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TheBeast 1808th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Fighting game boss tourney - nominations" , posted Thu 31 Mar 12:04
All right, I will organise a fighting game boss tourney and see how things will turn out in here.
First off, nominations stage:
1. You may nominate up to 5 names. Please specify the game in which they appear.
2. Nominations are open to anyone that is/was once the last character to fight in a fighting game, including character for a special/alternate/the real ending.
3. Sub-bosses are not allowed. If the "boss" is a playable character (accessible through the "Player Select" screen without the use of codes/cheats of any sort)IN THE SAME GAME, it is not allowed either, UNLESS it is of a different style apart from the normal playable version.
4. Different incarnations of the same characters will be counted as one even though their styles might differ- e.g. Young Geese/Geese Howard, Shin Akuma/Akuma... )
5. Tourney style will be dependent on the response of nominations (top 8, 16 or 32), but I will try to get as much nominations in as possible.
Those who have already posted their nominations in the other thread, please post them again in this one. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Time Mage 2087th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Fighting game boss tourney - nomination" , posted Thu 31 Mar 17:39
- Gill (SFIII): Bi-coloured Christ-esque cheaply powerful exhibitionist, with a great array of supers, and a cool voice ("Let me be the blesseer of all souls").
- Jedah (VS): Original, mad, playable, great design. Basically, just plain cool.
- I-No (GGXX): I can't believe I missed her. Our favorite boss-slut, complete with cheap super, speed, and strength.
- Amakusa (SS): An evil wizard possesed by a woman? So great.
- Mukai (KOF2003): I liked his design, even if he's a cheapo.
Sano 1652th Post

Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(1):Holiday's 'MB' choices" , posted Fri 1 Apr 02:19:
1. Vega (Cape) - He's my favorite villain. He's a form of energy housing a body, he had himself cloned, he kicked out his good side Rose when he became evil, he doesn't lie when he taunts you, he doesn't need to and it took a lot to bring him down in SF Zero 3 and he still managed to come back only to be fallen by Gouki in SF2. Oooh... Always smiling with a big toothy grin as he kicks your Ass.
2. Gill - A nice change of pace. He's not really evil, more like a dilluted savior. While I like Vega for what he is I think it's great that Capcom went in this direction for a final boss. Most people don't actually run around and say "MWAHAHAHA! I'M EVIL!" Most people find ways to justify their actions. Even Bin Laden believes he's doing God's work.
3. Gouki - He's Gouki. NEXT!
4. Orochi - The most powerful.
5. Magneto in X-Men Children of the Atom - He was one of the most difficult bosses until you learned his patterns.
Honorable mentions - Dio, Pyron, Jedah, Geese, Rugal, Hyo, the final boss of Tech Romancer who's name escapes me, the two bosses of Heavy Metal Geomatrix, Sinobu of KOF on the GBA, Orochi Iori and Satsui No Hadou Ryu in SVC MOTM, Goddess Athena and Red Arramer in SVC Chaos, Sagat in SF1, Pantyhouse Taro in Ranma 1/2 2, Cell and Brolly in Dragon Ball Z 2, I-No and a butt load of people I'm forgetting. Where would be without final bosses kicking our collective Asses making us step up our gaming skills?
Ryu and Chun-Li forever!
[this message was edited by Sano on Fri 1 Apr 02:20] |
Red Falcon 5438th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Votes so far..." , posted Sat 2 Apr 12:45:
Ach, didn't see the "no updates" thing, so I'll post it here.
Vega (Psycho Crusher) Yuga Gill Krauser Carlos
Also, Iggy... Devilot isn't a boss, but a sub-boss, no?(even though Jigoku Taishi is awesome..) G.O.D. is the boss (for most charas.. Jin fights Shadow at the VERY end, right?) (Are sub-bosses allowed? I'm still confused...) ANYWAY, bottom line, if Devilot WOULD count, I'll change my vote for Carlos to her.
Best site EVER:Link Here
[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Sat 2 Apr 12:54] |
TheBeast 1813th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(3):Votes so far..." , posted Sat 2 Apr 14:35:
quote: Yuga Carlos
Red Falcon, which games do they appear as bosses?
Also, Iggy... Devilot isn't a boss, but a sub-boss, no?(even though Jigoku Taishi is awesome..) G.O.D. is the boss (for most charas.. Jin fights Shadow at the VERY end, right?) (Are sub-bosses allowed? I'm still confused...) ANYWAY, bottom line, if Devilot WOULD count, I'll change my vote for Carlos to her.
Yup, I did some checking on Cyberbots (since I didn't play that game) and Devilot indeed isn't a boss. So I guess to be fair she won't be counted as a nomination. Thanks for the help Red Falcon.
Iggy, if you want to, you can post another nomination to make up for the lost vote.
[this message was edited by TheBeast on Sat 2 Apr 14:37] |