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Time Mage 2079th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Soul Calibur III announced: PS2 exclusive." , posted Tue 22 Mar 23:47
Soul Calibur III has been announced, and surprisingly, they made it PS2 exclusive this time. I really don't like at all that move, because the PS2 will harshly limit what the game can graphically achieve (just look at the screens in the link). Also, as many comment, Soul Calibur III is announced maybe too soon: they should have waited for the new console generation. With some luck, they'll announce the game to be multiplatform later, so the GC and XBox versions can get some enhancements.
Anyway, the new fighter announced looks cool, but I wonder if her weapon and fighting style really exist, or if it's an invented one. Also, the "create your character" option looks good to me, it's the next logical step in the Edge Master mode evolution.
Thanks to Vorador's post in the Typeteam forums for the news.
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Iggy 6115th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Soul Calibur III announced: PS2 exclusi" , posted Wed 23 Mar 00:47
quote: (and isn't it about time a 3D fighter proper got one of those features?)
Yes, because the 3 Justice Gakuen never had a mode like that. (The character creation of Moejus in particular was brilliant, and nearly fun even if it was a board game).
What I don't like is that it's "Soulcalibur 3" and not "Soulsomething - Souledge 3". I'm afraid we're going with lameass plot and average settei at best. The time of the dark sperm (black sperm?) is definitely gone.
Also, isn't 25 a lot if we have only 3 new characters ? Is there 22 characters in Calibur 2 if you take of Necrid and the rest ? Raphael, Talim, Cassandra, Yunsung, Mitsurugi, Taki, Kilik, Xianghua, Maxi, Nightmare, Ivy, Astaroth, Voldo, Yoshimitsu, Cervantes, Seung Mina, plus a random guy (Charade/Edge Master/Inferno)= 17 characters. Add Sophitia and Siegfried : 19. Lizardman ? Rock ?
Either way, we need more people from the village of Taki, and an alernate costume for the baker girls where they fight with a stick of bread.
So really what's the difference between a metrosexual and a homosexual? Metrosexuals are better dressed. Homosexuals are so last season. What role will the homosexual play in the future? Gooseberry.
Maou 510th Post

New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(3):Soul Calibur III announced: PS2 exclusi" , posted Wed 23 Mar 04:16:
This smells of April fools, not only because even the small retarded children who write for Gamepro know better than to call SC2 a disappointment, but also because Gamepro always used to do April Fool's (Lame Pro was the one redeeming feature of that magazine's history), and because PS2 exclusive (HAHAHAHAHAH, you mean PS3 or Xbox1 or anything else that plays the game better than PS2) would be suicide these days.
quote: I remember a lot of people discussing the game as "broken", because of some gameplay issues.
Nah, we played both in excess of 500 hours and SC2 is obviously improved--aesthetically, I liked the arenas of the original a lot more, but walls add depth, and the game plays quite a bit better(unless you're a Cervantes or Mitsurugi character, in which case, your guy got screwed). But that's a different thread all together.
edit: spelling.
[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 23 Mar 04:23] |
Daala 992th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(4):Soul Calibur III announced: PS2 exclusi" , posted Wed 23 Mar 04:45
I remember a lot of people discussing the game as "broken", because of some gameplay issues. Nah, we played both in excess of 500 hours and SC2 is obviously improved--aesthetically, I liked the arenas of the original a lot more, but walls add depth, and the game plays quite a bit better(unless you're a Cervantes or Mitsurugi character, in which case, your guy got screwed). But that's a different thread all together.
edit: spelling.
Die hard SC1 player were a bit shocked at the game play, but once you got used to it.. I found it to be a reall kick ass game. And yes Cervantes Mitsurugi player got screwed >( .
But the game really had a big improvement from SC1. So who ever wrote that, really needs help or just hates the game all together.
NARUTO 2964th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Re(10):Soul Calibur III announced: PS2" , posted Wed 23 Mar 19:58:
being an april fool or not, here comes my two cents...
Why SC3? because Tekken bring a lot's of cashes to Namco, so easy to make an small update on SC2 and then some more easy money. (there will always fans for those)
Why PS2 exclusive? It's maybe nothing but remeber the Dante rumor?? Or dante is so far a Ps2 character that wasn't else where, so Capcom can easily made a deal, dante is in but only on Ps2, and them namco to say, OK dante must be on SC3 so only a ps2 version will be made.
Why US magazine 1st? Because since quite some month Japanese developer are gone crazy, and they release game in Us before Japan. CFJ, musashi, and MGS are a few exemple, even if they recive an huge amont of letters from angry japanese fan. Stupidly Japanese company make make US pass first now...
Fake or not? I'm maybe saying foolishness, but IMO it can be real, all info can be taken separatly and then turns possible. - PS exlusive? see uper post. - Only 25 characters? well they won't say if TRC can be in or not? and with a characters maker, it'll gives us the bigger cast ever seen. - Lame graphisms? Tekken didn't look that evolved at 1st, it was only at the lock test that player saw a difference. - Finaly, if they just update the graphisms a bit, but goes back to a SC1 game systems, the game may turn good...
OH! BTW!!! Can someone tell me how they have a scan of the gamepro MAY 2005 Issue?? Yes look at the bottom!
 There is two infinite things in the world. Universe and Human stupidity...Well for the universe I'm not sure....
[this message was edited by NARUTO on Wed 23 Mar 20:13] |
deisied 295th Post

