(new) Samurai Spirits thread - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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6714th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Wed 29 Jun 01:16:post reply

Since the other is filled with angst, and is too big for narrowbanders. Please keep the flamewar going on on the other.

Anybody can translate?

[this message was edited by Rid on Wed 29 Jun 02:40]


181th Post

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"Re(1):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Wed 29 Jun 01:22post reply

Since the other is filled with angst, and is too big for narrowbanders. Please keep the flamewar going on on the other.

Anybody can translate?

Man....Iroha really doesnt fit into the SS world that much to me.....

Red Falcon
5532th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Wed 29 Jun 01:23:post reply

Man....Iroha really doesnt fit into the SS world that much to me.....

She's a maid? Bizarre. (also, she is clearly not wearing any kind of panties in that picture.)
I still wish Asura, Shiki, Hanma, or Yuga made it here, but I don't think that's happening.

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[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Wed 29 Jun 01:26]

4299th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Wed 29 Jun 01:33post reply

Man....Iroha really doesnt fit into the SS world that much to me.....

She's more like a throwaway GG design...

210th Post

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"Re(1):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Wed 29 Jun 01:57post reply

Since the other is filled with angst, and is too big for narrowbanders. Please keep the flamewar going on on the other.

Anybody can translate?

She "does everything" for her master.

And it seems she has a lot of weapon-throwing thechinques, ground and air.


96th Post

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"Re(1):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Wed 29 Jun 02:04post reply

I KNEW that first character I saw after Cham Cham in the video was a new character.

Sieger is also redrawn it seems. :)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v311/Abster316/dedication3.gif [Image Attached]

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619th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Wed 29 Jun 02:06post reply


She's more like a throwaway GG design...

...with a weird-ass looking sprite.

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97th Post

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"Re(1):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Wed 29 Jun 02:13post reply

Also, to toss aside the doubters...


It mentions something about SVC Chaos, so perhaps this is what Earthquake is based off of? No shot of Gen-an, so there's no telling whether or not he's redrawn yet.

Cham Cham sprite seems to get a partial update, as her face looks slightly different, but it's defintely based off of her SS2 sprite.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v311/Abster316/dedication3.gif [Image Attached]

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6817th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Wed 29 Jun 02:25post reply

Man....Iroha really doesnt fit into the SS world that much to me.....

She totally fits with what SS and SSS were about. And those games had a far better cast than Musôken, Kôrin or the Polysamu.

I like the reverse fisting of the vagina dog. Or maybe it's a new move where she sits on your face and swallows you.

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6714th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Wed 29 Jun 02:42post reply

How much until the naked apron fanarts?

6818th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Wed 29 Jun 02:54post reply

How much until the naked apron fanarts?

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Your question is already dated.

End of Spoiler

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

Red Falcon
5532th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Wed 29 Jun 02:57post reply


She totally fits with what SS and SSS were about. And those games had a far better cast than Musôken, Kôrin or the Polysamu.
Matter of taste, I prefer the later works much more design wise. Still, I have the feeling she's probably going to be a permanent or at least semi-permanent addition, especially if naked apron fan arts are already popping up.

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6820th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Wed 29 Jun 03:10post reply

Still, I have the feeling she's probably going to be a permanent or at least semi-permanent addition, especially if naked apron fan arts are already popping up.

That is, if they ever make any SS game after this one.

Also, killer kabuki dancer >>> not killer maid.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

Undead Fred
2438th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Wed 29 Jun 03:53post reply

Dammit, if the SS0 shots and stuff weren't enough to drive me insane, we've got more SS stuff to kill me. Last I heard, Sony USA was still blocking SS0, but it's probably maybe coming to XBox... but does anyone have any news? THIS IS MAKING ME SAAAAAAAAAD

Red Falcon
5538th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Wed 29 Jun 04:14:post reply


That is, if they ever make any SS game after this one.
Yes, I've been wondering if they would too, but then again, I wouldn't be surprised at all if they'll make more. Everyone thought KOF '98 was going to be the last one... Plus, they have these few new charas to re-use now!

