mystery of Justice Gakuen - Forums

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522th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Tue 29 Mar 07:38post reply

You know, in light of Kyouko's glorious victory in the competition, it's reminded me to be puzzled about why Capcom hasn't focused on making a modern Justice Gakuen game. It seems to have a small but intense following in the States and Japan (maybe more so in Japan? I don't really know), enough for Capcom to at least make Moero! Justice Gakuen/Project Justice.

Given that Soul Calibur and Tekken seem to be the thing these days, it makes me wonder why Capcom hasn't tried to take this clever cast of characters that have already been translated into 3D and make them into an epic modern fighter. The personalities are strong enough to make an interesting scenario, especially after the life sim modes on PSOne, and it seems like it ought to be worth doing if Capcom's shying away from 2D for the moment at least. Is the Justice team still at Capcom, I wonder?



shin ramberk
89th Post

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"Re(1):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Tue 29 Mar 08:03post reply

You know, in light of Kyouko's glorious victory in the competition, it's reminded me to be puzzled about why Capcom hasn't focused on making a modern Justice Gakuen game. It seems to have a small but intense following in the States and Japan (maybe more so in Japan? I don't really know), enough for Capcom to at least make Moero! Justice Gakuen/Project Justice.

Given that Soul Calibur and Tekken seem to be the thing these days, it makes me wonder why Capcom hasn't tried to take this clever cast of characters that have already been translated into 3D and make them into an epic modern fighter. The personalities are strong enough to make an interesting scenario, especially after the life sim modes on PSOne, and it seems like it ought to be worth doing if Capcom's shying away from 2D for the moment at least. Is the Justice team still at Capcom, I wonder?

This is only an educated guess, based on what's happened to Capcom in the last ten years, but I think Capcom has ignored Project Justice because (a) its not a popular enough series and (b) Capcom is a mess.

So lets tackle the first part of my explanation. Well, simply Project Justice has a very loyal fan base, its a cult hit. But thats not enough. Capcom could easily put out a sequel or fresh update on a sensible production budget and make a profit on the game but I think Capcom is INCAPABLE of this because Capcom is in a mess.

Why is Capcom in a mess? I think its because they have grown too big. The 1990's was an insanely succesful decade for Capcom. But that success has made Capcom fat, unoriginal, bland, stupid and slow.

In the last few years we haven't had an original idea from Capcom. We've had a hundred repackaged, resold, re-ported titles. Capcom cut out of the arcade. They've cut back on research and development. They've lost a lot of money on big budget games. They've made ton of bad exclusivity deals. Their new games are either sequels or bland/unexciting new games. There is no hype around Capcom. Capcom is like a corpse that looks like a living person.

So there you have it. Thats why no more Project Justice. Thats why Capcom has scaled back so much because they were spending money like water and getting little results. I can't even predict what the hell Capcom is going to do next except make more Rockman games.

Go buy the new Warlock series by Marvel. It is good support this title!

2476th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Tue 29 Mar 08:39post reply

I actually suspect there will be a PSP version.

125th Post

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"Re(3):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Tue 29 Mar 08:57post reply

My thoughts exactly ramberk.
Capcom is (barely) surviving by releasing sequels and crappy remakes/"Special Editions".

Sad thing for JusGaku fans, like myself.

I actually suspect there will be a PSP version.

And why is that?


6510th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Tue 29 Mar 09:02post reply

And why is that?
Because The Voices from his Hair Brush told him to do it.

2479th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Tue 29 Mar 09:16post reply


And why is that?

hmm, because in a poll asking what types of games people would like to see on the PSP, and justice gakuen was an option there. So they've thought about it at least a little...

523th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Tue 29 Mar 11:22post reply

Ah, Shin, it does make sense--I never really tied Capcom's increasing lack of awesomeness with the lack of new JG games, but it is reasonable...and gives me a reason to actually care about Capcom's unproductivity these days the way everyone else seems to. Luckily, a few rogue innovators like Viewtiful Joe get through, and I'm really excited about Ookami. Still, after playing Soul Calibur all day, it's fun to imagine a good 3D Daigo and Shouma fighting away. Dreams...


