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413th Post

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Gold Customer

"Block C" , posted Fri 1 Apr 11:40post reply

Sorry for the huge delay. Shit just hit the proverbial fan. ^_^;;

Ibuki vs Jam Kuradoberi

Bonne Jenet vs Elena
B Jenet

My votes: Ibuki, 'cause I liked her design on the get go, and B Jenet, because she's a pirate. This should set up the ninja vs pirate match when it happens.


Bata kun
2613th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Block C" , posted Fri 1 Apr 11:54:post reply

Sorry for the huge delay. Shit just hit the proverbial fan. ^_^;;


My votes: Ibuki, 'cause I liked her design on the get go, and B Jenet, because she's a pirate. This should set up the ninja vs pirate match when it happens.

Ibuki vs. Jam

Ibuki! She's a ninja, she has been in a SD fighter and she's voiced by the lovely Amano Yuri-san. Can't get any better than that. Jam may have her high points, but those aren't really good enough in my opinion.

Jenet vs. Elena

I'm not much of a fan of both characters, but because I did a guide on Jenet and not Elena, I have to throw my vote to Jenet.

[this message was edited by Bata kun on Fri 1 Apr 11:56]

534th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Block C" , posted Fri 1 Apr 12:00post reply

If we're talking SF3 Elena (it's been a while), then it's definitely for her...and for her happy hardcore Kenya stage.


160th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(3):Block C" , posted Fri 1 Apr 12:31post reply

As implied before, pirates and ninjas are almost universally cool. I said almost because there are a few exceptions to the rule, but I don't think Ibuki or Jenet are the ones. My vote goes to Ibuki and Jenet.

The Hachishinkan -- The Weil Numbers.

592th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):Block C" , posted Fri 1 Apr 12:33post reply

As implied before, pirates and ninjas are almost universally cool. I said almost because there are a few exceptions to the rule, but I don't think Ibuki or Jenet are the ones. My vote goes to Ibuki and Jenet.

I think we know who I voted for in the first one.... =)

I dunno, I give my vote to Elena because I don't see many black, african female characters in videogames these days. I also liked her design and the amount of effort put into animating her sprite.

However B.Janet is very cool... =)


365th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):Block C" , posted Fri 1 Apr 14:04post reply

The world would be a better place if everyone was at least one of the following things: a pirate, a ninja, and/or a cute girl.

6205th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Block C" , posted Fri 1 Apr 17:37post reply

SF3 vote : Ibuki and Elena.

You're a mean person, you picked the only picture of lovely Elena where she barely looks like a human being, let alone an attractive female ! Uwaaaan !


2490th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Block C" , posted Fri 1 Apr 17:45post reply

Jam: to make her feel better for all that beatings she took with Makoto "Sol Badguy" Kohsaka's hands in the Genshiken anime.

B.Jenet: Secret Angry Shoe Super will blow away all competition

Time Mage
2088th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Block C" , posted Fri 1 Apr 18:01post reply

Ibuki, because I like her and mainly because I find Jam annoying, specially her voice.

Elena, because she's one of the best black characters (if not the best) I know, is cute, has a great design, and is fun to play. Jenet is OK, but aside from her heel super and her great taunts, she doesn't have that many strong points.

415th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):Block C" , posted Fri 1 Apr 18:38post reply

You're a mean person, you picked the only picture of lovely Elena where she barely looks like a human being, let alone an attractive female ! Uwaaaan !

I'm sorry. ^_^; I only have that and the Falcoon one with the fat lip.

6527th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Block C" , posted Fri 1 Apr 20:02post reply

B Jenet is one of the loveliest characters ever created, if she wins, art flood coming.

Her shoe super is a classic.

1919th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Block C" , posted Sat 2 Apr 02:52post reply

Jam has a wildly short skirt and a hairdo that doesn't make sense but my vote still goes with Ibuki in spite of the fact I can't play her for beans.

While B.Jenet the cock-eyed pirate has a certain appeal my vote goes with Elena and her mitten hands.

157th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(3):Block C" , posted Sat 2 Apr 03:54post reply

I voted for Ibuki because Capcom changed her in every SF3 and she is easier to beat than Jam (when playing against my cousin that is).

Elena! She has a great mix up strategy against others. B. Jenet has a great character design but I fail to find a good strategy with her.

1661th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Block C" , posted Sat 2 Apr 04:00post reply

Jam and Elena for me. Ack! My pics are currenlty loosing.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

2508th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Block C" , posted Sat 2 Apr 05:36post reply

Jam - I like chinese girls.

B Jenet - whoops. voted for her by accident. Elena's animation makes my pants shrink.

2th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):Block C" , posted Sat 2 Apr 06:14post reply

Hm, I can sortta understand the whole pirate ninja thing, but Ibuki's got nothing on Jam.
For some reason I never really "felt" the 3s characters anyway.

I'm a shoujo manga addict. [Image Attached]

Variable Savior
272th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):Block C" , posted Sat 2 Apr 09:09post reply

Tough choice on the first pairing but I have to go with Ibuki. That thing in Jam's hair kinda bugs me.

For match #2 I guess I'll go with Elena. I love Jenet's design but shoe super aside I really hate her moves. Elena on the other hand is fun to use. And I love sweeping people with that handstand taunt.

Blood marks heaven's path

417th Post

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Gold Customer

"So far...." , posted Sat 2 Apr 13:05post reply

Ibuki seems to have a safe lead on Jam, but the second match is too tight to have a prediction. I'll leave both open until Monday.

Iron D
2648th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):So far...." , posted Sat 2 Apr 13:27post reply

Jam is so meh. Ibuki is a ninja, and one of the few bearable teenage fighting game females. So my pick goest to her.

For the second match, Jenet is just annoying. The whole pirate thing is actually kinda cool, but her voice and personality just kill it. On the other hand, Elena is a great and original design, and has a gorgeous backside. She also looks much better than that picture that is presenting her for this thread.

Zelkin. Pimped.