OT -> How many hours? - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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4083th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"OT -> How many hours?" , posted Sun 26 Jun 02:53post reply

The question is simple; wich games have you played the most in your entire life??

Well; for example just a few days ago I was playing Disgaea and after acomplishing big things (beating the first Baal) I decided to give the game a rest for a few weeks... I have been playing it from the year that has been released, that would be 2 years now... Then I realized.... 408 hrs of game time, that's one freaking big amount of time; I can recall surpassing the 100 hrs and stoped caring for game time after that...

Due to that I was thinking back to my hard core gaming days and thought of every game that I have just played to death... I came up with these. The order is the order on wich I met these games:

1.- Final Fight -> the first game I truly learnt how to play and properly beat, I spent 4 credits a day every day for more than 2 years, with every credit I would beat the game... TV is no fun when a military dictatorship runs the country, so videogames where the main fun; so when I wasn't hiding from the MP, I was at the arcade skipping lunch hours beating down streets punks with a ninja and an iron pole. That was just priceless.

2.- Final Fantasy 1 -> this game just taught me english as I know it (yes, that's how crappy the translation was) I remember that I wrote down every dialoge of the game on a copy book and translated it word by word. More than 6 months playing for beating the game the first time and then kept playing the game from time to time, I have easily finished more than 15th times; even thought I played a huge pile of NES games (easily more than 2000) this just stands as the first place, insomnium knows no borethom and I still have the copybook with the translation.

3.- Final Fantasy 3 -> Similar case, when I got a SNES this was the only game that I got and that fact remained for more than 3 months; after that I got BoF 1, Chrono Trigger & BoF 2; and after that it took me more than 3 years to get more games. BoF 2 would be a very close second place; games where damn to damn expensive back then.

4.- KoF 97' -> On my arcades every game was available on the week of their release in japan; so we got KoF 97' right away... But just after getting it the arcade had economical problems and didn't brought more games until the 99'. During that time I played this game 1 hour after school every day and on the weekends after hanging around with the gang we always crashed on someone's house and played the PSX version of the game from something like 12:00 AM to 10:00 AM, more than 10 hardcore gamers locked up in one room produce endless hours of tight matches and underage alcoholic consumtion... A Close second place was Samurai Spirits Korin, wich we played simultaneously with this game... A third place here would be KoF 99', on wich I spent more than 2 summers and many week days beating down people, I have even fought japanese players.

5.- Tekken Tag Tournament -> I remember that only Tekken hardcore fans heeded TTT becuase it was a expensive maching down here; KoF 99' was worth "50 pesos" the credit; TTT was worth "200 pesos" the credit, it just was too damn expenise.... Until one day someone realized that we could fit in "10 pesos" coins on the credits slot by force instead of the "200 pesos" token and thus became the cheaper game of the arcades. I played simultaneously KoF 99' & TTT for many hours, and after a few years the KoF 99' machine was gone I didn't have more choices other than focusing my time on this; I mean, with 3 hours void on classes you can't go drinking all day; it's too expensive, better expend some credits and beat everyone to dust... On this game I have truly become an icon of both, arrogance and high level competitive play; even though everyone hates my 'first season hokuto no ken villian dissing style' everyone knows that I'm no diet cookie, down town no one can say that they beat me.

Well, that's that for now, if I think of something more later I will add it... If you, kind reader, by any chance have a game that truly has affected you and you have spent an important part of your life then please stand out proudly and said so. I already feel curious to know what would be Rugal Berstein, Rid's and Iggy kita choices

See??? He is a God...


228th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(1):OT -> How many hours?" , posted Sun 26 Jun 03:42post reply

Final Fantasy iii (vi) was the first role playing game that I really got into. After finding that forest with the dinosaurs, I spent most of my time leveling up my characters there. So I would have to say that I spent my early adolescent years playing it.

Final Fantasy vii would be the next game that I spent my teenage years playing.

After finding out that there were cheat devices such as Action Replay, I cheated my way through all RPG's now. I just want to know the storyline more than caring about being an actual gamer.

