Street Fighter Alpha Generations Trailer - Forums

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1853th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Street Fighter Alpha Generations Trailer" , posted Sat 2 Jul 09:07post reply

Special thanks to Sagatryu of SRK for bringing this to my attention. Don't care much for fat Gouki or Ryu's water gun Hadouken but at least there's finally an Anime out there I can look forward too and be excited about... and hopefully I won't get too dissapointed with the end result...

Oh well, Ryu vs. Gouki in an Anime can't be all bad

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!


Variable Savior
292th Post

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"Re(1):Street Fighter Alpha Generations Traile" , posted Sat 2 Jul 10:26post reply

Don't care much for fat Gouki

Good call - I thought maybe it was just me and my odd sense of aesthetics.

I can't say I liked either character rendering though. And the fighting didn't seem to impressive. Kinda disappointing...

Blood marks heaven's path

1767th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Street Fighter Alpha Generations Traile" , posted Sat 2 Jul 23:39post reply

That was a trailer? Didn't even look halfway finished to me.

1857th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):Street Fighter Alpha Generations Traile" , posted Sun 3 Jul 01:08post reply

That was a trailer? Didn't even look halfway finished to me.

Well, it was called a preview anyways...

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

2081th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Street Fighter Alpha Generations Traile" , posted Sun 3 Jul 01:11post reply

It looked better than the Alpha anime but most things look better than the Alpha anime. Maybe all their budget is going into the scenes of the girls splashing around in the tub instead of that Ryu vs Sgt. Slaughter fight?

1859th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Street Fighter Alpha Generations Traile" , posted Sun 3 Jul 01:16:post reply

Special thanks to Psychosquall of SRK. Here are some screenshots. The screenshots look more interesting than the trailer/preview....

Oh happy day!

You can see a younger Gouki holding bloody beads which is straight up from the Ryu Final Manga, though I wonder if they'll have him get the beads from Gouken or from killing his master this time around. I believe the long dark haired kid is Ken, he dyes his hair blonde, he really has black hair. Perhaps they are showing him before one of his hair dye jobs or his hair just looks dark in the moonlight, hmmm.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Sun 3 Jul 01:32]

Count Hihihi
33th Post

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"Re(5):Street Fighter Alpha Generations Traile" , posted Sun 3 Jul 01:30post reply

Special thanks to Psychosquall of SRK. Here are some screenshots. The screenshots look more interesting than the trailer/preview....

Oh happy day!

You can see a younger Gouki holding bloody beads which is straight up from the Ryu Final Manga, though I wonder if they'll have him get the beads from Gouken or from killing his master this time around. I believe the long dark haired kid is Ken, he dyes his hair blonde, he really has black hair. Perhaps they are showing him before one of his hair dye jobs or his hair just looks dark in the moonlight, hmmm.

remove the l from .html and the link works

1859th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):Street Fighter Alpha Generations Traile" , posted Sun 3 Jul 01:33post reply

remove the l from .html and the link works

Hey, sorry about that. Fixed now. ^_^

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

97th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(7):Street Fighter Alpha Generations Traile" , posted Sun 3 Jul 04:02post reply

Oh, more Ryu fun, how avant of them

Oh, a Chunli bathing scene, how original of them

Oh, a fight against evil variation of self that is not necessarily a twin or clone but a superior more powerful similarly styled character, how quaint of them

Oh oh oh where the fuck is M.Bison

join the m.bison hat club today
i'm not just the president i'm also a client

Dr Baghead
3482th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Street Fighter Alpha Generations Traile" , posted Sun 3 Jul 04:16post reply

Don't care much for fat Gouki

But it makes TOTAL sense! See Akuma (yeah I know everyone else is using the Japanese name but I'm being different for the sake of it) is VERY powerful, and Obviously in the SF universe ultimate power is very fattening, it's high in carbs and unsaturated fats.

Case and point: Alpha M.Bison; super powered but a big fatty fatty fat fat. SF2 Bison; not as powerful but skinny and probably going to beat Rolento in the Round 5 vote which would be a damn shame.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

1351th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Street Fighter Alpha Generations Traile" , posted Sun 3 Jul 04:50post reply

Good god... Akuma looks even more like Zod the Immortal now and it's not even done by the Berserk guys this time... well the art definitely isn't up to par... but maybe they'll get the story right this time.

1129th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):Street Fighter Alpha Generations Traile" , posted Sun 3 Jul 06:02post reply

Am I the only one dumbfounded that Street Fighter continues to maintain popularity with new action figures, more anime movies, Udon comics, and other product junk YET Capcom doesn't even want to make another Street Fighter game? All they can do is throw us lazy Capcom Fighting Jam?

1131th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):Street Fighter Alpha Generations Traile" , posted Sun 3 Jul 06:06post reply

Is this whole project basically being backed by Manga or did they just have a whole lot of input? From that interview it seemed that they were basically making the whole thing with a bunch of japanese producers or what not.

1769th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Street Fighter Alpha Generations Traile" , posted Sun 3 Jul 09:56post reply

Am I the only one dumbfounded that Street Fighter continues to maintain popularity with new action figures, more anime movies, Udon comics, and other product junk YET Capcom doesn't even want to make another Street Fighter game? All they can do is throw us lazy Capcom Fighting Jam?

