Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tournament - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Bata kun
2535th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tournament" , posted Thu 3 Mar 11:56:post reply

Megane did one for the 2D girls. So, why not one for the 3D ones also? Here are the rules.

1. Yes, you get five choices here as well.

2. The voting process ends a week from today and the top 16 girls are in.

3. In the case of a tie, the fighters that got that needed vote first are in.

Got any questions? Ask away. Oh and my entries?

* Kasumi - "DoA"

You do need a ninja after all.

* Talim - "SC"

Yes, I know. I'm so crazy about Tamura Yukari-san now. Ha ha ha! =P

* Kyouko - "JG"

A nurse with glasses and the sweet voice of Mitsuishi Kotono-san. What more should I say?

* Akira - "JG"

Kazama, killer and kawaii. Today's letter of the day is K. =P

* Mina - "SC"

She has always been a character I used a lot. Oh and I like Kuwashima Houko-san, though I prefer Tange Sakura-san's Kasumi over hers.

Edit: I knew I forgot someone.

Edit II: Tracy-tan now gets my vote instead of Ellis, making sure that a "BAT" rep is in.

Edit III: Sorry Trace. Selena's in instead. =P

Edit IV: Sorry Pai. Sakura's in instead. =P

Edit V: Sakura and Selena out. Mina and Kyouko in. Gomen! =P

[this message was edited by Bata kun on Thu 10 Mar 10:43]


Red Falcon
5398th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Thu 3 Mar 11:59:post reply

1. Kasumi

2. Ayane

3. Shiki

4. Ivy

5. Akira (Justice Gakuen)

Edit: I had forgotten about her!!

Best site EVER:Link Here

[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Thu 3 Mar 14:16]

584th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Thu 3 Mar 13:32post reply

- Kunimitsu (Tekken Tag)
- Rain (Star Gladiator 2)
- Akira (Project Justice)
- Hokuto (Street Fighter EX)
- Shiki (Samurai Shodown 64)

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

Undead Fred
2164th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Thu 3 Mar 13:50:post reply

Kasumi- DOA
Vanessa- VF4
Tiffany- Rival Schools
Ivy- Soul Calibur
Tracy- Battle Arena Toshinden

If we had runners-up, I'd throw in Ayane and Hitomi from DOA, Sofia from Toshinden, and Momo from Rival Schools.

[this message was edited by Undead Fred on Thu 3 Mar 13:52]

44th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(3):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Thu 3 Mar 14:38post reply


82th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(4):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Thu 3 Mar 16:32post reply

Ivy (SC)
Kyoko (JG)
Akira (JG)
Ayane (DoA)
Lei-Fang (Doa)

Bata kun
2513th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Thu 3 Mar 16:50post reply

Akira - "JG" - 4

Ayane - "DoA" - 2

Ellis - "BAT" - 1

Helena - "DoA" - 1

Hokuto - "SF" - 1

Ivy - "SC" - 3

Kasumi - "DoA" - 4

Kunimitsu - "Tekken" - 1

Kyouko - "JG" - 1

Lei-Fang - "DoA" - 1

Ling - "Tekken" - 1

Pai - "VF" - 1

Rain - "SG" - 1

Shiki - "SS" - 2

Talim - "SC" - 2

Tiffany - "JG" - 1

Tracy - "BAT" - 1

Vanessa - "VF" - 1

Xianghua - "SC" - 1

Well, I got more than 16 entries for sure.

28th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(6):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Thu 3 Mar 17:24post reply

[.1]zaki - justice gakuen
[.2]akira - justice gakuen
[.3]helena - doa
[.4]hokuto - sf ex
[.5]rain - stargladiator ii

5928th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Thu 3 Mar 17:25post reply

1) Ivy
2) Kyôko, Zaki and Tiffany from Jusgaku
3) Is Panda (tekken) a female ? I think so...
(and if she's not, I'll replace her with Momo).

Moi : Oui bien sûr mais pourrions nous quitter le milieu de la route et discuter de cela sur le trottoir?
Amaterasu : Oh ils n'oseront pas. Je suis dans mon droit.
Moi : Vous savez je préfère avoir tord et rester en vie.
Amaterasu : Ah ? Pas moi.

456th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Thu 3 Mar 17:26post reply

Uno. Jun Kazama - Tekken 2/Tag (that evil infinite)
Dos. Kyoko Minazuki - Justice Gakuen
Tres. Epon - Tobal No.1 (best fighting style)
Cuatro. Tracy - Toshinden
Cinco. Shiki - Polysamu series


Time Mage
2064th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Thu 3 Mar 18:10:post reply

My choices:

- Kyoko (RS): <3
- Ivy (SC)
- Sophitia (SC)
- Julia Chang(Tekken)
- Tracy (Toshinden)

EDIT: Julia enters, Tina leaves.

[this message was edited by Time Mage on Thu 3 Mar 19:40]

308th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Thu 3 Mar 18:23post reply

My choices:

- Tiffany (Rival Schools)
- Jun (Star Gladiator 2)
- Luka (Star Gladiator 2)
- Kasumi (DoA)
- Pullum Purna (SF EX)

1797th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Thu 3 Mar 19:04post reply

Sophitia (SC)
Helena (DOA)
Shiki (SS64)
Christie Monteiro (Tekken)
Julia Chang (Tekken)

4050th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Fri 4 Mar 00:49post reply


3) Is Panda (tekken) a female ? I think so...
(and if she's not, I'll replace her with Momo).

