SMB Super Show & Zelda, full series to DVD - Forums

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1536th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"SMB Super Show & Zelda, full series to DVD" , posted Fri 17 Jun 01:05:post reply

... love it or hate it, it's coming!

... or you can just do the Mario in Shmorkyvision.


[this message was edited by OmegaDog on Fri 17 Jun 01:12]


223th Post

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"Re(1):SMB Super Show & Zelda, full series to " , posted Fri 17 Jun 01:14post reply

Does that include the cereal commercials that they had too?

Man, that irritating jingle stills haunts me to this day.

1089th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):SMB Super Show & Zelda, full series to " , posted Fri 17 Jun 02:08post reply

... love it or hate it, it's coming!

... or you can just do the Mario in Shmorkyvision.

Count on every old series to come out on DVD, that's what I love about the media.

When do we get the DVD release of the Super Mario Bros. 3 animated show, though?

2918th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):SMB Super Show & Zelda, full series to" , posted Fri 17 Jun 02:20:post reply

... love it or hate it, it's coming!

... or you can just do the Mario in Shmorkyvision.

Count on every old series to come out on DVD, that's what I love about the media.

When do we get the DVD release of the Super Mario Bros. 3 animated show, though?

Goddamn Saban needs to get off their asses and put out a dual language Samurai Pizza Cats DVD and a compilation DVD set of their Grimm Fairy Tale Classics. I've been hunting the later down on ebay as they had a limited VHS release 10 years ago but it's a serious pain.

EDIT: I've comtemplated seeing if I can request copies made from the Library of Congress since they have them in their archives. I suppose I could say I'm doing research on world mythology and folklore(which is true).

[this message was edited by Radish on Fri 17 Jun 02:24]

3050th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):SMB Super Show & Zelda, full series to " , posted Fri 17 Jun 02:29post reply

... love it or hate it, it's coming!

... or you can just do the Mario in Shmorkyvision.

I'll definately be getting these. I loved to watch this as a kid and I know there is at least one episode of the Zelda cartoon that I never saw. I remember always looking forward to Friday when they would show the Zelda cartoon, I loved it. My little sister and I used to watch the Super Mario Bros. Super Show all the time. I hope they'll release Captain N on DVD too.

Hungry Like the Wolf

1091th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):SMB Super Show & Zelda, full series to" , posted Fri 17 Jun 03:47post reply

Goddamn Saban needs to get off their asses and put out a dual language Samurai Pizza Cats DVD

pizza cats english dub >>> all
except for possibly the french and german dubs... but who knows how well the jokes work in THOSE languages.

But the subtitles would have to be actual translations of the japanese dialogue.

I think it'd be pretty funny just to run japanese subtitles while playing the english track and see how NOTHING MAKES SENSE.

Y'know, I've got like VHS recordings of very nearly every episode that ever aired in Canada. I should encode them sometime.

1119th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):SMB Super Show & Zelda, full series to" , posted Fri 17 Jun 04:07post reply

Will the DVD have the live-action segments with Capt. Lou Albano? Those were AWESOME. I loved the time Roddy Piper came in to look for his bag pipes and Luigi turned them into a vacuum cleaner. Those were good times.

459th Post

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"Re(2):SMB Super Show & Zelda, full series to" , posted Fri 17 Jun 05:31post reply

I'll definately be getting these. I loved to watch this as a kid and I know there is at least one episode of the Zelda cartoon that I never saw. I remember always looking forward to Friday when they would show the Zelda cartoon, I loved it. My little sister and I used to watch the Super Mario Bros. Super Show all the time. I hope they'll release Captain N on DVD too.

Even without Captain N, this is still nice.

Now give me Darkwing Duck and The Tick and all's right with the world.

3052th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):SMB Super Show & Zelda, full series to" , posted Fri 17 Jun 11:32post reply

Will the DVD have the live-action segments with Capt. Lou Albano? Those were AWESOME. I loved the time Roddy Piper came in to look for his bag pipes and Luigi turned them into a vacuum cleaner. Those were good times.