Also, killer kabuki dancer >>> not killer maid.


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[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Wed 29 Jun 08:53]

2076th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Wed 29 Jun 08:26post reply

The new character looks like she's based around fanservice and a various conglomerations of fetishes. That said, I'm quite looking forward to giving her a test spin. But weapon throwing techniques? I wonder if that means she's going to have Mina like projectile moves or if she's going to physically fling her weapons at people like Wan-Fu does.

100th Post

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"Re(3):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Wed 29 Jun 08:48:post reply

(also, she is clearly not wearing any kind of panties in that picture.)

If you look at the battle shots, you'll see a black patch the same color as her leggings and sleeves. So my guess is that she is wearing the equivalent of a low (and high) cut one piece suit.

Though the fanarts will likely just have her naked.

And I agree with Iggy about her design. She would have fit in pretty well in SSS.

[this message was edited by Baines on Wed 29 Jun 08:52]

Red Falcon
5539th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Wed 29 Jun 08:55:post reply


If you look at the battle shots, you'll see a black patch the same color as her leggings and sleeves. So my guess is that she is wearing the equivalent of a low (and high) cut one piece suit.

Ahh, okay. Her portrait helps disguise that fact, but I see what you mean in the shots, too.

Edit: using outdated tags! Much better.

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[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Wed 29 Jun 09:02]

1387th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Wed 29 Jun 11:41post reply

Dammit, if the SS0 shots and stuff weren't enough to drive me insane, we've got more SS stuff to kill me. Last I heard, Sony USA was still blocking SS0, but it's probably maybe coming to XBox... but does anyone have any news? THIS IS MAKING ME SAAAAAAAAAD

It is definitely coming to Xbox, as I played an early version at E3. So is Neowave, but they haven't even started on that puppy.

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73th Post

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"Re(7):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Wed 29 Jun 17:35post reply

The new character looks like she's based around fanservice and a various conglomerations of fetishes. That said, I'm quite looking forward to giving her a test spin.

What they said.

Undead Fred
2440th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Wed 29 Jun 18:04post reply


It is definitely coming to Xbox, as I played an early version at E3. So is Neowave, but they haven't even started on that puppy.

Excellent! Any "definitely"'s make me happy.

3131th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Wed 29 Jun 18:35post reply

Sieger is back, and that's all I need.
IMO I like the design of the new characters (all of them) Iruha and Ochamaru are those I'm the most intereted in right now...

We are all mad at some point....

98th Post

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"Re(8):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Wed 29 Jun 23:55post reply


It is definitely coming to Xbox, as I played an early version at E3. So is Neowave, but they haven't even started on that puppy.
Excellent! Any "definitely"'s make me happy.

Yep. SS5 for Xbox will hit in October with Live features and it will have a translated story mode.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v311/Abster316/dedication3.gif [Image Attached]

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Red Falcon
5539th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Thu 30 Jun 02:33post reply

Sieger is back, and that's all I need.

Yes! I'm wondering if any of the old returning charas we haven't heard about will be getting any new stuff (Didn't somebody mention Nicotine had a new move?)

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463th Post

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"Re(7):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Thu 30 Jun 06:22post reply

The new character looks like she's based around fanservice and a various conglomerations of fetishes.

If this is what it takes to get people interested in a female fighter, I'm really starting to wish companies would stop creating them. :crying:

But weapon throwing techniques? I wonder if that means she's going to have Mina like projectile moves or if she's going to physically fling her weapons at people like Wan-Fu does.

Apparently when it comes to throwing projectiles and whatnot, one's just not enough anymore. Hope Shizumaru's reflect move is still as good as it's been in the previous games. Sounds like it's time to brush up on projectile reflecting techniques. :frown:

182th Post

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"Re(10):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Thu 30 Jun 10:47post reply

Sieger is back, and that's all I need.
Yes! I'm wondering if any of the old returning charas we haven't heard about will be getting any new stuff (Didn't somebody mention Nicotine had a new move?)

