Fighting game boss tourney - nominations - Forums

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1808th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Fighting game boss tourney - nominations" , posted Thu 31 Mar 12:04post reply

All right, I will organise a fighting game boss tourney and see how things will turn out in here.

First off, nominations stage:

1. You may nominate up to 5 names. Please specify the game in which they appear.

2. Nominations are open to anyone that is/was once the last character to fight in a fighting game, including character for a special/alternate/the real ending.

3. Sub-bosses are not allowed. If the "boss" is a playable character (accessible through the "Player Select" screen without the use of codes/cheats of any sort)IN THE SAME GAME, it is not allowed either, UNLESS it is of a different style apart from the normal playable version.

4. Different incarnations of the same characters will be counted as one even though their styles might differ- e.g. Young Geese/Geese Howard, Shin Akuma/Akuma... )

5. Tourney style will be dependent on the response of nominations (top 8, 16 or 32), but I will try to get as much nominations in as possible.

Those who have already posted their nominations in the other thread, please post them again in this one. Sorry for the inconvenience.


529th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Fighting game boss tourney - nomination" , posted Thu 31 Mar 12:14post reply

1. Vega/Bison from Street Fighter 2 (and especially super Vega in SFZero 3), of course
2. Gouki/Akuma from Super Street Fighter 2 X, SFZero2
3. Hyo from Justice Gakuen/Rival Schools
4. hmm...I can't remember--was Cervantes the last boss in Soul Edge/Soul Blade? He should have been Taki's according to the background given in Soul Calibur, but my copy isn't around.


3320th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Well..." , posted Thu 31 Mar 12:21post reply

M.Bison- SF II Psycho Crucher all the way
Shin Akuma- SSF IIT Shungokusatsu anyone?
Gill- SF III TS What about Seraphic Wings?
Krizalid- KoF 99 He's by far, the coolest KoF boss
Hyo- PJ Gotta love white haired villiand, plus he has a couple of swords

28th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):Well..." , posted Thu 31 Mar 12:38:post reply

1) Goenitz (KOF96)
2) Geese Howard (FF)
3) Kain R. Heinlein (Garou)
4) M. Bison (SF2)
5) Dizzy (GGX)

"Tsuki yo ni agake."

[this message was edited by Moriya on Thu 31 Mar 12:39]

591th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Well..." , posted Thu 31 Mar 13:09:post reply

1) Gill (SFIII)
2) Amakusa (SS1)
3) Red Arremer (SCChaos)
4) Mr. Karate (FF1)
5) Sissy (PI:Matrimelee) (Fucking hate this boss, I died so many times.)

I'd put Dural from VF, but he/she is a really boring character =)


[this message was edited by KTallguy on Thu 31 Mar 13:09]

Iron D
2647th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Fighting game boss tourney - nomination" , posted Thu 31 Mar 13:10post reply


4. hmm...I can't remember--was Cervantes the last boss in Soul Edge/Soul Blade? He should have been Taki's according to the background given in Soul Calibur, but my copy isn't around.

Cervantes rules. Unfortunately, Inferno was the boss in all three Soul games, so it would seem that Cervantes wouldn't count.

My picks:
Akuma-Street Fighter series
Heihachi Mishima-Tekken games
Geese Howard-Fatal Fury series
Hyo Imawano-Rival Schools series
Sagat-Street Fighter 1

Zelkin. Pimped.

591th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):Fighting game boss tourney - nomination" , posted Thu 31 Mar 13:12post reply


Sagat-Street Fighter 1

good job slipping Sagat into there =)


2487th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Fighting game boss tourney - nomination" , posted Thu 31 Mar 17:08post reply

1) Suika Ibuki (Immaterial and Missing Power)
So cute when she rocks back and forth

2) Aoko Aozaki (Melty Blood: ReAct)
The sexy lady in white t-shirt and jeans.

3) Sissy (Matrimelee)
Loli last boss

4) Athena (SvC Chaos)
Retro bikini Athena and her zoo of doom.

5) White Ren (Melty Blood: ReAct)
Worth fighting just to see her forward run animation...

