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Krzyzewski Man
1062th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"God of War" , posted Wed 23 Mar 09:58:post reply

dun dun dun


[this message was edited by Krzyzewski Man on Wed 23 Mar 11:05]


939th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):That Damn Good" , posted Wed 23 Mar 10:04post reply

I know I'm going to be missing out, but I can't possibly play a game with such an ugly main character.

Krzyzewski Man
1061th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):That Damn Good" , posted Wed 23 Mar 10:20post reply

I know I'm going to be missing out, but I can't possibly play a game with such an ugly main character.



512th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):That Damn Good" , posted Wed 23 Mar 10:44post reply

Racism! I knew it..... But wait! "Unleash the power of the Gods and embark on a merciless quest as Kratos, an ex-Spartan warrior driven to destroy Ares, the God of War." I know my Greek mythology, and I know that things aren't looking good for Kratos, sucker!


775th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):That Damn Good" , posted Wed 23 Mar 10:58post reply

I think this game deserves its own thread with the proper title of God of War. It's getting great reviews across the board.

Krzyzewski Man
1063th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(5):God of War" , posted Wed 23 Mar 11:06:post reply

I think this game deserves its own thread with the proper title of God of War. It's getting great reviews across the board.



[this message was edited by Krzyzewski Man on Wed 23 Mar 11:06]

941th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(6):God of War" , posted Wed 23 Mar 11:10post reply

No no no...I hate ugly people of all races.

Krzyzewski Man
1063th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(7):God of War" , posted Wed 23 Mar 11:24post reply

No no no...I hate ugly people of all races.



831th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):That Damn Good" , posted Wed 23 Mar 11:53post reply

I know I'm going to be missing out, but I can't possibly play a game with such an ugly main character.

Only Iggy is supposed to say things like that.

123th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(2):That Damn Good" , posted Wed 23 Mar 17:05post reply

I know I'm going to be missing out, but I can't possibly play a game with such an ugly main character.

I feel the same...I just can't get interested in the game as long as that guy's who I'll be playing as. I SMOULDER WITH GENERIC FERAL RAGE

Juke Joint Jezebel
3362th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):God of War" , posted Wed 23 Mar 17:16post reply

No no no...I hate ugly people of all races.

and fat people
you forgot fat people

942th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):That Damn Good" , posted Wed 23 Mar 17:54post reply


Only Iggy is supposed to say things like that.

I'm a part of Iggy. A part that he has not accepted yet. We will become one someday and I will fade away forever.

6119th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):That Damn Good" , posted Wed 23 Mar 18:17post reply

I'm a part of Iggy. A part that he has not accepted yet. We will become one someday and I will fade away forever.

So, you mean you're the persona who vomits in my bed then falls asleep in it, and when I wake up I have to clean it all, and leave the house for 2 days until the stench fades away ?

So really what's the difference between a metrosexual and a homosexual?
Metrosexuals are better dressed. Homosexuals are so last season.
What role will the homosexual play in the future?

943th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5):That Damn Good" , posted Wed 23 Mar 18:33post reply


So, you mean you're the persona who vomits in my bed then falls asleep in it, and when I wake up I have to clean it all, and leave the house for 2 days until the stench fades away ?

No...but that's a part of me. A part of me that I have not accepted yet. We will become one someday and it will fade away forever.

So what do you think about that ugly polygon man?

6121th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):That Damn Good" , posted Wed 23 Mar 19:28post reply

So what do you think about that ugly polygon man?

About the man ? Call me lazy, but I haven't found a pic of him (I haven't searched a lot, mind you).
But the hydra does look nice.


Krzyzewski Man
1065th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):That Damn Good" , posted Thu 24 Mar 00:49post reply

I feel the same...I just can't get interested in the game as long as that guy's who I'll be playing as. I SMOULDER WITH GENERIC FERAL RAGE

It's not so generic, really. He just has no regard for human life, and it's beautiful. The one puzzle everyone talks about is where Kratos needs to open a door that can only be opened by human sacrifice. So he grabs this helpless guy in a cage and barbecues him. Tee-hee!

Oh, and try searching for "Kratos." That should get some pics, Iggy.


1904th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):That Damn Ugly" , posted Thu 24 Mar 02:20post reply

God of War may be good but every time I look at the screenshots I get flashbacks to that Rygar remake and that's not good.

I do, however, have to stick up for main characters who aren't conventionally handsome. Too many games feature either a generic looking main character or one who is absurdly good looking. The creators of GoW could have gone with a Gackt styled pretty boy but instead went with a big, baldheaded guy who looks like the perfect rendition of a 12 year old's envisionment of badass. It's a well done matching of material and main character. Someday someone will make the Zangief action game the world needs but until then characters like Kratos will have to do their best to fill the niche of characters who know it's better to get things done than to look good while doing them.

2439th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):That Damn Ugly" , posted Thu 24 Mar 02:38post reply

indeed, I can't deal with ugly characters, much less ugly persons. That's also why I won't be playing.

also: everyone in america is fat. practically.