I would hope they get new moves. Certain chara's already got new moves. Like Galford's new Plazma shield.

137th Post

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"Re(6):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Thu 30 Jun 13:32:post reply

Whoops. Somehow thought people were talking about Special instead of Zero. Never mind.

The Xbox port is being done in the US, yes.

No Special, though.

[this message was edited by aderack on Thu 30 Jun 13:36]

100th Post

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"Re(1):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Fri 1 Jul 13:34post reply

I think Nicotine has a new move where he makes a copy of himself. Rimururu uses her ice hammer as a special move and Nakoruru's zetsumei is a command throw. Tam Tam has a new move as well.

I hope this gets one last loke test.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v311/Abster316/dedication3.gif [Image Attached]

There's no substitution to dedication

Red Falcon
5543th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Fri 1 Jul 14:57post reply


I hope this gets one last loke test.

I'm sure that other classic charas will have some, too (Hopefully Gen-An and Cham will have something new). How about Wan-Fu, anybody know if he can still bang his head to charge his meter?

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623th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Fri 1 Jul 15:20post reply


I'm sure that other classic charas will have some, too (Hopefully Gen-An and Cham will have something new). How about Wan-Fu, anybody know if he can still bang his head to charge his meter?

If Rasetsumaru can cut himself to do the same thing, I'm pretty sure Wan-Fu will be okay. Unless they only want one character able to do that, of course.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

Red Falcon
5544th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Fri 1 Jul 16:05post reply

If Rasetsumaru can cut himself to do the same thing, I'm pretty sure Wan-Fu will be okay. Unless they only want one character able to do that, of course.

Yeah, but the change in design in Wan-Fu's weapon makes me wonder (I haven't seen a clear shot of it, though; it is really thick, or is it a more thin pole with the iron balls on it?)

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102th Post

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"Re(5):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Fri 1 Jul 16:45post reply

Yeah, but the change in design in Wan-Fu's weapon makes me wonder (I haven't seen a clear shot of it, though; it is really thick, or is it a more thin pole with the iron balls on it?)

The art and screenshots in Arcadia show it pretty clearly as a pole with a very large ball at the top. It is still a weapon that he could hit his head against, if they want him to keep the move.

464th Post

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"Re(2):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Fri 1 Jul 20:21post reply

Rimururu uses her ice hammer as a special move and Nakoruru's zetsumei is a command throw.

I don't know what pisses me off more. The fact that the old throws are coming back as specials or the fact we're still using those lame throws from SS III; which I wouldn't be surprise still don't work everytime.

656th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Fri 1 Jul 20:58post reply


I don't know what pisses me off more. The fact that the old throws are coming back as specials or the fact we're still using those lame throws from SS III; which I wouldn't be surprise still don't work everytime.

Actually, I find it much easier to pull off command throws in most fighting games than regular throws. It does leave you more open if you miss, but at least a slash won't come out instead...

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Red Falcon
5545th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sat 2 Jul 02:48post reply


Actually, I find it much easier to pull off command throws in most fighting games than regular throws. It does leave you more open if you miss, but at least a slash won't come out instead...

I don't find it particularly difficult to do either throw, and the SS3/4 style throws can be pretty damn nasty depending on the game and the chara (4...)

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6732th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Iroha randomness" , posted Fri 8 Jul 07:14post reply



669th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Iroha randomness" , posted Fri 8 Jul 13:55post reply

Those fan artists are quick =P

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195th Post

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"Re(1):Iroha randomness" , posted Fri 8 Jul 18:27post reply

Wow, I thought they'd at least wait for the game to come out first...

3140th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Iroha randomness" , posted Fri 8 Jul 18:53post reply

Wow, I thought they'd at least wait for the game to come out first...

no, no... the same thing happens with FFX-2 where hentai and doujin have spreaded long time before the game....

We are all mad at some point....

2086th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Iroha randomness" , posted Sat 9 Jul 00:47post reply

It will be interesting to see how Iroha's animations and in-game personality compare to what the artists think she's going to behave like. The best way to do this will be to post fan art made after the game's release in a seperate thread so the similarities and differences can be more easily seen. IOW, not only do we need a pic thread of Iroha now, we'll need another one in the future as well.