6200th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Fighting game boss tourney - nomination" , posted Thu 31 Mar 17:18:post reply

1 Rashôjin Mizuki (shin SS / Supisupe)
2 MISS X ! (Girls fighter)
3 Leopardon (GG Isuka)(I'm the wizard behind the brainwashed female dog inside the giant sasquatch, yeah! Tiniest boss ever !)
4 Devilot hime (Cyberbots)
5 JEDAH. I know he was usable from the start, but he WAS the boss of Vampire Savior 1&2. You have to allow him! he's my favourite boss character!



[this message was edited by Iggy on Fri 1 Apr 04:57]

85th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(5):Fighting game boss tourney - nomination" , posted Thu 31 Mar 17:27post reply

Amakusa (SS)
Mizuki (SS)
Kazuya/Devil Kazuya, wichever counts (tekken 2)
Heihachi (tekken)
Orochi (kof97)

Time Mage
2087th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Fighting game boss tourney - nomination" , posted Thu 31 Mar 17:39post reply

- Gill (SFIII): Bi-coloured Christ-esque cheaply powerful exhibitionist, with a great array of supers, and a cool voice ("Let me be the blesseer of all souls").

- Jedah (VS): Original, mad, playable, great design. Basically, just plain cool.

- I-No (GGXX): I can't believe I missed her. Our favorite boss-slut, complete with cheap super, speed, and strength.

- Amakusa (SS): An evil wizard possesed by a woman? So great.

- Mukai (KOF2003): I liked his design, even if he's a cheapo.

1809th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Jedah - exception" , posted Thu 31 Mar 22:41post reply

OK, I guess I will slip in Jedah as an exception to the rules. If you guys want to change your nominations to include Jedah, please edit your choices.


2) Aoko Aozaki (Melty Blood: ReAct)
The sexy lady in white t-shirt and jeans.

5) White Ren (Melty Blood: ReAct)
Worth fighting just to see her forward run animation...

Can someone verify Holiday's choices since I don't play Melty Blood? Are there 2 last bosses?

599th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Fighting game boss tourney - nomination" , posted Fri 1 Apr 01:10post reply

Amakusa (SS)
Mizuki (SS2)
Jedah (Vampire Savior)
Kain (Garou Mark of the Wolves)
Red Arremer (SVC Chaos)

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

138th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):Fighting game boss tourney - nomination" , posted Fri 1 Apr 01:26post reply

- Minazuki Zankurou (SS Zankurou Musouken)
- Johan (Rage of the Dragons)
- Goenitz (KoF 96)
- Orochi (KoF)
- Mishima Heihachi (Tekken)


1036th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Fighting game boss tourney - nomination" , posted Fri 1 Apr 01:41post reply

1. Vega/M.Bison - SF2
2. Dizzy - GGX
3. Shin Gouki - whatever game he first appeared in.
4. Miss X - from the ngpc game girls fighter.
5. Jin-aphchi(spelling wrong)Tekken 5 - first boss in a long that made me throw my controller.

Fuu is a cutie!!

Bata kun
2609th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Holiday's 'MB' choices" , posted Fri 1 Apr 01:58post reply

Can someone verify Holiday's choices since I don't play Melty Blood? Are there 2 last bosses?

Holiday's "MB" choices are valid. Trust me. Don't forget the first two "Zero" games.

As for my choices, besides Holiday's "MB" choices,

1. Kanna - "Eternal Fighter Zero".

I think she was the last boss. I'll have to check to make sure, unless I get beat to it.

2. Sissy - "Matrimelee".

Well, since a lot of people voted her in already....

3. Vega/M. Bison - "SF".

Don't know why I placed him in, but it wouldn't be a tournament without the madman.

5) Sissy (PI:Matrimelee) (Fucking hate this boss, I died so many times.)

Sissy can easy if you happen to pick a character with a projectile. I forgot what's my routine when I fight against her, but I know she's easy if you have a projectile. If you pick someone like Hikaru however, I can't help you there.

1652th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Holiday's 'MB' choices" , posted Fri 1 Apr 02:19:post reply

1. Vega (Cape) - He's my favorite villain. He's a form of energy housing a body, he had himself cloned, he kicked out his good side Rose when he became evil, he doesn't lie when he taunts you, he doesn't need to and it took a lot to bring him down in SF Zero 3 and he still managed to come back only to be fallen by Gouki in SF2. Oooh... Always smiling with a big toothy grin as he kicks your Ass.

