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DarkZero 1181th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(5):New Fantastic Four trailer" , posted Wed 30 Mar 12:50
Wow. That trailer was... sort of odd.
The fact that Michael Chiklis didn't seem to really nail The Thing is surprising, but the fact that Jessica Alba completely sucks as Sue Storm really isn't. I'm not sure why they even bother dressing her up like Sue Storm when she looks so young. It would've been one thing if they picked a young actress and made her look hot, or picked an older actress and made her look like Sue Storm, but a young actress in those sort of clothes just looks like a little girl playing "house". As for Reed or Doom, you don't really get to see much of them. You see people reacting to Reed or beating up Doom, but you don't really see the characters themselves.
The weirdest part is the Human Torch, though. I don't like the Human Torch, but... I like this Human Torch. I like him a lot. So either the movie's version of the Human Torch is very, very different from the comics, or just way better than the Human Torch has been in the last decade or so of Marvel Comics. I can't tell which.
DarkZero 1182th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(6):New Fantastic Four trailer" , posted Wed 30 Mar 14:18
quote: Does Doom have to sound menacing? Consider Bill from "Kill Bill": his voice was hardly menacing, but he was till a vicious villian. Personally, I kinda like Doom's voice as it is. The menacing voice is too cliche these days.
Honestly, I'd rather see them keep the menacing mechanical voice, the scarred face, and the egomaniacal "DOOM speaks only in the third person, fools!" dialogue than the green cape and perfectly accurate mask. Whereas the X-Men and Spider-Man movies, which were good, kept the characters from the comics and just gave them more telegenic costumes that wouldn't look ridiculous on film, the Fantastic Four movie seems to be keeping the costumes and changing the characters around.
shin ramberk 92th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(6):New Fantastic Four trailer" , posted Wed 30 Mar 17:13
quote: Wow. That trailer was... sort of odd.
The fact that Michael Chiklis didn't seem to really nail The Thing is surprising, but the fact that Jessica Alba completely sucks as Sue Storm really isn't. I'm not sure why they even bother dressing her up like Sue Storm when she looks so young. It would've been one thing if they picked a young actress and made her look hot, or picked an older actress and made her look like Sue Storm, but a young actress in those sort of clothes just looks like a little girl playing "house". As for Reed or Doom, you don't really get to see much of them. You see people reacting to Reed or beating up Doom, but you don't really see the characters themselves.
The weirdest part is the Human Torch, though. I don't like the Human Torch, but... I like this Human Torch. I like him a lot. So either the movie's version of the Human Torch is very, very different from the comics, or just way better than the Human Torch has been in the last decade or so of Marvel Comics. I can't tell which.
I agree with just about everything. I'm not getting a vibe from any of the actors and characters except torch and doom. The little dialog i hear from Doom makes me feel good about him. I don't like the iron mask. I'm a comic book junkie but that shiny metal mask doesn't work in real life.
Torch sounds like a fun guy to hang out with. Thats how he should be in the comics. A fun guy but a hot head, stubborn-rushes into trouble and a big ego. Comic book Torch has gotten to be boring just cause he's been around for so long. Well, pretty much the FF has been boring cause they are so 'matured' up and all.
Reed seems boring, but maybe thats how his character works? he's boring in the comics too. So maybe it'll work out.
Thing and Sue Storm are just not clicking. Maybe we need more dialog to see if they fit the bill but so far, it doesn't look good. They should have gotten a much younger guy to play Thing. Chiklis is way too old. Alba is attractive but just not Sue.
I'm feeling good about this movie. I'm just not to sure about the actor/character choices on Thing and Sue. We'll see.
I'm more excited about how Doom will play out. And I am glad he doesn't sound like a cheezy cartoon/video game character. Geeze, what were you guys thinking.
Go buy the new Warlock series by Marvel. It is good support this title!