I don't think it's so much that they don't want to, they just can't. Their current staff doesn't have enough of the people that could make it work anymore; that's why CFE ended up the way it did.

465th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):Street Fighter Alpha Generations Traile" , posted Sun 3 Jul 15:45post reply

Am I the only one dumbfounded that Street Fighter continues to maintain popularity with new action figures, more anime movies, Udon comics, and other product junk YET Capcom doesn't even want to make another Street Fighter game? All they can do is throw us lazy Capcom Fighting Jam?

No, you're not.

To quote myself from another board,

"Five bucks say this will hit the states before the Vampire Collection."

Could care less about a new SF game. I'll just end up playing something else because everyone I play/challenged by will pick Ryu, Ken or any other SF II character in the roster.

That easily got tiring after a few rounds of New Generation. Glad none of the other SF III games made it to the arcade where I lived.

Didn't miss Akuma in the least and don't care for the revamped Chun-Li (SF II Chun was more to my liking.).

Dr Baghead
3483th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Street Fighter Alpha Generations Traile" , posted Sun 3 Jul 17:35post reply

Am I the only one dumbfounded that Street Fighter continues to maintain popularity with new action figures, more anime movies, Udon comics, and other product junk YET Capcom doesn't even want to make another Street Fighter game? All they can do is throw us lazy Capcom Fighting Jam?

I think it's a conspircy... the toy/comic are probably selling because it's a "nostalgia series"

I mean, go to the SF board at and you'll see A LOT of people bitching and moaning 'the original 12' need to be made before the 'other characters' (which ironically the 12 they want contain Chun-Li, Blanka, Guile, Zangief, M.Bison, Vega, Balrog, Dhalsim, and E.Honda NOT Gen, Lee, Adon, Birdie, Eagle, Joe, Geki, Mike, and Retsu... Ryu, Ken, and Sagat of course are in either set of 12)

Who needs a 'new' game when an old one will sell better... you make a new game and people are all "Dan's not in it?! F**K THIS!" replace Dan with whatever character they like and whatever explitive was approprate for the room, but releasing old games makes them say "OOOOH! SF2 I used to play this on the SNES! which I have and my cart still works but I'm too lazy to hook it back up" or "I never played this before but everyone else says it's cool and old skool so to be kool and old skool I should totally own it too!!!"

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

1862th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Street Fighter Alpha Generations Traile" , posted Mon 4 Jul 00:32:post reply

While I enjoy CFE myself, especially on Xbox Live where you are instantly logged in, it's lag free, and with voice chat while playing I had a one hour conversation about Darkstalkers storylines with a guy from Washington DC who sounded like he was in my apartment and all of the great online players (I still managed to get 30 wins, I've been too busy to compete in Capcom's CFE online tourney or have a lot of online matches in general but I'm signed up for it though, maybe Tuesday I'll jump in...) I kind of don't want this thread to be about it 'cuz it doesn't have much to do with the Anime.

And really, if you don't care for CFE you still have options. There's SVC Chaos, it's not the greatest but not as bad as people make it out to be (there's some control issues but oh well, you can still have a lot of fun with it) and you can also import Namco x Capcom. At least if Capcom's not going to do much with SF they will still license the characters to other companies for the time being hence this Anime, Comics, toys, etc. Shoot, I would literally die for some Section Z merchandise since we can't get a new game... So who knows what other crossovers are coming up. And who knows when Capcom USA will make their 3D SF game which is what's probably gonna happen at some point. But then again, who knows.

But getting back to the Anime, I wonder if that old man is supposed to be the same guy who was sweeping leaves in the first SFZ/A Anime.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Mon 4 Jul 02:37]

49th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(5):Street Fighter Alpha Generations Traile" , posted Mon 4 Jul 03:23:post reply


Their current staff doesn't have enough of the people that could make it work anymore

Well... they still have: Hideaki Itsuno , Atsushi Tomita (VS series, Gundam), Neo_G Ishizawa (director of 3rd Strike), Eiichiro Sasaki (Kikaioh, RE: Outbreak), Tatsuya Nakae (Cyberbots,Warzard), Obata Shinichiro (V Savior, JOJO), Yoichiro Ikeda (Star Gladiator 2),Yoshifumi Fukuda, Yasuhiro Seto (SF 3) , and A LOT of 2D artists :P . If they don't make fighting games is because it's not a GOOD BUSINESS !

[this message was edited by vava on Mon 4 Jul 03:26]

6824th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Street Fighter Alpha Generations Traile" , posted Mon 4 Jul 03:49post reply

Well... they still have: Hideaki Itsuno , Atsushi Tomita (VS series, Gundam), Neo_G Ishizawa (director of 3rd Strike), Eiichiro Sasaki (Kikaioh, RE: Outbreak), Tatsuya Nakae (Cyberbots,Warzard), Obata Shinichiro (V Savior, JOJO), Yoichiro Ikeda (Star Gladiator 2),Yoshifumi Fukuda, Yasuhiro Seto (SF 3) , and A LOT of 2D artists :P . If they don't make fighting games is because it's not a GOOD BUSINESS !

I don't know if I said it before, but I like this guy.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!