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Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "GigaWing Generations not so hot?" , posted Sun 3 Apr 04:03
Got to try this on the PS2.
Game is significantly uglier than GW2, in all respects that you can name. The game even runs at what seems like a lower framerate by default, which makes my eyes feel numb. The intro is nowhere near as cool (in any respect) as the one in GW2. Music has yet to rock me.
You don't seem to have reflect laser (at the start, anyway... maybe you can unlock it?)
Colors are even more eye-searing than in any previous GW; I had no trouble spotting shots in GW2, but the palette and everything together in GWG is painful. The item showers seems to just spam motion onto the screen; I dunno, but the massive rain of items was visually attractive in the previous GW games, not so much here.
Scores are even more ridiculous than in GW2, and by that I'm talking whole orders of magnitude. I don't mind this, though.
The ship that releases the bombs/green explosions which sucked in GW2 is now a spamming monster in this one; just by appearances, it's weapon at starting level is much stronger than anyone else's even a level or two above it.
I'm thoroughly disappointed right now. Maybe I'll go back to it later and play it some more and find some awesome in it, but playing it just makes me wish that I were playing GW2.
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