2. Gill - A nice change of pace. He's not really evil, more like a dilluted savior. While I like Vega for what he is I think it's great that Capcom went in this direction for a final boss. Most people don't actually run around and say "MWAHAHAHA! I'M EVIL!" Most people find ways to justify their actions. Even Bin Laden believes he's doing God's work.

3. Gouki - He's Gouki. NEXT!

4. Orochi - The most powerful.

5. Magneto in X-Men Children of the Atom - He was one of the most difficult bosses until you learned his patterns.

Honorable mentions - Dio, Pyron, Jedah, Geese, Rugal, Hyo, the final boss of Tech Romancer who's name escapes me, the two bosses of Heavy Metal Geomatrix, Sinobu of KOF on the GBA, Orochi Iori and Satsui No Hadou Ryu in SVC MOTM, Goddess Athena and Red Arramer in SVC Chaos, Sagat in SF1, Pantyhouse Taro in Ranma 1/2 2, Cell and Brolly in Dragon Ball Z 2, I-No and a butt load of people I'm forgetting. Where would be without final bosses kicking our collective Asses making us step up our gaming skills?

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Fri 1 Apr 02:20]

1653th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Holiday's 'MB' choices" , posted Fri 1 Apr 03:02post reply

Special shout out goes out to Zombie Belger of Final Fight Revenge as the worst fighting game boss of all time! With virtually no explanation and not even an Akiman drawing to support it since Akiman's drawing looks just like regular Belger, Belger becomes a Zombie! He throws random body parts at you that blow up and he grows back, even his head! If you beat the game without loosing a round, you get to see him do the Thriller Dance! He's so bad he's hysterical, LOL!

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

596th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Holiday's 'MB' choices" , posted Fri 1 Apr 03:04post reply

I can verify Holiday's choice of Aoko, but not of White Ren. White Ren is the character you fight before Aoko (who is always the boss), but it is not necessary. Some characters (HisuKoha, Mech Hisui) have to fight Neko Arc instead.

Kanna is the Eternal Fighter Zero Blue Sky (2.x) and Bad Moon (3.x) Edition boss. EX Mizuka (Unknown) is the EFZ 1.x boss and Bad Moon Edition boss if you lose and have to continue.


My picks:

Kanna - Eternal Fighter Zero
Aozaki Aoko - Melty Blood ReACT
Vega/M.Bison - Street Fighter II
Mizuki - Samurai Shodown II
Dizzy - GGX

Jabel D. Morales - VMan of Mana.

"Tameraeba makeyo!"

481th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):Holiday's 'MB' choices" , posted Fri 1 Apr 03:16post reply

*Rashoujin Mizuki - Shin Samurai Spirits. Hell yes. Great last boss as well as one of the few non-doujin female ones.

*Justice - Guilty Gear. Fear the crotch spike and the giant lasers and so on.

*Goenitz - King of Fighters '96. "Koko desu ka?". Really that's all that needs to be said.

*Bristol D - Groove On Fight. Well, I already love this game no matter what, but Bristol-D and the various demons from Goetia that he summons are wonderful.

*Fernandeath - Waku Waku 7. About the only good thing about the game, actually.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

Bata kun
2610th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Holiday's 'MB' choices" , posted Fri 1 Apr 03:43post reply

"Koko desu ka?"

If anyone needs me, I'll be killing him now for saying that quote everytime.

1916th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Holiday's 'MB' choices" , posted Fri 1 Apr 04:09post reply

Heihachi - In Tekken, a series that stars a bunch of lumpy old guys fighting it out, Heihachi rules supreme.

Jedah - A boss can be good and still be balanced.

Geese - I hate boss fights that degenerate into pattern abuse but the trick of hopping in and banging on the "throw" button until he died was too funny.

Bison, the Shadaloo leader guy - I'm hoping for CvS3 just so he can team up with Chizuru and Maki for Team Shoulder Pad.