363th Post

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"Re(3):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Tue 29 Mar 11:34post reply

I actually suspect there will be a PSP version.

Wouldn't surprise me. I think it's weird that Darkstalkers is getting so much attention by Capcom while JG isn't. I figured both series had similar popularity, and it seems like they would go with a 3D game before a 2D one.

1179th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Tue 29 Mar 13:00post reply


I actually suspect there will be a PSP version.

And why is that?

I think this is sort of likely, too. With portables, the threshold for new games seems to be a lot lower. I get the feeling that if a Japanese game designer has a wacky idea, such as, for instance, "Let's make Metal Gear Solid a card game!" or "How about a Megaman RPG?", they seem a lot more likely to happen on the PSP or GBA/DS. So if someone at Capcom ever asks, "WTF happened to the Justice Gakuen series?", the answer will be "You can make it a PSP game if you want."

The GBA was the real savior of 2D games that were no longer considered good ideas on the PS2, like new Castlevania sequels in the vein of SotN. The PSP or the Nintendo DS will probably be the savior of similar 3D games. However, at $40 or $50 a pop, the threshold for PSP games might be a lot higher than GBA games.

587th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Tue 29 Mar 13:31:post reply


Why is Capcom in a mess? I think its because they have grown too big. The 1990's was an insanely succesful decade for Capcom. But that success has made Capcom fat, unoriginal, bland, stupid and slow.

In the last few years we haven't had an original idea from Capcom. We've had a hundred repackaged, resold, re-ported titles. Capcom cut out of the arcade. They've cut back on research and development. They've lost a lot of money on big budget games. They've made ton of bad exclusivity deals. Their new games are either sequels or bland/unexciting new games. There is no hype around Capcom. Capcom is like a corpse that looks like a living person.

Well, they took a lot of chances and a lot of them ended up failing, sadly. I mean, the new Biohazard, Viewtiful Joe, P.N.09, Killer 7... those are chances right?

I do admit that I'm not too happy with them lately but... eh... I do see a force within Capcom trying to do something good. They are kind of getting bloated...

Edit: I second another JG game, and make sure that there is still a good story!!!


[this message was edited by KTallguy on Tue 29 Mar 13:39]

154th Post

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"Re(3):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Tue 29 Mar 15:40post reply


Why is Capcom in a mess? I think its because they have grown too big. The 1990's was an insanely succesful decade for Capcom. But that success has made Capcom fat, unoriginal, bland, stupid and slow.

In the last few years we haven't had an original idea from Capcom. We've had a hundred repackaged, resold, re-ported titles. Capcom cut out of the arcade. They've cut back on research and development. They've lost a lot of money on big budget games. They've made ton of bad exclusivity deals. Their new games are either sequels or bland/unexciting new games. There is no hype around Capcom. Capcom is like a corpse that looks like a living person.

Well, they took a lot of chances and a lot of them ended up failing, sadly. I mean, the new Biohazard, Viewtiful Joe, P.N.09, Killer 7... those are chances right?

I do admit that I'm not too happy with them lately but... eh... I do see a force within Capcom trying to do something good. They are kind of getting bloated...

Edit: I second another JG game, and make sure that there is still a good story!!!