I think one of my favorite live-action segments was when Ernie Hudson made a guest appearance. I hope all of the live-action segments are included.

Hungry Like the Wolf

615th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):SMB Super Show & Zelda, full series to" , posted Fri 17 Jun 12:42post reply

I remember always looking forward to Friday when they would show the Zelda cartoon, I loved it.

The one where the monsters rebelled against Ganon was the funniest episode in the series, I can't get over how pathetically funny it was.

Now, if they keep all the live action portions, let's hope they leave off the stupid King Koopa live action segments.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

917th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):SMB Super Show & Zelda, full series to" , posted Sat 18 Jun 04:51post reply

They don't include Club Mario segments, do they?

Now all I need is for Captain N and video Power to make it to DVD...


1834th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):SMB Super Show & Zelda, full series to" , posted Sat 18 Jun 04:59post reply

Hell yeah, I loved the Zelda segments. The Mario part not so much. No King Wart, King Koopa 24/7...

Yeah, we need Captain N Season 1 & 2. Season 3 with only 7 15 minute episodes and retarted character designs can suck it...

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

Cain Highwind
572th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):SMB Super Show & Zelda, full series to" , posted Sat 18 Jun 05:14post reply

Hell yeah, I loved the Zelda segments. The Mario part not so much. No King Wart, King Koopa 24/7...

Yeah, we need Captain N Season 1 & 2. Season 3 with only 7 15 minute episodes and retarted character designs can suck it...

I always found it ironic that the last episode of the series was a *Final* Fantasy based episode.

Anyway yeah props to these series going to DVD!

4176th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):SMB Super Show & Zelda, full series to" , posted Sat 18 Jun 05:59post reply

let's hope they leave off the stupid King Koopa live action segments.

Odd, I never saw these King Koopa segments, and I watched the show all the time. I guess they didn’t translate all the Mario episodes.

I also wonder why it was a requirement for a main character in a cartoon to be obsessed with a food item. All of the sudden Mario was a pig for pasta and Sonic had a thing for chili dogs.


2918th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):SMB Super Show & Zelda, full series to" , posted Sat 18 Jun 07:11post reply

I also wonder why it was a requirement for a main character in a cartoon to be obsessed with a food item. All of the sudden Mario was a pig for pasta and Sonic had a thing for chili dogs.


Mario was a fat Italian guy in an age where the Ninja Turtles had entire episodes dedicated to eating pizza so it seems like an obvious decision. I have no idea where they came up with Sonic and chili dogs though. They should have taken the ring theme and gone with donuts and bagels.

70th Post

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"Re(1):SMB Super Show & Zelda, full series to" , posted Sat 18 Jun 07:42post reply

Yipee! I watched Super Mario Bros and Captain N all the time as a kid. I can't wait to get the full volumes. Now just to wait for Captain N. Now excuuuuuuuuse me princess! [Image Attached]

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6th Post

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New Customer

"Re(5):SMB Super Show & Zelda, full series to" , posted Sun 19 Jun 10:45post reply

Will the DVD have the live-action segments with Capt. Lou Albano? Those were AWESOME. I loved the time Roddy Piper came in to look for his bag pipes and Luigi turned them into a vacuum cleaner. Those were good times.

Maybe I remember wrong, but wasn't Inspector Gadget on the show too? I used to watch Inspector Gadget at the time so maybe I'm just mixing things up...

1102th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(6):SMB Super Show & Zelda, full series to" , posted Sun 19 Jun 11:29post reply


Maybe I remember wrong, but wasn't Inspector Gadget on the show too? I used to watch Inspector Gadget at the time so maybe I'm just mixing things up...

Nope, you're memory is good. Too bad the guy didn't have the voice of the real Inspector Gadget.

The one with "Gorbachev" was pretty funny.