Copper Customer

| "SC3" , posted Thu 24 Mar 12:11
Well, I was pretty pissed at this game. Honestly, the PS2 only announcement was the best thing I'd heard since the game had first been rumored. I was convinced they were going to try to pull off that exlusive character trash again, holy CRAP did SC2 ever cash in. Anyway, I agree with the general idea that this game is way too soon, but I don't think allowing it to be on some other console/s is going to soften the blow of this decision. Besides, SCII probably would have looked better than it did if it was PS2 only, multiplatforming is never the best way to go for maximum polish potential.
As for that new character...great. She just looks like the next best hentai manga fuel since Ivy, and nothing the hell else, and yeah, seeing as how little SC2 added to anything as far as world/story/consistency, it is kinda disappointing that this is calibur, because some offhand system adjustment isn't really going to make the namco-punch-you-in-the-face-for-playing-their-games-single-player sting go away.
Mosquiton 1556th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(2):what ?" , posted Fri 25 Mar 00:32:
quote: I demand there be a hula-hula technique in her move list.
From her design (look at the stains on her waist) I think her entire move list will be hulahula.
....oh god, I think I just answered my own question of why her clothes are slashed up like that.
I guess the practical thing would be to wear something a little stronger than cloth.
While I like the overall design, she looks a little too club-girl to me... and while she's no Ivy she looks a little too much like Ivy (or Poison Ivy a la Batman... going from the color scheme). I'd like to see the second (and hopefully third) costumes.
EVERYONE needs three costumes damnit.
As for Umbrella chick... damn but is she unoriginal. At least give her a slightly different body type.
Oh, and GameSpot has stuff.
"This original feature will let you create your own character by choosing his or her sex, occupation, weapon, and some physical characteristics"
Sounds good, but
"Once you've made your virtual self, you can take the character into the Chronicles of the Sword mode, which is billed as a real-time simulation that lets you watch your character engage in battles."
You'd better be able to play these characters yourself as well... nothing says they've excluded it but I wish Namco had mentioned that in their fact sheet.
Well, it's no April fool, obviously.
/ / /
[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Fri 25 Mar 00:38] |
Maou 515th Post

New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(1):maybe not PS2 only" , posted Fri 25 Mar 08:40
Ha, interesting. I'l admit I was still about to call this a hoax when the Gamespot SCIII logo was just using the old SCII Nightmare art and the new kimono-clad woman's face looked like Seung Mina, but I guess not..!
What can they improve besides marginally better PS2 graphics? More fun arenas like SCI and all the neato extras like a huge art gallery, missing Siegfried and Rock, and the opening movie direction (SCI opening=all Astaroth, all the time, especially in the "pretty girl in a windy field" scene). Presentation, in short.
I still protest this "broken" critique (sounds like one of those criticisms made once by internet folk and then 'widely' accepted by a small group, but hey), but that still is a story for another thread.
I do not protest the suckiness of the current logo. I'd enjoy something bizarre like Raphael become Nightmare, like his SCII ending seemed to suggest. Give poor Sig a break!