Well, I am all for another JG game also, but I don't think Capcom has been doing too bad of a job lately. I found Resident Evil 4, Viewtiful Joe (the first one, and to a lesser extent, the second one), and the Megaman/Rockman Zero series to be quite enjoyable. That, and I am looking foward to them bringing Gyakuten Saiban stateside. However, when it comes to their fighting games, I do admit they really need to fix themselves in that area. Its been a while since they made a fighting game that has 'wow'ed people. The problem is probably their rehashing of old-game sprites and engines. I mean, Capcom Fighting Jam was ok, but nothing really new (except Ingrid, who I was happy to see finally get in a game). They really just need to do an all-out redone sequel to either the Vampire series, the Street Fighter series, or the Justice Gakuen series. Like, new sprites/models everywhere, new story with around 4 to 6 new characters, and either new or finely retuned old fighting engine. Either that, or they should just try and make a new series, although I am a bit scared what they might think up at this point. On a complete side note, I was always surprised Capcom never did a Megaman/Rockman fighting game. They have enough whacky ass characters to throw into the mix and beat the hell out of each other. Of course, they would need to take out one weapon of one character raping another character to death easily part. That would definately hurt balance... Oh well, just a childhood dream of mine and nothing more.

The Hachishinkan -- The Weil Numbers.

364th Post

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"Re(4):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Tue 29 Mar 16:16post reply

On a complete side note, I was always surprised Capcom never did a Megaman/Rockman fighting game. They have enough whacky ass characters to throw into the mix and beat the hell out of each other. Of course, they would need to take out one weapon of one character raping another character to death easily part. That would definately hurt balance... Oh well, just a childhood dream of mine and nothing more.

There was that Mega Man arcade game where you fight the bosses from a bunch of Mega Man games (Mega Man: The Power Battle, and it apparently had a sequel too). That always felt like a fighter to me, even though it was nothing more than the boss fights from the regular games with nicer graphics. Lots of fun though.

6172th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Tue 29 Mar 16:21post reply

It seems to have a small but intense following in the States and Japan (maybe more so in Japan? I don't really know)
I really wonder how it can be popular in the states without the two dating sims and the board game. Really, in all three cases the fighting game felt like an amusing bonus to the other one. It was... OK at best, I think?

Either way, Edayan is gone, so a sequel won't happen before long (he left dozens of unused designs though). Also, Capcom can't take risks anymore with all the money they owe to their godfathers.
The game will follow the same path as Vampire ; they just leave it there, then when they will think the fans are starving enough, they will release the 3 games with a "The legendary game... RETURNS!" and voilą.
But I think they'll make a SFZero compilation before. Also, the fact the first game was on... I don't know what board, the second on PSone and the third on Naomi/DC will make the total port quite difficult if they only hire 3 guys again. So, yeah, PSP.


155th Post

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"Re(5):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Tue 29 Mar 16:23post reply


There was that Mega Man arcade game where you fight the bosses from a bunch of Mega Man games (Mega Man: The Power Battle, and it apparently had a sequel too). That always felt like a fighter to me, even though it was nothing more than the boss fights from the regular games with nicer graphics. Lots of fun though.

True, it was pretty fun, especially with two players. But aside from Bass, you couldn't play as any of the bad guys. I've always wanted to play as some of the cooler robot masters. Plus, had they made one later, they could have put Mavericks from the X series in there. Finally, a chance to play as Storm Eagle and... uhhhh... Vile! He was cool. Anyway, before I ramble off a made up character list, I will wrap it up. That is all.

The Hachishinkan -- The Weil Numbers.

1180th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Tue 29 Mar 18:02post reply


Well, I am all for another JG game also, but I don't think Capcom has been doing too bad of a job lately. I found Resident Evil 4, Viewtiful Joe (the first one, and to a lesser extent, the second one), and the Megaman/Rockman Zero series to be quite enjoyable.

I don't think anyone was contending that RE4, VJ, or Megaman Zero sucked. They just meant that they sold poorly. Really, really poorly. This is mostly due to the fact that RE4 and VJ are both on a console that's ranked number 3 (of 3!) in America and number 2 (of 2, since the Xbox isn't taken seriously) in Japan. And Megaman Zero is so hard that you can't really consider it a kids' game in the same sense as Pokemon or Mario, which is a very, very bad thing on the GBA, as much as people like us may like it.

I know someone's going to think I'm bashing Nintendo when I say this, but Capcom bravely ignored common sense and marketing data and released an adult horror game (RE4) and an uber-hard game (VJ) on the GameCube. Predictably, it bit them in the ass.

