Anime Spring season - Forums

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6219th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Anime Spring season" , posted Tue 5 Apr 03:53post reply

So, is there anything worthwile this season ?

The only series I want to watch is of course Glass no Kamen, especially now it has been (briefly) announced to be 56 episodes long. Anything else?

18 名前: 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 投稿日: 05/02/26 00:41:49 ID:LW552sTe

21 名前: 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 投稿日: 05/02/26 01:50:48 ID:Nt9zoHwN



6540th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Rid's Maid Fetish" , posted Tue 5 Apr 04:03:post reply

A very fun manga now becomes a Gainax (no less) anime. I hope they keep the silly jokes from the original and don't add too much angst.

A very cute manga, with naive romance fun. Again, I hope the anime does a good rendition of the stories on the manga.

[this message was edited by Rid on Tue 5 Apr 04:51]

144th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):Anime Spring season" , posted Tue 5 Apr 04:11post reply

So, is there anything worthwile this season ?

The only series I want to watch is of course Glass no Kamen, especially now it has been (briefly) announced to be 56 episodes long. Anything else?

18 名前: 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 投稿日: 05/02/26 00:41:49 ID:LW552sTe

21 名前: 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 投稿日: 05/02/26 01:50:48 ID:Nt9zoHwN

I'd really like to watch Anzai Nobuyuki's MÄR and Basilisk Koga Ninpouchou.


2516th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Anime Spring season" , posted Tue 5 Apr 08:01post reply

hahaha...I won't watch any anime that includes the word 'goshujinsama' more than once per episode anymore. This one has it in the title. lordy.

Almost as creepy as my friend who bought two Pia Carrot waitress outfits, and is concerned because 'if he ever gets a girlfriend', the sizes are slightly different in the shoulders and bust, and she wouldn't be able to fit into both.

Ah, my friends are great.

41th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(3):Anime Spring season" , posted Tue 5 Apr 08:14post reply

hahaha...I won't watch any anime that includes the word 'goshujinsama' more than once per episode anymore. This one has it in the title. lordy.

Almost as creepy as my friend who bought two Pia Carrot waitress outfits, and is concerned because 'if he ever gets a girlfriend', the sizes are slightly different in the shoulders and bust, and she wouldn't be able to fit into both.

Ah, my friends are great. is he selling the second one then?

*ahem* Back on topic, based on the manga material, seems right up Gainax's alley. Though having rewatched Gunbuster, I missed the days when Gainax was known for more than super-fluid animation and fanservice. Mmmm, maybe I shouldn't use the words "fluid" and "fanservice" in the same sentence...

6541th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Anime Spring season" , posted Tue 5 Apr 08:45post reply priceless

2491th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Anime Spring season" , posted Tue 5 Apr 15:56post reply

If I could only choose one anime to watch this season, it would be Futakoi Alternative
The piano / violin piece that plays during the trailer is so nice

Yes, Glass Mask and the two maid anime are on my list too. Watched Emma already and it's pretty good!
And watch Fushigiboshi no Futago Hime if you want to experience your body melting with sugar.

Aa! Gomenasai!

975th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(6):Anime Spring season" , posted Tue 5 Apr 16:57post reply

Another bad season for me, I guess. I tried reading "Goshujinsama", but it just seemed tired and pointless to me. I got pulled in by the cute art, but it doesn't have anything unique, interesting or meaningful to offer. Sure, it has cute and funny "charm"...and sure, it has boobs, but so does EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE WORLD.

That being said, I didn't think it was bad, I just thought it was uninteresting. Maybe the anime will improve on it.

2517th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Anime Spring season" , posted Wed 6 Apr 01:45post reply


That being said, I didn't think it was bad, I just thought it was uninteresting. Maybe the anime will improve on it.

I doubt it. There's only so much you can do with the 'cute girls that would do anything for befuddled nerdy guy that never capitalizes on it' formula.