31th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(5):That Damn Ugly" , posted Thu 24 Mar 03:35post reply


I do, however, have to stick up for main characters who aren't conventionally handsome. Too many games feature either a generic looking main character or one who is absurdly good looking. The creators of GoW could have gone with a Gackt styled pretty boy but instead went with a big, baldheaded guy who looks like the perfect rendition of a 12 year old's envisionment of badass. It's a well done matching of material and main character. Someday someone will make the Zangief action game the world needs but until then characters like Kratos will have to do their best to fill the niche of characters who know it's better to get things done than to look good while doing them.

Gackt-styled pretty boy action game?

*stares at copy of Bujingai sitting on shelf*

But this reminds me of why some of my friends choose to use female characters in MMORPGs - "Dude, I am not going to be staring at a guy's ass for hours while I do my level grind".

Beauty is subjective though - like someone else said, Kratos is some 12 year old's vision of pure badassness. A 12 year old doesn't necessarily care if he looks pretty, just as long as he's MEAN. Doesn't help that this game was developed by an American (or European) team - their brand of aesthetics are quite different from the Japanese.

I'll prolly give this game a shot though, since I have no qualms abouting using ugliness to unleash slaughtering.


2441th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):That Damn Ugly" , posted Thu 24 Mar 04:42post reply


Gackt-styled pretty boy action game?

bought it, beat it twice :P

33th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(7):That Damn Ugly" , posted Thu 24 Mar 06:42post reply


Gackt-styled pretty boy action game?

bought it, beat it twice :P

Beat it to see the Gackt motion choreography vid eh? :P

I liked the countering and clashing system, even if it seemed like it was playing itself sometimes.

49th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(8):That Damn Ugly" , posted Thu 24 Mar 07:15post reply

Even though I'm a little more interested in God of War than before, I can't say I like Kratos at all.

835th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Shadow Hearts From the New World" , posted Thu 24 Mar 07:36post reply

Ugh, "fashion" prickage rears its head.

I think ugly/not pretty protagonists can be perfectly fine, so long as it's done well. The cast of Shadow Hearts 2 are genuinely ugly, uninspired designs. I'd LIKE to see a game where you are a leperous, crumbling, shambling mass.

I'm amazed that such a small detail could discourage people from trying a game. Aren't we overlooking not so minor details like how good everything else in the game looks? Or that it might just play really well? Or that it might also have great audio? Hey, I haven't played it yet, I don't know.

50th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(2):Shadow Hearts From the New World" , posted Thu 24 Mar 07:38post reply

For me, it's not because I consider him ugly (I've seen worse), I just don't like him.

1th Post

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New Customer

"Re(2):Shadow Hearts From the New World" , posted Thu 24 Mar 09:03post reply

The cast of Shadow Hearts 2 are genuinely ugly, uninspired designs. I'd LIKE to see a game where you are a leperous, crumbling, shambling mass.

I know a number of ladies who would disagree with you on the Shadow Hearts 2 thing... And as for uninspired, at least they had wacky characters, which is better than the FF model (pretty guy, pretty guy, booby girl, loli girl, beast thing)

I'd play that shambling mass game though...

2446th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Shadow Hearts From the New World" , posted Thu 24 Mar 09:04post reply

I'd LIKE to see a game where you are a leperous, crumbling, shambling mass.

hey, so would I! But a game where a character is supposed to be interesting but isn't, that's a detraction. There are so many games out there - you've got to make your decision somehow. I don't need to play every 'good game' that's out there, because I know myself - with most games, I pick them up for 5 minutes, check them out, then go back to playing asuka 120% for the saturn, or worse yet - reading! So it's easy for me to say something like this - if it doesn't interest me visually, I'm saving myself money.

514th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Shadow Hearts From the New World" , posted Thu 24 Mar 12:02:post reply

I'd LIKE to see a game where you are a leperous, crumbling, shambling mass.

Gahahahahaha, for the answer to your prayers, see Vandal Hearts 2 and its horrifying characters. Doubly strange since the concept art is actually good, unlike the outrageous in-game character portraits.

Shame about SH2, since SH1's looked so cool (finally about to find a Japanese copy). On a related note, I still can't believe that no one finds Tales of Eternia's characters as insane as I do (sorry, Rid) ...middrift bearing hero and unattractivegreen haired heroine in a proper skirt? You must be kidding. Long live this ugly barbarian, even though you'll never kill Ares!

edit: sspellign. Also, first pic of Farah from the anime was too flattering.


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 24 Mar 12:11]

304th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(4):Shadow Hearts From the New World" , posted Thu 24 Mar 12:02:post reply

I don't need to be attracted to the main character to find him visually interesting or worthwhile. Yes, when I see Kratos I instantly see America's similar, and oft-times annoying design decisions all fly by me in one instant. But I have to say I'm kinda disappointed in some of the people here for their reponses. For the kinda crowd this place usually prides itself on having as far as its ability to take games seriously and look at what others don't, that kinda attitude sure dumbs down games, and is just encouraging one of the most unfortunate problems left with the Japanese game industry these days.