312th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(5):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Tue 29 Mar 18:13post reply

Anyone think it might have to do with Kaneto Shiozawa dying? I mean, he was Hyo and the announcer, both of which were pretty big parts of the game. And they can't really do something like they did with GGXX where they simply renamed the character, gave a story prupose for the change and moved the voice to Takehito Koyasu.

Granted, they could always just find a new voice and be done with it, but that'd seem kinda harsh. :\

959th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(6):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Tue 29 Mar 18:47post reply

they simply renamed the character, gave a story prupose for the change and moved the voice to Takehito Koyasu.

This should happen more all the time.

When something doesn't work with my friends, I say "So do we abandon plan "A" and move on to plan "B"?" They never know what plan "B" is, but now we have a plan "K" for every instance. Kill someone and/or replace a dead person with Koyasu. I guess this can work with things as well as people.

2968th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Tue 29 Mar 18:49post reply

Even being a fan of 2D first, I think there is a lot's of licences that Capcom wasted.
Justice gakuen, is one of them, so do Star gladiator.
Especialy that now, it won't be so hard or expensive to make a sequel, for SG for example, they only need to buy SC2 graphic engine and to make one or three new faces and voila. the game won't loock dull graphicaly, and his 2D gameplay will make him a bit more original than VF, TK5, SC2...

An other poor licence is Power Stone, with more work and more gold, it was original enough to become something else than a button masher...

Well Iggy said it, Capcom won't take a risk...Now the question is why didn't they try to get those game maker back sometimes...
Are they 25874% blind and deaf to fans comments??

There is two infinite things in the world.
Universe and Human stupidity...Well for the universe I'm not sure....

6177th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Tue 29 Mar 20:48post reply

Especialy that now, it won't be so hard or expensive to make a sequel, for SG for example, they only need to buy SC2 graphic engine and to make one or three new faces and voila.

Do I love it when NARUTO is sharing his infinite game-making knowledge with the lesser individuals of Capcom.


999th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(8):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Tue 29 Mar 21:58:post reply

o_O the fact that this has come up is just scary... I guess there are still some fans out there. Which is good in a way, cuz somehow my PJ site is still getting Anywho after the creator of PJ left the company it what just downhill for the project.

As for a psp version of RS, hmmm I could see that.

[this message was edited by Daala on Tue 29 Mar 22:00]

126th Post

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"Re(2):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Wed 30 Mar 00:27post reply

Either way, Edayan is gone

What happened to him?


6179th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Wed 30 Mar 01:22post reply

What happened to him?

"Oh no I'm a terrible artist Aaaaah my drawings for Moejus are awful Aaaaah I quit".
Sometimes, you just want to meet the people you love and kick them in the nuts.


127th Post

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"Re(4):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Wed 30 Mar 01:26post reply

What happened to him?

"Oh no I'm a terrible artist Aaaaah my drawings for Moejus are awful Aaaaah I quit".
Sometimes, you just want to meet the people you love and kick them in the nuts.

Who told him that?
What a wuss.

In fact, any JusGaku game without Edayan would just look weird.


6180th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Wed 30 Mar 01:34post reply

Who told him that?
What a wuss.

I think he was teamed with CRMK for SFZero 2, and he was already "oh my god my drawings are crap compared to his", then for Justice Gakuen "Oh no my designs are horrible please pardon me" and finally Moejus "Yeah, I know, my art was much better during JusGakuen, it's only gotten worse since then, please forgide me".

I really think Edayan is the 2nd best artist that ever worked at Capcom. But...


6th Post

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"Re(6):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Wed 30 Mar 01:42:post reply

Really strange...It's him who have done the arts for Viewtiful joe /2 and the SFII Revival on GBA,right?

Being attacked of a depression because of his style art?that's an odd problem...
Especially when it "looks like"to Masanori Morita.(Racaille Blues,Novice Rookies)

PS:excuse me for my poor english,I'm french.

