Nintendo Ds Electric Blue in june USA - Forums

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"Nintendo Ds Electric Blue in june USA" , posted Thu 21 Apr 10:12post reply

North American DS sales approach 2 million; Electric Blue model inbound
Posted on Wednesday, April 20 2005

Nintendo has confirmed that sales of the DS handheld console in North America are rapidly approaching the 2 million unit mark - and is planning to launch a new Electric Blue version of the hardware there in June.

However, there's been no indication as yet from Nintendo of Europe about when new DS hardware varieties will arrive on these shores, with a spokesman confirming to this afternoon that there are "no plans at present, and no announcements have been made" regarding the Electric Blue model.

The numbers from North America mean that the DS, which launched before Christmas, has sold around twice as many units in the territory as the PlayStation Portable, which launched in late March with an initial shipment of a million units.

Nintendo will undoubtedly be hoping that with the arrival of a new colour, it will be able to replicate its recent sales success in Japan, where the launch of two new varieties of DS hardware spurred the console to overtake week to week sales of the PSP for the first time since the start of the year.

The firm is also lauding the launch of two key software titles for the DS in June, with Kirby Canvas Curse arriving on June 13th, followed by the eagerly awaited Meteos - the latest title from Rez creator Tetsuya Mizuguichi's Q Entertainment studio - on June 27th.

Electric blue is ok. I would rather have the candy pink model they have in japan. Also that nintendogs game looks sweet. Hopefully they will release Zelda for this system sooner than later. I wonder if Meteos will be as cool as Lumines.....

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"It's electric!" , posted Thu 21 Apr 23:33:post reply

My local FRY's and Gamestop for some reason have import games now; and I think they already have meteos, or at least preorder boxes for it.
Anywho, I also wish the candy pink model came out in the US as. My roomate was going to import it and sell me their gray DS for 1/2 price, but if it came out in the states that would save everyone money.

Postscript: Is there any truth to Nintendogs being renamed "Puppy Times" in the states?
Because if soo....ugh!

JoJo continually pulls off impossible stunts such as blocking bullets or stabbing a vampire's eyes out with his toes. Eventually after saving the world in a battle that involves a volcano a Nazi cyborg and a B-52 bomber Joseph marries Susie Q. and retires from adventuring.

[this message was edited by Ganguro on Thu 21 Apr 23:35]

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"Re(1):It's electric!" , posted Fri 22 Apr 02:02post reply


Postscript: Is there any truth to Nintendogs being renamed "Puppy Times" in the states?
Because if soo....ugh!

Where did you hear that? I hope that's a flat out lie because Nintendogs just sounds so much better.

Hungry Like the Wolf

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"Re(1):Nintendo Ds Electric Blue in june USA" , posted Sat 23 Apr 01:36post reply

I was hoping that someone would make a Hello Kitty model. Probably for the 3 year anniversary.

Meteos is awesome, buy it.

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"Re(2):It's electric!" , posted Sat 23 Apr 02:34post reply


Where did you hear that? I hope that's a flat out lie because Nintendogs just sounds so much better.

Puppy Times was the working US title, it's now Nintendogs here too. The official Nintendo website has been updated accordingly.

I've had the Japanese version for two days now, it's awesome. I can see this game selling DS units, it's that damn adorable.

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"Re(2):Nintendo Ds Electric Blue in june USA" , posted Sat 23 Apr 12:20post reply

I was hoping that someone would make a Hello Kitty model. Probably for the 3 year anniversary.

Meteos is awesome, buy it.

What do u do in meteos?

heres nintendogs....

Pretty please check out my neato sweet awesome webpage

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"Re(3):Nintendo Ds Electric Blue in june USA" , posted Wed 27 Apr 04:01post reply


What do u do in meteos?

Line up blocks to shoot them at other planets. Later on you can get powerups that help you clear space out. It's two minutes of frantic stylus fun and then on to the next level.

It's a simple description that doesn't do the game justice.