Necoarc The Movie - Forums

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6217th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Necoarc The Movie" , posted Mon 4 Apr 18:06post reply

Super Iyashikei Action !

It DID sound like an April's fool joke, but I guess it was true after all...

"Since I began Necoarc, I managed to get my very own step sister. Thanks Necoarc!"



1041th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Necoarc The Movie" , posted Mon 4 Apr 19:41post reply

        _.. -‐ ' "     ヽ ̄ノ^7__         <             >  ./ _ノ_ノ:^)
    `ー ''"--―――-r⌒``~`゙゙`''ヘ/         <  待 っ た!!  >   / _ノ_ノ_ノ /)
     `ー--――ー--->  ~-、_, ',          <             > / ノ ノノ//
      `ー-- .._ へ/   くてi` 〈            ∨∨∨∨∨∨∨ ____  /  ______ ノ
       `ー-_   | ^i        , ノ                    _.. r("  `ー" 、    ノ
          ヽr''ヘ、_     ,.-=ァ/                _. -‐ '"´  l l -、   ゙   ノ
          /   !、   {__//    __      . -‐ ' "´        l ヽ `ー''"ー'"
          ノ       、   ̄ /-‐ ' "´/`゙ ーァ' "´  ‐'"´         ヽ、`ー /ノ
     _.. -‐''フ|フヽr-‐ ''''フ. ̄「´      /   /                __.. -'-'"
│ ナルホド |           
│How did the defendant arrive at the conclusion that the
|movie is real? The page isn't even linked from the main
│page anymore!

6218th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Necoarc The Movie" , posted Mon 4 Apr 21:54post reply

       _,,..-‐''"  ヽ o ',_,,.ノ  ノ    ヽ,
     ,r'''"       ヽ-‐''"ゝ`''<       /ィ 、.,,_
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│ ゴ ド ー |

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│ ゴ ド ー |  ''ー----‐''


Damn, I saw the page was still there, and I thought....
Bah. Should have checked the main page.