Dizzy - I'm not the world's biggest fan of GGX but I really enjoyed having Dizzy as a boss. She wasn't trying to rule the world or was using a fighting tournament for her own evil ends [why do people even show up for KoF tournaments anymore since they seem to be consistently corrupt?] but instead she was just a girl who had way more power than she could handle at the time. A nice change of pace.

6199th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Holiday's 'MB' choices" , posted Fri 1 Apr 04:54post reply

Oh god, Miss X ! I need to ditch someone from my list !
*Rashoujin Mizuki - Great last boss as well as one of the few non-doujin female ones.
*Justice - Great last boss as well as one of the few non-doujin female ones, with a crotch.

Fixed it for you.


155th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(5):Holiday's 'MB' choices" , posted Fri 1 Apr 05:07post reply

My choices are:

-Sissy (Matrimelee)
-Mizuki (SS)
-Goenitz (KOF)
-Miss X (gals fighter)
-Kain R. Heinlein (Garou)


1037th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):Holiday's 'MB' choices" , posted Fri 1 Apr 06:51post reply

Hahaha Miss X shall win!

Fuu is a cutie!!

341th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(7):Holiday's 'MB' choices" , posted Fri 1 Apr 07:46post reply

My choices, in no special order :

- Rugal (): Because he's a classic

- Krizalid (KOF 99): I love his design. The datasuit is simply brilliant.

- Gill (SFIII): Another great and lovable character.

- Neo Dio (World Heroes Perfect?): It looks like Baoh and shouts "Muda Muda Muda!!". I just don't ask for more.

- Pyron (Vampire): He's 100% energy, nuff said

Variable Savior
271th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(8):Holiday's 'MB' choices" , posted Fri 1 Apr 09:01post reply

- Krizalid (KoF99): Still my favorite KoF boss, although he looked so much cooler in 2K1

- Amakusa (SS): Another favorite; has a weird metrosexual style thing going...

- God Rugal (CvS2): I like Omega Rugal as much as the next guy but the ragged looking G Rugal was just plain better

- Demon Hyo (PJ): The awesomeness of RS Hyo +1

- Jedah (Vampire): Looks incredible, sounds cool, sports great moves, has an interesting motivation, AND awesome win quotes? BEST BOSS EVER.

Honorable mention goes to Onslaught from MvC. The giant boss concept is tired now (and was even kind of tired back then) but fighting him the first couple times was really sweet.


BTW whatever happened to the 2D girls tournament? I know the 3D version wrapped up - did I miss the 2D finale??

Blood marks heaven's path

Bata kun
2611th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Holiday's 'MB' choices" , posted Fri 1 Apr 09:22post reply

BTW whatever happened to the 2D girls tournament? I know the 3D version wrapped up - did I miss the 2D finale??

Megane: lazy. =P

159th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(9):Holiday's 'MB' choices" , posted Fri 1 Apr 09:37post reply

1) Goentiz (KoF 96)
2) Dizzy (GGX)
3) "Lovable" Ignis/Igniz (KoF 01)
4) Jedah (Vampire Savior)
5) Sissy (Matrimelee)

The Hachishinkan -- The Weil Numbers.

533th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(9):Holiday's 'MB' choices" , posted Fri 1 Apr 09:56post reply


- Amakusa
- God Rugal
Honorable mention goes to Onslaught

Heh, this thread had the bonus usefullness of reminding me of how many Cafe regulars are fighting game bosses! Meanwhile, I was excited about the number of early votes for Hyo! More more more!


2488th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Fighting game boss tourney - nomination" , posted Fri 1 Apr 10:13post reply

Um, so does White Ren count? She's more of a "if you don't do so well you'll fight her as the last boss" character, kinda like Grant from Garou.

I think you had to pass MeltyBlood: ReAct without coninues to fight Aoko, and have an AAA fighting average to fight Kain in Garou?

Red Falcon
5437th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Holiday's 'MB' choices" , posted Fri 1 Apr 11:46:post reply

*Rashoujin Mizuki - Great last boss as well as one of the few non-doujin female ones.
*Justice - Great last boss as well as one of the few non-doujin female ones, with a crotch.


Grumble. I guess I'll vote now.

