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shin ramberk 109th Post

Regular Customer
| "Dead genres? Live genres? What's going on?" , posted Fri 29 Apr 02:56
This truly is, one of my last gasps as a gamer. I've been in a downward spiral for a long time. SF doesn't even interest me as much anymore. Ugh. I'm turning into an 'adult' I guess. Anyhow, before I do say goodbye to electronic gaming, I wanted to gauge your thoughts, my fellow cafe folks, as to what is happening in the vg industry. Where is it going? What genres are dying? What genres are springing up?
My thoughts? I have no fricken clue. What the hell are the popular game genres now? 3D platformers? MMORPS? KOTOR style RPGS?
What genres are dying? The 2D platformer is dead right-- even on the GBA, no one makes 2D platformers. Fighting games have become like sports games- we get our annual release of Tekken, Virtua Fighter, Soul Caliber but nothing new-- no expansion, no new franchises. Arcades are... ugh.
I'm getting depressed. Eh. I'm rambling... blargh.
But really? Where are the new franchises? The 'New Ideas'? The 'New Genres'?
Go buy the new Warlock series by Marvel. It is good support this title!
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OmegaDog 1502th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(1):Dead genres? Live genres? What's going" , posted Fri 29 Apr 03:05:
quote: But really? Where are the new franchises? The 'New Ideas'? The 'New Genres'?
They're in your head, waiting to be written down and cohesed together into a solid idea, then waiting to be coded, scripted, animated, given music and sound effects, tested, fixed, and then distributed.
Though, they don't have to be completely new genres. Creative applications of existing genres work incredibly well too.
[this message was edited by OmegaDog on Fri 29 Apr 03:08] |
Mokona 249th Post

Frequent Customer
| "Re(3):Dead genres? Live genres? What's going" , posted Fri 29 Apr 04:55
I think the industry is going in a direction where if your game is not a multi-million dollar production, it gets no love. this is linked to the fact that games are marketed to wider audiences now, so the average gamer now is someone who'll buy anything "3D with impressive graphics" that pushes the machine to its best but no story, no gameplay, no originality. Most people who've played video games since the old days will tell you that... You can't blame companies for making what sells, I guess... Fortunately, there are still good games getting released from time to time. What really bugs me is that the japanese are pretty good at making new concepts for games, yet most of them won't be released outside of Japan (then again, most of them would sell poorly... since the "average occidental gamer" now only buys Madden 200X and DOAX...) I have faith though that good games keep on getting released, some people in the industry are pationnate enough to get us that!
Burning Ranger 1188th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(1):Dead genres? Live genres? What's going" , posted Fri 29 Apr 06:09
quote: This truly is, one of my last gasps as a gamer. I've been in a downward spiral for a long time. SF doesn't even interest me as much anymore. Ugh. I'm turning into an 'adult' I guess. Anyhow, before I do say goodbye to electronic gaming, I wanted to gauge your thoughts, my fellow cafe folks, as to what is happening in the vg industry. Where is it going? What genres are dying? What genres are springing up?
My thoughts? I have no fricken clue. What the hell are the popular game genres now? 3D platformers? MMORPS? KOTOR style RPGS?
What genres are dying? The 2D platformer is dead right-- even on the GBA, no one makes 2D platformers. Fighting games have become like sports games- we get our annual release of Tekken, Virtua Fighter, Soul Caliber but nothing new-- no expansion, no new franchises. Arcades are... ugh.
I'm getting depressed. Eh. I'm rambling... blargh.
But really? Where are the new franchises? The 'New Ideas'? The 'New Genres'?
I feel your pain. Nothing new has been able to get my attention except for a rare few games. Good thing there's Half-Life 2 to keep me company. But I need to stay away from Halo 2 and XboxLive for a while. It was a good concept to take games online, but once it went mainstream, it shot straight to hell...
Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger
 "The war is over the fight is just beginning..."