Panda is male and Kuma is female; I'm not 100% sure....
And with Roger Jr, the baby is male but the adult is female.

See??? He is a God...

1864th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Fri 4 Mar 01:04post reply


3) Is Panda (tekken) a female ? I think so...
(and if she's not, I'll replace her with Momo).

Panda is male and Kuma is female; I'm not 100% sure....

Are you sure? When playing through story mode with them in T5 I could have sworn that Kuma was male and that Panda was the unrequited girl of his dreams.

As for my choices:

Ayame from DoA.
Lei-Fang from DoA. Say what you will about DoA but it corners the market in 3D game girls.
Akira from the Rival Schools series, the lost Capcom Fighting All-Stars, and my tag.
Taki from SC.
Asuka from T5. I'm hesitant to put her on the list since she's still pretty new but she looks like she's going to be a character that I stay with and not just a passing fancy.

4051th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Fri 4 Mar 01:19post reply


Are you sure? When playing through story mode with them in T5 I could have sworn that Kuma was male and that Panda was the unrequited girl of his dreams.

I think I read about it before Tekken 3 came out; there is something going on there, but Kuma is the girl with the initative (as panda wants nothing to do with Kuma), but I don't recall if it was official info or not.

I haven't been able to play tekken 5 yet; I have the game already, but I haven't arrived home for a while and it doesn't seems like I'll get there anytime soon XD

See??? He is a God...

rid hershel
6434th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Fri 4 Mar 01:44:post reply

Rouge | Power Stone: sexy! fun!

Kyoko Minazuki | Justice Gakuen: Alcoholic meganekko and pantyhose valhalla.

Mia | Slap Happy Rhythm Busters: China fun.

Saya | Samurai Shodown Warriors Rage 2: crappy game, great character.

Rain Bilstein | Star Gladiator 2: Ice Queen of Doom.

random news

[this message was edited by rid hershel on Fri 4 Mar 02:13]

Bata kun
2515th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Fri 4 Mar 02:00post reply

I'll change my Ellis vote to Tracy in a bit. When I started this tournament up, my main job was to try to have every series covered. Poor Ellis will not get a vote, but at least she started something by having people remember "BAT" at least.

I think I read about it before Tekken 3 came out; there is something going on there, but Kuma is the girl with the initative (as panda wants nothing to do with Kuma), but I don't recall if it was official info or not.

I haven't been able to play tekken 5 yet; I have the game already, but I haven't arrived home for a while and it doesn't seems like I'll get there anytime soon XD

I could have sworn Panda's a girl too. Regardless, the Momo vote will be used instead. I say this because, well, it's like placing in Multi in an all-genre version of Rid's battle, making it wrong to a high extent.

Fei-Yen wit Cinderella Heart | Virtual On: does she counts? she's a sentient robot after all.

See above.

Bata kun
2516th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Results up to E's entry." , posted Fri 4 Mar 02:06post reply

Akira - "JG" - 4

Ayane - "DoA" - 2

Helena - "DoA" - 1

Hokuto - "SF" - 1

Ivy - "SC" - 3

Kasumi - "DoA" - 4

Kunimitsu - "Tekken" - 1

Kyouko - "JG" - 1

Lei-Fang - "DoA" - 1

Ling - "Tekken" - 1

Pai - "VF" - 1

Rain - "SG" - 1

Shiki - "SS" - 2

Talim - "SC" - 2

Tiffany - "JG" - 1

Tracy - "BAT" - 2

Vanessa - "VF" - 1

Xianghua - "SC" - 1

I'll do more fixing later. I have a class soon.

Undead Fred
2167th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Fri 4 Mar 02:52post reply


Are you sure? When playing through story mode with them in T5 I could have sworn that Kuma was male and that Panda was the unrequited girl of his dreams.

I think I read about it before Tekken 3 came out; there is something going on there, but Kuma is the girl with the initative (as panda wants nothing to do with Kuma), but I don't recall if it was official info or not.

I haven't been able to play tekken 5 yet; I have the game already, but I haven't arrived home for a while and it doesn't seems like I'll get there anytime soon XD

I remember in Tekken 4, unless it was some crazy "feminine male and masculine female" couple, Panda was definitely female and Kuma male.

1531th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Fri 4 Mar 03:02post reply


1. Ayane (DoA)
2. Kyoko (RS)
3. Ivy (SC)
4. Taki (SC)
5. Blair Dame (SFEX)

/ / /

739th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(7):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Fri 4 Mar 03:08:post reply

1. Seung Mina SC - The OG Heart and Soul girl! She just rules without question. Otou-sama, I will not lose!

2. Sophitia SC - Short skirt. I love that twist neck between legs then throw down move. And yes, I'm deliberately saying scary things.