Vega (Psycho Crusher)

Best site EVER:Link Here

[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Fri 1 Apr 16:41]

414th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):Fighting game boss tourney - nomination" , posted Fri 1 Apr 12:00post reply


3. Sub-bosses are not allowed.

Wah, Chizuru's not allowed. =(

1) M Bison (SF)
2) Akuma (SF)
3) Mizuki (SamSho) - because she's a Miko.
4) Heihachi - because he kicks your ass in a diaper.
5) Jedah (VS)

1810th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):Fighting game boss tourney - nomination" , posted Fri 1 Apr 12:35post reply

Um, so does White Ren count? She's more of a "if you don't do so well you'll fight her as the last boss" character, kinda like Grant from Garou.

Yeah in that case she is still in.

I will tally the votes that are in at this point, in a short while. Meanwhile, nominations are still open!

1811th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Votes so far..." , posted Fri 1 Apr 13:52post reply


Vega / Bison (SF2)
Jedah (Vampire Savior)
Rashoujin Mizuki (SS2)
Gouki/Akuma (SSF2T)
Heihachi Mishima (Tekken)
Sissy (PI:Matrimelee)
Amakusa (SS1)
Dizzy (GGX)
Gill (SF3)
Goenitz (KOF96)
Hyo Imawano (Justice Gakuen/Rival Schools)

Need more votes:
Aoko Aozaki (Melty Blood: ReAct)
Geese Howard (Fatal Fury)
Kain R. Heinlein (Garou)
Krizalid (KOF99)
Miss X (Gal Fighter)
Orochi (KOF97)
Athena (SVC)
Kanna (Eternal Fighter Zero)
Red Arremer (SVC)
Rugal (KOF95/CVS2)
White Ren (Melty Blood: ReAct)

Only 1 nomination so far:
Adelheid (KOF2003)
Bristol D (Groove on Fight)
Devil Kazuya (Tekken 2)
Devilot hime (Cyberbots)
Fernandeath (Waku Waku 7)
Ignis/Igniz (KOF2001)
Jinpachi (Tekken 5)
Johan (Rage of the Dragons)
Justice (Guilty Gear)
Leopardon (Guilty Gear Isuka)
Magneto (Xmen)
Minazuki Zankuro (SS3)
Mr Karate (AOF1)
Mukai (KOF2003)
Neo Dio (World Heroes Perfect)
Pyron (Vampire Savior)
Sagat (SF1)
Suika Ibuki (Immaterial and Missing Power)

From this point onwards, if you are editing your votes, please DO NOT change your previous posts. Just post a new message, stating the exact change, so that I can +1 and -1 from the number tally accordingly. Thanks.

Nominations are stil open but will close pretty soon. So get your favourite bosses in quickly!

Juke Joint Jezebel
3370th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Votes so far..." , posted Fri 1 Apr 15:15post reply


1) Geese
2) I-No
3) Leopardon

6206th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Votes so far..." , posted Fri 1 Apr 17:54post reply

Come on people ! Devilot ! Devilot !
You can't have lost all your love for the cute psycho princess and her two sergent, have you ?


141th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(2):Votes so far..." , posted Sat 2 Apr 04:23post reply

I'll change mine from Johan to Rashoujin Mizuki (SS2)


726th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):Votes so far..." , posted Sat 2 Apr 05:06:post reply


Igniz (KOF 2001) = Awesome
Jedah (Darkstalkers) = The Strongest and Coolest
Orochi (KOF) = Supreme Being... Nuff said
Geese Howard (Fatal Fury)

[this message was edited by DarkLordDragon on Sat 2 Apr 05:10]

1th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):Votes so far..." , posted Sat 2 Apr 05:47post reply

1. Dizzy (GGX, not cause she's well-thought out gameplay wise or anything =D)
2. Kanna (Eternal Fighter Zero)
3. Mecha Gouki (Marvel vs Street Fighter. Does he count separate? If not, just normal ole Gouki...but man I think he's sufficiently different at least.)
4. God Rugal (CvS2)
5. Geese Howard (Fatal Fury)

-1. I hate Suika Ibuki, if there's anyway to give her -1 I'll do it. Pity Remilia's only a sub.