6733th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Iroha randomness" , posted Sat 9 Jul 01:55post reply

It will be interesting to see how Iroha's animations and in-game personality compare to what the artists think she's going to behave like. The best way to do this will be to post fan art made after the game's release in a seperate thread so the similarities and differences can be more easily seen. IOW, not only do we need a pic thread of Iroha now, we'll need another one in the future as well.

or her GENDER, as the first fanarts of Bridget were definitely female, since his artwork came out before his story.

106th Post

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"Re(1):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sat 9 Jul 14:49post reply

With new loketest notes sure to come in, I must ask if we should put the notes in a new thread or just reply them into this one? May be good for those with lower connections to not take as much time loading the thread.

Fortunately, Iroha's gender is pretty clear to me. A rack like that most certainly wouldn't fit a man.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v311/Abster316/dedication3.gif [Image Attached]

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196th Post

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"Re(2):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sat 9 Jul 16:56post reply

People were saying Yumeji was a shemale at first, before SS5 was out... :p

6838th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sat 9 Jul 17:00:post reply

People were saying Yumeji was a shemale at first, before SS5 was out... :p

She might still be a hermaphrodite. Or a man. Or a real female.
And I guess we'll never know.

EDIT : Iroha stands on one leg. Her voice is younger than her looks. She's a surprisingly normal character (not Mina or Unpi). She has some moronic replies.

Ambrogia appears at the end as a still drawing (original boss ?)

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

[this message was edited by Iggy on Sat 9 Jul 18:23]

197th Post

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"Re(4):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sat 9 Jul 20:01post reply

I heard somewhere that there were hints in the SS64 games that Yuga might be Ambrosia himself/herself/itself... So she could be the 5th boss and 42nd character of the game ?
Unless the 5th boss is an original character... (a fusion of Enja and Suija could be cool, as a what-if character and a reference to their SS5 storyline)

Anyway, I think it is likely that there'll be another boss on top of the 4 SS5S ones...

6838th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sat 9 Jul 22:00post reply

Every character meets a rival at the 4th fight, then another before the final (against one of the 4 Supisupe bosses). Then you are shown a quick shot of the (eventual) last boss, who could very well be Ankikô (after all, they would only have to add some frames to the SS0 version).

Because of this double rival thing, we know the computer can use everyone (including Suija, Rera, etc).
Example for Chamcham : first rival Ochamaro, second rival Tamtam.
There are dialogs for each rival fight, like an hommage to the first SS (it also has a huge world map).

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

198th Post

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"Re(5):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sat 9 Jul 22:46post reply

If Gaoh just can't turn into Ankikou in any fighting mode (no Zetsumei heh ?), then yeah, Ankikou is likely to be his own character...

By the way, I hope Gaoh will have been improved in this game (both style and gameplay wise).

49th Post

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"Re(5):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sun 10 Jul 00:34post reply

Because of this double rival thing, we know the computer can use everyone (including Suija, Rera, etc).
Example for Chamcham : first rival Ochamaro, second rival Tamtam.
There are dialogs for each rival fight, like an hommage to the first SS (it also has a huge world map).

That made me want play this game.Even it might not be cannon story but anyway i wanna play it.Im kinda storyline whore.Dialogues and kind of stuff what makes me get in a fighting game since im not a master fighter.

here is kapadokya/cappadocia
Link Here.php?main=4&sub=1
and pamukkale
Link Here

Hi from Türkiye

6839th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sun 10 Jul 03:32post reply

Iroha's master is the player ("okaerinasaimase" when you select her).
She get naked in her bukitobashi.
Oh well, at least she says "danna sama", not "goshujin sama".

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

199th Post

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"Re(7):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sun 10 Jul 03:48post reply

I wish Iggy's posts were a bit more English-friendly. :p

2087th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sun 10 Jul 03:55post reply


That made me want play this game.Even it might not be cannon story but anyway i wanna play it.Im kinda storyline whore.Dialogues and kind of stuff what makes me get in a fighting game since im not a master fighter.

