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ONSLAUGHT 3339th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Well..." , posted Sat 9 Apr 15:00
I don't know, but my most anticipated game (DMC3), blew up my expectatives, which were pretty high to begin with.
In any case, I've played PoP2 WW, for like 10 grand minutes since I bought it some months ago, and I haven't touched it ever since (I played up to the first boss, the one on the ship). Man, what a letdown... ugly graphics, stupid music (I mean, the first one had electric guitar sounds, but were so nicely done and at the right time, but this one had heavy metal since the beginning!), and I didn't notice any change on the combat system, it was as clunky as before. Oh, and why our Prince is now all dark and gritty?
If you guys have played the game more than I did, tell me if it gets better after the first stage (ship), because right now I don't want to touch it.
Hagen de Merak 884th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(1):Well..." , posted Sat 9 Apr 15:18
quote: I don't know, but my most anticipated game (DMC3), blew up my expectatives, which were pretty high to begin with.
In any case, I've played PoP2 WW, for like 10 grand minutes since I bought it some months ago, and I haven't touched it ever since (I played up to the first boss, the one on the ship). Man, what a letdown... ugly graphics, stupid music (I mean, the first one had electric guitar sounds, but were so nicely done and at the right time, but this one had heavy metal since the beginning!), and I didn't notice any change on the combat system, it was as clunky as before. Oh, and why our Prince is now all dark and gritty?
If you guys have played the game more than I did, tell me if it gets better after the first stage (ship), because right now I don't want to touch it.
the reason you dont like metal is because you like shitty mexican music. i mean come on man, queering dont make the world work.
Baines 57th Post
Occasional Customer
| "Re(1):Anticipated games that suck" , posted Sat 9 Apr 15:33
I'm not sure why anyone would have anticipated Death by Degrees to be a good game. The concept alone screams "iffy," and every bit of pre-release news was a further nail in any chance of it being better than mediocre. (Bone breaking x-rays, right analog attacks, weak story elements, and even the screenshots weren't anything special.) Or look at Tekken Force mode.
The free roaming 3D DBZ is exactly what I'd expect after seeing and playing the PS2 fighters. The fighters were so so at best, popular mainly due to the license. And a free roaming 3D game is only going to emphasize problems.
Doom 3 is an iffy case. On one hand, you could look at Id being a company that delivers an engine primarily, which everyone else turns into decent games. On the other hand, you still might expect them to not completely forget everything good about the prior Doom games.
Trusting Sega to make a good game? Sega is only a shell of its former self, and wasn't always the paragon of game design even before they left the console business. Sonic Heroes is only the next logical step in the decline of the Sonic franchise, though it had the added twist of actually getting worse as it was worked on. And shows that Sega has little to no clue what to do. Who knows how low Shadow the Hedgehog will sink.
Capcom has had its share of poor games. Blade Warriors was anticipated perhaps mainly because people don't think party fighters (ala Smash Bros) are hard to make. On the other hand, I can't think of any company that has tried and succeeded at such a game other than Nintendo/HAL. (Dream Fighters needs a lot more polish and better design. Same goes for Rumble Arena.)
Undead Fred 2283th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Anticipated games that suck" , posted Sat 9 Apr 17:33
quote: Doom 3
What???? Jesus, man... Doom 3 was excellent. I'll keep my fanboy crap to a minimum, but man... I loved Doom 3. Aside from the beautiful graphics, it had a great story and CLASSIC gameplay in every way... it was great seeing old demon types return right and left as well. The atmosphere was very very creepy, and the controls and overall game ran smooth as silk and stayed interesting throughout. The best part was that it felt new and enjoyable, while totally staying true to the previous games, not only in story, but gameplay as well. The only things I could complain about were the SoulCube and the very small collection of multiplayer levels (but still, the game's supposed to really emphasize the single player experience, so I can't complain too much about that part). The SoulCube isn't that much of a problem, though- it makes things a lot easier after you get it, but you don't HAVE to use it if you don't want to. And the PDA's supplement the stories very well... they don't interfere at all with the action. Of course, you wouldn't pull the PDA out and read e-mails when you're in the middle of a firefight, but when you're in the clear for a moment, it really adds to the backstory and enhances the atmosphere. No complaints there.
Now the expansion pack, on the other hand... that I was disappointed with. The double barrel was awesome of course, and we get more multiplayer options now, but losing the chainsaw for the Gravity Gun Grabber and the new stupid Artifact ("Hell Time" is TOTALLY different from Bullet Time, you know) hurt the game... as well as a much much less developed story and crappy ending. The problem with the Artifact is that it's extremely cheap: it activates "Hell Time," which slows everything down to a crawl and you eventually get more and more add-on powers to it which make it even more ridiculous... and it's powered by human souls, which are found E V E R Y W H E R E in the game (all those dead bodies littered around the game are now ammo). Plus, the Grabber and the Artifact are sold as being "puzzle-solving weapons" or whatever in the reviews I've read, but that particular use dies out within the first stage of the expansion. So they're pretty much worthless in terms of NEEDING them in the game. Especially when it hurts the "classic Doom" feel and forces you to lose a classic Doom weapon by default- the chainsaw. I love new weapons, but not when they're gimmicky and replace the old-school weapons I actually like using.