Red Falcon
5438th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Votes so far..." , posted Sat 2 Apr 12:45:post reply

Ach, didn't see the "no updates" thing, so I'll post it here.

Vega (Psycho Crusher)

Also, Iggy... Devilot isn't a boss, but a sub-boss, no?(even though Jigoku Taishi is awesome..) G.O.D. is the boss (for most charas.. Jin fights Shadow at the VERY end, right?) (Are sub-bosses allowed? I'm still confused...) ANYWAY, bottom line, if Devilot WOULD count, I'll change my vote for Carlos to her.

Best site EVER:Link Here

[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Sat 2 Apr 12:54]

1813th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):Votes so far..." , posted Sat 2 Apr 14:35:post reply


Red Falcon, which games do they appear as bosses?


Also, Iggy... Devilot isn't a boss, but a sub-boss, no?(even though Jigoku Taishi is awesome..) G.O.D. is the boss (for most charas.. Jin fights Shadow at the VERY end, right?) (Are sub-bosses allowed? I'm still confused...) ANYWAY, bottom line, if Devilot WOULD count, I'll change my vote for Carlos to her.

Yup, I did some checking on Cyberbots (since I didn't play that game) and Devilot indeed isn't a boss. So I guess to be fair she won't be counted as a nomination. Thanks for the help Red Falcon.

Iggy, if you want to, you can post another nomination to make up for the lost vote.

[this message was edited by TheBeast on Sat 2 Apr 14:37]

2992th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Votes so far..." , posted Sat 2 Apr 15:13post reply


Vega / Bison (SF2)
Jedah (Vampire Savior)
Rashoujin Mizuki (SS2)
Gouki/Akuma (SSF2T)
Heihachi Mishima (Tekken)
Sissy (PI:Matrimelee)
Amakusa (SS1)
Dizzy (GGX)
Gill (SF3)
Goenitz (KOF96)
Hyo Imawano (Justice Gakuen/Rival Schools)

Need more votes:
Aoko Aozaki (Melty Blood: ReAct)
Geese Howard (Fatal Fury)
Kain R. Heinlein (Garou)
Krizalid (KOF99)
Miss X (Gal Fighter)
Orochi (KOF97)
Athena (SVC)
Kanna (Eternal Fighter Zero)
Red Arremer (SVC)
Rugal (KOF95/CVS2)
White Ren (Melty Blood: ReAct)

Only 1 nomination so far:
Adelheid (KOF2003)
Bristol D (Groove on Fight)
Devil Kazuya (Tekken 2)
Devilot hime (Cyberbots)
Fernandeath (Waku Waku 7)
Ignis/Igniz (KOF2001)
Jinpachi (Tekken 5)
Johan (Rage of the Dragons)
Justice (Guilty Gear)
Leopardon (Guilty Gear Isuka)
Magneto (Xmen)
Minazuki Zankuro (SS3)
Mr Karate (AOF1)
Mukai (KOF2003)
Neo Dio (World Heroes Perfect)
Pyron (Vampire Savior)
Sagat (SF1)
Suika Ibuki (Immaterial and Missing Power)

From this point onwards, if you are editing your votes, please DO NOT change your previous posts. Just post a new message, stating the exact change, so that I can +1 and -1 from the number tally accordingly. Thanks.

Nominations are stil open but will close pretty soon. So get your favourite bosses in quickly!

1 Mukai (King of Fighters 2003)
2 Igniz (King of Fighters 2001)
3 Krizalid (King of Fighters 1999)
4 Kain R. Heinlein (Garou: Mark of the Wolves)
5 Duke (King of Fighters Maximum Impact)

6 Shinobu Amou (King of Fighters EX 2)

6211th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Votes so far..." , posted Sat 2 Apr 18:29post reply

Tssssssssss, shut up Red Falcon, I was trying to make her pass anyway! Beside, she was the boss in Puzzle Fighter, isn't it like... no ? really? crap.

Onslaught from MvC1.