Edit: best common point ever:
Daigo Kazama=Maeda Taison.

RIP Barry White 9/12/44 - 7/4/03

Your music will never be forgotten.
( '3`)~

[this message was edited by Alex_moss_kidd on Wed 30 Mar 01:48]

128th Post

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"Re(6):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Wed 30 Mar 01:44post reply

I really think Edayan is the 2nd best artist that ever worked at Capcom. But...

I think he's one of the best too.
What other games he worked into?


6181th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Wed 30 Mar 02:07post reply

Really strange...It's him who have done the arts for Viewtiful joe /2 and the SFII Revival on GBA,right?

Is it him on Viewtiful Joe ?

The last time I heard from him was for the SF2 Revival, where he said how his art since Justice Gakuen 1 was wrorse everytime... You're sure he did Viewtiful Joe ?
If it's him, maybe he is better about himself now ? That'd be the best news ever.

Also, don't worry, we're quite a lot of French around here.


129th Post

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"Re(8):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Wed 30 Mar 02:54post reply

May Edayan wise fwom its gwave (and bring us a new JusGaku).


38th Post

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"Re(9):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Wed 30 Mar 03:13post reply

Iggy, can you translate this?

Bata kun
2600th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Ah!" , posted Wed 30 Mar 04:51:post reply

I think our "Justice Gakuen" sequel was that one game with Onsen Man, Shadow Boxer and those other characters. Forgot what it's called now. =P

Edit: it's called "Jakuniku Gakuen". Anyone played this game before?

[this message was edited by Bata kun on Wed 30 Mar 04:55]

130th Post

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"Re(1):Ah!" , posted Wed 30 Mar 04:57post reply

it's called "Jakuniku Gakuen". Anyone played this game before?

Could you tell some more about this game?


Bata kun
2600th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Ah!" , posted Wed 30 Mar 04:59post reply

it's called "Jakuniku Gakuen". Anyone played this game before?

Could you tell some more about this game?

Some doujin game made a while back. It plays like a 2D "JG", except that you don't have a partner. There's a short four minute video or so.

132th Post

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"Re(3):Ah!" , posted Wed 30 Mar 05:27post reply

it's called "Jakuniku Gakuen". Anyone played this game before?

Could you tell some more about this game?

Some doujin game made a while back. It plays like a 2D "JG", except that you don't have a partner. There's a short four minute video or so.

Does it have any kind of playable version?
It looks very interesting.


1640th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Ah!" , posted Wed 30 Mar 05:29:post reply

In the US Rival Schools as we call it virtually has no fan base, no tourney play and so on. I think more people know about this franchise more then Star Gladiator though. And yeah, it's difficult for Capcom to make a sequel to this since all of the people behind the game are gone and they have never had a succesful 3D Fighter the likes of Virtua Fighter, Tekken, Soul Calibur, and what have you. When people in the US ask for a sequel to one of Capcom's fighting franchises, it's always Street Fighter, then Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (not gonna happen), CVS 3 (not gonna happen) and then sometimes Darkstlakers. You don't hear of too many requests for an RS sequel.

The only franchise of the above I suspect they'll continue is Street Fighter. Not sure if Capcom USA will be the one to make it since they have the rights, but it's pretty much the only series that they didn't say "We will never make a sequel to it." or one of the games they said they wanted to make a sequel too but found it difficult since the original creators were gone.

But overall, due to successes like Resident Evil(Bio Hazzard), Devil May Cry and other 3D franchises, the demands for sequels of these games are higher than anything else and they do bring in a lot of money and given Capcom's financial troubles, it's to be expected that they'd do what they are doing. A new RS game is going to be a money loosing venture if it can't compete with Tekken or Virtua Figher, and their last attempt at a 3D Fighter CFAS was so bad it stopped before it started. Capcom's not at the point where they can create a successful 3D fighting game franchise, they may never get there.

