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Spoon 848th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(1):Shadow Hearts From the New World" , posted Thu 31 Mar 09:59
quote: Stuff
Make sure you watch the vids at game carol. They are very enlightening, and will either inspire your interest in the game, or will make you think, "this game is stupid."
General tactics: dash in, d+LK, chain into whatever weak attack has enough reach... This is more or less the fundamental ground thing of the game. It applies to everybody (except Orville? I don't know). If you see the d+LK initial chain hit, follow with the rest of your chain xx special/super/advance attack. If you see it blocked, mix the chain up and do a special if it's safe on block. Mixing is necessary on block because you don't want to get Impact Break'd.
Advance Attack is your friend. Use it to counter stuff that you normally couldn't punish on block. Easy easy basic combo for everyone (except Orville and Sheryl) looks like this: d+LK, LK/LP/d+LK/d+LP, SP/d+SP, HK xx Advance Attack, LK, HP, HK xx special. You can get more hits with the chain off Advance Attack, but if you just do LKHPHK, it's sure to hit and is easy to do.
Handy dandy: Use the Quick Recovery. You can punish stuff that hit you clean (e.g. Garnet's HK DP) with a Quick Recovery.
Rolling sucks: dodge is useful, but it's not nearly as easy to use as a KOF/CvS2 roll; the invulnerability period is very, very short. In fact, you will be tempted to use it against, say, Garnet's QCB+K Yamazaki-alikes... and you'll find that you'll keep getting hit.
Thoughtless combos: The Viren variation d+LK, d+LK, d+SP, d+HK xx QCF+P, HK. I don't think anybody else in the game wants to end the chain with d+HK, because they have chains or non-OTG specials that do better damage. But Viren doesn't have a good special that combos in that way, so he has to settle for an OTG hit his run -> overhead.
standard Aran d+LK, d+LK, SP, HK xx QCB+LP, QCB+LP, LP. same principle.
d+LK, d+LK, SP, HK xx HP+HK, LP, HP, HK xx QCB+LP, QCB+LP, LP. wow, that was hard.
d+LK, d+LK, SP, HK xx QCB+LP, QCB+LP xx QCFx2+P. replace Advance Attack with a Super. wow.
Hikari DA, jump, OA looks badass.