Gameplay in upcoming Granado Espada (MMORPG) - Forums

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Gameplay in upcoming Granado Espada (MMORPG)" , posted Sun 13 Mar 07:47:post reply

The person that translates update notices for Korean Ragnarok Online has recently translated and compiled a bit of news for an upcoming Korean MMORPG made by the creators of RO (who left Gravity after they thought kRO went pay-to-play too soon). The translator doesn't have a source linked -- but this guy's been pretty reputable in the past.

Now yeah, Korean MMOGs might be a dime a dozen, but a couple things to note about the gameplay is that 1) the player will be able to manage up to three characters at one time, whether directly controlling all three or having AI control one or two, and 2) different battle stances exist for setting up skills and combos. That could potentially lead to some fun and actually mentally-engaging battles. [Doesn't automatically mean it will -- the battle system could still end up being primarily stat-based (instead of primarily personal-skill-based) and end up overall intellectually-dull like in a lot of other MMORPGs.] Still, though -- with these elements, this might be a game to watch.

[If these elements already exist in other MMORPGs, lemme know.]

There's also a note that there'll be game politics and trading as opposed to repetitive battles and fetch quests -- though how one might replace the other, I have no idea. Hopefully, this'll just mean more interesting quests instead of just another method of hosting e-drama, interesting as e-drama might be at times.

Also, from that thread, an RPGFan link of the pretty screenshots released so far. Unfortunately, most of 'em just show characters standing around and looking pretty (read: being very, very bored).


[this message was edited by OmegaDog on Sun 13 Mar 07:53]


923th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Gameplay in upcoming Granado Espada (MM" , posted Sun 13 Mar 07:54:post reply

But can my computer handle it? Can ANY computer handle it? Maybe you just stand there after all.

Ohoh...the official page...whoooo....

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Sun 13 Mar 07:58]

284th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):Gameplay in upcoming Granado Espada (MM" , posted Sun 13 Mar 07:57post reply

It's not that crazy, my computer could kick it's ass.

1300th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Gameplay in upcoming Granado Espada (MM" , posted Sun 13 Mar 15:50post reply

From the looks of things, I think the xbox could handle it. Looks very similiar to Enclave in many ways. So a decent comp for it won't be difficult. I personally don't like the idea of controlling three characters though. What's the point of being online if I come with my own team?

Got Next - it's a gaming site I write stupid things for

812th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):Gameplay in upcoming Granado Espada (MM" , posted Sun 13 Mar 16:03post reply

From the looks of things, I think the xbox could handle it. Looks very similiar to Enclave in many ways. So a decent comp for it won't be difficult.

It's always possible to code something more inefficiently.

Or for users to use it in such a way that provides the worst case scenario, and more.

I don't think it's ever safe to predict what what'll work "well" for... especially in the dubiously implemented world of online games.

I'd like to know if it's worth playing and if it looks good in motion, but those aren't things I'll get to know for a good long while.

86th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Gameplay in upcoming Granado Espada (MM" , posted Wed 18 May 03:17post reply
has a short preview, it would have come sooner, but beta was delayed again..