All the things that have to come in turn with a dumb pretty ass character aren't something I want guaranteed with every title I pick up. I'm getting tired of Japanese games being fashion shows lately, as much as I personally appreciate the art. Expelling all interest in a world/engine/project simply based on the likelihood of you being convinced into making out with the main character is about as thoughtless as anything.

[this message was edited by deisied on Fri 25 Mar 01:01]

944th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Shadow Hearts From the New World" , posted Thu 24 Mar 12:57post reply

For me, it's not because I consider him ugly (I've seen worse), I just don't like him.

That's sort of a better explanation for me as well. It's not that I necessarily dislike all ugly characters, but...his character isn't appealing, visually, or otherwise. I have this problem with a lot of American and European games. They're thematicaly or aesthetically offensive to me. Even if something looks GOOD, that doesn't mean I LIKE the way it looks. On the other hand, sometimes I like things that look bad.

Kratos says "This game is not for you! It's for a different crowd!" to me. Maybe if I didn't play SO many other games, I'd play it, but I'm too busy to bother. If a friend gets it maybe I'll watch them play and see if it manages to charm me.

296th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(4):Shadow Hearts From the New World" , posted Thu 24 Mar 14:21post reply

I'm really not too amazingly attracted to his character or attitude either, yeah. At the moment, despite that there are plenty of things I could be already playing, as far as new games coming out goes I don't have much to look forward to, and I feel a bit of an action game responsibility to going through this one. Kratos is probably pretty boring, but I can still appreciate some of the intentions for and of his character. Either way his ugly ass isn't why I'm playing this game, so it's not going to stop me any more than anyone else in his place could encourage me.

1555th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):Shadow Hearts From the New World" , posted Thu 24 Mar 23:34:post reply

For the kinda crowd this place usually prides itself on having as far as it's ability to take games seriously and look at what others don't...

I think I get what you're saying. I thought the same thing, really... kind of surprised.

I've heard this "it has to visually interest me" argument when I try to get people to play "Ape Escape" or "Mega Man Legends".

I mean, it's certainly valid if you're playing games solely for personal enjoyment, but I do think that it's something that people can get past, and that sometimes getting past the aesthetic would be worthwhile for the individual.

Whatever floats one's boat, though.

Edit: And yeah, Vandal Hearts II had some fugly characters... it had a cool idea for a system but the game still felt a little broken to me. I think I got about halfway through before I quit... but hell, I very well might have finished it. I honestly can't remember... Anyway the first VH really did more for me, but then again that was the first 'tactical' SRPG I really played and they had those great blood sprays.

/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Thu 24 Mar 23:50]

6141th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Want some tea?" , posted Fri 25 Mar 01:34post reply

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        ヽ、.. ....::::;;;ジ.::::::::::::::::::::::
I think I get what you're saying. I thought the same thing, really... kind of surprised.

On that subject... I think anyone who has a more than moderate interest in videogames today, especially if he/she has access to both Japanese and US market (or even only the Japanese one, which is my case and plays a big part into why I'm not interest in this US game : I won't be able to play it) has to his/her disposition a vast catalog of games that might interest him/her that he/she hasn't played.

There are too many games, and you can't have enough money or time to play them all. Therefore, you have to make choices that can't be reasonable. You chose them by their age (for example, you won't play games that are a few years old and only play some new games, or the opposite), or you would play only obscure games, play only games of this or that particular editor (Capcom, Konami, Nintendô, etc), play only popular games, etc.
Some people, for example the IC crowd you’re mistaking this board for, will only play games where they feel they can brag about how artsy it is, even though they don't have the slightest clue of what "art" is. Let's notice they've recently overcome that particular limitation by achieving a state where they can talk artsy about virtually anything, including Silent Hill 4.

Here, the crowd isn't half as homogenous, but I think a core group of fags like me, Polly, Nate or exodus have decided one of their most important criterions would be the fashion. The reason is that you need to have a few arbitrary criterion, and we are superficial people. We don’t want games to shaken our conception of the world and turn the very bases of gaming upside down, because… well, we have enough education to be able to find this kind of emotions elsewhere. For us, games have to achieve a much more important goal: to provide us with ideas on what to wear next fall.

I'll speak for myself. I've been recently in a "lets see all those famous things I've missed in recent years" mood. I've spend my extremely rare hours of leisure since February on Oreshika, a 1999(?) PS1 game; at the same time, I bought Mojipittan which I barely touched even though I loved it (except the time that asshole told me I was a kogyaru), and Shadow Hearts, because everyone talked about this series and I was curious about it. (Actually, I didn't have enough time in 2 month to even open the box, so I guess I'm technically still curious about it). My reason to choose it over Avachu/Devil Tuna was that I never played Kudelka, but I had already played several Megaten-related games; I chose "novelty" over "net praise".
In April, my world will stop spinning when Minstrel Song will be released, and I will play it until I collapse in my own filth. Not because of novelty, but because I'm faithful to the Saga brand (read : "have been brainwashed by it", like others by KOF) and also because I'm dead certain it's going to be flawed masterpiece like every Saga game (note : Frontier never existed) and it's a game too deep to trust anyone's opinion beside my own.
Then, in May, I'll sell my few hours of freedom to NxC, even though it's a shameless marketing pimped whore of a game, even though it will be utterly deprived of any remote quality, because, well, I’m that weak.
Summer will be the time of more low profile games, with hopefully Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 2, Minna Daisuki KM or that banchô game by Spike. Or even Killer 7! Who knows?

