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Juke Joint Jezebel 3342th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Houston, among other places" , posted Wed 9 Mar 15:17:
just some final stuff. me and Hagen de Merak are gonna be around these next few months. it'd be cool to meet some of you. or not, i really don't care. we're just looking for new challenges, mainly. i think it'd be fun to fight cafe members. anyways, if you ultimately decide to show up at any of the following events, just look around for some jerk in a big, black cowboy hat. it's been a while since i last wore it. i think it'll be fitting for these occasions
first, March 11 [this Friday], Houston - Texas Showdown Tournament, Day 1 Hagen and i will be getting our asses kicked in 2k2. please come to cheer us on. also, we might participate in the Garou tournament for laughs
March 12 [Saturday], Houston - Texas Showdown Tournament, Day 2 we'll hang around to watch the Alpha tournament. i think there's gonna be some gaming outside of the immediate area so we'll probably do that most of the time
March 13 [Sunday], Houston - Texas Showdown Tournament, Day 3 MAYBE. stay tuned
[ schedule and info / useless official site ]
April 2 [Saturday], Houston - Japan Festival, Day 1 not much the first day. jjj and company will be there late afternoon. i'll try to get liquored up and pick fights with the locals
April 3 [Sunday], Houston - Japan Festival, Day 2 at 1pm, the Shotokan group is gonna be performing on the main stage for 45-60 minutes. we'll probably do kata and kumite for the first half. although, i'm guessing the sparring will be limited to the upper belts. i don't care, i don't want to make an ass out of myself in front of a crowd anyways. the highlight of the show, i think, will be seeing Junichi (insane Japanese guy that fucked me up several months ago) and Soichiro doing their weapons demonstration. i think it'll be worth it to show up for that, alone
[ official site ]
April 8-10 [weekend], New Orleans i'll be traveling there for some reason. know any good arcades i can laze around in?
May 11 [Wednesday], San Antonio Hagen, a friend, his wife, and i are gonna see some crazy bald fuck at a kickass concert. we might as well locate and rape Juan while we're at it. if you want to witness such a horrible beating (or just get together), this'll be a great opportunity
and that's about it. nothing but fun for the next few months, so come and join the orgy. oh yeah, a little off topic. despite my unnecessary use of the word nigger in that one thread, and how much of a total arrogant, chauvinistic asshole i may seem over the internet, i don't think i'm that bad in person. i hate people, but i'm not racist. i just think racial slurs are funny. oh, and Pollyanna, i apologize for all the times i've referred to you as slut, or anything demeaning, at that. i could tell i really pissed you off in one of those threads. i'm sorry
well, with the mushy shit out of the way, finally, some hip news about Stargate looks like that slut's sins couldn't hold it down $5 is fucking cheap. let's support this shit before it dies again
EDIT: derogatory comment
[this message was edited by Juke Joint Jezebel on Wed 9 Mar 15:21] |