I'm looking forward to those little rivalry things as well. I'm sure they will be written in SNKgrish and will contradict the already murky SS continuity but I'll bet they will also be fun. The more I hear about this game the more it sounds like I will like it.

or her GENDER, as the first fanarts of Bridget were definitely female, since his artwork came out before his story.

To quote Iggy:

She get naked in her bukitobashi.

I guess the game is going to settle that debate in the most direct way possible. Like I said earlier, the more I hear about this game the more it sounds like I will like it.

107th Post

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"Re(7):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sun 10 Jul 04:11post reply

Even without blood, this looks to be a must have game.

It seems fairly typical to have Japanese speaking females sound a lot higher pitched than what they look to be. Look at GG's Jam for instance and a number of the KOF girls.

Stifu, to answer your question from another forum, I think SS5's mode just has the meditation and modified rage explosion. I doubt it will have the zetsumei ougi, much like SS4's mode will likely not have the no contest feature either. In both cases those were meant to kill your opponent, and since this game doesn't even have any blood, (Curse you for leaving it out Imoya) I highly doubt they would put that in.

The rival system sounds cool, but I wish the single player journey was longer. They were kept to 8 to 10 matches in the later SS games. I was looking for those to be up to 13 or so like in SS2 & 3.

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200th Post

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"Re(8):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sun 10 Jul 04:37post reply

The rivalry thing sounds like what was in SS4... Except there were some rivalries that didn't make sense, just there to fill space, like Galford vs Tam Tam...
This still sounds good.

Thanks for the details, Abster.

Shingo The One
582th Post

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"Re(7):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sun 10 Jul 05:11post reply

Iroha's master is the player ("okaerinasaimase" when you select her).
She get naked in her bukitobashi.
Oh well, at least she says "danna sama", not "goshujin sama".

Well well well, I see that fighting games have now gotten a true fucking hot babe in the picture.Thanks as always Iggy-san.
BTW, I wonder, since we're all guys here, who will get truly fucked up with this bitch first.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

631th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(8):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sun 10 Jul 05:17post reply


BTW, I wonder, since we're all guys here, who will get truly fucked up with this bitch first.

...what are you talking about?

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

105th Post

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"fan art vs fact" , posted Sun 10 Jul 05:20post reply

no, no... the same thing happens with FFX-2 where hentai and doujin have spreaded long time before the game....

Ingrid was appearing in doujin after her character sketch was released for All-Stars, long before she ever actually appeared in a game (Fighting Evolution/Jam).

Shingo The One
583th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(9):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sun 10 Jul 05:55post reply


BTW, I wonder, since we're all guys here, who will get truly fucked up with this bitch first.

...what are you talking about?

Sorry for cutting it short Nate. I meant since we all of the Cafe are guys, who will get "horny"(I so can't believe I said this word)with this hot bitch first by playing as her.Well, I won't because I won't play this game ever(from where I live).I won't miss this one, but I will miss KOFXI.Time will tell.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

201th Post

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"Re(10):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sun 10 Jul 06:30post reply

Shingo is the most embarrassing member of this forum... *rolls eyes*

6841th Post

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"Re(7):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sun 10 Jul 06:32:post reply

Ishmael : actually, he was wondering about Yumeji's sex.

It's Iroha that gets naked in her bukitobashi, Iroha whose sex is not really questionnable.
Sorry if I didn't explained better.

Nate : who the hell are you talking to ?

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

[this message was edited by Iggy on Sun 10 Jul 06:33]

466th Post

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"Re(4):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sun 10 Jul 06:36post reply


Actually, I find it much easier to pull off command throws in most fighting games than regular throws. It does leave you more open if you miss, but at least a slash won't come out instead...

Pulling off the throws isn't the problem. It's getting the proper follow-up where the SS3 throws are so jacked up at.

202th Post

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"Re(8):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sun 10 Jul 06:42post reply

Ishmael : actually, he was wondering about Yumeji's sex.

