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Iggy 5988th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):RS Minstrell's Song TV Commercial" , posted Wed 9 Mar 19:15
quote: Is the song from the game, or is it just a totally random awesome song?
It's the theme song (the only one not by Itoken I think?) Also, the official site has a few gameplay movies and weird new systems. I like the divine intervention. Also, the 4th movie has the remix of the boss theme, and I weeped while listening to it. I am so in love. Horii is making a special memory card with stickers and such, but no LE has been officially announced... I want I want I want I want.
But I'm afraid the spring-summer season will be harsh for everyone : Phantom Kingdom, Wild Arms The 4th detonator, Tengai Makyô 3 Namida, RE Minstrel Song, Fire Emblem Sôen no Kiseki, that new Tearing Saga, Iris no Atelier eternal mana, Namco x Capcom, Jill all infinite, the new Metal Saga, Hanjuku Hero 4, Dragon Dragoon 2, Front Mission Online, maybe Front Mission 5th, maybe a new addon for FF11, Dai3ji Super Robo Taisen α, Musashi 2, Tales of Legendia, Kingdom Hearts 2, Shadow Hearts 3...
Japan as a whole doesn't have enough time to play all this. Most of the games on that list will barely sell 100 000 copies.
Oh, and FF12 is still scheduled for summer (puchi warosu)
Iggy 5994th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):RS Minstrell's Song TV Commercial" , posted Thu 10 Mar 04:58
quote: What was the game about again?
It's partly a remake of Romancing Sa.ga 1, and partly the new Saga game. The great thing is that it is not just a graphic overhault of the game, like other remakes, where they just add 3D models and that's it ; it's an original game, only it has the same general scenario, characters with the same names, and the same events happen. It's so different from RS1 it's really hard to call it a remake, but at the same time it's so much like it it's not really a new game. I just wonder how the game will be received by people that never touched a RS game in their lives; I guess it will just be yet another generic japanese RPG with weird designs and proportions. To someone like me, brainwashed by the RS series in my youth, it's just boundless joy.
Well, that, and there is also the fact this is the only free scenario RPG released in years, which will even more make the mundane crowd ignore the game. And yeah, I'm in love with a videogame.