3. Shiki SS64 - It's Makie with a bad ass tattoo and crazy cool design. Besides, she has an ultra cool daughter whose name I have forgotten! Forgive me~

4. Akira RS - Cute biker helmet girl who kicks ass and has friends. Besides you know she's got back up- not to mention her brother who can turn psycho on you.

5. Lei Fang DOA - My best DOA character. Great mix of power moves in a small body? I always trash the hell out of my friend's Kasumi/Ayane with Lei Fang. Plus she's cute.

[this message was edited by Phoenix on Fri 4 Mar 04:13]

Bata kun
2520th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Results as of 3/3" , posted Fri 4 Mar 04:07:post reply

Akira - "JG" - 7 - 1st

Asuka - "Tekken" - 1

Ayane - "DoA" - 4 - 6th (I take it that Ishmael meant to vote for Ayane, not Ayame. [I can't remember who's Ayame right now.])

Blair - "SF" - 1

Christie - "Tekken" - 1

Epon - "Tobal No. 1" - 1

Helena - "DoA" - 3

Hokuto - "SF" - 2

Ivy - "SC" - 6 - 2nd

Julia - "Tekken" - 2

Jun - "SG" - 2

Jun - "Tekken" - 1

Kasumi - "DoA" - 5 - 4th

Kunimitsu - "Tekken" - 1

Kyouko - "JG" - 6 - 3rd (Read the rules if you don't know by now.)

Lei-Fang - "DoA" - 3

Ling - "Tekken" - 1

Luka - "SG" - 1

Mia - "Slap Happy Rhythm Busters" - 1

Mina - "SC" - 1

Momo - "JG" - 1

Pai - "VF" - 1

Pullum - "SF" - 1

Rain - "SG" - 3

Rouge - "PS" - 1

Saya - "SS" - 1

Selena - "GH" - 1

Sophitia - "SC" - 3

Shiki - "SS" - 5 - 5th

Taki - "SC" - 3

Talim - "SC" - 2

Tiffany - "JG" - 3

Tracy - "BAT" - 3

Vanessa - "VF" - 1

Xianghua - "SC" - 1

Zaki - "JG" - 2

I know! I'm sorry that I took out my Tracy vote and chose Selena instead. "Power Stone" and "Guardian Heroes" are multi-genre games you know.

Wow. So much Akira rabu. Hee hee!

Edit: I hate editing the results now. For now, I'll only mention the top six people or so. As the voting process draws closer to Wednesday (most likely on Tuesday), I'll mention which characters are alive, which characters are on the bubble and which characters are in dire need of votes.

[this message was edited by Bata kun on Fri 4 Mar 05:08]

Iron D
2615th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Results as of 3/3" , posted Fri 4 Mar 10:04post reply

Although it looks like it's been resolved, Panda is the female and Kuma is the male. Of that I'm 100% sure.

My picks:
Kyoko Minazuki (Rival Schools/Project Justice)

Natsu (forgot her last name-Rival Schools/Project Justice)

Isabella "Ivy" Valentine-(Soul Calibur series)

Rain (Plasma Sword)

Chairperson-(Project Justice)

Zelkin. Pimped.

144th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(2):Results as of 3/3" , posted Fri 4 Mar 10:16post reply

My picks:

Kyoko Minazuki (Rival schools)

Natsu (Project Justice)

Pulim (SFEX)

Lien ( KOFMI)

And that Rhino lady from Bloody roar


Bata kun
2522th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Results as of 3/3" , posted Fri 4 Mar 12:06post reply

Natsu (forgot her last name-Rival Schools/Project Justice)


585th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(8):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Fri 4 Mar 13:01post reply


3. Shiki SS64 - It's Makie with a bad ass tattoo and crazy cool design. Besides, she has an ultra cool daughter whose name I have forgotten! Forgive me~


I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

86th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Results as of 3/3" , posted Fri 4 Mar 13:15post reply

Akira - "JG" - 7 - 1st

Wow. So much Akira rabu. Hee hee!

Good. Good.

Now for phase 2!

400th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):Results as of 3/3" , posted Fri 4 Mar 17:39post reply

Voting for:

Akira (Rival Schools)
Julia Chang
Seung Mina
Lei Fang
Hokuto (SF)

305th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(3):Results as of 3/3" , posted Sat 5 Mar 14:59post reply

Aoi (VF)
Ayane (DoA)
Xiaoyu (Tekken)
Seung Mina (Soul)
Sakura (Justice Gakuen)

and if you don't let me have Sakura:
Hokuto (SFEX)

902th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):Results as of 3/3" , posted Sat 5 Mar 17:27post reply

I wish more people would post why they like the characters. I'm interested. Anyway, mine areeeee....

1: June (Star Gladiator)Interesting fighting style and cuuuute design. I want her costume.

2: Anna (Tekken) There are a lot of trashy girl characters, but Anna takes the cake. She's so trashy (and screwed up) that it's hilarious. Terribly unsexy, but hilarious.

3:Cassandra (Soul Calibur): When I first played SC2 I picked Cassandra because she had my haircut and I thought "Wow, she's ugly just like me." I love her cute/horribly violent attacks, too.

4: Aoi (Virtua Fighter): I love how she's just slightly crazy. Also, her rythmn is great and her counters are soooo cool.