It's Iroha that gets naked in her bukitobashi, Iroha whose sex is not really questionnable.
Sorry if I didn't explained better.

I assumed he did understand everything... O_o
... And was only just saying Rid's comment about genders definitely didn't apply to Iroha now.

109th Post

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"Re(8):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sun 10 Jul 06:43post reply

Nate was talking to Shingo of course.

Does Iroha face backwards when she's naked, or is it like Lilith's super moves/intro?

Loketest details seem scarce. Hope additional details come in soon.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v311/Abster316/dedication3.gif [Image Attached]

There's no substitution to dedication

Shingo The One
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"Re(2):Re(10):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sun 10 Jul 06:50post reply

Shingo is the most embarrassing member of this forum... *rolls eyes*

I apologize Stifu for being stupid in making short remarks like the latest one I just said, but honestly I presume that all the members of the Cafe, who are all guys and who are all veterans of this place of the ways of the Net, should at least catch on in some way to the short things I type for you all to read.But sadly if I get this kind of negative shit, it's perfectly clear that I got to spend a little more time in detailed typing.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

491th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sun 10 Jul 07:28post reply

I apologize Stifu for being stupid in making short remarks like the latest one I just said, but honestly I presume that all the members of the Cafe, who are all guys and who are all veterans of this place of the ways of the Net, should at least catch on in some way to the short things I type for you all to read.But sadly if I get this kind of negative shit, it's perfectly clear that I got to spend a little more time in detailed typing.
A little, huh? I can't believe this, uuuh, boy... Is a fan of the same character as I. *ashamed*

--- http://ngmc.retrogames.com

2090th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sun 10 Jul 09:38post reply

Ishmael : actually, he was wondering about Yumeji's sex.

It's Iroha that gets naked in her bukitobashi, Iroha whose sex is not really questionnable.
Sorry if I didn't explained better.

Oops, when I look back at my post I didn't make myself as clear as I should have. Like Stifu noted, I was referring to the discussion of Rid's Iroha art thread. That's the problem with threads like this, when several different things are under discussion at the same time it pays to make sure you specifically state what you are talking about.

Shingo The One
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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):Re(10):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sun 10 Jul 20:11post reply

I apologize Stifu for being stupid in making short remarks like the latest one I just said, but honestly I presume that all the members of the Cafe, who are all guys and who are all veterans of this place of the ways of the Net, should at least catch on in some way to the short things I type for you all to read.But sadly if I get this kind of negative shit, it's perfectly clear that I got to spend a little more time in detailed typing.A little, huh? I can't believe this, uuuh, boy... Is a fan of the same character as I. *ashamed*

Excuse me man, but is your favorite character the same as mine?If so, then I'm honestly pleased to know that.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

492th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(5):Re(10):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sun 10 Jul 21:45post reply

Excuse me man, but is your favorite character the same as mine?If so, then I'm honestly pleased to know that.
*cries blood*

--- http://ngmc.retrogames.com

Shingo The One
586th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Sun 10 Jul 22:32post reply

Excuse me man, but is your favorite character the same as mine?If so, then I'm honestly pleased to know that.*cries blood*

What is it?Are you crying because of what I just said, that you have one thing in common with someone like me?WOW, I never thought I would let someone be let down by me cause of such shit.Oh well, you win some, you lose some, right?

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

1519th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(7):Re(10):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Mon 11 Jul 05:59post reply

Excuse me man, but is your favorite character the same as mine?If so, then I'm honestly pleased to know that.*cries blood*
What is it?Are you crying because of what I just said, that you have one thing in common with someone like me?WOW, I never thought I would let someone be let down by me cause of such shit.Oh well, you win some, you lose some, right?

Please tell me again where is it you are from%

6841th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Mon 11 Jul 09:18post reply

Run, JJWE, run !
He's behind you !

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

493th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(7):Re(10):(new) Samurai Spirits thread" , posted Mon 11 Jul 19:50post reply

Run, JJWE, run !
He's behind you !

--- http://ngmc.retrogames.com