Siren 2 material - Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Siren 2 material" , posted Sat 22 Jan 03:28:post reply


Sato, my love of my life, is saying she had a hard time with the jieitai character (to understand him and his motivations, she had to meet a few jieitai members... osoroshii ko !)
The casting is done; she explains the actors not only did the voices, modeling and motion capture, but she also uses their personality to change details about the characters and rewrite some of them. Sometimes, they don't find the good actor for a particular role, and they try again until they find someone who perfectly matches, or that has something that makes her change the existing character to match the actor.

There seem to be at least one surprise member in the cast.

She is also working on even more tricky archives and details, involving sounds or movie direction.

Oh my Gawd.


[this message was edited by Iggy on Sat 22 Jan 03:47]


2369th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Siren 2 material" , posted Sat 22 Jan 05:57:post reply

P.S. the surprise actor is me.

what's happen?

[this message was edited by exodus on Sat 22 Jan 05:57]

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"Re(2):Siren 2 material" , posted Sat 22 Jan 15:50post reply

Surprise actor is Eiji, the principal with the bat.

I was told so in my nightmare.