5: Hitomi (DoA) Hitomi's not a great character, she's more like an archetype like all the DoA characters and many other 3D fighter characters. Buuut...she's one of my favorite archetypes and I love when she gets angry in DOAX. Now if she could only get some good costumes...

Iron D
2618th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Results as of 3/3" , posted Sun 6 Mar 13:19post reply

Natsu (forgot her last name-Rival Schools/Project Justice)


Thanks Bata. However, I'm going to replace Natsu with Akira (PJ/RS/JG/Whatever)

Zelkin. Pimped.

Bata kun
2525th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Results as of 3/3" , posted Sun 6 Mar 14:55post reply

Sakura (Justice Gakuen)

Thank you for reminding me of her.

748th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):Results as of 3/3" , posted Sun 6 Mar 15:03post reply

Yeah! Mina rabu! And thanks Amakusa for reminding me of Mikoto. I would love to see her in future installments of series like SS and NGBC...

Bata kun
2527th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Results as of 3/5" , posted Sun 6 Mar 15:12:post reply

Akira - "JG" - 9 - 1st

Anna - "Tekken" - 1

Aoi - "VF" - 2

Asuka - "Tekken" - 1

Ayane - "DoA" - 5 - 6th

Blair - "SF" - 1

Cassandra - "SC" - 1

Christie - "Tekken" - 1

Epon - "Tobal No. 1" - 1

Helena - "DoA" - 3

Hitomi - "DoA" - 1

Hokuto - "SF" - 3

Iinchou - "JG" - 1

Ivy - "SC" - 7 - 3rd

Julia - "Tekken" - 3

Jun - "Tekken" - 1

June - "SG" - 2

Kasumi - "DoA" - 5 - 4th

Kunimitsu - "Tekken" - 1

Kyouko - "JG" - 8 - 2nd

Lei-Fang - "DoA" - 4 - 8th

Lien - "KoF" - 1

Ling - "Tekken" - 1

Luka - "SG" - 1

Mia - "Slap Happy Rhythm Busters" - 1

Mina - "SC" - 3

Mitsuko - "Bloody Roar" - 1

Momo - "JG" - 1

Natsu - "JG" - 1

Pullum - "SF" - 2

Rain - "SG" - 4 - 7th

Rouge - "PS" - 1

Sakura - "JG" - 2

Saya - "SS" - 1

Selena - "GH" - 1

Sophitia - "SC" - 3

Shiki - "SS" - 5 - 5th

Taki - "SC" - 3

Talim - "SC" - 2

Tiffany - "JG" - 3

Tracy - "BAT" - 3

Vanessa - "VF" - 1

Xianghua - "SC" - 1

Zaki - "JG" - 2

Unless my mind that's worn out already tells me something I should know, these are the results right now.

Edit: see post below.

[this message was edited by Bata kun on Sun 6 Mar 15:39]

146th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):Results as of 3/5" , posted Sun 6 Mar 15:17post reply


? (Rhino lady) - "Bloody Roar" - 1

I found the name of the rhino lady. It's Mitsuko.



Bata kun
2527th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Results as of 3/5" , posted Sun 6 Mar 15:41post reply

I found the name of the rhino lady. It's Mitsuko.


Yay. You did one hideous task for my mind. =P

Undead Fred
2180th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Results as of 3/3" , posted Sun 6 Mar 17:08post reply

I wish more people would post why they like the characters. I'm interested.

Kasumi- DOA Cutest ninja girl ever.
Vanessa- VF4 Total psycho, and she's great for punishing opponents. She's also very versatile. Plus, she can get a hockey mask.
Tiffany- Rival Schools Cute, cheerful, blonde.
Ivy- Soul Calibur Another good evil girl, and I love her design and all of the different attacks with her whip sword.
Tracy- Battle Arena Toshinden I like her design, and her tonfa were cool.

All of these had "I like their design and play style" as reasons, but I left that out so it wouldn't be repetitive.

5969th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Results as of 3/5" , posted Sun 6 Mar 17:45post reply

Batakun doesn't like me...

                 .。::+。゚:゜゚。*::。.        .。::+。゚:゜゚。*::。.
              .。:*:゚:。:+゚*:゚。*:+。::。゚+:。   。:*゚。::。*:+。゚:+゚*:。:゚:+:。.
          。+゜:*゜:+゜。:+゜*:+゜:*゜:+゜        ゜+:゜*:゜+:*゜+:。゜*:゜+:゜*。
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Moi : Oui bien sûr mais pourrions nous quitter le milieu de la route et discuter de cela sur le trottoir?
Amaterasu : Oh ils n'oseront pas. Je suis dans mon droit.
Moi : Vous savez je préfère avoir tord et rester en vie.
Amaterasu : Ah ? Pas moi.

3th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Sun 6 Mar 20:58post reply

Hitomi (DOA)

Christie Monteiro (Tekken)

Ling Xiaoyu (Tekken)

Taki (SC)

Shiki (SS)

487th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Mon 7 Mar 18:29post reply

Fighters and reasons!

1. Seung Mina, Soul Calibur 2--Good feel and sound effects, more attractive outfit (1P, not godawful 2P and 3P) than previous Soul games, and the ol' crotch-busting A+B moves just see more appropriate and amusing when it's her using them, not Kilik.

