Please note: This is not official Press Release by SNK, and The Madman's Cafe does not warranty the accuracy of this news/rumor in any way, likewise to the news of Brezza Co.
In addition, the translation given is very rough and negligibly accurate.

More Rumors Surround to Revival of KOF Series
    - 12.24.00

00-7-8.jpg Korean Game maker Eolith now claims to have right to KOF Series, following the company Brezza.

While only a portion of the article is legible due to the article being Korean, the following article is what can be summed up from partial translations:

The Korean Game Company Eolith claims to have acquired the license to develop future KOF series. After the new series ends in 2001, Eolith will begin developing the KOF series, with aims towards Japan, Europe and South America as well as domestically, spreading its market worldwide. The license will include characters, backgrounds, and sources (source code?)

SNK has promised to support Eolith by providing technology required, namely providing staff members who have worked throughout KOF1994-2000.

With this project, Eolith expects a revenue of 25,000,000,000 Wong

Translation of this article by a fluent Korean speaker, will be greatly appreciated.

Foe Eolith's site, check

For the original Article, check

For an English <> Korean Translator, check

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