But to answer "how many hours spent on games?" I don't know. My entire life?

1059th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):OT -> How many hours?" , posted Sun 26 Jun 04:38:post reply

The games I've spent the most time playing are:

World of Warcraft, for some reason I just can't stop playing it. Of course I spent to muchtime playing Ragnarok Online. All the Final Fantasy's from 7 on, oh forgot Soul Calbur on the DC, and the SSX games.

Fuu is a cutie!!

[this message was edited by NeoRyu on Sun 26 Jun 05:29]

920th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):OT -> How many hours?" , posted Sun 26 Jun 05:12:post reply

Donkey Kong I (arcade+Colecovision+Mame+GBA)
Animal Crossing (GC)
Double Dragon (arcade & GBA)
Gauntlet II (arcade, Amstrad, Atari ST, Mame)
KOF '98 (arcade+Mame)
The Pawn (Amstrad 6128)
Dungeon Master (Atari ST)

[this message was edited by kikkoken on Sun 26 Jun 05:15]

Time Mage
2189th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):OT -> How many hours?" , posted Sun 26 Jun 06:08post reply

In my case, Final Fantasy Tactics is clearly the winner: 4 or 5 complete normal playthroughs, plus the challenges and the hours spent in the "attempting to perfect" file.

Then, SFIII:TS comes close, specially because the countless hours playing vs since it came out. Once GGXX arrived I played less, but I'm starting to play again.

1226th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):OT -> How many hours?" , posted Sun 26 Jun 06:16post reply

Hmmm...well, a lot of these are "composite" games. Like...a series.

KOF 98 for sure, as I used to play that every day for a few matches at least.

GGX/XX, which I've spent more time just in training mode than I've spent playing many other fighters.

Vampire Hunter used to be on the "menu" every weekend with my friends for several years.

DDR, which was my "45 minute a day meltdown exercise program" for over a year.

Persona 2 took a lot of my time...

Monster Hunter is putting up a good fight, though I'm just at about 100.

I think I might have beat the clock in DOA2.

Shin Ramberk
142th Post

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"Re(3):OT -> How many hours?" , posted Sun 26 Jun 06:27post reply

3S - DC and Arcade
SFA2 - Arcade
SF2 - Arcade

In no particular order. SF2, SFA2 and 3S were some of the most memorable games I ever played.

Go buy the new Warlock series by Marvel. It is good support this title!

burning kyo
2339th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):OT -> How many hours?" , posted Sun 26 Jun 06:40post reply

DBZ 2 - snes
KOF 98 - neogeo, emulator, dc
SFZ3 - arcade, emulator, ps1
Tekken TT - arcade
Tekken 4 - arcade, ps2

[welcome to the devil's nest]

12th Post

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"Re(5):OT -> How many hours?" , posted Sun 26 Jun 07:53post reply

Well i remember i played 99 very much.It was the game that help me to be a better fighting gamer.

and in console The misadventures of Tron Bonne was great i played it months.Gotta love servebots

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
even i thought that capcom made the robo version of smurfs

End of Spoiler

And its no big deal but when i was primary school me and my friend played super mario bros and talk about it two years.
For now, im still into kof2003

hi from Türkiye.

Red Falcon
5508th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):OT -> How many hours?" , posted Sun 26 Jun 08:40post reply

Ugh... this is too hard. I've never kept track of time, but I know that I've played far more Contra and Super Contra than I ever should have, and Millipede and Galaga ruined my life once, ha ha ha.

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66th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):OT -> How many hours?" , posted Sun 26 Jun 08:56post reply

-KoF 2002 (I've lost track on the number of quarters and hours just for the arcade)
-Guilty Gear X/XX
-Star Ocean 3 (over 200 hours on my first run, still working on my second, and planning for my third)
-FFVII, VIII (one file with just about everything done for VII, a file with everyone at Lv. 100 for VIII, all ultimate weapons, and all but two limit breaks for Quistis)
-Battle Arena Toshinden 1-3
-R4: Ridge Racer Type 4
-Ace Combat 04
-DMC1-3 (yes, even 2... >_>)
-Streets of Rage 1-3
-Mega Man Legends
-Onimusha 1-3

...I have no life...

