The Rose Thread - Forums

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6516th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"The Rose Thread" , posted Thu 31 Mar 02:16post reply

Any fan of her around here? She's never been one of the most popular characters at Capcom, but at least she's back in CFJ. An interesting character, with weird and original gameplay (at least by the SFZ time), I've always liked her. She was my main SFZ character until Karin appeared, actually.


2493th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The Rose Thread" , posted Thu 31 Mar 02:22post reply

Tried to get into her a while ago, but couldn't. I should try again, now that my skills have diversified slightly.

All I remember is that in SFa2 her profile pic made my pants shrink. Not sure why that was.

4277th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The Rose Thread" , posted Thu 31 Mar 02:45post reply

at least she's back in CFJ.

She's also in NxC.

6517th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):The Rose Thread" , posted Thu 31 Mar 02:56post reply

She's also in NxC.
And she got a card in both SNK vs Capcom Card Fighters ^_^

1915th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):The Rose Thread" , posted Thu 31 Mar 02:56post reply

Funny, I used to play Rose all the time in SFA1 and 2 but she slipped out of my main roster of characters in A3. I'm still not sure what switched in her move list or the game engine that caused that unfair demotion.

mr boo
5th Post

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New Customer

"Re(3):The Rose Thread" , posted Thu 31 Mar 03:02post reply

Man...there was this one dude at the arcade that always used Rose and how I hated playing against him. I've got to say, her style of play is really interesting and her supers are most useful. I personally never picked her up because that dude, but I have to admit that she'd be a plus to have on any roster.

6519th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"JoJo?" , posted Thu 31 Mar 03:15:post reply

Funny, I used to play Rose all the time in SFA1 and 2 but she slipped out of my main roster of characters in A3. I'm still not sure what switched in her move list or the game engine that caused that unfair demotion.
In SFZ3 they retouched all her priorities for worse, sadly, and added lag to her moves, I think.

I heard she was based on a JoJo character, anybody kows which one and/or has a pic of it?

[this message was edited by Rid on Thu 31 Mar 04:53]

1498th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):The Rose Thread" , posted Thu 31 Mar 03:37post reply

Well I don't really play her but on a fan boy thread at I was the only one who chose to "date" her in the SF character would you date thread. We have seen them around here before. Interestingly enough that thread cause a flame war on a side note...

She has such classy and sophisticated style and I do like Italian women.

6190th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):JoJo?" , posted Thu 31 Mar 05:11post reply

I heard she was based on a JoJo character, anybody kows which one and/or has a pic of it?

Oh !


6520th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):JoJo?" , posted Thu 31 Mar 05:14post reply

I heard she was based on a JoJo character, anybody kows which one and/or has a pic of it?

Oh !

I see, I see. Besides the appearance, she got anything in common with her, like specials or something?

6191th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):JoJo?" , posted Thu 31 Mar 05:18post reply

I see, I see. Besides the appearance, she got anything in common with her, like specials or something?

The concept of using the soul power / the hamon in her scarf to turn it into a weapon, some of her normal moves at least.

As a hommage/ripoff, she's between Polnareff/Benimaru and Tetsuo/K9999.


6522th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):JoJo?" , posted Thu 31 Mar 11:59post reply Thanks!

462th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):JoJo?" , posted Thu 31 Mar 13:41post reply

Funny, I used to play Rose all the time in SFA1 and 2 but she slipped out of my main roster of characters in A3. I'm still not sure what switched in her move list or the game engine that caused that unfair demotion. In SFZ3 they retouched all her priorities for worse, sadly, and added lag to her moves, I think.

She still could be played well in Zero 3. Some top-ranked SF players used her solely for V-Ism. I think her best version was Zero 1, with the Soul Illusion combos and the easy chain combos.

849th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):JoJo?" , posted Thu 31 Mar 16:52post reply

She still could be played well in Zero 3. Some top-ranked SF players used her solely for V-Ism. I think her best version was Zero 1, with the Soul Illusion combos and the easy chain combos.

I think she's actually more fun in SFA3, what with the new normals and the juggle system. Yeah, V-ism is the way to go for her.

SFA1 Rose? No way. Sure, you can infinite Sodom, but SFA2 Rose has a weapon of obscene power: LOW STRONG! It counters... like every ground normal in the game except for hopkicks or something. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but it feels that way. Even against Chun Li.

I dunno why SFA series was so hell-bent on making low strong the lowest common denominator, but it is. Take Guy, for example. Low strong is a fast poke. Low strong is an anti air (wtf...). Low strong can be cancelled into specials/supers. Put all that together: except if you're getting up from knockdown, you can do low strong whenever you don't know what to do and it'll usually be a good choice.