Basically, what I mean is : if you are surprised people here aren’t interested in this or that particular game, you’ll have to explain to each category of MMCer what it has that makes it more interesting than the other game those persons want to play.

In my particular case, even if I could play the game, I don’t see what it has over any of the games I’ve listed.
Is it more fashionable than Avachu or Shadow Heart? No.
Does it ask questions as interesting as Minstrel? I don’t think so.
Is it as shamelessly commercial as NxC? Why would it?
Will it be as original as my summer games or Oreshika? Haha.
Is it as clever as Mojipittan? Of course not.

So, come on, your turn. What did you expect us to answer?


2447th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Shadow Hearts From the New World" , posted Fri 25 Mar 02:18post reply


I mean, it's certainly valid if you're playing games solely for personal enjoyment, but I do think that it's something that people can get past, and that sometimes getting past the aesthetic would be worthwhile for the individual.

yeah, I used to feel that way too, but I don't have the kind of time to invest in just anything, anymore. As I said above. So that's why I've got to be really choosey.

I agree with what pollyanna said, character-wise.

1557th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Want some tea?" , posted Fri 25 Mar 02:37:post reply


On that subject...
Basically, what I mean is : if you are surprised people here aren’t interested in this or that particular game, you’ll have to explain to each category of MMCer what it has that makes it more interesting than the other game those persons want to play.
So, come on, your turn. What did you expect us to answer?

I'm not talking about God of War in particular. Actually, I'm nowhere near as impressed with the game as most critics seem to be.

But having been hanging around this board for years, I had the impression that a lot of people here are more interested in how a game plays/feels than how it looks.

And hey, surprised is not necessarily 'shocked and appalled', you know. And when I say 'whatever floats one's boat' I mean it, genuinely.


Here, the crowd isn't half as homogenous... The reason is that you need to have a few arbitrary criterion, and we are superficial people. We don’t want games to shaken our conception of the world and turn the very bases of gaming upside down, because… well, we have enough education to be able to find this kind of emotions elsewhere.

I'd thought that some people here thought differently. Thanks for the correction!


Is it more fashionable than Avachu or Shadow Heart? No.
Does it ask questions as interesting as Minstrel? I don’t think so.
Is it as shamelessly commercial as NxC? Why would it?
Will it be as original as my summer games or Oreshika? Haha.
Is it as clever as Mojipittan? Of course not.

Oh wait, no, it's the same Iggy.

/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Fri 25 Mar 03:05]

838th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Want some tea?" , posted Fri 25 Mar 06:18post reply

For us, games have to achieve a much more important goal: to provide us with ideas on what to wear next fall.


Well, I'm glad that Iggy actually has the intelligence to make such a clever justification. For a moment, I thought that you all had fallen into the same category as the KOF-brainwashed who refuse to use/play/blah character-xxx because "He's Ugly!"

I'm playing old DOS games again. While I despair for the lack of total novelty in the experience (they are all games I have played muchly in the past), they are so much more gripping that most other things recently.

exodus: I played Asuka 120% Burning Fest Final a bunch, but how's that Saturn one you're talking about? How's it different?

6142th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Yeah, I'm thirsty as well." , posted Fri 25 Mar 06:30post reply

I'd thought that some people here thought differently. Thanks for the correction!

Oh god.
I've read this article again lately, and oh god it's terrible. I really couldn't explain anything right, it has no construction... Ugh.
So, let's imagine this article never existed and you just said "hey ! but I thought you liked Siren" or something like this, shall we?

Hey ! but I thought you liked Siren!

Oh, that's a very good question, thank you for asking.
Uggh... Well, actually, no, I don't know what to answer. That's a shitty question. And there isn't even a question mark on it.
I hate you.

Either way. Siren is not a work of art. It's a clever game, it's a good game that entertained me more than anything I've played on PS2, it has the best scenario I've ever seen in a game, and that's it. There is no trace of "art" in Siren, "art" in the most restrictive meaning of it. Siren is all 芸, "art" in the broadest meaning, without the philosophical subtext.

So, I love Siren because the writer is brilliant and the game, as a game, is brilliant. The emotions it gives are those you have with the best horror story and the best survival game. It is not the emotion you can have with a work of art that touches you. Where is the contradiction with what I was saying?

Oh wait, no, it's the same Iggy.

