News From 06/09/01

Capcom vs SNK 2, Four Movies Released (MMCafe) - Hosted by
[ Link: | Section ]

Four movie files from the beta testing of Capcom vs SNK 2 have been released by the Madmans's Cafe. While this site cannot host large files due to limits in the server's sockets, has been gracious to host the files. A Special thanks to its Webhamster, Gunsmith.

The files feature-
1- The Character select screen
2- Rock Howard vs Kyo Kusanagi
3- Chang with Choi vs Kyo Kusanagi
4- Athena vs Chun-li
Note: The Files are in Div-X format.

For the movie files, visit Orochinagi's MMCafe: Hosted Videos.
Gamespy Network's unique DL system requires waiting time, but brings a stable download. Note that multiple windows can be opened to reserve multiple downloads at once.

Short comments:
Gunsmith: " Rock still has his wings! That's gonna set tongues waggin... "
Professor: "Tongues?.. . .. . ... . .WebHamster ??"

High Quality & Resolution Capcom vs SNK 2 Moves List, etc
[ Systems | Moves List | Questioneer Sheet ]

High quality, high resolution scans of the identical moves list formerly released on the net, are now available. As a bonus, the questioneer sheet used during beta testings are also available for viewing. For the images, check the links below.

Systems | Moves List | Questioneer Sheet

Short comment:
Check out the differences in the actual groove meters themselves.
[ Click here for a comparison ] -"Professor" H.Moriarty

Capcom vs SNK 2 - Beta testing to Begin in Tokyo, 6/09 - 6/17

Capcom has announced to begin Beta testing of their upcoming fighter game "Capcom vs SNK 2" in Tokyo. The Beta testing will take place in West Sportsland, Shinjuku. The testing is scheduled to take place from June 9th - 17th.

Short comment:
This is an unannouced beta testing. I found it out accidentally as I passed the arcade on my way to receiving my prescribed medication. If I recover from my illness within good time, I'll probably go try a few games during the testings. I won't kill my health over it though, since so many people have already done enough in reporting quality information.
Oops, did a typo on the date (now fixed)- it's supposed to say June, not July. (Thanks: Dan Luna) -H.Moriarty

Electronic Boutique announces to release CvS2 in September 1st
[ Link: ]

Special thanks to psx2369 for the News.

Electronique Boutique's online videogame shoppings site, has scheduled to ship preordered Capcom vs SNK 2 copies in September 1st, hinting to the release date of the game in the US. This is the Playstation 2 version of the game.