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Undead Fred 2219th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Marvel vs. EA interview" , posted Tue 15 Mar 13:31
Here's a link straight to the article for convenience.
Yeah, the game still sounds completely lame. I like how the only EA character they're willing to show is Electrode Retard. The interview's pretty empty of content, as Spoon said.
Gamespot- "So, how will this game play?" EA- "Glad you asked. It'll be the best game ever with the best control ever." Gamespot- "How about the characters? Yeah, we saw Spider-Man, but who else?" EA- "Ha HA! I bet you thought we'd have put Sims in and soccer players but we DIDN'T. We drew us some crazy and super cool heroes of our own! How's THAT for a twist?" Gamespot- "Ah. Well, so... uhhh... it's a fighter, right? Give us an example of what it'll be like." EA- "It won't be like ANYTHING! We're breaking new ground and innovation and cool. It'll be the best game ever." Gamespot- "That wasn't really an example, was it? Name something so we'll have some idea of how it'll play, please." EA- "Well, so glad you asked. I like Mario Party and that Fusion Frenzy." Gamespot- "..........thank you for your time."
HAYATO 332th Post
Bronze Customer
| "Re(1):Mmmmhh..." , posted Wed 16 Mar 08:12
quote: Is it that design bad ? It's a not so generic american designed character; I find it far better than what I could have feared from EA. How is it worse than Spiderman's design, for example? Beside the "I grew with Spiderman, you can't tell bad things about him or I'll kill your mom". The doggie has a very good point. The design is not bad, you're just dissing it because it came from EA. I like it, and I mean, I really like it. I don't know why nobody complained about Volgin, even when it's a "silly electric man that fires bullets from a bandolier and doesn't get hurt". Even when I think the game will be crap, I don't think the designs will be that bad.
No, I'm dissing the design because "EAman" or whatever he is called somewhat reminds me of a secondary villain who appeared in Marvel's "Secret Wars". I don't remember his name, but it was dressed like a convict, and he even used his iron ball as a weapon. Could he be Absorbing Man? And I always thought Absorbing Man sucked. Although EAman sucks harder. It looks like a half-dressed Vin Diesel with prosthetics...
Spoon 820th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(5):Mmmmhh..." , posted Thu 17 Mar 12:41
quote: As much as I hate EA, I gotta hand it to them. They make some good games.
Correction: They MADE some good games.
Long ago, especially in the DOS era, EA really made good games. Crusader No Remorse/Regret, Ultima 7... and they published some other great stuff, like Abuse and Theme Park. Those sure as hell weren't generic (Theme Park has about a dozen sequels by now, though). It'd be really unfair to say that EA has done nothing but make NHL/NBA/NFL-year, when in the past they've been behind a lot of good stuff.
Of course, that was then, and today they really do mostly just churn out endless franchise "sequels".
Spoon 821th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(6):Mmmmhh..." , posted Thu 17 Mar 12:42
quote: As much as I hate EA, I gotta hand it to them. They make some good games.
Correction: They MADE some good games.
Long ago, especially in the DOS era, EA really made good games. Crusader No Remorse/Regret, Ultima 7... and they published some other great stuff, like Abuse and Theme Park. Those sure as hell weren't generic (Theme Park has about a dozen sequels by now, though). It'd be really unfair to say that EA has done nothing but make NHL/NBA/NFL-year, when in the past they've been behind a lot of good stuff.
Of course, that was then, and today they really do mostly just churn out endless franchise "sequels".
Cripes I'm old.
Undead Fred 2229th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Mmmmhh..." , posted Thu 17 Mar 12:43
quote: Oh, I take that back, I liked Road Rash 2. Seriously though, EAs games have nothing for me. I pick one up, am impressed by the generic nature of it, then put it right back down.
Heh heh heh. Road Rash 2... man, I had forgotten all about that. Yeah, other than that, the only real EA game I had ever liked was the Sims...... although that was a Maxis game technically, and I had gotten the impression that their soul was eaten by EA at some point after the first Sims... so they just sort of became EA games? Not sure about that, though.