Kill Bill 4 hour re-release - Forums

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"Kill Bill 4 hour re-release" , posted Wed 16 Mar 09:34post reply

"And all of Quentin's fans will be pleased to know that he is putting his most recent movie Kill Bill, released in two parts, back together.

He told The Sun: "It will be Kill Bill the Japanese version - the four hour movie all together with an intermission in the middle. It will probably be the first release from Miramax's new company, first at cinemas and then on DVD. It will also probably get a higher age rating. We had to cut it when Miramax was part of Disney but now we can do whatever the fuck we want.



Juke Joint Jezebel
3347th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Kill Bill 4 hour re-release" , posted Wed 16 Mar 10:09post reply

good things come to those who wait, or something along those lines. i like your style, simpson

360th Post

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"Re(2):Kill Bill 4 hour re-release" , posted Wed 16 Mar 10:34post reply

good things come to those who wait, or something along those lines. i like your style, simpson

Indeed. I'm glad I held off buying the DVDs in case they released a special edition. What's all this about Miramax being their own company now? Sounds like a good thing to me.

Undead Fred
2221th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Kill Bill 4 hour re-release" , posted Wed 16 Mar 10:48post reply

Sweeeet. I had the feeling they were going to cut it back together at some point. I have a feeling that the fight with the Crazy 88's will be at the end of the movie. I still don't have the second Kill Bill DVD, but I guess it's no big deal now that they're doing the re-release.

2970th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Kill Bill 4 hour re-release" , posted Wed 16 Mar 11:39post reply

good things come to those who wait, or something along those lines. i like your style, simpson
Indeed. I'm glad I held off buying the DVDs in case they released a special edition. What's all this about Miramax being their own company now? Sounds like a good thing to me.

Weinstein's contract is going to end and for some reason Disney is letting him take 'loyal' people with him to a separate company.

What doesn't make sense is all the hubub about Quentin being a genius for cutting it into two films; it being really his idea all along and his plan from early on even before it was suggested; it being suggested by Weinstein (as in Miramax head, not exactly a Disney exec. making the suggestion)-- When now that they will be without disney, releasing the movie as one is them doing 'whatever the fuck they want'. But perhaps some Taritino holic can clairify?

Undead Fred
2223th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Kill Bill 4 hour re-release" , posted Wed 16 Mar 13:03post reply

What doesn't make sense is all the hubub about Quentin being a genius for cutting it into two films; it being really his idea all along and his plan from early on even before it was suggested; it being suggested by Weinstein (as in Miramax head, not exactly a Disney exec. making the suggestion)-- When now that they will be without disney, releasing the movie as one is them doing 'whatever the fuck they want'. But perhaps some Taritino holic can clairify?

I'm not a Tarantino expert or anything, and I don't know about anyone else, but I had never gotten the impression that Tarantino had planned for them to be two movies the whole time... Every time I had heard info on the movie, I kept hearing "oh, he WANTED to make it one long movie, but the studio made him cut it into two pieces blah blah blah." The reason I had heard was that the studio thought no one would sit through a four hour movie, even though people did it for Titanic and the Lord of the Rings movies (yeah, I know it wasn't four hours, but they were very long movies). I had the feeling there would be some "stitched together" version coming out at some point, and it looks like they are finally doing that. I'm glad they finally did it, personally.

2972th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Kill Bill 4 hour re-release" , posted Wed 16 Mar 13:42post reply

What doesn't make sense is all the hubub about Quentin being a genius for cutting it into two films; it being really his idea all along and his plan from early on even before it was suggested; it being suggested by Weinstein (as in Miramax head, not exactly a Disney exec. making the suggestion)-- When now that they will be without disney, releasing the movie as one is them doing 'whatever the fuck they want'. But perhaps some Taritino holic can clairify?
I'm not a Tarantino expert or anything, and I don't know about anyone else, but I had never gotten the impression that Tarantino had planned for them to be two movies the whole time... Every time I had heard info on the movie, I kept hearing "oh, he WANTED to make it one long movie, but the studio made him cut it into two pieces blah blah blah." The reason I had heard was that the studio thought no one would sit through a four hour movie, even though people did it for Titanic and the Lord of the Rings movies (yeah, I know it wasn't four hours, but they were very long movies). I had the feeling there would be some "stitched together" version coming out at some point, and it looks like they are finally doing that. I'm glad they finally did it, personally.

I heard that too---and I dun wanna dig them up but I also read articles/interveiews where he made it sound like he already had the 2 movies idea ahead of time, before the studio came to him. He was going to make one movie more Japanese and the other more Chinese style....etc.

Juke Joint Jezebel
3349th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Kill Bill 4 hour re-release" , posted Wed 16 Mar 14:02post reply

Weinstein's contract is going to end and for some reason Disney is letting him take 'loyal' people with him to a separate company.

i don't know the specifics, but some top dog in Disney (the CEO? someone high up) is stepping down. he said the magic with him "disappeared" (or something) and Disney would do better with a new "president" (or whatever he was). it might have had something to do with that

Undead Fred
2226th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Kill Bill 4 hour re-release" , posted Wed 16 Mar 14:06post reply

he said the magic with him "disappeared" (or something) and Disney would do better with a new "president" (or whatever he was).


2973th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Kill Bill 4 hour re-release" , posted Wed 16 Mar 14:33post reply

Weinstein's contract is going to end and for some reason Disney is letting him take 'loyal' people with him to a separate company.
i don't know the specifics, but some top dog in Disney (the CEO? someone high up) is stepping down. he said the magic with him "disappeared" (or something) and Disney would do better with a new "president" (or whatever he was). it might have had something to do with that

The shareholders basically wanted to ditch the C.E.O., Eisner, because they blame him for the stock value not being high enough. Eisner is stepping down and being replaced with a guy he has long been grooming to be his replacement...