6524th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"some rips" , posted Thu 31 Mar 23:22post reply

Krzyzewski Man
1069th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):JoJo?" , posted Fri 1 Apr 02:46post reply

A1: I don't know how good Rose was. Actually, I don't know if was over mid-tier. The chains were nice, but everyone had chains. The Soul Illusion was nice, but it wasn't any better than the later versions. She was quite good, though.

A2: Top four. Duck strong is exactly as described: beats everything, plus you can link another one afterwards and (I think) combo into the new Soul Spiral (making up for lack of chains). She had some weaknesses (Soul Throws of any sort were suicide due to recovery roll) but this was a game that was all about CCs anyway.

A3: High mid tier, very competitive. A-Rose is probably her best, actually. She has the good 'ol Illusion unblockables and better damage. There's good strats for A3 Rose in Shoryuken's Alpha 3 sticky, somewhere.


340th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(4):JoJo?" , posted Fri 1 Apr 07:05post reply

I find her a bit difficult to master, but she's real fun to play with (I think she's the SFZ3 char I used most frequently). I like her design a lot, but her sprite is a bit ugly, she looks older than she's supposed to be...she looks milfy.

Variable Savior
270th Post

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Copper Customer

"Rose thread" , posted Fri 1 Apr 08:43post reply

I looovvveeeee Rose - she's one of my favorite fighting game characters of all time. She has an awesome character design, novel gameplay, and an interesting backstory (how rare is that in a fighter? Too much 'you killed my ______' going on for my taste...). And she's actually tastefully attired (read: non-skank) - even rarer for a female fighting game character. It's a shame that she seems to garnish so little respect.

Of all the versions of the character the one I find most fault with is Alpha 3's. I really hated the new roundhouse kick they gave her and I found the 'popup' aspect of the crouching fierce frequently messed up my basic combos. Still a decent character but not as enjoyable as A1 or A2.

Speaking of A2, I read once that Rose had a 100% custom combo using (of all things) soul sparks. I never had the chance to try it - can anyone verify it's existence?

Blood marks heaven's path

465th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):JoJo?" , posted Fri 1 Apr 08:54post reply

I didn't know much about low strong with Rose, but that's interesting to hear. I think you could also link a Level 3 super afterwards for major damage. I used her occasionally, and nobody I knew played her much.

All I remember was getting raped by Chun Li and Ken players in A2. After seeing the power of the Custom Combo, I pretty much gave up on that game. I never liked CCs, never will.

852th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Rose thread" , posted Fri 1 Apr 09:56post reply


Of all the versions of the character the one I find most fault with is Alpha 3's. I really hated the new roundhouse kick they gave her and I found the 'popup' aspect of the crouching fierce frequently messed up my basic combos. Still a decent character but not as enjoyable as A1 or A2.

Uh, you can do her old RH by pressing f+RH.

...and her d+FP doesn't launch unless it's a counterhit, from which you can do lots of good/easy juggles, but that has more to do with SFA3 than with Rose.

Play SFA3 Rose again! At the very least, I fail to see how you could possibly find her less interesting than SFA1 Rose... SFA2 CCs aside.


Speaking of A2, I read once that Rose had a 100% custom combo using (of all things) soul sparks. I never had the chance to try it - can anyone verify it's existence?

Yes, it's real. No, I can't remember exactly how it works. I have a video for it somewhere here, but it goes more or less like this: absorb a bunch (forget how many) fireballs, and when you use her fireball in a CC, the damage of each is upped DRAMATICALLY. We're talking like 100% combo with 8 fireballs or thereabouts.

453th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):JoJo?" , posted Mon 4 Apr 01:10post reply

All I remember was getting raped by Chun Li and Ken players in A2. After seeing the power of the Custom Combo, I pretty much gave up on that game. I never liked CCs, never will.

Same here. And yet it's considered the best of the Zero games. Aside from everyone having their own stage and toning down of too strong chracters from Zero, Zero 2 left alot to be desired.

I played the hell out of Rose back in Zero, but to this day hate the restriction her reflect move had. Capcom just couldn't have made it as good as Lei-Lei's gong special. I recall using her alot more in CFE seeing how Capcom predictabley went with the 3rd version of Chun.

862th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5):JoJo?" , posted Mon 4 Apr 03:53post reply


Same here. And yet it's considered the best of the Zero games. a certain very small group of people.

Guile and Sodom got nerfed all to hell.
Ken was still very strong.
Akuma really just had one move nerfed, and that was his dominating air fireball.