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Grahf 367th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(3):Rockman Zero 4 Site" , posted Sun 3 Apr 04:17
quote: I absolutely love the Rockman Zero series. There's only one thing I ask of them: make Zero 4 as hard as Zero 1 and Zero 2 were. Zero 3 had so many options, so many powers, so many things to make your life easier that it became a big let down in that department (considering that the Rockman Zero series quickly became known for being really hard).
For me, the Cyber Space, equipment, and Satellite Elf features actually helped to balance out the easy difficulty in Zero 3. All the Zero games have given you the option to use Cyber Elves which can make you so powerful that the game is a breeze, but they have encouraged you not to do so by having the whole grading system and making it so that your score is severely reduced for using Cyber Elves.
Zero 3 took this concept one step further by giving you even more Cyber Elf abilities as well as other ways to make yourself stronger for which you are not penalized (equipment, Satellite Elves, EX skills). But no one wants to go through the whole game without getting using all the cool Fusion Elf abilities, so they stuck in the Cyber Space feature. In every level you can power yourself up to an insane degree without losing any points in the grading system. The only drawback is that it takes all the color out of the stages.
The result of these feature is that your aren't nearly as tempted to fuse all of your Cyber Elves, so the boss battles and areas without Cyber Space still remain fairly difficult. And even with Cyber Space, it's not like you have to use it. If you really want to be a purist you can go through the game without using any elves, equipment, or Cyber Space.
So, to me, I think Zero 3 ended up having a really good balance of letting you keep the game difficult and still allowing you have a ridiculous amount of abilities at times. But yeah, the game still seems a bit easier than the other two.
deisied 309th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(4):Rockman Zero 4 Site" , posted Sun 3 Apr 04:45:
I play every Zero game pretty furiously when it comes out, but I never have, and have never been particularly tempted to use Cyber Elves, so, no big deal to me.
Seriously, even going back after getting all S I never went "whew...now I can...!". I mean sure, it was kinda badass when I went into cyberspace to fight Phantom, but still. Zero 4's system might end up making me finally play with it though, but then you have the fact that you can create new weapons and items by using parts that you rip off various enemies, and all the stuff you get directly on them in the first place, and on top of S rank I have even more crap to be distracted by.
Oh yeah, and I do actually get every elf or secret disc for 100% and still don't care to use them. I really don't see how they've changed from thing that saves you from falling and thing that extends your lifebar anyway. I did use them when you had to activate them all for Ultimate though, but that was after beating the last boss without doing so first.
Oh yeah these bosses seem about as cool as hachishinkan to me though. They were only really cool in principle, most of them never actually did a single thing with the whole concept of their disguise and everything. Einherjar are about as equally cool of an idea that won't get used. Oh well.
Edit: That song sounds more like some random Ice Stage theme than the actual game's theme. I made that mistake with the Zero 3 site music too and it was just the water stage music. It doesn't sound quite like the intro stage either, so yeah, that's about right.
Edit Append: It would be pretty awesome if the stage music changed when you used the weather change function.
[this message was edited by deisied on Sun 3 Apr 04:56] |
EternalNewbie 162th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(4):Rockman Zero 4 Site" , posted Sun 3 Apr 04:51
quote: I absolutely love the Rockman Zero series. There's only one thing I ask of them: make Zero 4 as hard as Zero 1 and Zero 2 were. Zero 3 had so many options, so many powers, so many things to make your life easier that it became a big let down in that department (considering that the Rockman Zero series quickly became known for being really hard). For me, the Cyber Space, equipment, and Satellite Elf features actually helped to balance out the easy difficulty in Zero 3. All the Zero games have given you the option to use Cyber Elves which can make you so powerful that the game is a breeze, but they have encouraged you not to do so by having the whole grading system and making it so that your score is severely reduced for using Cyber Elves.
Zero 3 took this concept one step further by giving you even more Cyber Elf abilities as well as other ways to make yourself stronger for which you are not penalized (equipment, Satellite Elves, EX skills). But no one wants to go through the whole game without getting using all the cool Fusion Elf abilities, so they stuck in the Cyber Space feature. In every level you can power yourself up to an insane degree without losing any points in the grading system. The only drawback is that it takes all the color out of the stages.
The result of these feature is that your aren't nearly as tempted to fuse all of your Cyber Elves, so the boss battles and areas without Cyber Space still remain fairly difficult. And even with Cyber Space, it's not like you have to use it. If you really want to be a purist you can go through the game without using any elves, equipment, or Cyber Space.
So, to me, I think Zero 3 ended up having a really good balance of letting you keep the game difficult and still allowing you have a ridiculous amount of abilities at times. But yeah, the game still seems a bit easier than the other two.
Actually, I could have sworn there was a rank penatly for using cyber space in Zero 3, so I will have to double check that. Aside from that, after having seen the commercial for Zero 4, it looks like they are upkeeping them fairly high difficulty of the game, but they also now have a normal mode and an easy mode available from the start of the game; so it seems this time that those who just want to play and not be beat up too bad can do so. However, one of things I have always enjoyed about the Zero series was the difficulty, so whatever really floats your boat.
 EternalNewbie: The Hachishinkan -- The Weil Numbers.