Eisner said the magic within him died? Or did he say that Disney's magic dies because he's leaving?

Juke Joint Jezebel
3351th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Kill Bill 4 hour re-release" , posted Wed 16 Mar 14:58post reply

Eisner said the magic within him died? Or did he say that Disney's magic dies because he's leaving?

the magic within him

man, speaking of Disney, any of you guys ever see Bambi? i saw it when i was a kid but never paid any attention to it. now that's one fucking creepy movie. i started watching it when the animals were getting horny for eachother. wtf man. every time a group of kids watch Bambi, a furry is born

6072th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Kill Bill 4 hour re-release" , posted Wed 16 Mar 18:03:post reply

I think the original release of the movie was nearly 3 movies, then they cut a big part of the scenario to make it only 2... I remember Gogo Yubari had a twin sister who wanted to avenge the original, or something. That would have been awesome.

Also, Bambi doesn't creates furries, it creates heartless bastards who laugh everytime they hear "mom? where are you?". Which means, people perfectly sane and apt to live in a 21th century society.

So really what's the difference between a metrosexual and a homosexual?
Metrosexuals are better dressed. Homosexuals are so last season.
What role will the homosexual play in the future?

[this message was edited by Iggy on Wed 16 Mar 18:04]

Juke Joint Jezebel
3354th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Kill Bill 4 hour re-release" , posted Wed 16 Mar 18:33post reply

Also, Bambi doesn't creates furries, it creates heartless bastards who laugh everytime they hear "mom? where are you?". Which means, people perfectly sane and apt to live in a 21th century society.

that is so cool. i'd ask you to buy me one if you weren't broke yourself. speaking of which, i think i saw one of the chicks here riding one of those bad boys

71th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(2):Kill Bill 4 hour re-release" , posted Wed 16 Mar 20:33post reply

I think the original release of the movie was nearly 3 movies, then they cut a big part of the scenario to make it only 2... I remember Gogo Yubari had a twin sister who wanted to avenge the original, or something. That would have been awesome.

Gogo was supposed to have no line and die way before she did. Her sister was the one that should have said all the lines Gogo says in the movie.

When I was a kid, I always stopped the tape after Bambi's mother's death, because seeing Bambi near to suicidal tendancies was the perfect ending for me. I HATED THE LIL' BASTARD THAT MUCH.

Just a Person
706th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):Kill Bill 4 hour re-release" , posted Thu 17 Mar 01:49post reply

I think the original release of the movie was nearly 3 movies, then they cut a big part of the scenario to make it only 2... I remember Gogo Yubari had a twin sister who wanted to avenge the original, or something. That would have been awesome.

Gogo was supposed to have no line and die way before she did. Her sister was the one that should have said all the lines Gogo says in the movie.

Actually if I'm not mistaken, Gogo's sister Yuki would not be her twin, she would be 16 years-old, while Gogo was 17.
Gogo wouldn't have most of her lines (although she'd still have her great battle against the Bride), and Yuki would try to avenge her in another chapter, travelling to the same town where the Bride goes to kill Vernita. Yuki would be more childish and psychotic, while Gogo would be extremely quiet and serious.

Sorry, I just fell in love with these sisters when I read the script on the Internet! It seems that the main reason why Yuki wasn't added in the movie was because the actress who would play her (it was a girl from Battle Royale, the same movie where Tarantino discovered Chiaki Kuriyama) couldn't take part in the movie. Sad...

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Well, she would die anyway...

End of Spoiler

About releasing both Vol.1 and 2 into an only movie, it's fantastic! I just hope it comes to Brazil!

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

468th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):Kill Bill 4 hour re-release" , posted Thu 17 Mar 02:08post reply

Yeah, Yuki was to be played by Kou Shibasaki, who played Mistuko Souma in Battle Royale. If you ask me, though, Shibasaki looks older than Kuriyama. I don't know if it would have been convincing.

Then again, was Battle Royale itself that convincing? Weren't the kids supposed to be 14 or so? I don't know about Japanese teenagers, but American teenagers are far more awkward looking at that age than the kids in Battle Royale were.


116th Post

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"Re(5):Kill Bill 4 hour re-release" , posted Thu 17 Mar 02:15post reply

Then again, was Battle Royale itself that convincing? Weren't the kids supposed to be 14 or so? I don't know about Japanese teenagers, but American teenagers are far more awkward looking at that age than the kids in Battle Royale were.

I don't know about the people here, but from what I heard from my friends, I guesse I'm the only live person that doesn't like Battle Royale.

And I second Just a Person's statement: hope it comes to Brazil.


316th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(6):Kill Bill 4 hour re-release" , posted Thu 17 Mar 05:16post reply


Actually if I'm not mistaken, Gogo's sister Yuki would not be her twin, she would be 16 years-old, while Gogo was 17.
Gogo wouldn't have most of her lines (although she'd still have her great battle against the Bride), and Yuki would try to avenge her in another chapter, travelling to the same town where the Bride goes to kill Vernita. Yuki would be more childish and psychotic, while Gogo would be extremely quiet and serious.

I also read the script, and liked the idea of her sister! Wasn't she supposed to go around with a bazooka and nobody would give a damn about it?

I'm glad I didn't buy neither of the two volumes. I don't care where it's released (and you shouldn't too), I only need it to come with english subtitles.