News From 05/22/02

Short Comment- Short Coverage of E3

Here goes a very short coverage of E3, MMCafe style.

1- DOA Xtreme Beach Volley (DOAX)- additional images at
[ Gamewatch ], together with Rygar. For the first set of pics and video of DOAX, check [ Gamewatch ] and [ Alternative-Reality ].
Apparently, extra costumes and clothings can be bought at a shop (Zack's shop) in the game. Kasumi and Helena confirmed as well. Special thanks to EddyT for some of the news. Check out his comments for some extra tidbits of E3.

2- Capcom executive Funamizu comments that there is a possibility of a Marvel vs DC game, and the Capcom vs SNK series will not be effected by SNK's current status. Full news at
[ GameSpot ].

3- Max Payne 2 announced, with rights bought out by Take-Two. Check the article at
[ GameSpot ].

4- Konami's Hideo Kojima quotes "This is the substance--real form--of Metal Gear Solid 2. This is what MGS2 should be. ". So that would mean that the original MGS2 was just a demo without any substance? That would explain why it didn't satisfy me. The quote was taken from an interview at [ GameSpot ]. Articles on MGS2 Substance itself can be found... pretty much in any site you visit.

5- A thorough article from an interview on the Korean handheld "Game Park" is available at
[ Insert Credit ]. According to the article, the annoucement of " King of Fighters GP32" was premature, as developers backed out. Special thanks to Exodus for the news.

6- With Sammy distributing both their Guilty Gear series and the crappy as hell KOFEX NeoBlood, a weird combination of Millia Rage and an American Mai Shiranui is seen in their booth-
[ GameSpot Japan ].

7- And I forgot to mention [ GameSpy ] in yesterday's list. Check them out for news and some interesting columns on the E3 from a reporter's point of view.

- Henry A. Moriarty