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Pollyanna 975th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(6):Anime Spring season" , posted Tue 5 Apr 16:57
Another bad season for me, I guess. I tried reading "Goshujinsama", but it just seemed tired and pointless to me. I got pulled in by the cute art, but it doesn't have anything unique, interesting or meaningful to offer. Sure, it has cute and funny "charm"...and sure, it has boobs, but so does EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE WORLD.
That being said, I didn't think it was bad, I just thought it was uninteresting. Maybe the anime will improve on it.
Holiday 2494th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Xenosaga and Peach Girl" , posted Wed 6 Apr 18:26:
quote: It was shown a few hours ago, wait & see. There were a few changes, but Maya was called 恐ろしい子 several times during the first episode. Good, good. A little deception for Ayumi, but nothing terrible.
Calling Maya 恐ろしい子 is like saying magma is warm. Misread the tv schedule, and thought that it aired yesterday orz
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For the curious, there are some Glass Mask screencaps and a discussion thread at 2chan here: The op looks so creepy
[this message was edited by Holiday on Wed 6 Apr 18:38] |
DarkZero 1192th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(5):Xenosaga and Peach Girl" , posted Wed 6 Apr 20:50
Trinity Blood seems vaguely interesting, but it's kind of hard to tell because a summary of any vampire story usually sounds exactly the same as any other vampire story. Their quality is based almost entirely on execution.
I'll probably watch five or six episodes, like it intensely, and then find out that its fansub group has either quietly dropped it or is still claiming to be "working on it" six months after their last release. Instead, they will have moved on to more interesting, inspired works of fansubbing, like trying to beat the other sixteen Naruto fansub groups to see who can speedsub the fastest, and then subsequently release the fastest v2 and v3 corrections so that you can actually read the goddamn thing. Later on, they'll pick another quality anime at random and start subbing it, but they'll start from episode 1 when another high quality group is already on episode 28. After finding out that the original group has become bored with it and wants to move on to something else, they'll decide that they'd like to do the same, because having only one group subbing a semi-popular anime with a large cult following is just, y'know... lonely.
I hate to bitch about things that are free, but doesn't everyone else remember the days when fansubbing was about fansubbing anime, instead of slowly climbing up the social ladder of an insane fandom obsessed with doing a pathetic job in the most stylish way possible? Apparently something was terribly, terribly wrong with those days, but I'm just not cool enough to know what it was. Maybe when I have a higher "rep" in the "community", I'll understand.