I'm not sure about how to understand this...
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2451th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Want some tea?" , posted Fri 25 Mar 06:37post reply


exodus: I played Asuka 120% Burning Fest Final a bunch, but how's that Saturn one you're talking about? How's it different?

all of the PS ports are a bit clunky. The saturn one has bigger characters, but more importantly, controls better. and that's baaaaaaaasically the big difference. It's a 'feeling' sort of thing, like the difference between the PS and DC ports of KOF 98, for instance.

There are other subtle differences such as moves altered, characters added/subtracted. There's also (as I was saying to chupiler in another thread) a fan-hacked version of the saturn game which I've yet to try. It's called Asuka 120% Limit Over...I'm looking forward to that!

1558th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Ah, that tea was just what I needed." , posted Fri 25 Mar 07:28post reply


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Ah, so it turns out it was just a misunderstanding. I feel much better after that cup of tea.

But about what I was saying, I really respect your reasons for liking the particular games you like. I think I feel the same way, really.

I really don't think you're missing out on anything by avoiding God of War. For people obsessed with action game design, it might be worth checking out... and I can't honestly say that I think it's a bad game, but I much prefer DMC3, personally.

/ / /

6144th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Another flawless victory" , posted Fri 25 Mar 08:31post reply

The power of the AA is boundless.


476th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):Another flawless victory" , posted Fri 25 Mar 08:57:post reply

For us, games have to achieve a much more important goal: to provide us with ideas on what to wear next fall.

Unsurprisingly, Iggy's right on most counts.

I'm actually considering getting my hair cut something like SMTIII's hero next in my neverending hair experimentation journey. I would also probably wear a jacket and pants like his if I could find them anywhere. Tohoho.

I definitely agree most with Iggy in that I don't look to games to shake up my life. I have enough other crap going on that I don't need to debate the artistic merits of how randomly throwing in biblical references suddenly gives an RPG more credibility or how the abundance of "strong" females in Dead or Alive makes it a feminist game and not shameless exploitation. Give me characters I can like for their design (or hate, in some particularly hilarious cases) and fun things to do within the boundaries of the game. Sometimes it can be something as simple as smacking things with a lead pipe and I'm happy.

I don't know; if this game interests you, what the hell should you care about what other people think? Give it a try. Maybe you like the way Kratos looks, even if other people don't. Maybe whatever else is there beyond the characters is worth your time.

EDIT: Then again, I didn't read all of this thread, so maybe it really does suck. I doubt it's only because of the main character, though.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

[this message was edited by Nate on Fri 25 Mar 09:04]

17th Post

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New Customer

"God of War Concept Art" , posted Fri 25 Mar 08:59post reply

I was at EB today and i saw a "making of" video for God of War. Part of it showed some concept art for the game, and most of it was really awesome! I mean, they had some really cool looking designs on their hands, but they ended up chosing the lamest one (mountain dew swilling skin head with tattoos). It still looked cool in the concept art though, so i think the real problem with the game lies in how the models were executed.

Like everyone else here, i really don't like how the game looks. It's real ugly looking to me, and not cos its not pretty, but because i think it was poorly executed. I wonder though, if it's because i'm just biased against American games after being raised on japanese console games.

It's just, there's something about most American games that throws me off. They don't look complete to me. They tend to have lanky characters who's limbs look obviously stuck on at the joints (see God of War, Splinter Cell, GTA etc), and they ussually have awful color schemes with the saturation turned waaaay up.

I think this will change in the coming years though, as more talented american youths enter the videogame world. I think the main reason that japanese games look more professional is that some of the best artists in Japan end up in games, while the best artists in America tend to work in movies. Things should even out in a few years though. My only fear is that American gamers might be acclimated to, and even prefer ugly American style games (like Jak and Daxter or Everquest).

I'm not saying that all games should look Japanese, or that all American games look bad (Doom 3, Halflife 2, Chronicles of Riddick, and even Kya had really cool graphics), just that there's still alot of room for improvement in most American made games.

I think things are improving already. For instance, the artist Feng Zhu worked on the game Blood Rayne 2, which was real tacky looking. But the game did well enough, and he moved on to Guild Wars, where i'm guessing he had more creative freedom, cos it looks really cool. I think there are tons of talented and skilled artists in America, working in games, they just need more chances to flex their muscles.

1562th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Flawless victory you say?" , posted Fri 25 Mar 09:56post reply

The power of the AA is boundless.

I took that cup of tea as an acknowledgement that you had misunderstood me as well... now I'm offended.

Ah well, I know you feel the confusion stirring deep in your soul.

/ / /

35th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):God of War" , posted Fri 25 Mar 10:33post reply

Hmmm, with all this discussion on aesthetics and Asian versus Non-Asian art design, time to throw down the ultimate litmus test:


Would you play it? I would, but I think the difficulty would be unbalanced - enemies would just keep running away from me instead of attacking...