2074th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):OT -> How many hours?" , posted Sun 26 Jun 08:56post reply

This -along with how much money I have spent on games- is the sort of question I don't want to think about. I'm certain the answer would scare me.

6705th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):OT -> How many hours?" , posted Sun 26 Jun 10:00:post reply

Final Fantasy Tactics: played through it two times, over 100 hours each.

Sonic 3 & Knuckles: my original Sonic 3 cart was a pirate one, so I couldn't save. I had to play through the full thing with no saves :D And I played it often.

Castlevania SOTN: several plays through it, the last one around 60 hours with both items dropped by each kind of enemy marked.

Tales of Phantasia: second time I played it, around 80 hours.

Played FF7 three times, FF9 three times, Xenogears two times, Star Ocean 2 three times, Tales of Eternia two times, Tales of Destiny two times...

Also I spent a lot of time in SRW Alpha trying to figure out how to play a SRW.

[this message was edited by Rid on Sun 26 Jun 10:01]

6810th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):OT -> How many hours?" , posted Sun 26 Jun 20:28post reply

I think I've spend easily several thousands of hours on Romancing Saga 2, and just a little less on RS3.

RS1 MS is taking the good way.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

5th Post

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"Re(1):OT -> How many hours?" , posted Mon 27 Jun 01:40:post reply

Front Mission 3 - Over 250 hours

Final Fantasy Tactic - Over 200 hours

Warcraft and Starcraft series which I still play to this day. God knows how many hours I spend playing it on Battle.Net.


[this message was edited by Slayzz on Mon 27 Jun 01:47]

1232th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):OT -> How many hours?" , posted Mon 27 Jun 04:50post reply

Front Mission 3 - Over 250 hours

Yeah, it's pretty easy to spend a lot of time on that game. It's not a bad investment, either.

617th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):OT -> How many hours?" , posted Mon 27 Jun 06:01post reply

Eternal Fighter Zero

I haven't left this game since I started playing it like four or five years ago. I started with the first demo, then the second demo, then 1.20, then Blue Sky, then Bad Moon and its many patches all the way to 3.10, and since every version makes changes/additions/etc on the characters, its like starting fresh.

Ironically, this is the fighting game I have played the least against other people. But the thing is, the CPU is smart enough that it won't bore you right away, and the game is so deep that I am still learning new things.

Before I had access to Japanese replays I would learn the oddities of the game engine by myself (including simple loops), and now, every time I see a good replay there *always* is something new. This prompts me to go back to training mode, learn new tactics and loop timings, practice them against the CPU, and then new replays pop up, and the endless cycle never ends...

I will finally face good competition during AX. A dream comes true.

Tasofro, my deepest respect for you.

And I still hope for EFZ 4.x featuring Clannad.


Street Fighter III, Capcom vs. SNK 2, Marvel vs. Capcom, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Super Turbo

The fighting games I played with the local people at El Paso during my college years. 3S, CvS2 and MvC2 are the main games played right now, but MvC1 with which we met each other. Third Strike took over quickly, and MvC2 and CvS2 then came in as well, although I don't play them as seriously as 3S.

ST is seldom played, but I still enjoy it a lot and is covered under Street Fighter II.


Secret of Mana

I don't remember how many times I have finished the game, but in my last game I have Level 99 with 99999 experience, 9999 gold, 9:99 magic... you get the point.

I also managed to find some glitches on my own, like how to crash the game while fighting the Dark Lich.


Street Fighter II

I grew up playing this game on its many different incarnations.


Super Mario Kart

You know you and your brother play the game a lot when both reached the peak of Toad and Koopa Troopa to the point that races are decided with a 1 hundreth of a second difference (it happened once at Mario Circuit 2)

Jabel D. Morales - VMan of Mana.