Personally RS is my favorite 3D fighter, but that's just me. If a sequel doesn't happen it won't bother me since it will be a sequel made by people who didn't make the original, prolly won't be the same. I'm still kind of scared of the concept of Capcom USA making a sequel to SF but I'll take it since I'd like to see SF4 in my lifetime.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Wed 30 Mar 06:06]

1640th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Ah!" , posted Wed 30 Mar 05:51:post reply

Here's Capcom's sale figures as of March 2004. You'll notice that SF is the only fighter franchise here with it's high numbers, all of their other fighters fall by the waist side. Though sadly I suspect most of these sales are from SF2... If you want to know what are the 50 titles, just run a search for Street Fighter in Gamefaqs, all of them will come up. Anyway, that's why SF is one of the franchises Capcom will never say that there will never be a sequel to it. It's made them lots of money. Rival Schools AKA JG, not so much on either side of the globe.


Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Wed 30 Mar 06:08]

6182th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Wed 30 Mar 06:07post reply

Iggy, can you translate this?

Thanks ! Edayan Hooray !

"I was invited by a big boss to eat yakiniku, but I didn't know it also mean I was enroled in the MH team.
By the end of the development, I was always thinking "If I hadn't accepted this yakuniku..." but it's a secret !"
Edayan is still at Capcom, and I've heard only good things of the design of MH. Hooray !

I think someone who goes through the capital city of a european country to fuck a random guy in his house, and once he's done immediately uses the other guy's computer to check if anyone is in danger on his favourite BBS is evil and will burn in hell.


1641th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Re(10):mystery of Justice Gakuen" , posted Wed 30 Mar 06:10:post reply

Seems like whenever a Capcom Artist is absent for a while people think they left... Capcom's pretty free with their artists, lets them work on other stuff and come back. Kinu Nishimura worked on drawings for a novel called Faust with another Capcom female artist, Shinkiro provided a cover for a Spider-Man comic, Akiman provieded the charactr designs for Turn A Gundam, both Kinu and Akiman worked on Overking Gainer and so on. I think Bengus AKA CRMK worked on the the art for the online Resident Evil game, looks like his stuff, not 100% sure. Lots of people thought he left when he changed his name to CRMK, but he did the SFZ games, all of the Marvel crossovers are stuff he did afterwards. He did some drawings for the CVS series but not a lot.

Oh, and Kinu Nishimura is my favorite Capcom Artist. She did Cyberbots, LOVE! After her it's Akiman, CRMK/Bengus, Edayan and Sensei, the go to mecha guy.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Wed 30 Mar 06:28]

Bata kun
2602th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Ah!" , posted Wed 30 Mar 07:05post reply

it's called "Jakuniku Gakuen". Anyone played this game before?

Could you tell some more about this game?

Some doujin game made a while back. It plays like a 2D "JG", except that you don't have a partner. There's a short four minute video or so.

Does it have any kind of playable version?
It looks very interesting.

Not that I know of. I haven't played it myself.

116th Post

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"Honesty" , posted Wed 30 Mar 09:42post reply

I've never played an RS game for the fighting. I always enjoyed it for its characters and plot. Especially Project Justice; that Jojo and Tech Romancer have the best story modes in a fighter ever.

I wouldn't want another RS fighter. Its characters, story, and deep mythos deserve to be expanded on. Rather traped by the confines of a fighter. An rpg, adventure game, anime and comics would be more entertaining.

I kind of feel the same for Vampire. As another fighter could never possibly be as good, so move in another direction without cheapening it.

133th Post

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"Re(1):Honesty" , posted Wed 30 Mar 10:01post reply

I've never played an RS game for the fighting.

I did.
It's been my favorite 3D fighting game since long (even being mostly 2D gameplay-wise) and one of the most fun fighters ever, IMHO.

That, plus the plot and characters made it one of the best, even if it's not overhyped like KoF.


2488th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Honesty" , posted Wed 30 Mar 10:05post reply

I'll second the 'favorite 3D fighter' thing. When I talk about 3D fighting games, my basic statement is that I don't like them - aside from Rival Schools.

so yeah. whatever that means.

