More Neo Geo Collection - Forums

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6795th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"More Neo Geo Collection" , posted Fri 24 Jun 06:29post reply

The Garô series, WH series, AoF series, and SS series will also be ported to PS2 as an online collection.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!


72th Post

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"Re(1):More Neo Geo Collection" , posted Fri 24 Jun 06:50post reply

The Garô series, WH series, AoF series, and SS series will also be ported to PS2 as an online collection.

haul ass. I wonder how many of these will get releases outside of Japan? [Image Attached]

There's no substitution to dedication

127th Post

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"Re(2):More Neo Geo Collection" , posted Fri 24 Jun 07:20post reply

Probable response: none of them. At least, not until after the PS3 is released. Ben Herman is kind of interested in releasing the earlier collections, eventually, when the rates go down and SCEA isn't so anal about standards. These seem likely enough to fall into the same category.

73th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Perhaps..." , posted Fri 24 Jun 07:46post reply

Probable response: none of them. At least, not until after the PS3 is released. Ben Herman is kind of interested in releasing the earlier collections, eventually, when the rates go down and SCEA isn't so anal about standards. These seem likely enough to fall into the same category.

Maybe, but remember that there's really none of those anti-2d stances for the Xbox, so at least that system has a chance to get some of these releases. [Image Attached]

There's no substitution to dedication

128th Post

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"Re(1):Perhaps..." , posted Fri 24 Jun 07:55post reply

True. However, they've already decided against Xbox ports of the earlier compilations. So you might want to take that into account.

There was some complex political see-saw theory that Michael Meyers was outlining to me at E3, basically to support the idea that SCEA will be actively looking for this kind of thing in a year or two, to help prop up the waning PS2 library.

One other thing to keep in mind is that SNK Playmore USA is actually handling some development now. The Xbox ports of SSV and Re-Bout are being done domestically. So they don't always have to wait for Playmore to respond anymore; if they feel like putting something on another platform, they can do it themselves.

So. There's also that element.

2788th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Perhaps..." , posted Fri 24 Jun 08:13post reply

There's also that element.

the other element is that SNK USA is run by the kind of guy that thinks it's a good idea to name your company SNK Neo Geo USA Consumer Corporation, and make that your URL.

461th Post

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"Re(3):More Neo Geo Collection" , posted Fri 24 Jun 08:26post reply

Probable response: none of them. At least, not until after the PS3 is released. Ben Herman is kind of interested in releasing the earlier collections, eventually, when the rates go down and SCEA isn't so anal about standards. These seem likely enough to fall into the same category.

Wouldn't surprise me. Haven't heard anything about the Vampire collection coming stateside and I expect the same for all these.

These collections would need the overblown popularity of SF II to even stand a chance of being considered for release in the states.

74th Post

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"Re(4):More Neo Geo Collection" , posted Fri 24 Jun 11:11post reply

Probable response: none of them. At least, not until after the PS3 is released. Ben Herman is kind of interested in releasing the earlier collections, eventually, when the rates go down and SCEA isn't so anal about standards. These seem likely enough to fall into the same category.

Wouldn't surprise me. Haven't heard anything about the Vampire collection coming stateside and I expect the same for all these.

These collections would need the overblown popularity of SF II to even stand a chance of being considered for release in the states.

Hmmm. That stuff is true as well, considering some of the earlier stuff said such as SS5 Xbox being handled domestically. I'm not quite out of it since the potential exists, but chances seem fairly low. [Image Attached]

There's no substitution to dedication

131th Post

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"Re(3):Perhaps..." , posted Fri 24 Jun 13:50:post reply

the other element is that SNK USA is run by the kind of guy that thinks it's a good idea to name your company SNK Neo Geo USA Consumer Corporation, and make that your URL.

You're right. He should have used a thesaurus. And added a paragraph. That's what I would have done.

Love, Eric-Jon Rössel Waugh.

[this message was edited by aderack on Fri 24 Jun 13:51]

6797th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):More Neo Geo Collection" , posted Fri 24 Jun 18:30post reply

Ah ?
I just noticed the Gekka 1&2 compilation has been pushed back to autumn.
I wonder what Imoya is thinking.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

159th Post

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"Re(2):More Neo Geo Collection" , posted Fri 24 Jun 19:04post reply


I wonder if Imoya is thinking.


Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
The Garou releases make me a happy man.

End of Spoiler

Café au lait s'il vous plait.
Ah this is the life!

6799th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):More Neo Geo Collection" , posted Fri 24 Jun 19:18post reply

The Garou releases make me a happy man.

If they release all the games at once not Garô 1, 2, SP, 3, then RB1, SP, 2.


I wonder if the polysamu will be in the SS compilation.
I mean, I know they won't, but I'd like it if they were.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

Cain Highwind
573th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):More Neo Geo Collection" , posted Sat 25 Jun 00:35post reply

The Garou releases make me a happy man.
If they release all the games at once not Garô 1, 2, SP, 3, then RB1, SP, 2.


I wonder if the polysamu will be in the SS compilation.
I mean, I know they won't, but I'd like it if they were.

I sure wish they were, considering they've never been ported to a home console before, right?

132th Post

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"Re(5):More Neo Geo Collection" , posted Sat 25 Jun 02:46post reply

If they release all the games at once not Garô 1, 2, SP, 3, then RB1, SP, 2.


Actually. They could also, hypothetically, edit Fatal Fury 1 to enable all of the characters. If they intend to put the game online, this might be a wise move.

4073th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):More Neo Geo Collection" , posted Sat 25 Jun 06:23post reply


I wonder if the polysamu will be in the SS compilation.
I mean, I know they won't, but I'd like it if they were.

SNK has a sad and mischivious copy paste politic with their ports they won't do anything big to the ports; so I doubt they would work in the 3d games and make a port from scratch.


I sure wish they were, considering they've never been ported to a home console before, right?

Correct, they never where.

See??? He is a God...

160th Post

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"Re(4):More Neo Geo Collection" , posted Sat 25 Jun 09:05post reply

The Garou releases make me a happy man.

If they release all the games at once not Garô 1, 2, SP, 3, then RB1, SP, 2.


Well yes, I pretty much expect them to do that. I am only wondering whether they'll put Garô 3 in the first or the second one, since it's a bit of a stand alone. Garô 3 is a bridge - or as some would say "a german suplex" - between the two eras. You can't really classify it as a Real bout, since Real Bout was created to forget 3 in the first place, but it still has much more to do with these games than 1/2/Spe. Garô 3 is essentially a lot of very smart and innovative ideas, arranged together the most stupid way possible. It's an incredibly crappy game with fantastic prospects. It has no use, but it's essential. Deciding in which half it goes would tell a lot on how modern day SNK looks back on Garô.

Not that I really give a damn, since I don't think I'll buy any of them as I already have all the Garô games I like on the Neo Geo. The announcement makes me happy because it means much more people might give RB2 a try.

I brought a TV and a Neo Geo at work a few days ago, alas only another guy isn't total crap at 2D fighters... and happens to love RB2 too.

Now, five facts:
- Every lunch break and evening for the last two weeks, we have been playing RB2.
- I always pick Geese.
- He always picks XiangFei.
- I win 95% of the time.
- In RB2, the challenger's character appears on his own stage (with his or her own musical theme).

So picture this:
Those other people at my office have be suffering Xiangfei's theme for cumulated HOURS. It's a great theme, mind you. But it's getting to their heads. We surprise them whistling the tune in the elevator sometimes, not remembering where they heard that before. And I am getting a bit tired of those XiangFei Vs. Geese matches. Not that I dislike the match up, and I am already glad and thankful someone else is here to play with me, but I am forgetting what other characters look like. And I want to practice my Geese on them too.

So whether Garô comes out in one or two packs, it will mean more people will have access to RB2 - which I still think is the best fighter on the Neo Geo (maybe tied with Supisupe now). And why not people at my office, who would then give a try at the real thing. Good news for me.

I also wonder what they'll do about Dominated Mind.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I am really happy for the Ryûko series too, although for other reasons. I love this series for completely unrational reasons. I just hope they'll include both the catridge and CD versions of Ryukô Gaiden.