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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):Votes so far..." , posted Sun 3 Apr 04:48post reply

1. Lovable Igniz (KOF 2001)
2. Geese Howard (Fatal Fury)
3. Miss X (Gals Fighters)
4. Omega Rugal (KOF 98/2002)
5. Orochi (KOF 97)

537th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):Votes so far..." , posted Sun 3 Apr 06:20post reply, Iggy's ballot-stuffing! It's off to the (gyakuten?) saiban for you!
Then again, it's good that the Beast qualified that the boss couldn't be normally playable or else almost every single SFZero 2 fighter would've shown up., except maybe Dan.


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New Customer

"Re(5):Votes so far..." , posted Sun 3 Apr 07:07post reply

In no particular order:

1) Rugal
2) Geese
3) Sagat
4) Devil [Kazuya]
5) And though he doesn't need the nomination/vote, Hyo

Taa kun
498th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):Fighting game boss tourney - nomination" , posted Sun 3 Apr 18:28post reply

My votes

_ Kanna (Eternal Fighter Zero)
_ Aoko Aozaki (Melty Blood Re-Act) : don't forget Kotono Mitsuishi's voice !
_ Dio (World heroes 2) : grab - counter-grab - counter-grab - counter-grab - counter-grab - counter-grab - counter-grab - counter-grab - counter-grab - ...
_ Dio (Jojo's 1) : 'Toki wo tomare !' 'Muda muda muda !!!'
_ Oda Nobunaga (Ninja Masters) : Eat my evil sword from occident...

Tsukurimashou... Tsukurimashou...
Sate sate nani ga dekiru ka na ?

Red Falcon
5438th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Votes so far..." , posted Mon 4 Apr 15:02post reply


Red Falcon, which games do they appear as bosses?

Samurai Spirits/Shodown (Samurai Tamashii and Asura Zanmaden, specifically.. s/he is the demon-god of destruction. A fan-made sprite is Naruto's current avatar)

Carlos is the boss of Daraku Tenshi. He's Scarface... with a katana.

Best site EVER:Link Here

1813th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Tournament brackets determined..." , posted Tue 5 Apr 16:08post reply

The top 32 has been picked out of the nominated 47 characters, and has been placed in 4 groups of 8. In each group, 3 rounds of elimination will take place to determine the winner of each group who will proceed to the semis. The semis will consist of the winners of the groups and 2 more rounds of elimnination will decide the ultimate MMcafe's favourite fighting game boss!

The brackets are as follows. The first round of elimination for each group will begin within 24 hours from now.

Group A
Vega / Bison (SF2)
Red Arremer (SVC)

Rugal (KOF95/CVS2)
Kain R. Heinlein (Garou)

Sissy (PI:Matrimelee)

Gouki/Akuma (SSF2T, Mecha MVC)
Leopardon (Guilty Gear Isuka)

Group B
Geese Howard (Fatal Fury)
Sagat (SF1)

Aoko Aozaki (Melty Blood: ReAct)
Kanna (Eternal Fighter Zero)

Amakusa (SS1)
Athena (SVC)

Dizzy (GGX)
Mukai (KOF2003)

Group C
Jedah (Vampire Savior)
White Ren (Melty Blood: ReAct)

Goenitz (KOF96)
Krizalid (KOF99)

Hyo Imawano (Justice Gakuen/Rival Schools)
Devil Kazuya (Tekken 2)

Gill (SF3)
Neo Dio (World Heroes Perfect)

Group D
Rashoujin Mizuki (SS2)
Yuga (Samurai Spirits/Shodown)

Ignis/Igniz (KOF2001)
Miss X (Gal Fighter)

Orochi (KOF97)
Fernandeath (Waku Waku 7)

Heihachi Mishima (Tekken)
Onslaught (MVC)

864th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Tournament brackets determined..." , posted Tue 5 Apr 16:47post reply

Exactly one of you mentioned anyone from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Even Iggy has forsaken Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (NO!).
You all lose.

Well, at least Fernandeath is there.
Unless someone calls Rita Repulsa and makes Goldar grow, nobody better beat him lol

6222th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Tournament brackets determined..." , posted Tue 5 Apr 17:25post reply

Even Iggy has forsaken Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (NO!).

Well, shadow Dio >>>>>>>>>>> boss Dio, so I couldn't pick him.