"Tameraeba makeyo!"

440th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):OT -> How many hours?" , posted Mon 27 Jun 06:31post reply

Listed in no particular order :

Genesis/Mega Drive :

-Sonic 2
-Last Battle/ Hokuto No Ken 2
-Toe Jam & Earl 1
-Toe Jam & Earl 2 : Panic on Funkotron

Sega Saturn :

- Vampire Hunter
- Marvel Superheroes
- Super Puzzle Fighter II X
- Panzer Dragoon Saga


-Valkyrie Profile
-Thunderforce V

I don't recall the exact amount of time I spent on them, but I know the Sega Saturn ones provided me and my friends of great fun for 2 summers' time...while the genesis ones even trascended time (I still play them sometimes, so ...)

Variable Savior
291th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(5):OT -> How many hours?" , posted Mon 27 Jun 13:16post reply

I've notched over 100 hours in pretty much every RPG I've played (I like to drag my feet and poke around). The only exception I can think of is Avatar Tuner - I'm about to enter the final level and only have like 40 hours (it's freakin me out...).

As far as the game I spent the most time on, it's hard to say. Between the arcade and SNES releases I'm sure I've spent alot of time playing SF2:WW. On the other hand, I know that I spent over 350 hours playing Disgaea. But the thing is it's hard to know exactly how much of that time was spent playing and how much was spent idle while I talked on the phone (people always called me while I played that game - stupid lack of a pause).

Blood marks heaven's path

1233th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):OT -> How many hours?" , posted Mon 27 Jun 13:53post reply

I've notched over 100 hours in pretty much every RPG I've played (I like to drag my feet and poke around). The only exception I can think of is Avatar Tuner - I'm about to enter the final level and only have like 40 hours (it's freakin me out...).

Try beating the hidden bosses in AT. That'll add some time to the clock and maybe some insanity to your diet.

282th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(7):OT -> How many hours?" , posted Tue 28 Jun 03:27post reply

Probably Dino Dini's "Kick Off 2", eheh! Spent several entire SUMMERS playing that game with my cousins, we'd do tournaments and all... The first Sim city I spent countless hours playing too... And the many hours designing quasi-impossible Lode Runner levels for my brother to curse on!

Good ol' Atari 520 STe! Aaah those where the good times!

Sorry for the nostalgia bit...

yeah, RPGs too, but I seldom pass the 60 hour bar for those. (usually more around 40 or 50 hours)


THe DRooGo
229th Post

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Frequent Customer

"you piece of toxic human waste..." , posted Tue 28 Jun 19:02post reply

AAhh damm Toxico.
you´ve just lighted a forgotten place in my wasted hashed brain and you know what?
a tear drop fell from my eyes. now i realize the good memories of our frienship.
Just remember the faces of hatred against us. The challenger´s pathethic saddness enligheted by our loud laughs.
fuck toxico I got ra go now my time here is over chao gordo ingrato
te quiero amigo mio.

4.- KoF 97' -> On my arcades every game was available on the week of their release in japan; so we got KoF 97' right away... But just after getting it the arcade had economical problems and didn't brought more games until the 99'. During that time I played this game 1 hour after school every day and on the weekends after hanging around with the gang we always crashed on someone's house and played the PSX version of the game from something like 12:00 AM to 10:00 AM, more than 10 hardcore gamers locked up in one room produce endless hours of tight matches and underage alcoholic consumtion... A Close second place was Samurai Spirits Korin, wich we played simultaneously with this game... A third place here would be KoF 99', on wich I spent more than 2 summers and many week days beating down people, I have even fought japanese players.

Some people never go crazy
what truly horrible life they must lead
Charles Bukowski.

89th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):you piece of toxic human waste..." , posted Tue 28 Jun 19:43post reply

Don't know which game i've played the most, but when i first got FFVIII i played 20 hours straight without any brakes.
That was pretty funny.