2. Sakura, Justice Gakuen--sure, I still associate her with SFZero more, obviously, but this cheeky little character is what first attracted me to fighting games, who knew? Her Shououken has a great solid feel in Justice, too, pretty brutal.

3. Julia Chang, Tekken 3/5--Classy cutoff skirt outfit I haven't seen before, plus her moves had such a good, solid feel. Bonus for the Indian feather. Minus for the hideous Tekken 4 outfits, but then again, everyone elses' were bad, too. Cheers for her great stage music, but that's just an aside to a fun design.

4. Chaco (?), Tobal 2--God, can't even remember if that's her name, it's been so long since that game. But a fun Toriyama design, and she deserves to be represented, and not just because of the fun we had with Tobal 2's customizable ant's view camera.

5. Sophitia, Soul Calibur--1P is stylish and pretty, and miss her blue-purple SC1 2P outfit, which exudes class, way more than her SC2 2P outfit. Her hilarious/raunchy throws, combined with the giggles, really made her memorable, along with nice design.


Bata kun
2533th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Results as of 3/7" , posted Tue 8 Mar 02:24:post reply

Akira - "JG" - 9 - 1st

Anna - "Tekken" - 1

Aoi - "VF" - 2

Asuka - "Tekken" - 1

Ayane - "DoA" - 5 - 6th

Blair - "SF" - 1

Cassandra - "SC" - 2

Chaco - "Tobal" - 1

Christie - "Tekken" - 2

Epon - "Tobal" - 1

Helena - "DoA" - 3 - 15th/Bubble

Hitomi - "DoA" - 2

Hokuto - "SF" - 3 - 16th/Bubble

Iinchou - "JG" - 1

Ivy - "SC" - 7 - 3rd

Julia - "Tekken" - 4 - 11th

Jun - "Tekken" - 1

June - "SG" - 2

Kasumi - "DoA" - 5 - 5th

Kunimitsu - "Tekken" - 1

Kyouko - "JG" - 8 - 2nd

Lei-Fang - "DoA" - 4 - 8th

Lien - "KoF" - 1

Ling - "Tekken" - 2

Luka - "SG" - 1

Mia - "Slap Happy Rhythm Busters" - 1

Mina - "SC" - 4 - 12th

Mitsuko - "Bloody Roar" - 1

Momo - "JG" - 1

Natsu - "JG" - 1

Pullum - "SF" - 2

Rain - "SG" - 4 - 7th

Rouge - "PS" - 1

Sakura - "JG" - 3 - 17th/Bubble

Saya - "SS" - 1

Selena - "GH" - 1

Sophitia - "SC" - 4 - 10th

Shiki - "SS" - 6 - 4th

Taki - "SC" - 4 - 9th

Talim - "SC" - 2

Tiffany - "JG" - 3 - 14th/Bubble

Tracy - "BAT" - 3 - 13th/Bubble

Vanessa - "VF" - 1

Xianghua - "SC" - 1

Zaki - "JG" - 2

Remember! The tournament starts the day after tomorrow! (I might delay it for a day, depending on my situation. Chances of that happening are high because my last class ends on Thursdays every week, giving me the ability to work with this tournament better.) So, if you have not nominated yet, do so now. Also, I have included ranks up to this point as well as telling you all who's a bubble character and who's not. So, if you want to change your set of nominations to help a bubble character, help someone become a bubble character, or help a certain character get a higher rank, do it while you still can.

Each round will last for a week. That should give you all plenty of time to decide who moves on and who doesn't in each round. If you don't know by now, this is what the matchups will be like:









Oh. I am not going to respond to Iggy's quote, as that is already scary itself and I'm already being bombed lots of scary stuff.

Edit: spelling error.

Edit II: added one more point.

Edit III: forgot a Chris vote. --'

[this message was edited by Bata kun on Tue 8 Mar 14:20]

353th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):Results as of 3/7" , posted Tue 8 Mar 05:11post reply

Last minute votes:

Talim - Soul Calibur
Xiaoyu - Tekken
Tiffany - Rival Schools
Roger Jr's Mom - Tekken
Panda - Tekken

5979th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Results as of 3/7" , posted Tue 8 Mar 05:14post reply

Oh. I am not going to respond to Iggy's quote, as that is already scary itself and I'm already being bombed lots of scary stuff.


Moi : Oui bien sûr mais pourrions nous quitter le milieu de la route et discuter de cela sur le trottoir?
Amaterasu : Oh ils n'oseront pas. Je suis dans mon droit.
Moi : Vous savez je préfère avoir tord et rester en vie.
Amaterasu : Ah ? Pas moi.

304th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):Results as of 3/7" , posted Tue 8 Mar 06:43:post reply

1- Sheena (Bloody Roar): Well, I'm not very good with her, but from all the female cast I like her the best. Ok, I also think that she looks a bit like Leona... Or at least reminds me of her.

2- Akira (Justice Gakuen): She is not my type of girl, but she kicks ass! She's very cool, and I like her fighting style.

3- Sheung Mina (SC): It was my first pick in Soul Blade, and liked her very much. I agree that her first costume is the best! I was very pleased the first time I saw her A+B move.

