Viewtiful Joe VFX and Scratch - Forums

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1240th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Viewtiful Joe VFX and Scratch" , posted Thu 7 Apr 13:54post reply

According to the latest Famitsu, there's a new Viewtiful Joe game that's coming out... except it's a Smash Bros style fighting game where the winner is whoever fights the flashiest... sounds like a cool idea. Although I also though Onimusha Blade Warriors was a cool idea and that turned out to be sub-par.

IGN is saying VFX is PS2 exclusive, Gamespot is saying it's a Gamecube and PSP game... so anyone who can actually read the Famitsu article, I hope they clear this up.

Oh yeah Gamespot also mentioned that the DS Viewtiful Joe is called Viewtiful Joe Scratch! and it's going to have Joe's little sis in it.


6243th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Damn !" , posted Thu 7 Apr 17:47:post reply

I THINK I understand Viewtiful Joe VFX is GC and PSP. No PS2. Since Joe was announced on both portable systems a long time ago, the only surprise is the GC version I guess.

Also, Arika is porting Tetris on PSP, and Capcom is editing Age of Empires on NDS in Japan.

Damn, the new Darius was a tsuri...

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[this message was edited by Iggy on Thu 7 Apr 17:50]

34th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):Damn !" , posted Thu 7 Apr 17:51post reply

I THINK I understand Viewtiful Joe VFX is GC and PSP. No PS2. Since Joe was announced on both portable systems a long time ago, the only surprise is the GC version I guess.

Also, Arika is porting Tetris on PSP, and Capcom is editing Age of Empires on NDS in Japan.

Damn, the new Darius was a tsuri...

I thought G-rev has some members of the original Darius team

my blog: /

2521th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Damn !" , posted Fri 8 Apr 01:01post reply


Damn, the new Darius was a tsuri...

........... what new darius?

6245th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Damn !" , posted Fri 8 Apr 03:04post reply

........... what new darius?

Grev, former members of the Darius Team, new Darius on PS2 like Gradius 5 but better, but actually no.


91th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Damn !" , posted Sat 9 Apr 00:19post reply


Also, Arika is porting Tetris on PSP

A port of their recent Tetris The Grandmaster 3, or another one ?

1245th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"IGN wrong as usual" , posted Sat 9 Apr 01:52post reply

If anyone was wondering, IGN took down their article about VFX Battle being PS2 exclusive... so it's a GCN/PSP game. Maybe if the cube version does well, they'll make a PS2 port.

2533th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Damn !" , posted Sat 9 Apr 02:41post reply


A port of their recent Tetris The Grandmaster 3, or another one ?

bleh! you can't say this name without using the subtitle: TERROR INSTINCT.

hehehe. best tetris name ever, I think.