So, in MY opinion, Doom 3 is VERY good, but the expansion pack is really lacking.
A smartest essay ever by Undead Fred.
Dragon-warrior 1250th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(1):Anticipated games that suck" , posted Sat 9 Apr 18:21:
quote: A game is announced... a good developer... nice graphics... Last year saw some major letdowns as well...CFE (well I don't think anyone expected that to be good).
who can we trust?
thank god i didn't burn my money on CFE,i only trust Blizzard (even though i didn't buy WoW i am not a MMORPG player) SE was good but they are doing hell alot of crappy games latley(Drakengard, Musashi2 ,FF:CC,FMA)they do have some promising games "hopefully" (DQ8 , KH2, FF12,G3,RS). these days i only wait for the AAA titles that are 100% good and all people recommend. what i really hate is milking the series i mean come on how many FF7 sequaels do we have 4 or 5 ? i wounder why is it so god dam hard to make a new game these days , how different was it from the SN PS1 era.
[this message was edited by Dragon-warrior on Sat 9 Apr 18:26] |
Undead Fred 2285th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Anticipated games that suck" , posted Sun 10 Apr 04:34
quote: Now about Doom 3, perhaps suck is too harsh of a word. Major letdown is probably better to describe it. Yes Doom 3 has some genuinely scary moments, yes the graphics are absolutely amazing, yes the story is not quite bad. My one huge gripe though... why the hell can't you hold the flashlight and shoot at the same time? So many times I just found myself emptying a clip into total darkness... luckily there are mods for the game to have a flashlight mounted on your weapons. I think the pacing of the game turned me off too... it was just too slow. The old Doom games were blazing... Doom 3 was too many gun battles down corridors. Doom 3= shoot some undead guys, get killed by some freaking demon that blows out of wall, go back to save point and repeat. I don't think it lived up to the anticipation at all.
Well, as far as the flashlight goes, look at it this way- which one makes you more nervous, having the lights go out and having to switch between being able to see and being able to shoot, or being able to see and shoot at all times? I don't think it was like that because they didn't think to make them both available at once, but instead it was intentional to make you even more nervous when the lights went out.
I don't know, I didn't have that much trouble in the dark areas. Most of the time you had to have a flashlight out to see at all, your only threat were zombies, which you could just whack in the head with the flashlight. Other areas with more serious threats had SOME light (or an NPC lighting the way) that you could use to see and fire.
Undead Fred 2286th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):Anticipated games that suck" , posted Sun 10 Apr 05:41
quote: As for my massive disappointment...Silent Hill 4. I even liked it when it started, but I can't imagine anyone liking the game very much by the end.
I agree there. The actual graphics were nice and all, but it felt VERY rushed (I know it wasn't originally meant to be a real SH game, but it still had kinks in it). The story was pretty empty, and there was very little character development. And the "crowd pleaser"/ empty referencing to the previous games just bugged the hell out of me. "Mr. SUNDERLAND owns this building! *WINK!* I hear he has a son that disappeared? *WINK!!*" Plus, other than two monster types, the monster designs just weren't that great.
There were elements of the game that I liked (like screwing around the apartment, Building World, Apartment World, and of course, Mr. Braintree) and it's not like it wasn't ever creepy, but it was still a huge letdown. I could go on, but I'll stop there. Heh heh.
Spoon 876th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(6):Anticipated games that suck" , posted Sun 10 Apr 17:19
quote: I don't know, I didn't have that much trouble in the dark areas. Most of the time you had to have a flashlight out to see at all, your only threat were zombies, which you could just whack in the head with the flashlight. Other areas with more serious threats had SOME light (or an NPC lighting the way) that you could use to see and fire.
Besides, there are a lot of ways to use what light there is to fight... the simplest trick is being aware of the environment lights that you can see, and when any gets covered, shoot that spot. Even if the light isn't illuminating the room, if you could see it but can't see some of it anymore (and considering the sharp edges that are enemy models, it's a sharp contrast), it means something's there. Of course, this doesn't apply when your environment is TRULY pitch black...
Spoon 877th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(8):Anticipated games that suck" , posted Mon 11 Apr 01:39
quote: Besides, there are a lot of ways to use what light there is to fight... the simplest trick is being aware of the environment lights that you can see, and when any gets covered, shoot that spot. Even if the light isn't illuminating the room, if you could see it but can't see some of it anymore (and considering the sharp edges that are enemy models, it's a sharp contrast), it means something's there. Of course, this doesn't apply when your environment is TRULY pitch black... Heh heh... plus, there's the "keep moving and shoot where fireballs appear" method as well (when it gets too dark).
I think that while Doom 3 had a lot of things I didn't like, I have to admit that I was really impressed when I tried to shoot the black sillhouette of an Imp... only to realize that it was the shadow cast by the light of the Imp's own fireball. That was genuinely awesome.