4- Midori Himeno (Eretzvaju): I really liked this game, with it's unique gameplay and it's battles like if they were anime chapters. I found funny that she looked like a bit like Chrono. She's hot and she is fast and furious!

5- Sara Briant (Virtua Fighter): Just for the old times, I didn't want to pick any of the DOA or Tekken gals, and I couldn't think of any other character.

Edit: Spelled wrong Sara's surname, and didn't put from what game she comes (although it wasn't even needed).

[this message was edited by IkariDC on Tue 8 Mar 06:49]

Red Falcon
5409th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Results as of 3/7" , posted Tue 8 Mar 07:11post reply



I just hate pandas even more now.

Best site EVER:Link Here

Ikari Loona
107th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):Results as of 3/7" , posted Tue 8 Mar 07:47post reply

1 - Isabella "Ivy" Valentine from SC - despite the lack of good alternate costumes, her default look is awesome (she oughta use that metal gauntlet on her left arm in attacks as well), and she carries the coolest and most original weapon in the game.

2 - Tina Armstrong from DoA - there aren't enough female wrestlers in fighting games, and Tina handles the part quite well; I wounld't have posted if I hadn't noticed she wasn't mentioned so far

3 - Julia Chang from T4 - I was kinda split between her and Michelle - if I'd ever played TTT maybe it'd be easier to choose =P - since both carry the "indian girl" look well, stereotypical as it may be, but I particularly liked her T4 default look

4 - Michelle Chang - see above, they're pretty much tied

5 - Akira Kazama from Rival Schools and CFAS - never got the chance to play as her, but I certainly like the style

6 - Poison from CFAS/Final Fight Revenge - because you can never have too much Poison, even if the games she's playable in suck or are unreleased =P


"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

1566th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Results as of 3/7" , posted Tue 8 Mar 13:38:post reply

1. Blair (SF EX) - She's hott. They should of never spun her off to Fighting Layer. I was happy to see Allen go. "FIREBALL!" What a deustche bag.
2. Akira (Rival Schools)- She's tough and suprisingly not a slut!
3. Tiffany (Rival Schools) - She's not tough and surprisingly a slut!
4. Diana 17 (Tech Romancer) - If I can't vote for the robot, I'll vote for the pilot Reika.
5. Yale (Tech Romancer) - She's the pilot of one the Mechs Quvearl. In the Anime Intro when she looks mellowed out and zooms back, I love that part! And yeah, she's a robot who finds love on the battlefield with Simon in his good ending, who's a lot cooler than the dork Kyoko gives it up to which is why I can't put her in my top five.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Tue 8 Mar 13:42]

458th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):Results as of 3/7" , posted Tue 8 Mar 13:42post reply

1. Blair (SF EX) - She's hott. They should of never spun her off to Fighting Layer. I was happy to see Allen go. "FIREBALL!" What a deustche bag.

I want to change my vote from Epon from Tobal to Blair. It's not like Epon would have gotten anywhere anyway.

Oh, and it's "douche", Sano. "Deutsche" means German in German.


Red Falcon
5412th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Results as of 3/7" , posted Tue 8 Mar 13:42:post reply

Douche? Or do you mean "Deutsche"? I didn't think he was German, though.. :D

Edit: Nate beat me to it!! Ha ha ha ha!!

Also, I forgot about Blair myself.. hmm..

Best site EVER:Link Here

[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Tue 8 Mar 13:44]

1566th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Results as of 3/7" , posted Tue 8 Mar 13:44post reply

1. Blair (SF EX) - She's hott. They should of never spun her off to Fighting Layer. I was happy to see Allen go. "FIREBALL!" What a deustche bag.

I want to change my vote from Epon from Tobal to Blair. It's not like Epon would have gotten anywhere anyway.

Oh, and it's "douche", Sano. "Deutsche" means German in German.

I knew I spelled it wrong when I spelled it, but I used up moran and idiot way too much this week. Anyway thanks! ^_^

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

Bata kun
2532th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Results as of 3/7" , posted Tue 8 Mar 14:09post reply

Megane told me this just now. He thinks that the last spot should be dealt with a tie breaker like the one between Mai and I-No. If you people want me to, I can change the tie breaker. If you people like the tie breaker I have now, then tell me.

Sara Briant.

You mean "Sarah Bryant". =P

304th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(4):Results as of 3/7" , posted Tue 8 Mar 22:13post reply


Sara Briant.

You mean "Sarah Bryant". =P

You know, before editing my post, I typed and posted Bryant, but I did a google search later and... screwed it. I completly forgot about the "h".

Bata kun
2534th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Results as of 3/7" , posted Thu 10 Mar 00:14:post reply

The nomination/nomination changes period will extend for one more day.

[this message was edited by Bata kun on Thu 10 Mar 01:37]

562th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):Results as of 3/7" , posted Thu 10 Mar 01:48post reply

1. Vanessa (VF) She's my character, and I really like her. I think she has the most brutal fighting style in the game... bar none. =) She's not a 'pretty' character, but she is a gutsy one. I don't really know of many black females in fighting games, besides Elena in SF3.

