Quick JoJo's Bizarre Adventure question - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Quick JoJo's Bizarre Adventure question" , posted Sat 9 Apr 09:21post reply

For some reason, I can't remember who it is that says, "HAIL 2 U!" or why.

It's like a blank spot in my head right now, and it's irritating.


3338th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Quick JoJo's Bizarre Adventure question" , posted Sat 9 Apr 09:26post reply

For some reason, I can't remember who it is that says, "HAIL 2 U!" or why.

It's like a blank spot in my head right now, and it's irritating.

While we're at it, and I know Iggy is going to answer this question of yours, I'll add another very simple question.

What the hell is JoJo about? I've seen the games and the characters look bizarre enough to spark my interest. I would like to know the story of this manga. I don't care if it's full of spoilers, since I can't read japanese, I can't read the manga.
Also, I don't want to use google, I want Iggy to waste his precious time on me.

872th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Quick JoJo's Bizarre Adventure question" , posted Sat 9 Apr 09:36post reply

, since I can't read japanese, I can't read the manga.



Part I of JoJo borders on lame, but things like random Fist of the North Star-ness makes it somewhat entertaining.

Part II is where the gayness REALLY starts to get going.

There are 6 parts to it.

And yeah, I figure that Iggy will answer my question, too.

162th Post

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"Re(1):Quick JoJo's Bizarre Adventure question" , posted Sat 9 Apr 09:44post reply

For some reason, I can't remember who it is that says, "HAIL 2 U!" or why.

It's like a blank spot in my head right now, and it's irritating.

Its the stand Judgement who says that.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Its the stand that was on the Island where "dead" advol was.

End of Spoiler


874th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Quick JoJo's Bizarre Adventure question" , posted Sat 9 Apr 09:50post reply

For some reason, I can't remember who it is that says, "HAIL 2 U!" or why.

It's like a blank spot in my head right now, and it's irritating.

Its the stand Judgement who says that.

Ah yes, that's right.

Evenor wins with a picture of Tonio.

163th Post

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"Re(3):Quick JoJo's Bizarre Adventure question" , posted Sat 9 Apr 10:02post reply

Now, can anyone answer MY question...

I've started to read the 4th part of Jojo and I never understood what "The Hand"'s power is. Does he have the same power as the stand Cream or something?

P.S to Onslaught : This is a good site to get an idea what the Jojo series is.



875th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):Quick JoJo's Bizarre Adventure question" , posted Sat 9 Apr 10:08post reply

Now, can anyone answer MY question...

I've started to read the 4th part of Jojo and I never understood what "The Hand"'s power is. Does he have the same power as the stand Cream or something?

Yeah, pretty much. Except that he can't turn into that ball of erasure thing and fly around chewing stuff up.



There's a clothing boutique in Richmond (BC, that is) called "JOJO", but unfortunately the clothes aren't that special.

6261th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Quick JoJo's Bizarre Adventure question" , posted Sat 9 Apr 16:51post reply

Since I don't have anything to do anymore, I have a question as well : Has Mrs Araki been satisfied sexually recently? Because it would be a real waste if she hasn't.