Bata kun
2603th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Honesty" , posted Wed 30 Mar 10:26post reply

I'll second the 'favorite 3D fighter' thing. When I talk about 3D fighting games, my basic statement is that I don't like them - aside from Rival Schools.

so yeah. whatever that means.

I sometimes call it a 2.5 fighter. Still, 3D fighters are not my cup of tea. This series would be my favorite of the bunch though.

524th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):Honesty" , posted Wed 30 Mar 11:28post reply

Wow, I had no idea Justice would actually figure in on people's 'favorite 3D fighter list!' It's definitely fun, I love the chara designs and story (especially the life sim mode), and it's VERY approachable for people who mostly play 2D fighters with its almost entirely quarter-circle movelists..maybe that's why it's appealing? I wouldn't stack it up against Soul Calibur by any means, but it has a very fun feel to it and my friends and I were able to just pick it right up after playing SFZero2 and we had a great time of it. Much like the original Lunar~The Silver Star RPG on Sega CD, there's sort of an attractiveness to be found in how "unrefined" it is...very intense and spirited almost, if lacking polish. I wish I'd gotten to play Moero Justice Gakuen...


89th Post

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"RS:Evo2" , posted Wed 30 Mar 12:03post reply

Funny how this thread happens to pop up the same day I get my hands on a Jpn. copy of Rival Schools! I tried to screw around in the sim mode for a while today. Anybody wanna share some of their custom charas? There's a "password" chart at in the Evo2 section that would make it bearable. C'mon guys, give me some super-charas!

Wither Blister Burn + Peel

598th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):Honesty" , posted Wed 30 Mar 12:27post reply

Wow, I had no idea Justice would actually figure in on people's 'favorite 3D fighter list!'

Not for me, it's Star Gladiator 2. It might be due to the fact that I threw a lot of quarters away on that at the arcade, as there was some actual competition there.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

525th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):RS:Evo2" , posted Wed 30 Mar 13:27post reply

C'mon guys, give me some super-charas!

Ha, I played through the Nekketsu Seishun Nikki twice, and ended up with a tolerable guy the first time and then a VERY unfortunate second guy who for some reason had Tiffany's "Wonderful, beautiful, exciting!" attack. The crowd was not impressed.


999th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):RS:Evo2" , posted Wed 30 Mar 22:20post reply

I can tell you that most of the ones I posted on my site were really bad...LOL! but try them out. After a while we just started to make the strangest characters we could and got some strange supers...LOL!

Funny how this thread happens to pop up the same day I get my hands on a Jpn. copy of Rival Schools! I tried to screw around in the sim mode for a while today. Anybody wanna share some of their custom charas? There's a "password" chart at in the Evo2 section that would make it bearable. C'mon guys, give me some super-charas!

6187th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):RS:Evo2" , posted Wed 30 Mar 22:39post reply

Whatever I do in Nekketsu Seishin Nikki 2, I always manage to end up with my stats maxed and Gan's specials...
Weird. But so powerfull it's not even funny anymore.


1572th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):Honesty" , posted Wed 30 Mar 23:00post reply


Not for me, it's Star Gladiator 2. It might be due to the fact that I threw a lot of quarters away on that at the arcade, as there was some actual competition there.

What arcade be this? And does it by any chance still have this "actual competition" for Star Gladiator 2 that you speak of!? <:X

1647th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(7):Honesty" , posted Wed 30 Mar 23:48post reply

Things sure are funny. I bought Star Gladiator 2 (Plasma Sword) on the Dreamcast on Saturday used for four dollars, I've never played the SG series before. All of the characters were unlocked too. I've only passed it with Hayato though, I'm mostly playing Darkstalkers on the PSP right now.

I also never played Rival Schools 2, but I'm hoping after the US comic comes out they'll re-release it. I discovered Rival Schools 1 only last year, mostly 'cuz I needed to learn about Akira and Batsu for my CFAS Fan Fic.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

134th Post

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"Re(3):RS:Evo2" , posted Wed 30 Mar 23:53post reply

Whatever I do in Nekketsu Seishin Nikki 2, I always manage to end up with my stats maxed and Gan's specials...
Weird. But so powerfull it's not even funny anymore.