End of Spoiler

Café au lait s'il vous plait.
Ah this is the life!

369th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(5):More Neo Geo Collection" , posted Sat 25 Jun 09:40post reply

The Garou releases make me a happy man.

If they release all the games at once not Garô 1, 2, SP, 3, then RB1, SP, 2.


Well yes, I pretty much expect them to do that. I am only wondering whether they'll put Garô 3 in the first or the second one, since it's a bit of a stand alone. Garô 3 is a bridge - or as some would say "a german suplex" - between the two eras. You can't really classify it as a Real bout, since Real Bout was created to forget 3 in the first place, but it still has much more to do with these games than 1/2/Spe. Garô 3 is essentially a lot of very smart and innovative ideas, arranged together the most stupid way possible. It's an incredibly crappy game with fantastic prospects. It has no use, but it's essential. Deciding in which half it goes would tell a lot on how modern day SNK looks back on Garô.

Not that I really give a damn, since I don't think I'll buy any of them as I already have all the Garô games I like on the Neo Geo. The announcement makes me happy because it means much more people might give RB2 a try.

I brought a TV and a Neo Geo at work a few days ago, alas only another guy isn't total crap at 2D fighters... and happens to love RB2 too.

Now, five facts:
- Every lunch break and evening for the last two weeks, we have been playing RB2.
- I always pick Geese.
- He always picks XiangFei.
- I win 95% of the time.
- In RB2, the challenger's character appears on his own stage (with his or her own musical theme).

So picture this:
Those other people at my office have be suffering Xiangfei's theme for cumulated HOURS. It's a great theme, mind you. But it's getting to their heads. We surprise them whistling the tune in the elevator sometimes, not remembering where they heard that before. And I am getting a bit tired of those XiangFei Vs. Geese matches. Not that I dislike the match up, and I am already glad and thankful someone else is here to play with me, but I am forgetting what other characters look like. And I want to practice my Geese on them too.

So whether Garô comes out in one or two packs, it will mean more people will have access to RB2 - which I still think is the best fighter on the Neo Geo (maybe tied with Supisupe now). And why not people at my office, who would then give a try at the real thing. Good news for me.

I also wonder what they'll do about Dominated Mind.

If they separate the games, logic would tell us that Garou 1, 2, SP, and 3 would be one pack, and the RB games and Dominated would be the other. It would be very nice if they put Dominated in the pack, but I have my doubts. It makes me realize how much I want the 2 Disc version of Dominated Minds on PSX... I guess that they're going to let you choose from original and arranged versions of the music, cos I just love it! And what do you think about Wild Ambition? The CG videos and the loading art on the PSX version was really nice... but I can see this game not fitting at all in the packs.

Which are the differences between Ryuko Gaiden on cart and CD appart from the arranged music?

4079th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):More Neo Geo Collection" , posted Sat 25 Jun 10:35:post reply


Which are the differences between Ryuko Gaiden on cart and CD appart from the arranged music?

Neo Geo CD version had storyline sequences that the arcade one didn't had, and if I do recall the endings are different.

I want this pack to come out soon, I am a big ryuuko fan by the way.

See??? He is a God...

[this message was edited by Toxico on Sat 25 Jun 10:38]

163th Post

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"Re(7):More Neo Geo Collection" , posted Sat 25 Jun 10:55post reply

They also added a color edit and a speed modifier. But the major technical difference was that the sprites and animations were actually different in both versions. The sprites are smaller and the colors crispiers on the CD版.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
We should do a Ryûko topic someday.

End of Spoiler

Café au lait s'il vous plait.
Ah this is the life!

4080th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):More Neo Geo Collection" , posted Sat 25 Jun 12:17post reply

*Look at Chaz post *

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Many people tried already but it almost always ended in me speaking with someone else one way; I remember that the more interesting one was 'Why did they forget AoF'

End of Spoiler

By the way, wasn't the AoF team disambled long ago? I thought that while some of them joined the gekka team others fled to other companies, I even heard that some of them where involved in GG & GGX.... I always wanted to confirm that, to know if that was 100% true (thought I'm pretty certain about it, less the GG part).

See??? He is a God...