304th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(1):Flawless victory you say?" , posted Fri 25 Mar 10:37post reply

Well, that was one of my favorite Iggy posts ever and was certainly satisfyingly honest. If that came from anywhere else in any other way it could've easily bothered the hell out of me, but that was really cool. So yeah, I understand exactly what you mean, and videogames punching me in the face is something I personally need out of them, and a lot of my passion for them ties in with that fact. In some respects I wish some people could look at things more my way, if only because I think even the people who only fit games into their life where they can would be able to be truly shaken up if the industry didn't get so shy and stale at times. At any rate, it's just interesting to me because I find myself encompassing a great deal of perspectives, and minus the exclusivity, I see these games in the way you do too (minus me you know, wearing the stuff...though I might if I could) but that's just one layer for me. I guess it's because I have so much of myself able to be filled up by this stupid hobby.

Anyway, I don't see God of War particularly surprising me or anything. Like I said, I just feel an action game responsibility for being famimilar with the way the game plays, and moving on with the situation. I will say that I don't exactly think the game as a whole looks bad, mostly just Kratos, a boring ass Mortal Kombat looking character. I don't go out of my way to identify with the guy I have to move around though, which is a good thing for me, because it'd be kinda hard to be surprised by any if I did.

At any rate, to reply more directly, what did I expect you to say? Well, you explained that I was slightly misappropriately wrapping this in with the IC crowd, which you're very much right about, so maybe I couldn't really expect anything. I don't worry about every insinuation made by who the DOA girls are, and I understand why there'd be no reason to. I play shmups and fighters and classics like all you guys do, and short of Tim Rogers' articles, who the hell sees world shattering truths in those things? It's just, I have been playing these things all my life, and I do lose sleep thinking about them, and what people say about them. At some point seeing people talk about and making decisions based off how gay Tidus is (by American standards), and how dirty Kratos is (by Japanese standards) begins to wear on my mind.

More importantly. That was a good ass cup of tea. Thanks. Time for some sushi.

579th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Kratos... psh..." , posted Fri 25 Mar 11:59post reply

Every PC Rpger knows that 'The Nameless One' from Planescape Torment is the Ugliest protagonist in the world.

'He's so PRETTY!'

And personally, I don't get my fashion tips from games at all. It'd be too expensive...

I like games kind of like movies in a way. There are some movies that can move you, make you question life, existance, yourself, what's around you. There are also games like that. And then there are movies where there are mind bending explosions, awesome special effects, great action scenes, even humor, but void of other, deeper content. There are games like that too. I think it really depends on your mood and what you are accustomed to... I like both types, but typically the ones that 'move' me are the ones that I will remember.

Of course, if you can mix the two sides in a good way (MGS3), then you have an epic. =)


Krzyzewski Man
1066th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Kratos... psh..." , posted Fri 25 Mar 13:41post reply

'He's so PRETTY!'

I'd hit it.


6145th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Flawless victory I said" , posted Fri 25 Mar 19:21post reply

in my neverending hair experimentation journey.

pix plz.
I took that cup of tea as an acknowledgement that you had misunderstood me as well... now I'm offended.
Ah well, I know you feel the confusion stirring deep in your soul.

You're not allowed to be offended. The rules don't allow it.
Also, I have no soul, so your last argument is not valid.
Objection rejected.

I would play it. It would be unbalanced indeed, but not the way you think: it would be a reverse Musô game, where you have a croud of thousands of guys that just run to MOK-KOS and get slaughtered by it without any chance for you to win.
I still hope MOK-KOS will be the hidden boss of NxC. After all, the scenario is tied to Xenosaga.
I play shmups and fighters and classics like all you guys do, and short of Tim Rogers' articles, who the hell sees world shattering truths in those things? It's just, I have been playing these things all my life, and I do lose sleep thinking about them, and what people say about them.
One day, when Chaz will tie me up to my chair and beat me recklessly with a lead pipe until I do it, I'll write an essay about why I liked U:Saga and how the RS series changed my life.
Until then, I'll just say I feel the same way about playing games all my life and losing sleep playing them, but, on the other hand, what people can say about them do not touch me.
I mean, hey, I like U:Saga.

Also, I don't have any sushi, but here is some onigiri for you.
                               _ ノ
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                          .´,.::;(´∀`A) `.
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       ,'    . 簍鸙鶸鑼  ; `.           ̄ ̄
   ,, -'''" .   .  駲刪櫑躪  . ' ';゛`'丶.、.......
.  '´     !    . 膚順棚斷. ' , ;::::::::::::...`.::::::::....
 i       ヽ、..._,.__魎鬱蹠撫.,,__,.,..ノ.:::::::::   !::::::::::::...
. ヽ、                      ,: '.:::::::::
    `=ー--、....,,,,,______,,,,,... --‐=''´..::::::
      ``" '' 'ー───‐―‐' '''


1146th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):God of War" , posted Sun 27 Mar 05:13post reply

So is this game challenging like Ninja Gaiden or DMC3, or is it a jackoff game like RE4 (normal mode)?

