMATED. Dunno if it's OVA or TV, but it definitely looks slick - I just hope it doesn't suffer the same treatment as Tsukihime did. They also showed a preview for what I THINK is the Touhou anime series - it was under a different name, but there were many cards and projectiles so I'm not too sure.
-Bandai had playable builds of One Piece Grand Battle, Inu Yasha Feudal Combat, Zatch/Gash Bell, Ghost in the Shell PSP, and two Gundam games. Both Gash and Inu Yasha look like they're using the same engine.
I didn't make it to much else because of cosplay stuffs, but anyone else that went can fill us in.
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talbaineric 6165th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):AX 2005 Stuff" , posted Thu 7 Jul 06:44
It was a great year. Glad I managed to go. I should cosplay next year if I do go.
Man, there was this Yun there that was so cool, he even did his winning pose just like him, didn't manage to get a picture. Anyone know who he was?
I was usually around the Dealer's Room, hanging around with friends or shopping solo. My friends cosplayed as Red and Al from Fullmetal Alchemist. If you saw the Al there, chances are I was hanging around with him, you might've seen me.
Yay, got me two awesome Cammy figures for cheap. And not only that...I managed to get Greg's autograph (the guy who does one of the characters from Full Metal Panic).
That Masquerade kind of sucked ass. I left halfway through it, my friends stayed though and watched the rest. The AMV was worth watching though IMO. The Voice Actors Panel was interesting, Crispin Freeman is so cool. And not only that, I think I might be turned on to Azumanga Dai-oh now.
And a little off topic, but Disneyland does some awesome fireworks displays. :D
 TALBAINANDCAMMY.COM! Celebrating 3 years of T&C Fanship. My Deviantart place! TE loves Deviantart!
VManOfMana 622th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "VMan's AX report" , posted Thu 7 Jul 10:58:
I honestly don't know what people see in KOTOKO... for the first five-ten minutes there was this Darth Sidious thing going on and after that she was barely animated. I couldn't feel the energy (not to mention I couldn't hear a darn thing-- it all sounded like pink noise to me).
Well, the concert did sound quite well from the front rows (I was in the third - made line since like 8 or 9am).
I had a lot of fun at AX this year, though half the time I was not at AX itself.
Friday - I didn't arrive to LA until Friday night (actually Saturday 5am no thanks to multiple delays), so I missed two of the panels I cared for (KOTOKO and Kazue Yamamoto).
Saturday - I barely slept some hours and I went to make line since 8am. I made it early enough like to get a seating in the third row (actually I should have been in the first, but a lot of people cut in front of me because the 'line' was officially not a line). Schedule conflict: Miho Shimogasa. That was three out of four panels missed.
For me the best part of the Geneon presentation was the Fate preview. Couldn't care less for the voice actors presenting (as I don't follow dubs). I have never seen Hellsing (sue me) so I wasn't ZOMG all over the preview, though it was obvious it was the main focus.
I really liked the concert. Started with Suppuration Core, then Re-sublimity, then I think Oboete Iiyo and Wing my Way. I am not sure of the order of the rest of the songs, but I do remember Shooting Star, Agony, the second track of ~Hane~, the track of Glass no Kaze with the acoustic guitar, and I am pretty sure I am missing something else. Also, I couldn't identify the extra song she did at the end. People using cellphones as a lighstick replacement was funny.
After the concert the MBR and EFZ tourneys took place in the second floor of the convention center. I won Melty Blood and got third in Eternal Fighter Zero (funny since I my main game is EFZ and I don't play MBR anymore). That took until 8:00pm so I missed a whole day of dealer's room and cosplay.
Sunday was the real AX day for me. Spend the morning in the dealer's room and spend a good while taking cosplay photos. Was gonna go to the Gonzo panel but went to the Sakamoto Maaya concert instead. After that I went back to the dealer's room for a bit and took more cosplay photos. During the night I went to the Murata and Robot vol. 1 panel. Great person as always, Murata autographed something for every person in the panel right there.
Monday - hits and misses. A friend managed to get me KOTOKO's autograph on Stokesia on Friday but I hoped that she would be present on the open autograph session. And she was there. Her line was the longest but also the fastest moving, so I managed to get Hane signed, and then after a while I was able to get in line again for Glass no Kaze. The misses is that I missed both Miho Shimogasa and Kazue Yamamoto's autographs. I got off Shimogasa's line trying to get a ticket in the dealer's room that would ensure a sketch later, but the tickets were gone by the time I arrived. I go back to the open autograph hall and I was not allowed to get back. Kind of sucks because Shimogasa was giving sketches as well and I bought a poster the previous day specifically for the autograph. That's what happens when you want too much.
I spent the rest of the day playing EFZ casuals with the California people as well as the "EFZ California vs. Texas All-Stars". I wanted to go to the dealer's room for a bit before it closed, but I lost my badge while running around looking for the rest of team Texas. So that was pretty much the end of the con for me. CA vs. TX ended at 3:00 and the shuttle to get me to the airport arrived at 4:20.