2516th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):OT -> How many hours?" , posted Tue 28 Jun 19:51post reply

Phantasy Star Online v1 & v2 (Dreamcast) ~ 500 hours. The game that robbed my life. Had a level 195(?) Hunewerl once.

Ragnarok Online (PC) - not sure how many hours I clocked, but I really played this a lot during the open beta. I once sat in Prontera for about 20 hours straight just vending stuff...
Had a level 99 Female Merchant.

Now you know why I stopped playing MMORPGs.

Honourable mention: Diablo II (PC) (still play it once in a while since v1.10), Ikaruga (DC), Imperishable Night (PC).

Juke Joint Jezebel
3429th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):OT -> How many hours?" , posted Tue 28 Jun 21:45:post reply

i've been avoiding this thread because it kinda hurts my head. but here i'll play. i won't bother mentioning any fighting games

Final Fantasy IV (completed at least four times) - once when i was still in elementary school (rented it from a store that doesn't exist anymore), once in college (borrowed it from a friend), and a couple of times on emulator some time between elementary and college
Final Fantasy V (three times) - the first time was on emulator (lol piracy) long before it came out in the states
Final Fantasy VI (at least three times) - before my old computer exploded, i had a rom save with so much cool shit on it. i don't remember too much about it, but about half my characters had Genji Gloves. i played it mindlessly and monsters kept dropping them. it was great
Final Fantasy VIII (at least twice) - on my final run, i maxed out my guys as much as possible and kicked the crap out of Omega Weapon
Final Fantasy Tactics (at least three times) - it used to be a ritual of mine to start a new FFT game every winter break
Skies of Arcadia (twice) - my FFT ritual ended with this game. played it first on dreamcast, winter of 2002. second, on gamecube, winter of 2003. on my second run, i collected everything, discovered everything, and brought home all the bounties. oh man those bounties were fun

Hoshigami (over 100 hours) - wasted my summer (of 2003) because of this game
Disgaea (over 150 hours) - wasted my summer (of 2004) because of this game
Pokemon (???) - it was all the rage back then. my Meowth owned the sky. that thing could turn on a dime. macross zero style
MUDs (???) - back before the mmorpg craze, i'm sure i've logged over a thousand hours on those servers. i'd probably be more of an mmorpg guy than a console rpg guy now if all the drama from MUDs didn't discourage me so much. i was banned so many times from some of my favorite places. but i guess i deserved it. i was always starting trouble, pissing off the immortals (admin), sparking guild wars, pking outside of my range, exploiting bugs, finding new innovative ways to abuse spells. ah, memories

honorable mention to Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VII, and Final Fantasy IX, which i've played through twice each (i think). i'm probably leaving something out. not that it matters, but if i think of anything later, i'll go back and edit. nevermind. i've spent way too much time playing way too many games. i think i've listed enough

[this message was edited by Juke Joint Jezebel on Wed 29 Jun 02:58]

81th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):OT -> How many hours?" , posted Wed 29 Jun 00:08post reply

The question is simple; wich games have you played the most in your entire life??

DDR, without a doubt - though technically, that refers to the series in general and not a specific game. Let's see, began with First Mix, but the Revolution didn't really begin for me until 2nd year of college. This local Disney Arcade (now shut down) had a special where you bought a yearly pass, and could come in to play as much as you want. I usually went 3 times a week, and spent an average of 4 hours. Then on the days I didn't go, I had the console version, and would spend about 1.5 hours. SOOOO:

(3 * 4) + (4 * 1.5) = 18 hrs/week
52 - 14 = 38 weeks (didn't play during summer and winter breaks)
18 * 38 = 684 hrs/year

Of course, that was only one year, and my playtime has decreased substantially since. I still do about 3 hours a week at another arcade. It's weird though, it doesn't feel so much as playing a game anymore, as it does like, say, jogging - albeit a lot more fun.

Outside of that though, most game time has to go to Master of Orion and Master of Magic for PC, with the original Civilization following closely behind. I've had a PC longer than I've had a console, and I'm a sucker for turn-based strategy, so I think I've racked up about 200 hours for MoO.