2. Lei Feng (DOA) As much as DOA is not the fighting game for me, too hot to not vote for her. If you set her up with long hair, it's horribly sexy.

3. Jun (Tekken) I'm suprised no one voted for her yet, I think ... I always liked her. Hard to use though... she has this kind of purity to her that I like.

4. Mignon Beart (KOF:MI) I think this is allowed because she is an original 3D character. All I know, is that my friend can do an almost-infinite on me with her, and it sucks. But if you can get her third cat-girl costume, it's kind of ok being beaten by her. She has a nice character design, I guess... =) Her voice for the intros and outros in the Japanese one is SO annoying, but when she taunts, she goes 'bye-bye' in this really cute way... she also has a special 'neko' taunt...

5. Akira (Project Justice) I remember using her a lot just because of her character design and her moves. I also liked her powered up version with the motorcycle helmet =)

Thanks for giving me time to vote =)


Bata kun
2535th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"The day before the tourney results." , posted Thu 10 Mar 02:15:post reply

Akira - "JG" - 13 - 1st

Anna - "Tekken" - 1

Aoi - "VF" - 2

Asuka - "Tekken" - 1

Ayane - "DoA" - 5 - 8th

Blair - "SF" - 3 - Bubble

Cassandra - "SC" - 2

Chaco - "Tobal" - 1

Christie - "Tekken" - 2

Helena - "DoA" - 3 - 15th/Bubble

Hitomi - "DoA" - 2

Hokuto - "SF" - 3 - 16th/Bubble

Iinchou - "JG" - 1

Ivy - "SC" - 8 - 3rd

Julia - "Tekken" - 5 - 9th

Jun - "Tekken" - 2

June - "SG" - 2

Kasumi - "DoA" - 5 - 7th

Kunimitsu - "Tekken" - 1

Kyouko - "JG" - 9 - 2nd

Lei-Fang - "DoA" - 5 - 10th

Lien - "KoF" - 1

Ling - "Tekken" - 3 - Bubble

Luka - "SG" - 1

Mia - "Slap Happy Rhythm Busters" - 1

Michelle - "Tekken" - 1

Midori - "Eretzvaju" - 1

Mignon - "KoF" - 1

Mina - "SC" - 6 - 6th

Mitsuko - "Bloody Roar" - 1

Momo - "JG" - 1

Natsu - "JG" - 1

Pullum - "SF" - 2

Rain - "SG" - 4 - 11th

Reika - "Tech Romancer" - 1

Rouge - "PS" - 1

Sakura - "JG" - 2

Sarah - "VF" - 1

Saya - "SS" - 1

Sheena - "Bloody Roar" - 1

Sophitia - "SC" - 4 - 13th

Shiki - "SS" - 6 - 4th

Taki - "SC" - 4 - 12th

Talim - "SC" - 3 - Bubble

Tiffany - "JG" - 6 - 5th

Tina - "DoA" - 1

Tracy - "BAT" - 3 - 14th/Bubble

Vanessa - "VF" - 2

Xianghua - "SC" - 1

Yale - "Tech Romancer" - 1

Zaki - "JG" - 2

Rankings will be fixed later. I have taken out my Selena vote and placed an extra vote on Kyouko. (She is a Mitsuishi Kotono-san character after all.) Wanted to strengthen her second rank position. I also changed my Sakura vote to a Mina one because Sakura already has a 2D spot.

From the looks of it, there is too much Akira rabu. (She's the only character to get more than 10 votes.) Maybe that'll translate to her winning it all. Maybe. (Personally, she has been my pick from the start.)

If the tournament were to start now, my predictions would be like this:


Akira/Hokuto - Akira.

Ayane/Julia - Ayane, but barely.

Tiffany/Taki - Taki, the only underseed character to move ahead.

Shiki/Sophitia - Shiki.

Ivy/Tracy - As much as I like Ougata Megumi-san and "Toushinden", Ivy wins here.

Mina/Rain - Mina, but not by much.

Kasumi/Lei Fang - It'll be down to the wire, but Kasumi will win here.

Kyouko/Helena - Kyouko.


Akira/Ayane - Akira.

Taki/Shiki - tough pick, but I got Shiki.

Ivy/Mina - Mina.

Kyouko/Kasumi - Kyouko.


Akira/Shiki - Akira.

Kyouko/Mina - Kyouko.

In the "JG" final, Akira will win it all.

Thanks for giving me time to vote =)

Uh huh.

[this message was edited by Bata kun on Thu 10 Mar 10:47]

850th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Thu 10 Mar 10:57post reply

tifa - ehrgeiz (mainly so I can vote for an RPG girl in a fighting game tourney)

kyoko - justice (because glasses+labcoat=win)

vanessa - virtua fighter (honestly I liked her first incarnation before they split her move list up between characters)

talim - soul calibur 2 (video games need more filipino representation. always thought she shoulda used arnis sticks)

sheik - super smash brothers melee (because its princess zelda... but a NINJA)

Undead Fred
2203th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Thu 10 Mar 11:30post reply

vanessa - virtua fighter (honestly I liked her first incarnation before they split her move list up between characters)

I did too, but I still like her in Evolution anyway... I just didn't like her basic style's throws getting rearranged (I loved that leg break in her main fighting style). Her first version's definitely the best, though. And I STILL can't figure out why they replaced her P1 costume with ANOTHER P2 costume with slightly different colors in VF4E...