1908th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):God of War" , posted Sun 27 Mar 06:08post reply

After that long, thoughtful discussion in which everyone involved came away happy and enlightened I feel sort of stupid going back to discussing the game but I've never really known when to leave well enough alone.

First off, after playing the game a bit I think I now understand why they went with the design for Kratos. This may be one of the most easy to see characters I've seen in some time. With that chalk white skin and red highlights he never blends into the background or gets lost in a crowd. The designers even went so far as to put little brakelights on the back of his swords so you can see him in the dark. No matter how much crap is going on in the game I always knew where Kratos was. He's also seems designed to have a minimal amount of clipping. Having him stripped to the bare minimum of clothing means there aren't bits of body armor that disappear into his body when he moves or a big shock of hair that flies straight through his body. Outside the game he looks a bit blah but once I started playing the game I liked him a lot more.

As for the game presentation it feels like a Ray Harryhausen movie but with more tits. While I like that the game went with a classical Greek setting the game is based more on a Hollywood action movie version of Greece than anything else. Talking statues, big cyclops guys, the heads of Greek gods glowing like disco balls... it's all there. The only real complaint I have about the presentation is that the monsters seem too well integrated into the game world and don't move in a herky-jerky stop motion way.

When he's out fighting Kratos handles pretty well. He has the ability to do all sorts of goofy combos, a couple of different ways of launching opponents into the air [DMC's lasting contribution to the action genre] and even has a handy evasion technique tied to the right stick. What he doesn't have is a way to control the camera. The fixed camera was probably done to maximize the look of the game but it can be wildly annoying. During the fights it's okay but when trying to walk across balance beams[?!?] or platform jumping Kratos is sunk. There's nothing quite like jumping into the void while hoping that your character lands on something that you can't see. The camera will even sometimes get in your way when you are trying to solve box puzzles.

Yes, there are fetch quests and puzzles. Some are easy enough to sort through but others are so ridiculously obscure that the only way to figure them out is to fart around until you hit upon the correct solution. At the moment I'm stuck in an area where I think I have to do something with a pair of statues but I'll be damned if I can figure out what. If I was able to properly look around the room I might have an easier time of it but with the fixed camera I'm at a loss. That combined with having to put up with listening to some chick nag at me to hurry up and save her and the whole game has ground to a halt as my big badass guy aimlessly tries to hop on things in order to find some part of the area he can interact with.

Now that I think about it, between the anti-hero action and the pointless puzzles GoW is the game all the Soul Reaver/Legacy of Kain games wished they could be.

So far GoW seems like a better than average action game that suffers from a few glitches that really stand out due to the polish of the rest of the game and too much hype from the Sony PR machine.

1147th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):God of War" , posted Sun 27 Mar 17:09post reply

By the way, it seems we have some admirers.

126th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):Kratos... psh..." , posted Sun 27 Mar 18:03:post reply

Every PC Rpger knows that 'The Nameless One' from Planescape Torment is the Ugliest protagonist in the world.

'He's so PRETTY!'

TNO is an ugly character I can get behind. He's intelligent and well-spoken, and his actions and motivations are up to me because of the nature of how Torment plays. Kratos is a barely-designed male-id-fulfillment device. There's something to be said for that kind of thing, but the often-antisocial nature of the game doesn't sit well with me at all. I completely fail to identify with Kratos, not just because of how he looks, but also because of how he acts.

Oh, and those Caltrops kids are adorable.

[this message was edited by jiji on Sun 27 Mar 18:23]

841th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):God of War" , posted Sun 27 Mar 18:51post reply

By the way, it seems we have some admirers.

So here we have people who are pricks about other people who may be pricks.

I think the uber-pricks are the bigger losers here.

949th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5):God of War" , posted Sun 27 Mar 19:49post reply


So here we have people who are pricks about other people who may be pricks.

I think the uber-pricks are the bigger losers here.

All this talk about pricks sounds

I think the internet is just consumed with hatred and bitter sarcasm, though.

2991th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):God of War" , posted Sun 27 Mar 19:58:post reply

dun dun dun

Yeah right I'm reading this whole thread

[this message was edited by Lupin on Sun 27 Mar 19:59]

6161th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):God of War" , posted Mon 28 Mar 02:04post reply


I don't see the problem with this guy. He says I'm the best, he can't possibly be wrong.


1564th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):God of War" , posted Mon 28 Mar 08:12post reply


I don't see the problem with this guy.

Oh, I'll point that out. He's a dickhead who makes too many broad assumptions.

/ / /

305th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(3):God of War" , posted Mon 28 Mar 10:42post reply


What he doesn't have is a way to control the camera.

True enough. Dealing with things to the south of you can be kinda annoying. See it didn't bother me in MGS3, partly because you don't have to really jump on anything, but also because you have first person and you're pretty much always going north anyway.

Yes, there are fetch quests and puzzles. Some are easy enough to sort through but others are so ridiculously obscure that the only way to figure them out is to fart around until you hit upon the correct solution. At the moment I'm stuck in an area where I think I have to do something with a pair of statues but I'll be damned if I can figure out what.