At the end, I just bought the AX t-shirt, a Hisui t-shirt, and a Sailor Moon SuperS poster that I couldn't get autographed. I wanted to buy but was sold out/missing something of Kazue Yamamoto and AIR poster. Wanted to buy but couldnt a couple of TenTen figures (they looked pretty good for $17), Last Exile keychains, and Emiya #0 (Fate stay/night soundtrack) poster.
So in summary, I spend half of the trip in the AX area but not really in AX all the time. The trip was KOTOKO concert + doujinshi gaming, then AX day, then more doujinshi gaming.
The good:
* KOTOKO's concert. I went to AX specifically for that and it didn't dissapoint me. It was well done, IMO.
* KOTOKO's autographs. Not one, but three CDs signed \o/. She also giggled at my broken Japanese for bonus points.
* Murata: when he comes to convention guests, he is champ.
* Found real human competition on Eternal Fighter Zero.
The bad:
* I could only go to one out of four (five counting the Sakamoto panel but wasn't really into it) panels I wanted to go.
* Something was missing in the dealer's room. I don't know if it was because my first day there was Sunday, but it lacked some variety. Jungle didn't have Laserdiscs. Akadot didn't have Shitajiki (they used to have it for cheap), less variety in figures, I didn't find the cheap manga place, no AIR posters (though there were some Clannad ones, but I already have one).
* Missed two autographs for being a fool.
* Only one day of cosplay photos. Last year I finished seven rolls, this year almost three. WTF. Also, I had the feeling that there was a lesser amount of outstanding cosplay, but that can be to the fact that I was only walking around on Sunday.
* Lost my badge on Monday so I couldn't do some discount hunt in the dealer's room.
Jabel D. Morales - VMan of Mana. http://vman.animecafe.net/
"Tameraeba makeyo!"
[this message was edited by VManOfMana on Fri 8 Jul 00:39] |
talbaineric 6167th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):VMan's AX report" , posted Fri 8 Jul 04:08
quote: * Something was missing in the dealer's room. I don't know because my first day there was Sunday, but it lacked some variety. Jungle didn't have Laserdiscs. Akadot didn't have Shitajiki (they used to have it for cheap), less variety in figures, I didn't find the cheap manga place, no AIR posters (though there were some Clannad ones, but I already have one).
Yes, it did suck this year. A lot of the vendors were selling the same crap as the other ones (so basically the vendors that sold DIFFERENT stuff got their stuff sold). I almost missed the import CD stand because I saw all the Gothic Lolita costumes and thought THAT was the focus of the booth. Well... come to think of it I never saw so much Gothic Lolita crap get vended before.
At least there wasn't a Gravity booth this year.
Yeah my friends who go every year said the same thing. Me and my other friend couldn't comment since this was our first one.
But I will say, that Thursday, during that LOOOOOONG ass 5 hour wait to register and with staff who didn't know what they were doing, it was ugh. I was so exhausted that first night. Those girls who were mewing like kittens didn't help much either. Some people were getting antsy, this guy even threatened one of the guys handing out the badges. Dickhead.
*still needs to find out who did that Yun cosplay*
 TALBAINANDCAMMY.COM! Celebrating 3 years of T&C Fanship. My Deviantart place! TE loves Deviantart!
Shin_ATproof 1189th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(3):AX 2005 Stuff" , posted Fri 8 Jul 20:15
Well being screwed out of Pre-reg on Thursday(arrived at 7:45 with papers only to be told it was capped off for the night). I missed out on quite a bit of stuff I wanted to do on Friday.
Oh but I went to Macross Focus Panel on that day, great stuff, really cool to talk with other fans, see some cool stuff on display and try out the PS2 game that totally passed me by(I MUST HAVE IT!) I couldn't get into either concert and I missed out on the MBR tournament(next year for sure!). Got to see Live action Tetsujin 28, great stuff, although I was disappointed that the old theme wasn't played until the credits!*SHOCK* Made off like a bandit with a ton of Manga after a good haggle with dealers and I love my big Panda Z plush that I got for dirt cheap!
Conference with distributors was cool and I was happy to hear about some shows being licenced like 2x2=Shinobuden. However no Naruto or Bo-bobo premire!? WTF!? I figured there would be a big showing for Naruto before it airs on TV later this year. I wanted to hear a resounding AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW amongst other Narutards in the room.
Anyway I mostly just hung out at the video rooms, dealer room, art exhibits, cosplay photo hunt(MY GOD there were a lot of Bleach and Naruto this year!) and the Arcade. Oh speaking of Arcade Why in the hell was Guilty Gear Isuka there and not #Reload and why did we get XX!? My god, EVERYONE I talked to agreed that it was a boneheaded decision...get freak'n The Rumble Fish 2 if you're going with a damn Atomiswave game! My friends and I didn't bother with XX console tournament, competition in XX was pretty bad and last time we checked they didn't know if they would allow sticks or not. Speaking on console games, I heard that SSBM took over a day since there were way too many people for the tournament. Anyone care to confirm?
Eh, barely slept during con and so I crashed when I got home...for a few days(hence the late reply).
Anyway, sad I didn't get to meet any of you this year, maybe next year, lets plan something then eh?
Sí mon con langosta y camarón