460th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(7):Results as of 3/7" , posted Thu 10 Mar 14:53post reply


3. Jun (Tekken) I'm suprised no one voted for her yet, I think ... I always liked her. Hard to use though... she has this kind of purity to her that I like.

I voted for her!


563th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Thu 10 Mar 21:48post reply

Thanks for voting for Jun Nate! =)

VFEvo had two versions of her second player costume because Sega of America realized that boobies are bad... they must have gotten some stupid complaints from VF4, and changed her costume for EVO. Not only that, but because her 1P costume was removed, all of her associated items were also removed. I was SO angry.

I really like her Final Tuned version, hopefully the US will get it on PS2. She has the ability to switch between stances in the middle of certain strings, and also before the round begins. Deep and totally useful =) Also she has two new throws in Offensive stance, one with the wall and another where she wraps her leg around your head and breaks your arm... her take down has new animations and does more damage. Overall she's a fun character to use =)


Undead Fred
2208th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Favorite 3D Fighting Game Girl Tourname" , posted Thu 10 Mar 22:02post reply

Thanks for voting for Jun Nate! =)

VFEvo had two versions of her second player costume because Sega of America realized that boobies are bad... they must have gotten some stupid complaints from VF4, and changed her costume for EVO. Not only that, but because her 1P costume was removed, all of her associated items were also removed. I was SO angry.

Well, my argument against the "boobies are bad" reason (although I'm sure that's why they deleted the costume) is that Sarah Bryant's a much worse offender... she's got the vacuu-formed body suit with the most dangerously sharp boobies I've ever seen. I had just assumed it was another retarded US release change or something... even though her VF1 model still has the correct P1 costume.

I really like her Final Tuned version, hopefully the US will get it on PS2. She has the ability to switch between stances in the middle of certain strings, and also before the round begins. Deep and totally useful =) Also she has two new throws in Offensive stance, one with the wall and another where she wraps her leg around your head and breaks your arm... her take down has new animations and does more damage. Overall she's a fun character to use =)

Heh heh. Awesome. I'd like to see that version, but I had pretty much ignored Final Tuned... unless it was super cheap or something, I wasn't really planning on getting it. The game was already tough on regular VF4, and it had gotten even tougher on VF4E (but they had THANKFULLY made it much harder to lose orbs), so I couldn't imagine how frustrated I'd get at Final Tuned. Heh heh.

Bata kun
2536th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Second to last batch of results." , posted Thu 10 Mar 22:56post reply

Akira - "JG" - 13 - 1st.

Anna - "Tekken" - 1

Aoi - "VF" - 2

Asuka - "Tekken" - 1

Ayane - "DoA" - 5 - 7th.

Blair - "SF" - 3

Cassandra - "SC" - 2

Chaco - "Tobal" - 1

Christie - "Tekken" - 2

Helena - "DoA" - 3

Hitomi - "DoA" - 2

Hokuto - "SF" - 3

Iinchou - "JG" - 1

Ivy - "SC" - 8 - 3rd.

Julia - "Tekken" - 5 - 9th.

Jun - "Tekken" - 2

June - "SG" - 2

Kasumi - "DoA" - 5 - 6th.

Kunimitsu - "Tekken" - 1

Kyouko - "JG" - 8 - 2nd.

Lei-Fang - "DoA" - 5 - 10th.

Lien - "KoF" - 1

Ling - "Tekken" - 3

Luka - "SG" - 1

Mia - "Slap Happy Rhythm Busters" - 1

Michelle - "Tekken" - 1

Midori - "Eretzvaju" - 1

Mignon - "KoF" - 1

Mina - "SC" - 5 - 8th.

Mitsuko - "Bloody Roar" - 1

Momo - "JG" - 1

Natsu - "JG" - 1

Pullum - "SF" - 2

Rain - "SG" - 4 - 11th.

Reika - "Tech Romancer" - 1

Rouge - "PS" - 1

Sakura - "JG" - 2

Sarah - "VF" - 1

Saya - "SS" - 1

Sheena - "Bloody Roar" - 1

Sophitia - "SC" - 4 - 13th.

Sheik - "SSB" - 1

Shiki - "SS" - 6 - 4th.

Taki - "SC" - 4 - 12th.

Talim - "SC" - 4 - 14th.

Tifa - "Ehrgeiz" - 1

Tiffany - "JG" - 6 - 5th.

Tina - "DoA" - 1

Tracy - "BAT" - 4 - 15th.

Vanessa - "VF" - 4 - 16th.

Xianghua - "SC" - 1

Yale - "Tech Romancer" - 1

Zaki - "JG" - 2

Took out my Kyouko and Mina votes and placed them on Vanessa and Tracy. (Wanted to see a "VF" and "BAT" character and I need to work on those two characters again.) Did we get the 16 characters already or will there be one last push? Wait and see.

Bata kun
2541th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Owari!" , posted Fri 11 Mar 08:17post reply

Okay! The results will be up in a different thread.