Interesting thing is, no matter school I choose and the character I relate to, if I name them Ryu ow Ken, they always come up with the well-knon shoto moves.

Coincidence or easter egg?


1573th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(8):Honesty" , posted Thu 31 Mar 00:28post reply

Things sure are funny. I bought Star Gladiator 2 (Plasma Sword) on the Dreamcast on Saturday used for four dollars, I've never played the SG series before. All of the characters were unlocked too.

There are only two unlockable characters in the game, Rai-On and Kaede <:X

1648th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(9):Honesty" , posted Thu 31 Mar 01:49post reply


There are only two unlockable characters in the game, Rai-On and Kaede <:X

Got'em. ^_^

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

2489th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Honesty" , posted Thu 31 Mar 01:50post reply

and it's VERY approachable for people who mostly play 2D fighters with its almost entirely quarter-circle movelists..maybe that's why it's appealing?

That's certainly true of me. I get really frustrated playing most 3D fighters...they just don't compel me to learn them. I have tried many, but have yet to find one that really engaged me to the point where I wanted to learn the system properly.

1914th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):Honesty" , posted Thu 31 Mar 02:50post reply

I wonder if that was the problem with the RS games; they went in so many different directions that it was hard to pin down just what the games were. Were they a fighting series? A school sim? A really elaborate demo reel for a possible anime series? Is it a 2D game or a 3D game? By trying to cover such a broad range of subjects RS may have ended up only appealing to people who liked the amalgamation of ideas it presented.

Speaking of amalgamations, Daala's avatar is an idea I can honestly say I never would have thought of.

Shin Ramberk
94th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(7):Honesty" , posted Thu 31 Mar 17:05post reply

I wonder if that was the problem with the RS games; they went in so many different directions that it was hard to pin down just what the games were. Were they a fighting series? A school sim? A really elaborate demo reel for a possible anime series? Is it a 2D game or a 3D game? By trying to cover such a broad range of subjects RS may have ended up only appealing to people who liked the amalgamation of ideas it presented.

Speaking of amalgamations, Daala's avatar is an idea I can honestly say I never would have thought of.

Lol. I like your theory Ishmael. Especially the whole 'elaborate demo reel for a possible anime series." Its my opinion that a lot video games just seem like 'demos' for another product. But anyhow.

I also find it surprising that people love Star Gladiator. I love that game. Its fighting system is way too simplistic and the game is probably very broken because of the super moves and open-ended combo system. But I love the character designs and the paper-thin plot.

I was really hoping that Capcom would make a long franchise from this series like it had done with Megaman. After all, each game was called chapter 1 and chapter 2. Oh well.

If i weren't so lazy, I'd make some SG fan illustrations. Someone tell Udon to bust out a SG comic. Hell yeah. Actually someone should buy the SG property from Capcom and start doing some new SG games.

Go buy the new Warlock series by Marvel. It is good support this title!

1574th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(8):Honesty" , posted Thu 31 Mar 18:19post reply


I also find it surprising that people love Star Gladiator. I love that game. Its fighting system is way too simplistic and the game is probably very broken because of the super moves and open-ended combo system. But I love the character designs and the paper-thin plot.

I would disagree with you on the plot, SG has an overly complex plot (for a fighting game) with more work put into setting and back story than most fighting games.

Of course, that only applies to SG1, in SG2 they pretty much ignored plot (hell, there's time travel involved, that's never good), graphics, and music. BUT! Unlike SG1, it was actually playable! Yay~

1001th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(7):Honesty" , posted Thu 31 Mar 22:29:post reply


Speaking of amalgamations, Daala's avatar is an idea I can honestly say I never would have thought of.


[this message was edited by Daala on Thu 31 Mar 22:42]