6544th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Anime Spring season" , posted Wed 6 Apr 02:11post reply

I doubt it. There's only so much you can do with the 'cute girls that would do anything for befuddled nerdy guy that never capitalizes on it' formula.
This manga is more like "cute girls and their alligator mascot beat up the perverted guy that tries to get hentai photos of them and strange contests are held"


1670th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(9):Anime Spring season" , posted Wed 6 Apr 02:46post reply

I found this link somewhere. In case somebody out there like me isn't hyper enough to know everything that's coming this month.

Off with your nose

978th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(9):Anime Spring season" , posted Wed 6 Apr 03:51post reply

This manga is more like "cute girls and their alligator mascot beat up the perverted guy that tries to get hentai photos of them and strange contests are held"

In this day and age, even that sounds tired and uninteresting.

6545th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Anime Spring season" , posted Wed 6 Apr 04:11post reply

Brave King GaoGaiGar Final Grand Glorious Gathering is the most awesome anime name ever.

540th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(9):Anime Spring season" , posted Wed 6 Apr 08:07:post reply

cute girls and their alligator mascot

This has potential.




edit: ooo, judging from its site, this kind of ludicrous violence takes place all the time, even if she can make things go back to normal! This -could- be a delightfully twisted sendup of this genre, here's hoping!


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 6 Apr 08:21]

Final Showdown
54th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Anime Spring season" , posted Wed 6 Apr 10:02post reply

Ichigo 100% anime started today? I think, cant be sure though. However it looks horrendous. ._. But maybe they will hire some new artists etc shrug.

1669th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Xenosaga and Peach Girl" , posted Wed 6 Apr 10:28post reply

Slightly OT. Did anyone watch the Xenosaga Anime that came out in the Winter? How was it? And how was Peach Girl that came out around the same time if you saw it?

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

42th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(2):Re(10):Anime Spring season" , posted Wed 6 Apr 11:33post reply

Brave King GaoGaiGar Final Grand Glorious Gathering is the most awesome anime name ever.

You have GOT to be kidding me. I hope Goddannar will follow this tradition!

Spring season doesn't seem to have much to interest me either, with the exception of Tsubasa Chronicle - but then again, it's Clamp, so the mainstream fans will be all over this one. I just wonder if anyone who hasn't read Clamp's previous works before will enjoy it, since half the fun in the series is seeing who makes a cameo.

369th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):Xenosaga and Peach Girl" , posted Wed 6 Apr 12:18post reply

Slightly OT. Did anyone watch the Xenosaga Anime that came out in the Winter?
I only saw the first episode. I'm not a huge fan of the animation style and quality, and the story and scenes are STRAIGHT out of the game. I'd only recommend it if you want a refresher in the storyline before playing Xenosaga 2 or something.

866th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Re(10):Anime Spring season" , posted Wed 6 Apr 12:50post reply

Brave King GaoGaiGar Final Grand Glorious Gathering is the most awesome anime name ever.

Mermaid Melody, while clever in adding more and more words beginning with the letter "p", loses out because they resorted to just making the name longer by adding more pichis to it.

868th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Re(10):Anime Spring season" , posted Wed 6 Apr 12:50:post reply

EDIT: double post wth?

[this message was edited by Spoon on Wed 6 Apr 12:50]

1670th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Xenosaga and Peach Girl" , posted Wed 6 Apr 13:49post reply

I only saw the first episode. I'm not a huge fan of the animation style and quality, and the story and scenes are STRAIGHT out of the game. I'd only recommend it if you want a refresher in the storyline before playing Xenosaga 2 or something.

Oh, I'm not into playing RPGs much so I'd watch Xenosaga instead of playing the game letting me learn more about another Namco franchise and getting me ready for Namco x Capcom. Heh heh heh. Anyway, thanks!

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

2492th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Xenosaga and Peach Girl" , posted Wed 6 Apr 16:30post reply

Slightly OT. Did anyone watch the Xenosaga Anime that came out in the Winter? How was it? And how was Peach Girl that came out around the same time if you saw it?

Didn't like Xenosaga due to the uninteresting story and not so good art. Not sure if it's gotten better now.