I can tell you if you want. It's seriously not that hard. Even my dumbass brother figured it out in like 12 seconds. You're exaggerating. I kinda hate when people make it sound like they tried everything any rational human would have tried and are thusly justified in their having a problem.

If I was able to properly look around the room I might have an easier time of it but with the fixed camera I'm at a loss.

Has nothing to do with it.

That combined with having to put up with listening to some chick nag at me to hurry up and save her and the whole game


520th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):God of War" , posted Mon 28 Mar 11:25post reply

Exaggeration? Silliness? At the Madman's Cafe??? You must be mistaken! 'We have always been at war with our eternal enemies of Eurasia.'


306th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(5):God of War" , posted Mon 28 Mar 14:18post reply

Grr, I'm a tightass! I was clearly referring to my disgust for any lack of serious discussion.


2461th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):God of War" , posted Mon 28 Mar 14:31post reply



521th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):God of War" , posted Mon 28 Mar 14:39post reply

Gahahah, serious discussion in one of the mad Krzyzewski Man's threads? Perhaps I should direct you here for more serious discussion, I told Iggy to go but he told me to go jump in a lake... This bald Kratos guy could use some of that site's wares, though.


2991th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):God of War" , posted Mon 28 Mar 14:50post reply

By the way, it seems we have some admirers.

Where did you find this anyway? I just read it finally, and you know how I hate reading and using my mind.

P.S. noone tell them about the i.c. bbs.

6165th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):God of War" , posted Mon 28 Mar 18:04post reply

Oh, I'll point that out. He's a dickhead who makes too many broad assumptions.

Oh, you know, if I had to get mad at every single guy who calls me gay then lolicon in the same text, Tanzania would be a wasteland now.
...OK, wrong example. But you get my point. And I'm still the best ! yiihaa !


Krzyzewski Man
1067th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):God of War" , posted Mon 28 Mar 23:26post reply



And see, it's so true!

Not unlike tranny review site Higher Voltage.


629th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):Want some tea?" , posted Tue 29 Mar 05:31post reply

Useless info : "Kratos" means "state" in Greek. It sounds pretty dumb to me at least. For a character to have a name like that. But i guess there are no other greek speakers on the board.

1912th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):God of War" , posted Tue 29 Mar 09:31post reply

Oh, I'll point that out. He's a dickhead who makes too many broad assumptions.

I'm impressed you bothered to read through the whole thing. All I did was keyword search for my name for the ego boost that comes from having total strangers worrying about my opinions and hanging on every word I say.

Krzyzewski Man
1072th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(7):God of War" , posted Fri 8 Apr 07:30post reply


Oh, and I found out why Kratos is chalk white (spoilers abound):

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
The Father of the Gods Zeus, comes to Earth and seduces a woman..fathering a son. However Zeus forbids the mother from ever telling anyone, and places a curse upon her should she even attempt it. Shunned from her home for bearing a bastard child out of wedlock, she and her son Kratos flee to Sparta where they continue on with their lives. Kratos's mother has another child and Kratos gets a brother.

However in Sparta the strong children are taken and trained to become soldiers to protect their country. While the weak children are sent to the mountains to die. Kratos and his brother were seperated, and was Kratos then trained to become a warrior, his brother left for dead.

And a warrior he did become. A ruthless and cold hearted soldier his lust for power dominating. He starts a command of just 50 soldiers but it quickly grows into the thousands. His tactics were very brutal but very effective. An almost unstoppable force. Kratos is feared by everyone, everyone that is but his wife and child.

However Kratos' lust for conquest would spell his demise, when they encountered a Barbarian army that vastly outnumbered Kratos's. The Barbarians slaughtered his army with their sheer numbers within hours and just when Kratos himself was about to be killed he, in a desperate plea, called out to the Gods, out to Ares the God of War offering to surrender himself fully to Ares if he but saved him from his demise.

Ares seeing the makings of a God in this mortal man descends from the heavens destroying all of the Barbarian Horde...he then makes Kratos his warrior servant, bestowing upon Kratos the Blades of Chaos, blades forged in the depths of Hades, forever bound and seared to Kratos's arms.

In the name and servitude of Ares, Kratos became a pure beast, destroying all armies, women, and children alike with no remorse. But in a act of most cruel trickery by his Master, to sever all ties to his former humanity..Kratos was sent to topple a town. Him and his army mercilessly slaughter the entire village, when the rage of Ares and the blood of Kratos's victims settled Kratos came to a horrible discovery..he discovered that Ares had him kill his own wife and child. At that moment, Kratos swore to take his revenge upon the God of War, he would serve the God no longer..

Before leaving the town the old Oracle of the village placed a curse upon Kratos, that his skin would bear the ashes of his wife and child to forever mark him for what he had done. Kratos' skin became white as ash and he had become known as the Ghost of Sparta...

End of Spoiler

I know that a Chao dies whenever someone says it, but thanks, Gamefaqs.