Iggy 6408th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Dead genres? Live genres? What's going " , posted Fri 29 Apr 06:09
Games cost a lot of money to make, and with the next generation, it will cost even more. Which means, less risks taken.
But even with this depressing state of the market, there still are games made for me, without concessions. Some studios, Sony, Namco or Square still put some of the money they get with their bigger franchises to create creative and low profile games (I'd like to put Capcom in the basket as well, but Ôkami and Killer 7 ought to be damn good). The point is, it all depends of what you seek in a videogame, and at what rate. I was thinking exactly as you do when the PS2 came (I hated my PS1, the DC was doomed to be a cute looser, and the X Box was ugly). And finally, after a few years and Siren, Minstrel Song, Mojipittan, Katamari, the PS2 became one of my favourite consoles of all times, and I think it's adjusting to my needs as perfectly as the SFC back in the days.
ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!
Fuchikoma 1275th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(2):Dead genres? Live genres? What's going" , posted Fri 29 Apr 15:54
The whole gaming industry has become hard to predict... before you just knew if it was from the likes of Capcom or Namco you were in for a good game... that's not the case anymore.
Capcom 2-d fighting is dead, Breath of Fire is dead, Megaman is more played out than ever, and the DMC sequels have either been too boring or down right impossible. On the bright side Viewtiful Joe and Onimusha have been a success and Shadow of Rome was a very nice surprise.
Namco... oh dear Namco... Death by Degrees was a nightmare... Dead to Rights 2 is completly mindless... but as far as fighting and RPGs they still have their act together. Tekken 5 is the best in the series, and the Tales and Xenosaga series are better than ever.
Sega... good god what happened to you. Billy Hatcher? Sonic Heroes? Amazing Island? Virtua Quest?... and really I can't see things look up for Sega... it's just been a downward spiral since Sammy bought them out.
I won't bitch too much about Konami but Nanobreaker sucked ass.
One company that's surprised me with consistantly good games recently has to be Ubisoft. The Prince of Persia games, the Splinter Cell series, XIII, Farcry... some really, really great stuff.
As for what's in? I'd say FPS is driving the market along with street racing games. There's been quite a few good FPS games recently too like Half-Life 2, Chronicles of Riddick, Farcry, SW:Republic Commando, Swat 4, Pariah, Area 51, etc.
EternalNewbie 178th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(2):Dead genres? Live genres? What's going" , posted Sun 1 May 02:40
Meh, the industry is going through a strange time, that is for sure. The old gaming companies that we loved and trusted have changed over time (they have lost and gained alot of different staff along the years), although not always to say for the complete worse. The cost of making games and even who the targetted audience is have changed. Also, we are technically running out of genres for games, causing stagnation found in almost any media outlet. However, that is not to say everything has gotten worse. We still get good games that we enjoy, even if their hasn't been a epic game release in a while (like the game or hate the game, I still remember the huge ass lines for Zelda: OoT). However, if it makes you feel any better, the industry is aware of this stagnation and/or strange evolution it has taken, and many companies and developers are seeking an answer. Just go read some of the stuff from this year's GDC (Game Developer's/Designer's Conference) and you will see some of the ideas people have for changing the industry; even if some of those ideas take it in the wrong path in my opinion. Alot of designers, although not quite sure the percentage of, are calling for a revolution in the industry. Even Nintendo is trying to change stuff, no matter how crazy and in the end, stupid they may seem/be. That is even the reason behind their next console being nicknamed/named the Nintendo Revolution. They are trying to break some of the stagnation in the industry by changing HOW people play. On the other hand, many designers are trying to change WHAT people play or HOW it is made. So, there is hope the industry will hit some creative gold sometime and at least they are trying to improve, so don't give up hope. Just sit back and have patience, playing some of the good games that get released these days.
 EternalNewbie: The Einherjar Hachitoushi -- The 8 Warriors of the Ragnarok Plan