Peach Girl is average, but has its entertaining moments. Probably going to drop in because of all the new series starting.
Oh, and Touji's an idiot.

So far:

Ichigo 100%
Was average I guess? Maybe never reading the manga helps. Don't think too much of it yet.

Erementar Gerad
Seems interesting so far, and lots of cute girls to look at. There's going to be some PS2 game based on this series as well right?

Sousei no Aquarion
Crazier than Godannar! Will most probably follow.

Can't seem to get hold of any Glass no Kamen raws. Iggy, you watched this yet?

6232th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Xenosaga and Peach Girl" , posted Wed 6 Apr 17:49:post reply

All I've seen so far is uninteresting series for 10 years old brats from shogakkan and so on. Meh.
Can't seem to get hold of any Glass no Kamen raws. Iggy, you watched this yet?

It was shown a few hours ago, wait & see.
There were a few changes, but Maya was called 恐ろしい子 several times during the first episode. Good, good. A little deception for Ayumi, but nothing terrible.

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[this message was edited by Iggy on Wed 6 Apr 17:51]

2494th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Xenosaga and Peach Girl" , posted Wed 6 Apr 18:26:post reply


It was shown a few hours ago, wait & see.
There were a few changes, but Maya was called 恐ろしい子 several times during the first episode. Good, good. A little deception for Ayumi, but nothing terrible.

Calling Maya 恐ろしい子 is like saying magma is warm.
Misread the tv schedule, and thought that it aired yesterday

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For the curious, there are some Glass Mask screencaps and a discussion thread at 2chan here:
The op looks so creepy

[this message was edited by Holiday on Wed 6 Apr 18:38]

6233th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Xenosaga and Peach Girl" , posted Wed 6 Apr 19:00:post reply

Oh, yeah, as they say, they changed the kichigai to どうかしてるわ. Too bad, I guess some words can't be said on TV anymore.



[this message was edited by Iggy on Wed 6 Apr 19:03]

1192th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):Xenosaga and Peach Girl" , posted Wed 6 Apr 20:50post reply

Trinity Blood seems vaguely interesting, but it's kind of hard to tell because a summary of any vampire story usually sounds exactly the same as any other vampire story. Their quality is based almost entirely on execution.

I'll probably watch five or six episodes, like it intensely, and then find out that its fansub group has either quietly dropped it or is still claiming to be "working on it" six months after their last release. Instead, they will have moved on to more interesting, inspired works of fansubbing, like trying to beat the other sixteen Naruto fansub groups to see who can speedsub the fastest, and then subsequently release the fastest v2 and v3 corrections so that you can actually read the goddamn thing. Later on, they'll pick another quality anime at random and start subbing it, but they'll start from episode 1 when another high quality group is already on episode 28. After finding out that the original group has become bored with it and wants to move on to something else, they'll decide that they'd like to do the same, because having only one group subbing a semi-popular anime with a large cult following is just, y'know... lonely.

I hate to bitch about things that are free, but doesn't everyone else remember the days when fansubbing was about fansubbing anime, instead of slowly climbing up the social ladder of an insane fandom obsessed with doing a pathetic job in the most stylish way possible? Apparently something was terribly, terribly wrong with those days, but I'm just not cool enough to know what it was. Maybe when I have a higher "rep" in the "community", I'll understand.

1673th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Xenosaga and Peach Girl" , posted Thu 7 Apr 01:18post reply


Peach Girl is average, but has its entertaining moments. Probably going to drop in because of all the new series starting.
Oh, and Touji's an idiot.

Well, from the Manga I find Peach Girl being the biggest idiot with Touji being number 2. I hope they never hook up because they will have stupid children...

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

2495th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Futakoi Alternative" , posted Thu 7 Apr 03:39:post reply

Futakoi Alternative = GOD anime
Great opening, animation and story, and white pantsu.
And of course, being UFOTable,
Some screencaps at 2chan
So many raws of this floating around. I think I saw 10 versions at least.

And I must be dreaming, because the latest Negima episode screencaps look... really good.

[this message was edited by Holiday on Thu 7 Apr 03:46]